6 Times a Day

Chapter 910 Nurse Akami Revealing The Truth? 4K

Alan's euphoric mood began to change on the drive over to Dr. Fredrickson's office. With Susan and Suzanne out of his sight, his thoughts began to drift back to Glory and all the troubles there. Not only did that make him feel bad, but his great time with the 38G duo made him feel guilty that he had somehow ignored Glory's feelings, and that made him feel even worse. He felt as if he'd cheated on her.

Man, I suck. It's only been, like, an hour! Geez! Just an hour or so since I heard the bad news from Glory. And I'm already having sex with other women. Everyone wants me to say life will go on without her, and of course that's true, but dammit, I really love her! She's probably at home crying and feeling shitty, and meanwhile I get to enjoy a totally brain melting double blowjob.

I'm not just some hedonistic sex stud. I don't see myself that way at all. I know people looking at me might not believe it, but what I really want is love! But how could I have resisted their efforts to cheer me up? I'm only human.

He couldn't really get excited for Akami's visit, either. There was something in the last visit that gave him a bad vibe, and that vibe returned from the very moment he saw Akami. Plus, his burst of energy didn't last long, and he practically dragged his feet from the car to the doctor's office.

She greeted him in the waiting room and seemed friendly enough on the outside, but there was a strange underlying feeling. It was almost like she didn't want to see him, as if she wanted to whisper, "Go away!"

When he got into the waiting room, that feeling only increased. He noticed she seemed nervous and unhappy. He had a vague intuition that something was wrong but he didn't have any clue what it really was.

In truth, she was on edge because of Dr. Fredrickson's continuing secret monitoring of all of Alan's visits. The doctor still had the same sound and video equipment broadcasting everything that happened in the waiting room directly onto a monitor in his office where he now sat.

Although Akami didn't know it, the doctor had installed some extra equipment this time. He wasn't happy merely to keep his promise to Akami to watch the event as it happened and leave no permanent recording that could implicate them all. This time, he'd hooked up a video recorder in his office to capture the live feed coming in and save it as a personal keepsake.

His main goal in this recording was his unsatisfied lust for Susan. So far he'd been frustrated in his hopes that she'd show up with Alan for another visit, but he wanted to be ready to record it if it happened. The sight of Alan and Akami fucking was good for a satisfying wank in the office, but really no big deal since Akami was still his mistress and he could fuck her any time he wanted. The thrill of secret, voyeuristic watching and breaking the law (and all his medical ethics in the process) did give it all a big extra illicit thrill, but he didn't necessarily have any plans for the recording he was making. He figured that at the very least it might serve as good blackmail material in case he ever needed something against Akami or Alan.

Akami had grown increasingly despondent about her role in condoning all of this, let alone taking part in it all. Dr. Fredrickson however, as her boss, lover, and co-conspirator in the six-times-a-day scheme, had her backed into a corner. So she'd agreed to the videotaping (not knowing that it was being recorded too). But lately she'd been having difficulty sleeping at night, and her respect and desire for him continued to erode on a daily basis.

She'd tried calling Alan several times during the week to discuss her fears, and meet him outside the office to talk about it, but she'd repeatedly dialed the Plummer phone number only to hang up before the first ring. Then, later in the week she'd gained the courage to wait for someone to answer, but she'd only gotten the answering machine.

Susan was so absorbed with her sex life that she could hardly be bothered to answer the phone anymore unless she knew it was Brenda, and she usually knew the hours when Brenda would call (almost always between noon and three, after Susan's morning exercises and nude "sun tanning" and before Adrian returned to Brenda's house and Alan and Katherine to Susan's). She and Brenda would get each other worked up while she would usually detail her sexual adventures that morning. Susan had heard a couple of Akami's messages, but they sounded bland so she forgot to call back or tell Alan about them until it was too late to call back.

Akami had assumed that she'd be able to cancel the meeting, but now that it was happening and Alan was in the room she didn't know what to do. She'd grown to hate the idea of Dr. Fredrickson masturbating over her having sex with Alan. But Alan's similarly strange mood puzzled her, so she asked him, "You seem down. I've never seen you like this. What's up?"

He let out a great sigh. He'd been a big on sighs in the last few hours, ever since his talk with Glory. He wanted to talk to Akami about his problems with Glory without mentioning her name or the fact that she was his teacher. "Ah, it's romance woes. You know my sex partners as well as anyone. Well, the thing I have with my... well, this woman ... it isn't just a sexual thing. I really love her. But she found out about the incest and broke up with me. I've never been dumped by anyone before, and it really hurts. I'm sorry."

She replied, "Oh, that's unfortunate. I'm sorry too. She doesn't know what she's missing. I think you're a great guy and not just a great lover. But you can't feel that bad, can you? She's not even your official girlfriend. Who's that? The girl next door, Amy, right? You have so many loves, I'm sure they'll soon make you forget all about her."

"I know. I got home and everyone cheered me up, but then as soon as I left the house again I got all bummed. I know it's insane for me to complain, but I can't help the feelings in my heart. I think I'd feel the same amount of pain if she were the only woman I'd ever known. Or nearly as much, anyways. You see, she was my first true love, long before your whole treatment thing started. I was totally moony for her for two years. I guess I still am."

"Sorry. I'm really sorry. But we'll just have to press on today. I have some bad news, too. I'm not feeling well at all. I think I ate something that doesn't agree with me. I don't think I can get in a very erotic mood." That was her cover story so as to not do anything Dr. Fredrickson would want to see. She hoped to leave her boss frustrated, with his penis hanging limp. They'd had an argument earlier that left her particularly pissed off. She'd tried to convince him to end his voyeuristic watching, and he'd tried to force her to ask Alan questions about Susan and get him to make sure his mother would come to the next appointment. They ended in a standoff.

Alan sighed again. "Eh. That's probably for the best. I don't think I could get it up, anyways." That wasn't exactly true, but he doubted he could have fun with Akami and then more fun back at home.

So Akami went about her medical duties. Even though she knew the original diagnosis was a sham, she had a tradition to maintain that involved her taking certain measurements whenever he came in, so she went through the motions. She took his blood pressure and so forth while both of them acted glum and didn't talk much.

Then she got to the last measurement, which was getting a semen sample. As the mood was more distant and clinical, she put on gloves and said, "We've got one last thing to do. You know what it is. Do you want to go through with it?"

Alan looked at her gloves and said, "It's all right. Whatever. But do you really have to use the gloves? You hardly did that last time."

"Sorry. No, I don't." So they sat silently while she fished his penis out of his pants.

Not surprisingly given the atmosphere, he wasn't aroused. He said, "Sorry about that too. It's not you, but I think about Glory and... Oops. You probably don't know that name, and it's best if you don't mention it to anyone else. She's the woman I've been talking about, the one who dumped me."

He belatedly realized that he shouldn't have mentioned Glory's name, but he figured it wouldn't be a problem since she didn't know Glory was one of his teachers. He thought the odds of her ever mentioning the name to someone else were extremely low, since the name meant nothing to her.

Akami felt pity. She said, "I wish I could take your mind off of that. Here. How about if I take my clothes off?" Despite her acute awareness of Dr. Fredrickson, she stood and stripped before Alan. She leaned back on the unused examination chair and struck a sexy pose. She gave Alan a pouty look, which matched her mood better than outright smiling.

He watched her intently and thought, I've been overlooking Akami lately compared to all my giant, buxom Amazon women back home, but she's really got a great body. She could easily be a centerfold, especially with the way she's posing there.

But his penis wasn't moved. "Sorry, Akami. This isn't your fault, either. The more I have a chance to think, the more bummed I get. My mom thinks that Glory will want to get back with me if I can talk to her, but I really don't think so... Oh. Sorry. I really shouldn't be going off like this with you standing there naked and trying to help and everything. I'm really, really sorry."

Akami actually felt a bit relieved, since she couldn't get her mind off her boss in the other room. She went to Alan, still completely naked, and sat at his side. She tenderly placed her hand on his thigh and said, "Don't worry about it. We can skip the semen sample this time. Why don't you get one at home when you have a chance and then drop it by, or have someone drop it by? We obviously can't force it right now. I can run the tests on that sample. And here's a prescription if you have any further problems with getting an erection. Knowing you, I don't think it'll be a problem, but it never can hurt to have something as a standby. It's an all natural herbal remedy. I know some people who swear by it."

He mumbled "Sorry" again. But he thought to himself, This Glory thing is really bumming me out, because I'm not even close to hard. It's not that Mom and Suzanne are that much more physically arousing. True, her body is kind of slim and isn't that curvy, but she has a mouthwateringly sultry and sexy face. And I'm not jaded; I'm not even close to jaded. Akami's just as fuckable as ever. I think it's the fact that they kept up a constant banter which kept me from concentrating on the break up, but Akami is far too silent. I have too much of a chance to think.

He picked up the note without reading it and then said his goodbyes. On the way out, she said, "I really recommend that you pick up that medicine on your way home. You'll be really glad you did. It may come in handy sooner than you think."

He thought that somewhat strange, but figured she knew best, so he stopped by a pharmacy on the way home.

It wasn't until he got inside the pharmacy that he took a close look at the note. It wasn't a prescription at all. Instead, it read, "Alan, There's something very wrong in this office, but I can't speak about it here. Please give me a call on my cell phone immediately. Whatever you do, DON'T COME BACK until you call me first!" Then there was a phone number and her name.

Alan felt a chill run down his spine. Fuuuuucck. What now? First I get beat up at school, then Glory finds out about the incest and dumps me, and now some kind of intrigue at Akami's office? What next? What could it be? I knew there was some kind of bad vibe there. I should trust my instincts more. Dang!please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) There was a public phone just outside the pharmacy, so he went there and called the number. "Hi. Akami? It's Alan."

She was tremendously relieved. "Alan! Thank goodness you called. I'm on my cell phone in the car on my way home, so we can talk freely. Listen. I don't know how to say this, but I've really done you wrong. I've made a devil's bargain, and caught you up in it. I felt too ashamed to say or do anything about it and just ignored the whole thing for a while and pretended it didn't exist, but it's really eating away at me and I have to say something... But it's so tough. I'm so sorry."

"Please say! What is it? I won't blame you as long as you're completely honest and just tell me what it is!"

"How do I put this? It has to do with Dr. Fredrickson. He has a thing for your mother, Susan. He wants to see her in the nude, and even have sex with her. I mean, she is quite an extraordinary woman, you have to admit. I can hardly blame his lust, but his methods, well... You know how she came into the office the first couple of times you came in?"


"Well, he's been hoping to get her back in ever since. He was figuring that she was so freewheeling, having sex with you and everything, that it would be no problem for him to have sex with her. When she came in for her check-up on Monday he tried to get me to introduce him into the picture, but as soon as I mentioned another man she was very resolute and said a firm 'No! Don't get any man near me!' Then she practically fled. She's really dedicated to you."

Alan breathed a huge sigh of relief at that. Despite his sleeping with so many women, he couldn't imagine his mother sleeping with another man. He couldn't even stand the thought of her sleeping with the man who was still her husband. He saw the hypocrisy in that, but he couldn't help his feelings. He'd already grown accustomed to her complete sexual devotion to him. "Is that it? I'll bet there's more to this. Isn't there?"

"Err... Yes. He's been hoping to watch her have sex, if he couldn't do it with her himself. He's been secretly watching and listening to all the Plummer visits that take place in the examination room from within his private office down the hall."

"What?! But that's totally unethical! How can he do that? I've never heard of such a thing!"

"I know, I know. And I shouldn't have allowed it, but he blackmailed me. It's a long story. I made one condition though, and maybe it'll be our saving grace - I said he could watch events live, but he couldn't have the equipment to record anything for posterity. So hopefully there's nothing incriminating. You'll just have to stop coming into the office and maybe this can come to an end. From now on I could do the exams at your house. Call it outpatient therapy."

"So wait. You mean I was being recorded today? That's scary! How long has this been going on?"

Akami said incorrectly, not knowing the doctor was tricking her, "You weren't being recorded, actually, I've made sure of that. But he was watching from the other room through a monitor. But take heart that nothing much really happened between you and me that would have interested him. I couldn't get in the mood, knowing he was watching. It was worse last time, when Susan came in and she and I got pretty hot and heavy. I'm sure he really got off on that one."

"Oh, man! Fuck. How long has this been happening?"

"He started with your third appointment."

"My third appointment?! Fuck! He must have recorded all kinds of things!"

"No. Remember that he doesn't have the ability to record."

"Are you sure? Men are pretty slimy. I should know; I'm one. I constantly have to battle my darker urges, and unfortunately, recently, they've usually been winning. If he's gone that far, why would he stop there? Have you really checked out the equipment lately? I mean, fuck! From today's appointment alone he could have gotten all kinds of really damning blackmail material. You're naked and trying to jack me off, I'm talking about sex with my mother, not to mention my relationship with my... - fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

He'd almost mentioned that Glory was his teacher, but caught himself at the last second.

"I'm really sorry, Alan. I'm so sorry. It's just that, basically, I'm his mistress, and he's married, but he and I... Oh, it's a long story. And there's the fact that he and I are really co-conspirators on your whole medical treatment. What we've done with you is so unorthodox that we both could be thrown in jail."

"So wait. Is my diagnosis not valid?" He had a very frightening sinking feeling.

"No! I didn't say that. But I got a little too, what shall I say? Enthusiastic. No nurse should be jacking off and even fucking her patients, no matter what the diagnosis. So he really has me there." Although she knew the six-times-a-day treatment was essentially a sham, or at best an extremely unusual treatment, she'd sworn to Suzanne never to tell him, and she wanted to keep to that. Besides, telling would have destroyed his remaining trust in her and probably put an end to their biweekly meetings.

"Oh." Alan was relieved to hear his diagnosis wasn't a sham. His whole world would have been thrown upside down had that been revealed to be the lie that it really was. In his current state, with all his other problems, that would have been the last thing he wanted to hear.

"Like I said, Alan, I'm so very sorry about all this. This is really all my fault. I should have never gone along. I don't know what I saw in him, but he..."

He cut in, "Akami, I said it was all right. Really! I mean, sure the whole thing pisses me off, but you told me now, hopefully before any serious damage, and that's the main thing. And when I say that I'm pissed off, of course I mean at him, not you. God. Scary. What if he had a private appointment with Mom and took advantage of her?"

"That's what he's been talking about. Just today, in fact. We had an argument not long before you arrived, and he said either I talk you into bringing her along on your next appointment, or he would, quote, 'take matters into his own hands,' unquote. I don't know what that means, but I assume it's something like a private meeting or something. I'd already been leaving messages on your machine to end this charade, but that really made it urgent."

"Well... Yeah! Fucking hell! Thanks. God, Akami. Wow. Well, he sure isn't going to get away with anything now. I'm going to go home and sort this all out. Can I call you later?"

"Sure. You can call me about this anytime. I really do quite like you and I feel so bad for betraying your trust. Please don't think too badly about me, okay? It was my very enthusiasm for you that gave him the sexual material to blackmail me and force me to take part in this."

"Akami, don't even think about that. What's done is done. But you're going to help me get him, right? Together we can take him down!" He punched his first in the air with enthusiasm, which caused a few curious looks from people walking past.

There was a pause. "I'll help. But take him down? I don't know. If he gets arrested or something then I'll lose my job just like that, and I'll be out on the street looking for employment somewhere. I'm deeply in debt and still paying off my student loans, amongst other things. So can we talk about what that would mean? Maybe there's some kind of way to end this and get revenge without destroying his entire practice in the process. I wouldn't be the only one to lose my job, either. There's the receptionist and another nurse for starters. It's complicated."

"Okay. I forgot about that kind of stuff. Damn. Double damn. What a huge fucking... damn. But a man like that shouldn't be practicing medicine! ... But on the other hand... Argh. This is tough. Well, thanks for calling, anyways. I really appreciate that. Let me talk this over with the rest of my family and think about it. Then I'll call you."

With fire in his belly and anger in his heart, he drove back home as fast as he could to break the news there.

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