6 Times a Day

Chapter 898 Doesn't Love Conquer All? 4K

Glory walked back into her classroom just as the bell rang. Barely making it to her own class on time was quite unusual for her. She sat at her desk for some moments, shuffling papers and gathering her wits. She was determined not to look at Alan, which was difficult because he sat right in front of her in the front row.

But, in fact, he wasn't there. His outrageous ass fondling of Heather had just come to an end, and he was still in the bathroom washing his hands when the bell rang. He ran upstairs to Glory's class as quickly as he could. He burst into the room rather dramatically, still huffing and puffing, just as one of the other students was closing it.

Glory couldn't help but look up to see who caused the disturbance, and when she saw it was Alan her heart leapt to her throat. She jerked her head away and said nothing.

The students found her behavior quite strange. Her appearance - burning cheeks, trembling hands - was stranger still. But then, to add to the strangeness, she announced, "Hello, class. Something has come up. I want you all to write an in-class essay right now on this week's reading assignment. Um, think about something you feel strongly from that reading, and develop an argument on that. You have the entire class. I'll be back shortly."

That announcement was met with groans. Most noticed that there was something not right about her demeanor, if they hadn't picked up on it already. She spoke in a robotic monotone, and stared straight ahead, above the eyes of everyone. She was trying desperately hard not to look at Alan, who had taken his seat in the front row. She fled the class as soon as the last words of her announcement left her lips.

Despite his late arrival, Alan knew Glory well and also realized something was wrong, very wrong. His front row seat allowed him to see that she was trembling and tensed up while most in the back rows missed those clues. He could tell that a problem was brewing with her, but he was completely stumped as to what the problem might be. He put his head down and got to work on the in class work she'd just assigned, even though he knew it was just busy work to cover some kind of emergency.

Glory didn't know where to go to have some privacy and a good cry. She didn't want Alan to go looking for her and find her. Then she remembered the supply room that she had the keys to. It was the very same supply room Alan had used to fuck his sister and Kim, in what seemed ages ago. She knew about his shenanigans with Kim in that room, and she bitterly recalled the memory. She ironically went back to the inner supply room where Alan first agreed to fuck his sister, and crumpled down to the floor. She cried.

She cried and cried for many long minutes, thinking about nothing in particular, but just feeling weighted down by the entire situation. After a while, words began to form, and she thought, I want to cry on someone's shoulder, but now I'm all alone. I just broke up with my boyfriend, and now I can't cry on Alan's shoulder! Poor Garth. I should have stuck with him.

But Alan! God, I want him so bad, but it can't be. It's over! It has to be over. If I'm too stupid not to break up with him now too, then someone should shoot me. It's just been one thing after another with him. First, sleeping with my own student was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! So stupid. Then I find out that he's sleeping with other women, and do I break up with him? No! STUPID. He even steals my key to fuck another girl in this very room, and do I care? No. I find out about more and more partners, and do I care about that? No. I'm so desperate for a good fucking and desperate for love that I acted like a complete slut and an even bigger idiot.

Then things get more and more dangerous with Heather and everything, and do I care? Do I say "slow down," "play it cool?" No! Stupid again! I even go and break up with my dependable boyfriend for this wild kid. The Alan I knew and loved was the most good and innocent and tender boy, but he's turned into something else. He's turned into a sexual monster who'll fuck his own sister! Where's the love? I thought he loved me, but he's only hurt me. It's like we're all just his sex slaves!

He doesn't care. When I told him I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, it barely registered. "Oh. That's nice. Thanks for that." He never calls, he never visits me outside of school - he's probably too busy fucking his sister! Face it Glory, you're just a midday fuck for an evil sex monster! And you're a dumbfuck. A DUMB FUCK. IDIOT! He's totally crushed my heart.

I should have said no. I should have said no a million times over. Well, I'm saying no NOW. He's gone way too far this time. Incest? It makes me want to retch. What the hell is wrong with him? That's disgusting! Does he just fuck anything that moves? What's next? Necrophilia? Bestiality?

Oh no, it could be worse, much, much WORSE! What if he is sleeping with his mother too? I know he's doing Mrs. Pestridge, and of course everybody knows about him and Amy. So he's fucking one mother-daughter team already. Mrs. Plummer would be just as sexy as her neighbor if she dressed right. Plus, no matter what she wears, it's obvious she has just about the largest set of breasts I've ever seen, and Alan is a tit man. If he's had sex with his sister, why would he stop there? ... But that is so WRONG! How could she? His sister is bad enough; probably the only hope is that Mrs. Plummer somehow resists him. This is just insane. I CANNOT BE INVOLVED WITH HIM! Period!

Gloria Rhymer, what have you done? I just have to completely cut it off. I can't ever again be friends with him after this, as much as that pains me. How will I ever look at him again? How will I be able to teach his class, or even keep my job?

She buried her face in her hands and cried some more. I loved him. LOVED him! He was the only one I ever loved! Hell, I STILL love him. Even after all this, I still love him! I can't bear it. I just can't! I can't go back in there into that classroom! It'll just rip my heart in two to see his cute face again.

She cried for nearly the entire period. But she knew that she couldn't avoid her responsibilities entirely. As time started to run out on the class hour, she managed to pull herself together enough to stop crying. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up. She washed her face over and over, trying to erase the evidence of such a heavy cry, but her eyes stayed red no matter what she did. Finally she had to go back in to the room where Alan was. Her feet felt like lead as she slowly walked back to where she knew he was sitting.

Glory sat at her desk without looking up and then had everyone turn in their papers. The bell rang, and the students all filed out - all but one. By this point she wished the class would never end, because she didn't want to have to be alone with Alan. But she was.

By this time, Alan realized that something was terribly wrong. He'd spent most of the class thinking about what might be bothering Glory instead of fully concentrating on his assignment.

At one point, he went to go find her under the excuse of taking a bathroom break, but he didn't see her anywhere. When she came back with painfully red eyes and a defeated walk, his trepidation grew. He couldn't think what could be bothering her so much unless it had to do with him. Everything else in her life was going fine as far as he knew, and the breakup with her boyfriend had been a long time coming to what seemed like a loveless relationship anyway. The more he thought about it, the more he figured it was either some horrible new scheme of Heather's or Glory had found out about the incest. His worst fear was that Heather had told her about the incest. By the end of the class he was almost sure that's what it was.

The others were all gone. Alan stood in front of Glory's desk, waiting. She resolutely kept her head down. Finally, he said, "Glory, I can tell that something's obviously wrong. Do you want to talk about it?"

Without looking up, she simply said, "I know."

Alan blanched just as his sister had. His body immediately went into panic mode, but he stood his ground and tried not to broadcast his emotions. He had a very good idea what she knew.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Then she repeated soberly, "I know." She added, "I know about you and your sister. I ran into her before class, and I could tell just from looking at her face. I can't... We can't... It's over. Please leave now. You have to go."

She still didn't look up. She hoped that he would silently walk out and she'd never have to see his face again. She knew it would be very painful to look at him.

He was stunned, even though he'd suspected this, but he didn't leave. His mind was too frazzled to think. It wasn't just that she knew about the incest; his worst fears had come true and she'd chosen to break up as well. It was all too much to take. He'd been under a lot of stress lately in trying to juggle all of the women in his life and keep them happy, and he felt as if all of the balls in the air had just all fallen to the ground.

He fell to his knees and then dropped forwards onto her desk. He buried his face in his hands just as Glory had done in the supply closet, and cried. Just as happened to her, he had a pure outpouring of emotion that seemed to have no end. He was so overcome that he couldn't control himself. He almost forgot that Glory was sitting there right in front of him. When he would remember, his reaction was just like Glory's: he wished she was gone because he couldn't bear to look at her.

He cried into his own arms for a long time. It went on at least twenty minutes. From time to time he paid enough attention to hear the sound of Glory crying as well. Eventually her tears dried up and she stopped and just stared at his head. His crying slowed down too, until it was more a series of sobs.

At one point, he thought, I'm some kind of hypocrite, or selfish bastard, certainly. Hell, I just got a double blowjob from Mom and Sis this morning. I'm involved with too many women, and they're all amazing. Why the hell would I need Glory too? But I do! I really do! I LOVE her! It's not just a sexual thing, or even mainly a sexual thing, although the sex with her is great. I love her! I don't care how many other women are in my life, if she breaks up with me, it's gonna break my heart.

But how could she ever understand? She must think I don't really care very much.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Finally Glory spoke. She said, "Jesus, are you ever going to stop crying? I-" Her voice broke as she struggled to continue. "I didn't expect that reaction from you."

Alan froze and looked up at her. They made eye contact for the first time since before she'd talked to Katherine. Mascara-smeared tears still ran down her cheeks.

He said, "What do you expect? I'm crying because I love you. I don't want to lose you."

That started a whole new round of crying from both of them.

Alan couldn't bear it. He got up and moved around the desk until he was kneeling at her side.

Then he and she kept crying even as they tightly held each other.

After some more minutes their mutual crying died down, and Glory asked, "Why? Why, Alan, why? How many women are enough for you? Why did it have to be her, too? Or was it... them? Is it... Is it more than your sister? Please, God, I NEED to know now!"

He closed his eyes and admitted, "It's them. The two of them." Having to say that felt much worse than being punched in the gut.

Glory shrieked and fell to her knees. She burst into a new round of gut-wrenching tears. My God! His mother too! I'm gonna be SICK!

Alan had no idea what to do. He feared that if he tried to hug her, that would backfire. So he remained kneeling next to her and waited until she calmed down a minute or two later, and then he said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you, sorry that I hurt you and kept the truth from you. But I'm not sorry about what I've done with them. I'm proud of it. We love each other. It isn't wrong! Love is love. Why is physical love so separate from other kinds of love? Why can't I love the women in my life physically, too? Why is that so wrong? Hell, I'm not actually genetically related to either of them. You know that. I love you, Glory. I love them. I want to kiss and hug - and more - with the women I love. Why can't I, if we all want it? Why?"

She reluctantly stood up. She still couldn't bear to look at him, but his tear soaked cheek rested on hers as the two of them stared together across the classroom into empty space. "It's wrong. It just is. It leads to sorrow. People are made just to have one partner. And the reasons against incest go very deep. It's not just a matter of genes - they are your family." She sighed heavily. "I don't want to talk about it."

He muttered, "I don't agree. You just don't understand how it is." But he let it drop for the time being, since she said she didn't want to talk.

They just held each other and stared out into space for a while longer. Then Glory turned to him, and from inches away said to his face, "Alan, you mean so much to me, but this can't go on. Our whole relationship was insanity from the beginning. I should never have done this. This is a good excuse to call it off. We have to, before it destroys us both. Look at your face with your bruised nose and everything. If you keep this up and just recklessly fuck anyone you want, a few bruises will be nothing compared to the hurt you'll face, especially the emotional hurt. I can't be a part of it. Don't try to argue. That's the way it has to be."

"That's not how it has to be, Glory! I know what we've done and that all this sneaking around has been hard on you, but I love you!"

"Stop saying that! It's killing me!"

"But it's true. It's so true. Doesn't love conquer all? If we love each other, we can overcome anything!"

Glory started crying again, but also said through her tears, "How can you say that? How can you keep saying you love me when you have a girlfriend, and you're doing ... THAT to your sister and mother? Look, I can't take any more of this. I need some time to think. And..."

She looked at the clock on the wall, "Good God! Look at the time. How are you going to have time to eat lunch and show your face to your friends, so people don't suspect? This is the problem. Incest and girlfriends aside, we're riding the razor's edge and it's just a matter of time until we fall. It has to end!"

Alan stood up and held her hands. He looked at her intently, and her eyes were drawn to his. He said passionately, "Glory, I love you. I'll say it again: I love you! I'll keep saying it until you realize it, because I won't stop loving you no matter what happens. You must think I don't love you strongly because I have these other lovers in my life, but that's not true. A person can have more than one friend, and they can have more than one love. I can't live without you!"

She snorted derisively. "HA!"

He admitted, "Okay, obviously I'd live, but I just can't put into words how much you mean to me. This isn't just something where I'm getting off on having sex with one of my teachers. I love you! I really love you! Don't you believe that?!"

After a long pause, she nodded. "I do. That's what makes this so hard!" A new worry came to her. "And what's going to happen when you go off to college next fall? We've talked about that, and we both know you're very likely going to go to UC Berkeley. If we were still together then, how would that work? And what are your... you-know-who? What would they do?"

He winced. "To be honest, I haven't really thought things through. I'm sure it'll work out one way or another for all of us, because true love conquers all."

She groaned unhappily. "You can't repeat a cliché like 'true love conquers all' and expect that to solve everything. You're so immature sometimes! I can't believe I ever got involved with you in the first place!"

He wanted to cry some more. "Promise me you won't make any final decisions and just think about it for a few days? Okay? I'll be gone hiking all weekend anyways. Promise me we'll talk some more on Monday? After school?"

She looked at his sincere face and felt her heart melt. She felt as if she was falling in love with him all over again. She had to turn away before the feelings got too intense. Staring at the far wall, she said, "I'll promise we'll talk some more, but that's it. Okay? You really have to go now. I absolutely have to pull myself together. You've turned me into an absolute wreck! Again!"

So Alan left. He wandered out of the classroom in a daze. His plans for the rest of the day and beyond were in tatters. Not even the prospect of fucking his mother mattered to him at this point. He loved Glory deeply with much more than physical love, and he didn't want to lose her. He resolved not to give up, not yet. But he realized that the future with her looked very grim.

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