6 Times a Day

Chapter 903 Not In The Mood [Janwillem Sponsored]

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When Christine arrived home from her martial arts practice, her plan was to sneak directly to her room and hide out there until dinner.

However that was not to be, because her mother Olga intercepted her, almost as if she'd been lying in wait. Olga, who was blonde, busty, and beautiful just like her daughter, said, "We need to talk. Let's go to the kitchen. Perhaps you'd like a drink or a snack?"

"No, I'm good," Christine replied, but she dutifully followed her mother to the kitchen.

The two of them ended up sitting at the kitchen table, after Olga poured a glass of water for herself. She put the water down, and said, "Okay, talk."

"Talk? Talk about what?"

Olga chided, "Don't play dumb with me. I know you went on a date with Alan again last night."

Christine protested, "We were just working on homework together."

"Homework? Fat chance! Maybe that was the ostensible excuse to get together, but I saw you when you came in, and you were walking on air! Then, this morning, all through breakfast, you couldn't stop smiling."

"I probably was like that after my other dates with him," Christine pointed out, all but admitting that the night before had been a de facto date. She was bummed, because she thought she'd done a much better job of hiding her feelings.

"True, but this was different. You stared off into space dreamily the whole time, like you were on another planet. I would have asked you about it, but I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your father. Then you come home and you try to hide in your room, as if you still don't want me to see your face. Something was different about your date last night, wasn't it? Something special happened."

"Well..." Christine was stalling for time, trying to find a way to wiggle out of confessing anything.

But Olga wagged a finger at her. "I know you. You're trying to wiggle out of this. Don't, please! You're my one and only child. Don't I deserve to know what's going on? Unlike most parents, I don't have a problem with you dating. In fact, I celebrate it! Especially with a fine, upstanding young man like Alan."

Christine slumped in defeat. She couldn't resist her loving mother. "Ugh! Fine. As a matter of fact... to be honest... something did happen."


Christine looked down shyly, since she found it very hard to discuss this sort of thing with anyone. "For the first time... the very first time... we... we... kissed." Now that she'd admitted that much, the rest was easier. "And not just a peck on the cheek kind of kiss. I mean a real kiss! A prolonged kiss! Several, in fact!" She smiled widely as she recalled the kissing.

"Oh, honey!" Olga beamed with delight. She stood up and opened her arms wide, causing Christine to stand up too. Then she smothered her in a big hug. "That's great news! That's fantastic!"

"Thanks." Christine was glad that her mother couldn't see her face during their hug, because it quickly went from smiling to chagrined. She knew that her parents had been concerned that she hadn't shown any interest in boys or dating, so they loved to hear this sort of news. But she wasn't being fully honest. She'd given them the impression that her "practice dates" were real dates, and with this latest revelation she knew they would be even more mistakenly convinced that she and Alan were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Christine resolved to be at least a little more honest about the situation. When the hug ended and they sat back in their chairs, she made sure to show a forced and obviously fake smile.

Olga noticed that right away, asking the obvious question. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Well, actually, that's not entirely true. The thing is, of course I'm happy about how things are going with Alan. But... the only snag is, we're not going steady, or anything like that. You know, I can't stop him if he wants to date someone else too."

Olga was visibly relieved. "Oh, is that all? That's no problem. I've met Alan a couple of times, and of course you've told me all about him. He's one of the good ones. You've only been on a couple of dates with him. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you'll be formally going steady. He'd be a fool to do otherwise. Look at you!" She waved her hands dramatically to highlight Christine's voluptuous body. "You can't tell me there's some other girl he's more attracted to. I wouldn't believe you. Besides, he's a smart boy and one of the few who can appreciate your intelligence instead of being intimidated by it. So there's no problem!"

Christine forced another smile, but made it look sincere this time. "I guess you're right, Mom. Maybe I'm just a worry-wart. But can you do me a favor?"

"Sure thing. What's that?"

"Please don't tell Dad or anyone else about this kissing thing, okay? Not yet. I don't want him to get all worked up over this when, you know, who knows what could happen? Next week, Alan could be dating someone else."

Olga slid her fingers across her lips as if zipping them. "Don't worry; my lips are sealed." Then she broke into a big smile. "But don't worry; I'm sure everything will work out fine. If Alan is dating someone else next week, I'll eat my hat!"

The two of them continued to chat. But Christine, with her multi-track mind, was simultaneously thinking, If only she knew! What I told her is half right and all wrong. I wanted to tell her about Amy being his official girlfriend, I really did, but I'm too ashamed! A girl with my looks shouldn't be in this humbling situation. Not to mention all of his OTHER girls! Sheesh!

If Mom knew the truth, she wouldn't just eat her hat, she'd have to buy and eat a whole rack full of them, one for each of his other women! And he's not just "dating" them; I'm sure he's having sex with them. To be blunt, he's fucking them! He's fucking the likes of Heather, probably daily! Meanwhile, all we did was kiss, one time, kind of by accident. I know my mom. She's practically deciding on the font type for the wedding invitations already.

Damn! She thinks Alan is a "fine, upstanding young man." Which is true, on one level, but he's also got a "fine, upstanding stiff penis" pretty much 24-7! What would my mom or dad think about THAT?!

— — —

Alan snuck into the house through the garage so he wouldn't have to deal with anyone. But Susan and Suzanne were waiting for him and hyper alert for his arrival. He didn't fool anyone. Still, they heard his tired, sad sighs and let him continue on up to his room without cornering him.

Susan waited about fifteen minutes, and then gently and quietly opened his bedroom door. She was wearing just a thin maroon piece of cloth that was mean to be worn as a strapless top as part of an ensemble. But that was all she was wearing, so it just barely covered her pussy and her nipples. She was hoping that, whatever trouble her son was having, he'd feel better after a nice long cocksucking. (She knew she would!)

She'd guessed that he'd be sleeping, but to her surprise he was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. There were tears rolling down his cheeks.

This made Susan very distressed, and she instantly started to get teary eyed too. She didn't know what the problem was, but if it was upsetting her son, it upset her.

She opened the door a bit more and he saw her standing there. She said apologetically as she stifled the urge to cry, "Sorry, but I see something's bothering you. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," he sighed.

She sat on the edge of his bed, making sure her top didn't completely fall off in the process. Now wasn't the time for that. "What is it? What's upsetting my beautiful Tiger? My favorite son?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Mom, I'm your only son."

ραпdα Йᴏνêl(сòm) She smiled and ruffled his unruly hair. "That's why you're my favorite."

That was a little verbal game they'd played ever since he was a little boy, and it brought a wan smile to his face. But then he got serious as he recalled Glory. "Mom, you know how I've been involved with my teacher Glory for a while now, right?"

"Of course. I know I'm not supposed to talk about it much, but whenever I think about it, it makes me feel tingly inside. And proud, so proud. My big son! Taming your gorgeous teacher!" She ruffled his hair some more in a playful manner. She felt her nipples growing erect as she imagined her son's cum dousing his sexy teacher's face with his creamy seed.

"And you know how I had a crush on her for a couple of years before that, and how strongly I feel for her?"

"Yes, of course. That's why I fully approve of you turning her into one of your personal cocksuckers."

He sighed again. "Well, that's not exactly happening. Today, she found out that I've been involved with you and Sis. Sexually."

Susan gasped and held her hands over her mouth.

"Don't worry! She's not going to tell anyone. I'm sure of that. And it wasn't that anyone spilled the beans. She said something about figuring it out from the way Katherine looked at her. I didn't quite understand that; we'll have to ask Sis when she gets home from her cheerleading. But in any case, it's been a long time coming, and pretty much inevitable, I guess. She's so smart and perceptive, and she knows me so well. Too well."

"Oh dear!" For once, Susan's desire cooled.

"But that's not the worst part. She was so upset that she up and broke up with me! She said that wasn't the only thing. There were a whole bunch of things."

He went on to explain briefly more about what happened, including how he'd freely confessed to Glory that he was having sex with his own mother, since Glory knew about Katherine already.

When he was done venting, Susan said, "Well. I'll be. That's really something. I don't really know what to say. You know your father was pretty much the only man in my life before you, so I don't have much experience in the breaking up department. I'd better go ask Suzanne for her advice."

"Mom, can you please call him 'Ron' instead of 'father' or 'dad'? I don't even want to think of him as 'father' anymore. I haven't thought of him like that for years now." He felt relief admitting that. He briefly wondered if it was because he'd had some long-held and deeply buried Oedipal desire to replace his father as "the man of the house" or if it was simply because Ron was such a lousy father, especially in recent years. He decided it was the latter, though he conceded that maybe there was a touch of the former as well.

"Okay, fine. Whatever you say." She patted him on the head again.

There was a long pause, as she tried to figure out what to say to help console him. She noticed his gaze had dropped to her chest, at which point she realized that her top had slipped down, fully exposing both of her nipples.

She pulled her top back up and suggested, "You know, Tiger, I know you love Glory very much. I'm not blind. For these past two years, I've seen how your face lights up whenever her name is mentioned. And it's been too long and you spent too much time with her for it to just be some kind of puppy love crush."

"Thank you," he said. "I get the feeling she doesn't see that."

Susan continued, "In any case, maybe things will work out with her, maybe they won't. But... if they don't... would that really be so bad? I mean, you have a de facto harem of centerfold-worthy girls and women, if I can toot my own horn for one moment, and we're all dedicated to serving your cock! I mean, you've turned your own mother and sister into your willing fuck toys! You have five eager personal cocksuckers, counting her and me, plus Amy, Suzanne and Brenda. And then there's Heather, Xania, Akami, Kim, and who knows who else besides. So, if things don't work out with Ms. Rhymer, things will still be pretty great for you, won't they?"

He sighed heavily. "I know. When you list all those names, I feel like I must be the world's worst ingrate or something. I mean, how many women does one guy need? It's crazy! But the heart doesn't respond to logic, and I LOVE her. Sure, I won't be as crushed if it doesn't work out because I have you and all these other great women in my life, but it still hurts. A lot! I mean, I've never broken up with anyone before. And everyone thinks of me as this unstoppable super stud all of a sudden, but the fact is, I'm a really sensitive guy. My heart gets hurt easily."

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tightly, but only in a supportive mother type of way. "I know it does. And I know better than anyone what a sensitive, kind boy you are, deep down. I'm not saying you don't deserve to feel hurt. You do! I'm just saying that, whatever happens with her, we'll be here for you. I'LL be here for you. As your personal cocksucker, as one of your many big-titted fuck toys, or as just your caring, loving mom, I'll be here to support you."

He hugged her even tighter. "I know you will. Damn, you're gonna make me cry!" He sniffled, but managed to hold back his tears.

She just hugged him back, but she didn't mind that much when her top slipped down below her heavy globes.

After a while, he noted, "The thing is, that's the kind of person Glory is too. She's not just beautiful and smart, and my teacher, she has a giant heart. She's the kind of person who'd be there to help me in any way, even if it was just as a shoulder to cry on. She's special."

Susan ran a hand through Alan's unruly hair in a comforting way. "I know she is. It sounds like she'd make a great addition to your harem."

"MoooOOOOoooom! I keeping telling you, I don't have a harem." He didn't exactly smile, but her words lightened his mood a little.

"So you keep saying. But then again, you'd have me believe your huge cock isn't ten inches long either."

"It's not! And it's not really huge."

"Whatever. But if you did have a harem, she should be a part of it."

He shook his head. Susan simply couldn't be convinced of certain things.

Seeing that she'd helped him a little bit, she concluded, "You obviously need to be alone for a while, even if you're too worried and upset to take your nap. Meanwhile Suzanne and I will put our heads together and figure out how to fix things. Remember though that we don't have much time this afternoon. You have your appointment with Akami, then dinner, and then the Boy Scout van will be here before you know it. But we're going to do everything we can to help."

"Thanks, Mom. You're the best."

She stood to go, holding her top up - which had slipped down again - so her tits were mostly covered. Then she asked hesitantly, "I don't suppose a mellow, cuddly cocksucking might cheer you up? Just a tiny little nibble?"

"Nah. Thanks, but I'm not in the mood." He couldn't help but grin a little at the idea of a "cuddly cocksucking" though.

"Oh, poo. I thought not. But remember that if you ever are, you don't even need to ask. Just say something like 'Assume the position' or 'On your knees, Mommy,' or just 'Suck it.' Okay?"

"Sure. Thanks, Mom. You're the greatest." He managed a slight smile.

With a brief kiss on the lips, she left.

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