6 Times a Day

Chapter 882 We Should Study Together More Often !

Alan didn't really have to go to the bathroom, but he needed the time away from her to compose himself. He was so aroused that his dick was threatening to rip a hole in his slacks, and for once that wasn't just hyperbole. He waddled to the bathroom (since his boner made normal walking impossible), found the nearest empty stall, closed the door, and sat on the toilet seat.

He closed his eyes, bowed his head, and tried to calm down. FUUUUUUCK! I just blew it, big time. I shouldn't have done that. But what could I do? I'm only human. If this were a court of law, I'd argue that I'm 'Innocent by Reason of Insanely Arousing Temptation.' How could anyone not go momentarily insane when tempted like that? What is it with me that amazing women like her would be so into ME?

I'm not that great. She's the great one. I guess I'm just the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. That, plus success breeds success. The more some women want me, the more other women want me, and it becomes some kind of competitive thing that spirals out of control!

Well, I had a weak moment there, but I can still fix this. At least I restrained myself somewhat and didn't slip my hands inside her clothes... or more! She said one kiss only. I need to go back there right away and make sure we stick to that! She inspires me, and I have to do right by her!

Filled with new resolve, he willed his penis to go down.

Meanwhile, Christine was thinking, That did NOT happen! I refuse and refute it! It doesn't count because it just kind of snuck up on me. On both of us! Everything was fine, if maybe a little too cozy, and then... THAT!

I'd be super pissed at him except that I know that I'm as much to blame as he is. Hell, I'm a lot more to blame. Look at the way I dressed!

She felt shame as she stared down into her deep cleavage. She couldn't even pull her top together to cover up more fully, since there just wasn't the fabric to do it. All she could do was cross her arms over her still erect nipples. I've been a fool! A total fool! I thought I could control my emotions. But I don't know what I'm doing in this kind of situation, and I guess lust is a really powerful thing. Hell, it's like a runaway truck careening down a steep mountain road! Stupid hormones!

The problem is, kissing him feels way too good! Even now, I'd love to just neck with him for hours. But I can't. No way! Even if Amy wouldn't mind, even if he's not going steady with her or anyone else, I have my dignity. I'm not gonna be just another one of his girls. I can't fall for him. I can't! That's disaster waiting to happen; I just know it. He's a super nice and wonderful guy, but too many girls like him. He's an eighteen-year-old boy; of course he's gonna let his penis do his thinking for him.

I have to look at the bright side of this. I've learned a valuable lesson. Lust is dangerous! Kissing is too tempting and way too much fun! In the future, I'll be more aware of the danger and simply avoid putting myself into this kind of situation. I won't dress like some kind of common - well, Heather! - just to get a rise out of him. Most importantly, I know what kissing is really like now. My curiosity has been satisfied. Been there, done that, so I don't have to do it again!

He walked back to their booth and sat down, but this time he sat on the other side of the table, across from her, so he wouldn't be so tempted to kiss her again.

It was a good thing that he had done that, because as soon as he sat down it was as if he were discovering her beauty and especially her dramatic display of cleavage all over again. Even as it was, it was all he could do not to reach across the table and pull her in for another kiss - and fondle and grope.

Trying to play it cool, he asked, "So, how did you like your first real kiss?"

She answered, "Um, well, about that..." Her face suddenly turned red. "I, uh, I can't deny it was good. Great, even. But we shouldn't have! Don't even try to tell me otherwise, because you know it's true!"

He thought, It is true, but not because of what she thinks. If I told Amy about it, she'd probably just smile and say, "Cool beans!" But let Christine think something like that if she wants to, because it's a hell of a lot better than having to explain about harems and incest!

So he did his best to agree. "Yes. It kind of happened, and it can't unhappen. But we don't need to let it affect our friendship."

She replied earnestly, "No! Definitely not! It was just, like... a few little kisses, right? No big deal." She knew that was a lie. They'd made out for several very intense minutes. Even now, her body tingled all over and she felt strangely energized.

"Right. Remember what you said? If I recall correctly, your exact words were, 'Just once. A one-time only thing.' And that's as it should be. After all, our agreement is that these are practice dates, not real dates. We can't get seriously intimate, right?"

She simmered unhappily at that. She was obviously searching for some kind of loophole. Finally she pretended to agree: "Of course. That's what I meant, that it was a one-time-only thing. Because, after all, you did owe me a big favor, and now you've paid it off. Darn! I guess that means you won't have to be my permanent sex slave after all." She smiled at that joke.

He joked back, "I know. Bummer! Believe me, I was looking forward to that too!"

That made her sad, as it obviously reminded her of a physical intimacy that could not be. However, she recovered quickly and said, "But then again, you know... If you were to owe me another favor... Next time I might just have to ask you to kiss me again. After all, if it's just a practice date, what's wrong with a little practice kissing?"

Realizing what she'd just said, she tried to make a joke out of it. "Ha ha!"

He smiled and pretended to chuckle, but he could tell she hadn't meant it as a joke at first. "A little practice kissing?" If those kisses were any hotter we would have both melted through the floor like some kind of nuclear reactor meltdown! I can't let that happen again, ever! The problem is: will I have the willpower to resist her next time?please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

I hope so! At least I did kind of resist a little this time. I got carried away saying I'm depraved. I'm not depraved, but it can't be denied that I'm not right for her. I can't give up my incestuous harem, or whatever you call it, and she'd never accept that lifestyle in a million years. She's destined for bigger and better things. If I'm a true friend, well, showing her what kissing is like is okay I guess, since she wanted it so much, but that's IT!

He said, "Who knows? I'm just gonna have to make sure I'm not in your debt ever again."

"Definitely." She tried to joke about it again, making it more of an obvious joke this time. "By the way, do you need any more homework help? I'm sure we could come to some kind of... mutually satisfactory arrangement." She winked playfully, even though she was still nervous as hell.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ He thought, Jesus H. Christ! For someone who's new to flirting, does she have any clue just how sexy that sounds, even for a joke? I'll bet she doesn't realize it, but her voice is positively dripping with lust! Good God, I have to get out of here before we end up fucking like minks! Maybe by tomorrow I'll be able to get back on an even keel with her. I hope!

He was glad she'd mentioned homework, because that gave him an excuse to make a quick escape. "Oh CRAP! Homework?! I've been having such a fun time with you that I forgot all about my three tests tomorrow. Damn! Even after your help, I'm still gonna be burning the midnight oil until late tonight. I've gotta run!"

That startled her. "What? Uh, okay. But, uh, are you sure you don't need any more help?" Remembering her "joke" about getting him in her debt again, she added, "No strings attached."

"Thanks for the offer, but there's stuff I've gotta do that only I can do, unfortunately. But this was nice. We should study together more often."

Her face lit up. "Definitely!"

She thought, Oh crap, crap, crap! Did I really just say that? More study sessions are probably gonna turn into more practice dates, and from there we could easily wind up practice kissing, and more! But I'm not going to lose control again. Period. I'm a STRONG woman! I have an iron will. I will not let my damn hormones rule me!

In a hurry to leave, he just smiled and said, "That would be nice. But if you'll excuse me, I've really gotta go." He thought about giving her a final hug and kiss goodbye, but then decided that wouldn't be smart.

So instead, he stood up and then performed a gallant bow. "Thanks again so much for being here for me tonight, when I needed your help the most. You're a great friend. I'll see you tomorrow!"

He rushed off as fast as politeness allowed, because he had to get away from her and her tempting lips and her even more tempting body before his resolve disappeared.

Christine was very disappointed with his sudden departure. "A great friend." Hrmph! Even after those passionate kisses, he still sees me as a friend. What more do I have to do? Strip naked and sneak into his bedroom one night? Maybe I should! That'll show him!

Dammit! What am I thinking? It's a good thing that he left. Frankly, my willpower is still out to lunch. Next time, I'll be able to prepare myself mentally so this doesn't happen again. If there's one thing I hate, it's being weak.

But another thing I hate is losing. However, I can't see myself in competition with Amy, Kim, or even Heather, or I'm likely to-

Her hatred of Heather interrupted her thoughts. GRRR! Heather! If she's kissed him like that, I swear I'll kick her ass to the moon and back, and then fold her like a pretzel!

She sighed with frustration, then tried to let go of her anger. Now I can see why all the girls are after him. I've never kissed anyone else, but I'm convinced that other guys don't kiss like that. If they did, people wouldn't do anything but kiss all day long!

Damn! Damn, damn, and damn some more! I want him even more now! He must have loved the kissing too. Heck, it's not like I didn't notice the way his hands latched onto my boobs like his life depended on it, or the way he was panting and his pulse was pounding. He was totally loving it! And yet he still tried to push me away. What is his PROBLEM?!

She sighed heavily. NO! I can't think that way. He's got Amy and others, and I can tell he's not willing to give them up for me. That's got to be why he keeps fighting his desire for me. He knows I expect monogamy, and he can't offer that. He and Amy in particular are really, really close. I could even see them getting married some day, just from the way they look at each other. I'm not going to try and steal him from her; that would compromise all my values. I am not a bad person.

The fact is, we shared a special moment tonight, but that's all it was - and all it can ever be, one special moment. From now on, I'm going to be extra careful around him. No more kissing, that's for damn sure! Not even a peck on the cheek. No more hugging! No more revealing outfits. I'm gonna go out of my way to be extra platonic from now on. We're friends, period. That's what he wants, and that's what I want too. Just because we got carried away for a few minutes, that doesn't mean anything, right?


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