6 Times a Day

Chapter 916 Where's The Righteous Anger? [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

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Christine couldn't believe what she was doing. She'd gone to the school football game, but after the game was over a long and lonely weekend loomed ahead. She was thinking about Alan a lot lately, but she knew that he was going on a hiking trip and so there wasn't any chance to see him. She sorely regretted that she wouldn't be able to go on another date with him over the weekend, even if it had to be a non-romantic "practice" date. He had told her they would have to wait until the next weekend at the earliest for their next date, due to his hiking trip, but right now that seemed like years away.

She knew that she would spend the weekend doing her two usual pastimes, studying and martial arts practice. At least the martial arts allowed her to burn off her frustrations. But in addition there was something else she'd hardly done before that had become a new obsession: masturbating.

So that's what brought her to this place, to a lingerie and sex shop named "Stephanie's." She'd rubbed herself practically raw masturbating since her last date with Alan and had finally broken down and decided it was time to buy a dildo or two to help out. She'd picked this shop because it was a ways away, and she figured that would reduce the chance of running into other people she might know. (Little did she realize, but she was hardly the only person who used that exact reasoning.)

Christine walked into the store wearing dark sunglasses. She was a girl used to being always on the moral high ground and confident in what she was doing, but now she felt very nervous, like she was committing a crime. She walked into the inner part of the store where the sex aids were sold. She noticed just one employee sitting behind the cash register.

The employee said in a friendly tone, "Welcome to Stephanie's. Is there anything I can help you with today?"

"No thanks. I'm just looking around." The last thing Christine wanted was help from an employee.

The employee's name was Ginger. Christine had no way of knowing it, but Ginger had gotten involved in some sex games with Suzanne, Xania, and other women who knew Alan. However, as of yet Ginger didn't know who Alan was. Like Alan, Ginger also had a voracious sexual appetite and she had a stable of lovers even larger than Alan's.

Ginger knew how to judge her customers. Although she was tremendously impressed with Christine's looks, she could tell from her dark glasses and her nervous and skittish behavior that she needed to be left alone or she'd probably bolt from the store altogether. Ginger figured the odds of successfully seducing her were next to nothing, especially since Ginger's well-honed "gaydar" didn't detect even the slightest twinge of bisexuality in her. So Christine was left to shop in peace.

Christine snuck into the dildo and vibrator section like a guilty thief. She had no idea what she wanted; she just wanted to get something fast and get back in her car. But she couldn't just grab any dildo like it was a can of corn; at the very least she needed to figure out what size she wanted. Looking at the wide range of choices, it quickly became obvious that picking a size wasn't her only problem, there was also shape, texture, materials and colors to choose from in an almost dizzying variety Since her hymen was still intact, she decided on a small bullet vibrator. Without looking at price or details, she grabbed one of the bullet models and headed for the counter.

She heard a familiar voice behind her say, "Interesting choice."

Christine whirled around and saw Simone standing there. She was so surprised to see someone she knew that she panicked. Her hands instinctively flew to her face as if to cover it, causing her to drop the bullet vibrator to the floor in her nervousness. She fumbled about, uncertain what to do with her hands.

Simone, on the other hand, was cool as a cucumber. She was enjoying this. She too had gone to the football game and was looking to make some discreet purchases afterwards. When she saw Christine entering the store just as she arrived herself, she'd made sure to wait and sneak up on Christine for maximum impact and amusement (at least for herself).

She bent down, picked up the dropped vibrator and handed it back to her classmate. "Hi, Christine. Funny meeting you here." She added with joking sarcasm, "Boy, I don't know how I ever recognized you behind those sunglasses." Her eyes visibly flicked briefly down towards Christine's inimitable bustline before returning upwards to her telltale blonde drill curls. She saw two rosy spots bloom on Christine's pristine white cheeks.

Christine's heart was still in her throat and she held the vibrator like she'd just been handed a still-smoking murder weapon. There was panic in her face but she was a fast thinker. She lied, "Yeah, funny. Speaking of funny, I'm just buying a dildo as a gag gift for a birthday party."

Simone, though, wasn't buying it. "Sure you are. So your birthday is coming up, then? Congrats." She laughed merrily. "I'll have to ask around to learn your birth date."

"It's not what you think!" But her overly loud and nervous voice made it clear that it was exactly what Simone thought.

Simone laughed. "I'm sure it's not. You just thought you'd buy a vibrating paperweight." She laughed some more. "Come on, girl. Don't treat me like a fool. Relax! I COULD tell everyone that our school's paragon of virtue, the Ice Queen herself, is buying a little pocket rocket. But I'm not gonna do that."

Christine was slowly realizing the potentially disastrous impact this chance encounter could have on her reputation. "You're not?" Her eyes narrowed. "What is it, then? You're gonna blackmail me to keep quiet?"

Simone laughed again. "Hey, you're giving me some good ideas. But no, I'm not gonna do that either. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me."

The idea of Heather's best friend not giving her grief over this was simply too much for Christine to accept at face value. "It is? But why? I mean I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I have trouble believing that. You're Heather's right hand man, er, woman. And everyone knows there's no love lost between Heather and me."

"That's true," Simone conceded. "And I do mind the way you and your little band of "Goody-goodies" are always sticking your noses in everybody else's business and privacy be damned. But the fact is, I'm my own woman; I'm not just some flunky of Heather's, even though we're best friends."

"You're not?"

"No. I think I flunked flunky class. Call me a flunky flunkout. Or a flaky flunky." She giggled. "Heck, I'm a funky flaky fluke-y flunky who flunked." She laughed at her own word play. "Don't mind me; I've always been a weirdo. The point is, I have my own mind."

Christine visibly relaxed, and Simone's silliness helped calm her. "God! Oh, thank God! I hope I can believe you'll keep this secret because you have me over a barrel. I can't believe how ashamed I am to be seen in here."

"Christine, that's one reason I'm not going to say anything, because you need to be encouraged about this stuff, not shamed. I'm guessing your parents are far too strict and really messed with your head when it comes to sex. There's nothing to be ashamed about with buying a dildo or two. Nearly all women masturbate these days; it's a natural, healthy thing to do. It's just that everyone pretends only boys and men do it." She rolled her eyes as she added in a joking, mocking tone, "After all, we all know that only men have sexual urges. We women, we're far too dainty and busy knitting sweaters."

Christine blushed at the mere mention of masturbation. "Still, this is too embarrassing. I wish you wouldn't use that word."

"'Sweaters?'" Simone laughed.

Christine was still too mortified to be amused. "No, that other word. The 'M' word. That's just not something people talk about, you know? I feel so weak, so ashamed, that I'm giving in to my base needs."

Simone shook her head sympathetically. "Damn, girl, someone really did fuck with your head when you were younger. Don't be ashamed. Sex is part of life and part of you. If you don't embrace it, it'll eat you alive. Keeping it all bottled up inside is not good at all. So I'm glad to see you're finally coming around on that at least a little bit. I'll be glad to help you shop."

Simone started to turn her attention towards the store shelves, but suddenly she turned back to Christine, looked at her dark sunglasses, and smirked. "What are you, a CIA agent or something? First let's take these glasses off," she said as she reached out and did just that. "Where's the overcoat? Did you leave that in the car?"

Christine was slightly offended at Simone's forwardness, but kept her mouth shut. She realized she could really use Simone's help and that Simone wasn't laughing at her but just trying to lighten the mood.

Seeing Christine wasn't going to respond to that, Simone asked, "What finally woke up your sleeping libido? Wait, don't tell me. Let me guess: you have Alan fever."

Christine blushed even more. "No I don't! We're just friends." But the strength of her reaction showed that Simone's guess was spot on.

Simone chuckled. "Girl, don't ever try to become an actress. As the saying goes, thou doth protest too much. Don't worry; it's cool. I won't tell anyone about that either. Not like it's that big a secret in the first place. Everyone knows that these days you're always asking about him and who he's been seen with. And the other day I couldn't help but notice how you were eavesdropping so intently when Amy was talking to Donna and me and some others about Alan."

Christine was going to deny that, but realized Simone would see right through that little ploy as well. Feeling calmer, she deflected the discussion about her feelings for Alan by asking, "Simone, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Hey, I'm a nice person. Is that so hard to believe?"

"Well... yeah! No offense, but you're Heather's best friend and she's like the Hitler of our high school."

Simone pretended great indignation and joked, "I guess that makes me, what... Goering? No, I hope I'm not that fat. Himmler, maybe? Hmmm. Those are the only Nazis I know by name." She mockingly made a Nazi salute. "Heil Heather! Boy, I sure hope Heather buys my story that I'm Nordic just like you, except that I've been REALLY working on my tan."please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Christine still wasn't amused despite Simone's infectious, jovial mood. "Very funny. Though you shouldn't joke about stuff like that. What do you see in her anyway?"

"Who? Hitler Morgan?"

Christine couldn't help but finally grin at that. "No. Close, though. Heather Morgan."

Simone turned serious to answer the question. "Hmmm. It's a long story. You gotta remember that she and I have been friends since, well, pretty much forever. Since we were in diapers, practically. She treats me completely differently than just about everyone else so I look at her differently too. I kinda feel it's my responsibility to smooth out her rough edges and limit the damage she causes. On top of that, her bitchiness is a constant source of entertainment and amusement to me. You have to admit that Heather is nothing if not interesting. I really can't imagine life without her; it would be so dull and boring. And frankly, there are a lot of advantages to being closely tied to her."

"Yeah, I suppose..." Christine didn't feel frightened by Simone anymore, but she felt awkward to still be holding the vibrator she intended to buy.

Simone's eyes also drifted down to the package in Christine's hands. She suggested, "Here, let me help you out. Don't limit yourself to a little thing like that. Why not buy a variety? Since you've got Alan fever, why don't you buy something, well, a little more Alan-esque?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and giggled.

Then Simone turned and walked a few steps down the aisle until she came to a dildo that was about eight inches long and a little thicker than the average real penis. She picked it up and attempted to hand it over.

To Christine's eyes, it looked freakishly huge. Thanks to her hymen, putting the tips of three fingers into her pussy was pushing the envelope. She couldn't imagine how such a big thing could fit inside her.

"Here," Simone said confidently. "This looks about right. For all the many nights when the real McCoy is busy with all his other babes. The problem is that Alan fever is contagious. I think I've caught a little bit of it myself, as a matter of fact. Symptoms definitely include increased lubrication you-know-where and a hardening of the nipples." She laughed.

Christine's face was already red, but now she broke into a deep blush that spread down to her chest. "Um, Alan and I haven't actually... Well, er, my hymen is still, uh... He hasn't even really kissed me!" She definitely was aware of the French kiss she'd recently shared with him, but she'd told herself that didn't really count. Besides, she wasn't keen on sharing that with Simone.

"OooooOOOOooooh! Say no more! You are still a virgin then." Simone considered making a joke about that, but then thought better of it. She was also fairly staggered that a woman with Christine's incredible body could still be a virgin, but wisely avoided making any comment about that either. Instead, she just asked, "Okay, we'd better not buy that one. And what's this about Alan not even kissing you? What's wrong with that boy? You look completely edible to me."

Christine painfully admitted, "He says he just wants to be friends. We're hanging out some, but in a strictly platonic way."

"So then what's with the dildo purchase?"

By that point Christine really wanted to just crawl into a hole and die. "Simone, you're making this so painful! It's a long story. The bottom line is that I'm a lonely virgin and that's not going to change anytime soon, okay? What more do you want from me? Blood? Haven't you shamed me enough already?!" She flashed an angry look.

"Whoa! Back off, girl; I'm just trying to help. I swear, all your secrets are safe with me. To be honest, everyone at school assumes you're still a virgin so there's no big secret there. I don't wanna razz you about it at all. Honestly, I kinda respect you for it. It's just that I got the mistaken impression from what you said earlier that Alan had recently, er, fixed that situation. My bad. In any case, let's see what we have here." Simone turned her attention back to the dildos on display.

She pulled one off the shelf. "Here. This is a vibrating egg. You can have a lot of fun with that and not worry about your hymen breaking. When you put that on your clit, whoa! Fireworks." She winked. "Trust me." She handed the egg to Christine and went looking for an egg that had multiple settings. Then she stopped and turned back because Christine was standing there just staring at the egg.

Simone tried to make light of Christine's discomfort. "I can assure you, that's NOT a cleverly disguised bomb."

Christine snapped out of it and looked up. "Sorry. It's just that I'm so out of my element in a place like this. I feel guilty."

Simone tsk-tsked, then joked, "You are guilty. Guilty of unpremeditated sexiness in the first degree." She winked to help take the edge off. "Come on, let's see your pearly whites. What's a gal gotta do to get you to smile around here?"

pαndα-noνɐ1,сoМ Christine smiled for the first time, and meant it. She was grateful for Simone's help and easy-going, light-hearted manner.

Simone helped pick out a few more things, though Christine turned down most of her suggestions. For instance, Christine considered all anal toys completely out of the question and thought nipple clamps to be both too lewd and probably too painful. She found it weird to even think about them, especially after Simone brazenly stared at her chest and confidently mentioned that Christine most definitely had the nipples for it if she ever changed her mind.

In addition to a number of small vibrators, Simone did convince Christine to buy one large and very anatomically-accurate dildo about the size of Alan's penis, complete with veiny bulges. As she put it, "Listen to me, girl. With your looks and especially your big cantaloupes, it's just a matter of time before Alan taps your honey pie. He's really unusual in that he's got this thing for totally hot girls with big breasts."

She laughed at that, and Christine laughed a bit too. She joshed, "I think you more than qualify on both counts. In fact, if there were SAT tests for such things you'd get perfect 800s."

Christine had no idea what to say about that. She wasn't good at responding to compliments, and she didn't get many due to her usual "ice queen" demeanor. She actually resented most compliments about her breasts since she wanted to be known for her brain and her achievements and not the two big lumps of flesh that she just happened to have on her chest. The fact that most such compliments generally came from crude guys saying things like "Check out the rack on that babe!" didn't help matters.

Simone could see that her comments had only made Christine more uncomfortable, so she shifted gears and said seriously, "Look, I don't know what the issues between you two are that are keeping you apart, but his rampant dick always seems to get what it wants. And believe me from personal experience, you'll be one very, very, VERY happy camper if and when he does have his way with you, so why fight it?"

Christine was still blushing and staring intently at her shoes.

"So, taking it as a given that he's gonna pop your cherry, you need a dildo like this one to practice your blowjob skills on. If there's one thing he likes, it's a good blowjob. Any girl can give an average blowjob, but giving a really good one requires talent and practice. In fact, let's go get some sex books for you so you can start learning a few things too. There's one called 'Tickle His Pickle' that I personally really like and recommend."

Christine followed Simone into the book section of the store without saying a word. She hoped and prayed Simone was right that Alan wouldn't be able to resist her for long. She thought to herself, This is ridiculous. Taking it as a given he's gonna pop my cherry? I should be outraged. Why do I merely feel tingly when I think about that? Where's the righteous anger?

She found herself wishing she could ask Simone all kinds of questions, such as what having sex with Alan was like and how best to seduce him. But she was far too embarrassed to discuss things with someone she hardly knew. She hoped the books would provide most of the answers to her many questions.

By the time the two of them were done, Christine held a stack of over a dozen books about sex. She thought about the limited number of hiding places in her room, and the look on her mother's face if she found the books. She ended up putting half of the books plus some of the toys back onto the shelves.

Simone looked at the remaining pile of Christine's purchases, especially the books, and said, "You know what? I just had a realization. I don't know you that well, but I do know that you excel in everything you put your mind to. Everyone knows about your big academic prizes, and I hear you do martial arts and a few other things besides, and you probably excel at all of them. You're like Little Miss Innocent when it comes to sex right now, but I've got a feeling that you'll read all these books and before long you'll be the champion of sex too. Hell, you'll probably blow the rest of us away, so to speak. There's no way Alan will be able to resist you."

Christine was amazed at how much she was opening up to Simone. She hadn't admitted her true feelings for him to anyone yet besides Amy, but she said, "You think? I don't dare to hope."

"Pffft! It's in the bag, honey. Trust me on this one."

Christine was surprised at how good those words make her feel. She took her selection to the counter to pay for her purchases. She felt like she was floating on air all the way there.

Ginger had been silent all the while, but paying close attention to what the two girls were saying to each other. She'd discovered that working at a sex shop was a great way to find new sex partners and learn interesting things. She figured she could hear more by acting as a fly on the wall instead of reminding them that she was there by helping them make their selections. Listening to the two of them, she'd heard no end of fascinating details about this boy they called Alan. She made a note to herself to find out more about him when either of them came back to shop again, as she was sure they would.

Christine and Simone did not depart as close friends, since Simone's close ties to Heather was still a sore point with Christine that limited just how close they could get. But they had definitely developed an understanding and a bond that hadn't been there before. Christine was genuinely impressed with Simone's good nature and hoped she could turn to Simone in the future if she had more questions about sex. But at the very least, she first needed to see whether Simone was capable of keeping this entire encounter a complete secret.

Simone for her part really did take it as a given that Alan would be fucking Christine before long. She wanted to get on Christine's good side now in hopes that the two of them could fool around together when eventually they both wound up in the same bed with him. She herself found Christine very desirable, although she hadn't shown the slightest hint about her own interest in that direction aside from a few compliments.

Also, as she'd promised, she didn't tell anyone, even Heather, about the encounter. However, she had always had a mischievous and joking streak, so she warned Christine that she'd tease her about her dildo purchases in the future, but only when they were alone.

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