6 Times a Day

Chapter 861 Everyone Test Immediately

Susan opened her eyes and looked up when she sensed the other two get near.

Xania asked Susan, "Could you help me here? There's something I want to do to Suzanne that'll help her out, I think. Can you go get a blindfold and some earplugs?"

"Sure thing." Susan got up.

Suzanne and Xania watched Susan's bare ass cheeks undulating back and forth as Susan sashayed her way back to the house.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Xania whistled appreciatively. "Damn, she is one hot momma. Just watching her walk makes me wish I was a man so I could squirt her full in every hole. How could you look at her ass moving like that and not want to fuck it? Thank God for strap-ons."

"I know," Suzanne said proudly. "And do you see how sexily she walks, with her hips swaying like that? Even just a couple of days ago, she would only do that around Alan. But now I think she does it without thinking. Her prudishness is falling away and she's becoming a fully sexual creature."

Xania grinned. "So she's becoming a lot like you then."

Suzanne grinned back at that. "I guess so."

When Susan came back, Xania snugly attached the blindfold and ear plugs to Suzanne.

Now, Suzanne could neither see nor hear anything happening around her.

Then Xania and Susan toyed with Suzanne's body in the same way that Xania and Suzanne had played with Susan's body for most of the morning. They kept her on an orgasmic cloud nine.

Suzanne was amazed what a difference the loss of sight especially made. The blindfold was on tight, leaving her completely blind. Her legs and arms weren't tied up at all, so she was free to go where she wanted, but the loss of sight left her extremely dependent on the other two. She wanted and needed to trust them. True, she'd played plenty of bondage games before, but she had almost always been the dominatrix and she had never let herself be blindfolded even when she was not. Then, as now, she had a fear of losing control. It was a struggle for her.

As time went on, Suzanne slowly let go mentally and increasingly gave in to whatever the other two were doing to her. But it wasn't really an issue of dominance and submission; it was an issue of realizing that she was with loved ones and there was no reason to worry.

Xania and Susan tried their best to constantly surprise her. She never knew where they'd touch her next, or what new and exciting thing they'd do to her. Both of them used strap-on dildos on her.

Although Susan didn't want anyone to use a strap-on dildo on her, as she felt her holes belonged only to Alan, she was willing to use one on others. She had no great enthusiasm for the role reversal, since she felt it was highly unnatural for a natural submissive like herself to be the one doing the fucking. But she did it in order to help Xania with a non-stop double assault on Suzanne's erogenous zones.

Suzanne's sense of touch was greatly heightened by the loss of sight, and soon it seemed as if any touch anywhere would induce an orgasm in her.

Xania and Susan mostly explored Suzanne's pussy, and they did so in exhaustively tender and intimate detail, since they both knew that was Suzanne's mental and sexual "weak spot." One or the other always seemed to be working on her G-spot or her clit, or both.

And yet, despite all the attention, Suzanne's appetite for clitoral and vaginal stimulation seemed to only increase, rather than lessen, as time went on. True to her earlier words, Suzanne's pussy was practically insatiable once she'd started to "feed the need" within it.

There was no chance for sweet talking since Suzanne couldn't hear very well due to her earplugs. So Xania and Susan fucked her in silence, only occasionally talking to each other to coordinate their movements.

As Suzanne was led from one brain-melting orgasm to another, she found that she completely and utterly gave up control to her friends, and it was good. She'd managed to "let go" in just the way she wanted, and she didn't feel particularly submissive in the process. She was overjoyed.

The fun eventually came to an end after they were all orgasmed out (with Suzanne getting the lion's share). Suzanne's blindfold and earplugs were removed.

The first thing Suzanne did was crawl up on top of Xania and give her a big kiss on the lips. She said, "You have no idea how much that meant to me! That was beyond incredible! I swear to God, this giving of sexual advice is your calling. Your true calling."

But then her face clouded over with new doubts. "The problem is: what if this happens with my Sweetie instead of other women? Will I still have that submissive feeling? When he gives me mind-bending climaxes like the kind I just had, and he gives them so very often, I become incredibly needy for him. I'm ready and willing to crawl across the floor and lick his feet, just to have more sex like that."

Her mind flashed back to her moment of great shame when she had crawled across the floor for him in abject desperation. That scared her.

But Xania replied, "And what would be so bad about that? It's like I was telling you before. So you're dominant in some ways and submissive in others. There are really two things happening here, I think. There's letting go of one's mental restraints, and then there's giving up control to another. You can do one, or both; it's up to you. Many doms have their sub moments, and vice versa."

Susan pointed out to Suzanne, "You don't need to be afraid of Tiger. I call him 'Tiger,' but he's really a big teddy bear. Think why you call him 'Sweetie.' He's sweet-hearted!"

Xania said, "Susan's right. It's true that I'm only starting to get to know him, but an outside perspective can be very useful. He really does seem like a fundamentally nice guy, despite being a little scary in bed sometimes. I know that he truly loves you, Suzanne. A lot! He loved you long before he lusted for you, didn't he? I didn't know him then, but I remember you singing his praises way back, ten years ago or more, when he was just a little kid."

Suzanne suddenly was finding herself forced to fight back tears. "Yes, we've loved each other so long, pretty much since he was in diapers. That's how I know he doesn't love me just for my looks. And he is a totally sweet Sweetie! I love him so very much! You're right. I shouldn't be worried about losing control to him. It'll work out in the end."

She turned her head. "Excuse me, I seem to have something in my eye."

Susan and Xania knew that Suzanne was starting to tear up from feeling emotionally moved, but they didn't challenge her fig leaf of a cover story.

After Suzanne recovered and turned back, Susan sat up and tightly held her hand. Then they shared a passionate French kiss.

When that ended, Susan whispered in Suzanne's ear, "It'll work out. Even if we both end up becoming his sex slaves, it'll work out. We all love each other, heart and soul, and that's all that matters."

Suzanne nodded. She wiped the few tracks of her tears away, and smiled.

Xania was sitting up right next to them, so she put an arm around Suzanne's back in a comforting way. "Suzanne, I gave Susan some 'homework' to help her with anal sex. Now, I'm going to give you a 'homework assignment' too. Experiment sexually. See what works for you. Just do what makes you feel good. I know you, and now I know Alan and Susan, and even Katherine and Amy a little. Heck, Brenda too. My gut feeling is that everyone here is so good and so kind that you can't go wrong no matter what you do. Trust them. Remember how good Susan and I made you feel just now, because you opened yourself up fully and didn't just seize up and try to ride out the sensory deprivation? Imagine how much better you would feel if you did it with Alan, the one person you love the most."

Suzanne actually cried tears of joy at hearing that. (And just when she thought she'd successfully covered for her tears, too.) She was so overwhelmed that she felt like her heart would burst with pure happiness. She kissed both Susan and Xania as they pulled together into a three-way hug.

However, most of her kisses and attention were directed towards Susan. As tears streamed down her face, she said to her, "This is it! I've found my family. I've found my life! Susan, I love you! I love your children. I love Amy! Let's spend the rest of our lives together, all of us loving each other!"

Susan found herself crying too, and she hugged and kissed Suzanne for some time. Then she said, "I'm so ahead of you. That's been my thought for a long time now. As far as I'm concerned, not only are you part of the family now, but you always have been! You're more my sister than any of my actual sisters!"

Suzanne said, "You too! I never had a sister, until I had you!"

They kissed again, even more passionately this time. This time, both of them let their tears flow freely.

As that long kiss came to an end, Suzanne just sat there with tears rolling down her cheeks, and stared into Susan's beautiful face as Susan stared right back. They were speaking volumes to each other without words. Suzanne thought, I love all this mushy, lovey-dovey stuff! I tell myself that I hate it, but I really love it! I just want to dive head first into it! Unconditional love! Oh God, it's so good!

Suzanne turned to Xania and gave her a brief kiss too. "You said that I'm surrounded by a 'circle of love,' and that's so true! You know, you could be a part of this too. I don't know the details exactly at this point, but I'm sure we could work something out that would make you happy."

Xania pulled away slightly. She was wary of serious relationships. "Thanks. That's a very tempting offer. Right now I think it's best if I keep coming to the weekly Wednesday night poker parties, and see how that goes. I do live over an hour away, after all."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Suzanne playfully poked at her belly button. "Okay, but say you'll visit frequently on the weekends too, won't you? Now that you're back in my life, in our lives, I'm not going to let you slip away!"

Xania smiled at that. "We'll see."

Susan gave Xania a stern look. "Oh, come on! The weekend? How could you not make weekend visits? What do you have going up there that's so much better?"

Xania pondered that, and quickly concluded, Nothing! But she was still afraid of commitments. However, she conceded, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be seeing me from time to time, and on the weekends too."

"Yeay!" Susan gave Xania a big hug, and a bigger kiss. She really liked Xania a lot.

Xania's aversion to emotional commitments was so strong that she was growing increasingly uncomfortable by the situation, even though she was sharing nothing but loving feelings from the other two. As so often happened in her life, she felt a strong urge to escape before things got even more emotionally serious, so she looked around, even briefly glancing up at the sun. Then she suddenly acted worried, saying, "Oh my gosh! I just realized that I probably should get going. Do you know what time it is?"

None of them were wearing watches. Susan suggested, "Why don't we go back inside and look at a clock?"

So that's what they did. They discovered it was nearly noon.

Xania had mentioned earlier that she could only stay until noon, so the timing gave her a good excuse to "escape." She adored their friendly and loving ways, but it quickly overwhelmed her. She'd concluded a long time ago that she was a loner at heart.

She said, "Darn. I'd better leave. As I mentioned before, I have a class that I shouldn't be late to."

Something occurred to Susan that hadn't occurred to her previously. "Class? Why would an experienced professional like you need to be taking a class?"

Xania felt a surge of panic. In truth, that was a careful reference to a dental hygienist class that she needed to attend, but she obviously couldn't admit that. Luckily, she was a good actress, as well as a quick thinker. "Actually, new research is changing what we know with startling speed. It's good to attend the occasional class or lecture to stay on top of things."

Susan nodded, clearly impressed. She asked, "Can't you at least stay for lunch? I could whip up something yummy in a jiffy."

"Thanks, but no. However, I'd like to take a shower before I go, if that's okay with you. I'm covered in suntan lotion, cum, and sweat."

Susan smiled. "Certainly. You don't even have to ask. I know we've practically just met, but we've shared some intense sexual and emotional times. As far as I'm concerned, from now on my house is your house."

"Thanks." Xania smiled. But that kind of friendly gesture secretly frightened her as much as it gladdened her.

Xania quickly showered and dried off. Then she dressed in the clothes she'd first arrived in, her red business suit and white blouse.

When she came out of the bathroom, she found that Susan and Suzanne were sitting at the kitchen counter, and both of remained completely naked. She asked, "Aren't you two going to put on any clothes?"

Susan replied, "Later." She looked at her hand, which was holding Suzanne's. "Once you go, I think the two of us are going to get, well, very friendly, if you know what I mean."

Xania smiled for them. "I do. Good for you. By the way, before I do go, I must say that I've been enjoying using my psychological expertise to help you out in any way I can. Are there any last questions you might have for me?"

Susan suddenly got shy and nervous. "Thanks for asking that, because as a matter of fact, I have one. My number one biggest concern has been whether or not to let Tiger fuck me. But, in large part thanks to you, I'm coming to accept that getting fucked is a vital part of my cock pleasuring duties, and God won't hate me for it. I'm basically okay with that now. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Susan got even more apprehensive, and she looked away as she spoke. "But now I have a new number one concern. What if... what if Tiger moves on and out of my life? I know he won't leave me completely. I'll always be his mother. But he keeps loving more and more people. What if he goes off to college and leaves us behind? He'll probably build up a whole new harem of hotties there. Sure, he'll still visit from time to time, but just seeing him a few times a year? Dear Lord! I'd just die!"

She added "I know I sound like a clingy mother who can't let her child leave the nest, and maybe I am. But I've made a big sexual commitment too. In my heart of hearts, I can't ever imagine being with another man. I belong to Tiger now. Now, and forever!"

She dramatically stood up from her stool and waved her hands down her nude body. "This body belongs to my love, my son, my master! Serving his cock has become a way of life for me. I can never go back to how I used to be. And sex with other women is nice, but it's not enough. I love HIM! I love his cock! But how can I serve him long distance?!"

Suzanne stood up too, and said, "Let me address that, please. As Xania reminded me today, I'll always have my scheming side. And if my Sweetie thinks he's going to skip town for any reason and leave us behind, he's got another thing coming! We can always move to where he is, you know. I have a vision of him showing up in a college dormitory and finding the four of us as his new roommates. You, me, Angel, and Amy. Wouldn't that be funny? But he won't leave us behind, period. He loves us far too much to do that."

Susan tilted her head uncertainly. "You think?" She bit her lip.

"I know. Sure, he'll have other lovers. Probably lots of them. But we're his lovers AND his family. And we're gorgeous! He'd be a fool to leave us behind, and he's no fool. No one new will ever be able to match the years we've all spent together. And like I said, I'm not going to let him leave, and you aren't either. I'm sure Angel and Amy feel the same way. Face it: he's stuck with us!"

Susan rushed into Suzanne's arms and gave her a tight squeeze. "I'm so overjoyed to hear you say that! I don't know why I never talked about this with you before. I guess I was afraid you might not think the same as I do. I feel like such a huge weight has lifted from my shoulders!"

Suzanne hugged her back just as tightly. "To be frank, I'm totally relieved too! I thought I knew how you felt about this, but now I know for sure. From now on, we can work together to make sure our new family stays together, no matter what."

"Nothing would make me happier! Literally nothing!" Susan kissed Suzanne with even more love and desire than before.

Xania was all smiles as she watched them make out and fondle. "Look at that. You didn't even need me to sort that out."

After a while, Suzanne pulled away from Susan's lips, and said, "No, we didn't. But you being here helped that issue come up and get resolved. You're making yourself indispensable around here."

Susan let go of Suzanne and threw her arms around Xania, even though she was naked and Xania was fully clothed. "Don't go! Please? Do you really have to go now?"

"I'm sorry, but I do."

There were hugs and kisses all around as Xania made to leave.

As Xania made it to the foyer, she left them with some parting advice. "There's so much more we didn't have time to talk about. But there's one issue I want to at least mention before I go. I'm concerned about Alan's attitude regarding sexual diseases and pregnancy. It seems that he's fucking any available woman he wants without thinking of the consequences. Just think how much trouble it would cause if he went and made some strange girl pregnant before he's even out of high school."

Xania raised a concerned eyebrow. "Not to mention sexually transmitted diseases. If he catches something, he's probably going to give it to all of you. A dozen lives will be ruined. Imagine AIDS. Gonorrhea. Herpes. Mono. It's not pretty. I STRONGLY suggest that everyone in your circle of sex partners get tested immediately. I've talked to him about this, but he keeps forgetting to even wear a condom. You need to talk to him about being vigilant with contraception, and limiting partners. If you're in this for the long haul, there need to be some responsible limits on his behavior."

Susan and Suzanne both agreed. They vocally resolved to get more serious with the testing and making him wear protection. They thanked Xania profusely for her knowledge and wisdom. Then, after even more hugs and kisses, they sadly watched her leave.

But they didn't stay sad for long, because after a few long moments, Suzanne suddenly slapped Susan's nearest ass cheek. Then she started running up the stairs, and yelled, "Last one to your bed is a rotten egg!"

Susan squealed and ran right after her.

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