6 Times a Day

Chapter 895 Simone To The Mix?

Alan had a very hard time settling down after that encounter with Heather. He sat down and tried to focus on his third-period art class, but his dick stayed very erect.

But only a minute or two after he sat down, and before class actually began, his teacher Mr. Jackson walked up to his desk. Even more curiously, Simone was with him, following just behind. This was very strange, since Simone wasn't in the class.

Mr. Jackson spoke quietly while the other students filed in to the classroom. "Hey Alan, I've got a student aide here with something for you to do. Try not to be long, okay?"

Alan looked back and forth between Mr. Jackson and Simone. He didn't understand, and it showed on his face. "What is it for?"

Mr. Jackson was holding a small piece of paper, and he held it up and read it to himself. "I don't know. It just says that your presence is required by... let's see here... some visiting nurse named Ms. Hendrix." He squinted at Alan. "Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Um, no. I feel fine." He looked suspiciously at Simone, since he knew her last name was Hendrix.

Since she was standing a little behind Mr. Jackson, she gave Alan a sexy smile and a provocative wink.

Alan suddenly had visions of having sex with her. He wanted to be annoyed, but they weren't exactly unappealing visions.

Just a few moments later, Alan and Simone were walking out of class and down the hall. Once the coast was clear, Alan said with amusement, "Nurse Hendrix, huh? I wonder who that could be."

Simone smiled from ear to ear as she played stupid. "You got me."

He chuckled at that, then asked, "Seriously, what's going on? I don't like being shanghaied left and right. And I don't want to miss any of the class."

"I'm aware. But I have some serious stuff to talk to you about, regarding Heather, and it can't wait. Don't worry; I don't want to miss a lot of class either."

He replied, "Oh. Well, I'm okay with that then, I guess." In truth, his horniness was making him eager. "Where are we going?"

"We need to talk in private. You have the key to the theater room on you, right?"


"Good. Let's go there."

He noticed they were already headed in that direction. "How'd you get me out of class, by the way?"

"Heather has a stack of passes about this high." She held her hands up, gesturing a distance of about two feet high. "I used one on myself too, of course."

He sighed. "Figures. I just hope and pray that Heather's power at school will allow her to influence the football players. Has she told you yet about how they're after me?"

Simone responded, "Don't worry, Heather tells me everything, and I know she's working on things already. Besides, I'm pretty well plugged in on the grapevine here at school myself, so yeah, I already know all about your situation. Let me tell you though, those guys are all bark and no bite. Nobody crosses Heather and survives to tell about it. Nobody."

He grumbled as he walked along, "You make her sound like a mass murderer."

She quipped, "Nah. Mass killing is too crude for her. She prefers targeted ass-ass-ination." She wiggled her hips outrageously each time she said "ass."

Alan laughed, despite himself. "That has to be the worst pun I've ever heard."

"Hey, you try making a joke on the spot out of mass murder. It ain't easy."

"Good point. And here we are." They had reached the door to the theater room. As he unlocked the door, he thanked his lucky stars that he'd managed to get the only key to the room from Heather. Furthermore, had he let Heather borrow the key earlier, he wouldn't be able to be here with Simone now.

Once Alan and Simone were safely inside the room with the door closed, he immediately turned to her and asked, "Okay, so what's so important that I had to miss class?"

Simone walked to a couch and sat down on it before answering. "Several things, actually."

Alan, following along, sat down next to her. "Such as...?"

"The main thing concerns what happened between you and her today in the hallway. But first, before I forget, I want to mention something curious from yesterday that you might find interesting. I was hanging out with Heather in her room after school, as we usually do. One thing led to another, and we started fooling around. When I got all of her clothes off, guess what I discovered?"

"What?" He was impatient to return to class, and it showed.

"Some crusty, yucky cum on her ass cheeks! Can you imagine? I wonder where that came from?"

His eyes widened in genuine surprise. "Oh no. She didn't."

"She did."

"God damn. I told her to keep that cum on her ass as just kind of a... thing. You know, it was just something to say. I thought she'd get off on the idea. I didn't expect her to actually DO it!"

Simone laughed. "I know. I was pretty blown away too. But I thought I should tell you because it shows that she takes what you say seriously. I know that in general you shouldn't trust her farther than you can throw her, and you still should be wary. But when you say something, it means something to her, which in and of itself is highly unusual, believe me. Frankly, I don't even know how to read her sometimes lately, because she's acting totally out of character when it comes to you."

He didn't know what to say. That was unexpected.

She went on, "She told me all about your demand not to have sex with anyone else except for me and the cheerleaders. You do know that she and I have a very special relationship, don't you?"

"I do. I probably don't know the half of it, but I have a general idea. And believe you me, I have no intention of getting in the way of that. My main concern is the spread of STDs. As long as you're not having sex with all kinds of strangers, it's fine with me if you do whatever the hell you want with her whenever you want. Frankly, that's not my business."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Except if there's a disease concern, and then it is your business," Simone pointed out.

"Well, yeah. Sorry, but that's just being prudent."

Simone nodded warily. "I understand. And you'll be glad to know that I'm only having sex with one guy right now, the wide receiver I told you about before. And he's a real straight arrow. I'm only the third girl he's had sex with, and each has been in a serious relationship. He's pushing me to go steady, but of course I can't. It's not you that would hold me back, it's the fact that I have sex with Heather nearly every day. He wouldn't understand that."

"Ah. Well, thanks for telling me all that." He said impatiently, "Now, about what happened today in the hall-"

"Wait a minute. You asked me to be your eyes and ears when it comes to Heather's sex partners. After talking to her yesterday, I get the sense that she's serious about limiting herself to just you, me, and the cheerleaders. She wonders how long she can go without more 'live cock' than just you, but at the same time she's not about to just up and have sex with some other guy, because she thinks they all pale in comparison to you. I even suggested she should look outside the school for more impressive partners, and she just flat out wasn't interested in that idea at all. That means you have some kind of emotional hold on her. I know she has a nasty habit of promising one thing and doing the exact opposite, but in this case you should know that she's not blowing smoke up your ass."

She paused, and then added, "Actually, she probably IS blowing smoke up your ass. Sounds like you two do all kinds of wild ass-related stuff. But what I mean is, when she's not busy tonguing your ass and blowing air up it, she's not running around and blowing smoke up other guys' asses too."

He grinned. "Thanks for the clarification. Actually, that's good news. Please let me know if there's any kind of change, okay?"

Simone smiled and mock-saluted. "Yes, sir. Traitorous, back-stabbing Mata Hari Hendrix at your service."

"Hey, it's not like that. You're not betraying your friend in any way. On the contrary, you're helping her, big time. When she's with you, if she's anything like she is when she's with me, you know she's unreasonably wild and reckless. She's completely convinced that she'll never have to face any consequences. As your best friend, it's good if you look out for her."

Simone nodded. "I know. I do feel a twinge of guilt, but you're right that it's for the greater good. You should beware, though. On the STD issue, you and I see eye to eye. But if your interests clash with her interests, I'm liable to side with her."

"I know. And I understand. Thanks for being honest. Now, speaking of wild and reckless, what did you want to say about that hall encounter today?"

"Ah. That. You really set the school on fire with that little stunt." She pointed to a spot on the couch just behind him. "And the fires are still burning, as I can see from the smoke rising out of your ass crack."

He realized she was heading for a joke, and got there first. "No, don't worry about that; that's just the smoke that Heather's been blowing up my ass."

She grinned, but said, "Darn, you stole my punch line. Anyway, as I'm sure you remember, it wasn't just you and her standing there, I was there along with a bunch of Heather's friends. And sure, I could keep my lips shut, but Heather's other friends? Not so much. In fact, Heather doesn't really HAVE other friends."

He joked, "Yeah, I've heard from reliable sources that you'd have to be certifiably insane to be friends with her."

"True. Too true. By the way, you should stop by my place one day and check out my insanity certificate. But anyway, her other so-called friends can't be trusted to keep a secret. Sure enough, by lunchtime, rumors were running rampant. Remember, you had Heather tell the group point blank: 'I'm an anal slave. Alan is my master. My ass master.' So... not a lot of subtlety or room for misinterpretation there."

He grimaced. "Oh... yeah... That..."

Simone rolled her eyes. "Yeah, THAT! But don't worry, I'll do my best to take care of it during lunch, and I'm sure Heather will too. In the meantime, you need to watch out!"

"Thanks. Damn. Is there anything I can do, other than just 'watch out?'"

"For one thing, don't be blatantly fingering Heather's ass in the hallway!"

He winced. "Yeah. That was not my best moment. But you can't blame just me for that. She was all over me like some kind of excitable octopus. She was unstoppable! Believe it or not, I was doing some damage control there. I had to play along to some degree. You should have seen her. She was so horny that I seriously thought she was gonna drop to her knees and blow me right there in the hallway!"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Simone pointed out, "I was there, silly. And I do know what you mean, because she was that horny, so you do have a point. And I'm partly to blame too. As you pointed out earlier, Heather is unreasonably reckless, and I kind of see myself as her guardian angel, making sure she doesn't get into TOO much trouble. A little bit of mischief is okay, though." She winked. "That's why I've agreed to be your inside source and help you out with the STD issue."

He sighed. "Shit. I'll been far too careless, about too many things."

"Shit, indeed. Although in your case it's probably smoke-flavored shit from all that ass blowing Heather's been doing."

He looked at her in confusion.

"Sorry. Once I get on a jokey riff, I tend to run it into the ground."

He rolled his eyes.

An idea came to her, "By the way, since I'm your secret insider, I'll need a code name. Can I be Deep Throat?" Her voice turned flirtatious, and she struck a sexy pose on the couch. "Of course, I have to earn that name, and I don't know how to deep throat yet. But I figure you can help me with practice. Lots and lots of practice!"

She put a hand on his crotch. She was disappointed that he didn't have any sign of an erection, but within seconds she felt a bulge. She theatrically bugged her eyes out, and cried out in her best attempt at a Transylvanian accent, "Igor, Igor, come to the basement. It's ALIVE!"

Alan laughed, but he also pulled her hand away, since he felt obliged to get back to class. He asked, "Are you trying to be Dr. Frankenstein?"

She said in a pretend offended tone, "It's Dr. Fraaaankensteeein."

He laughed, because he recognized the reference to dialogue in the Mel Brooks movie Young Frankenstein. Recalling more of the movie, he quipped back, "Then you should know my name is pronounced 'Eye-gore.'"

She had a good laugh at that. "Touché. I love a man who is well cultured and knows the true movie classics. That's why your code name should be Biggus Dickus." She put her hand back on his bulge, which was already larger. "I don't know why that name just came to me, but it did."

Catching the Monty Python movie reference, he said, "Ah, yes. That's my vewy gweat fwiend in Wome. If that's my code name, then Heather's needs to be Intercontentia Buttocks."

Simone laughed heartily, "accidentally" and repeatedly squeezing his bulge as her body shook with the laughter. "Awesome! And fitting. It's sad how few of my friends even know the movie Life of Brian exists. But anyway, getting back to the hallway incident, it's my self-appointed role to serve as Heather's kind of guardian angel, but I just stood by and let it all happen. And you know why?"


"Because I was damn horny too! Do you realize how arousing it was to see you treat Heather like that and get away with it? To watch a red-faced Heather actually tell a bunch of her Blondie friends 'I'm an anal slave. Alan is my master. My ass master?' My God! And then to see you fingering her ass and look at all their shocked faces?! All of us were so fucking horny, it was incredible! If we'd had more time, not only would Heather have dropped to her knees to suck your cock, but I would have too! Then I would have turned to the other now kneeling Blondies as I pulled my clothes off and said, 'Sorry girls, but you've gotta wait your turn!'"

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