6 Times a Day

Chapter 921 All Plans Coming Together [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

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Susan and Suzanne both talked at once, eagerly exclaiming their desires for permanent commitments.

Alan said, "Hold up! One at a time. Mom, you first." He tried to stuff his erection back in his pants so they could have a serious conversation free of distractions. However, Suzanne's hands prevented him from doing that. Then Suzanne licked his nearest ear with her long tongue, distracting him completely.

Susan said, "Son, I'm offended that you'd even have to ask me about commitments. I'm yours forever! Don't you see that? You and Katherine are the joy of my life, my reason for living. And now, Suzanne and Amy too. Anything you want, Tiger, I want to give it to you. Don't you know that you own my body and my very soul?" She nearly fainted with delirious joy as she imagined Alan sucking mother's milk from her boobs for ever and ever.

Then she remembered some words of advice Alan gave to her weeks ago, words that she'd repeated to herself nearly every day since: "Thrust your chest out and proudly poke your big tits high in the air, because you have nothing to be ashamed of." She did thrust her enormous chest out. That act never failed to boost her confidence and happiness, thanks to those words he'd told her.

Alan just said, "Mom, I'm so lucky to have you." Then he and Susan kissed passionately and hugged some more.

Suzanne also resumed hugging him from the other side.

Before long, both MILFs were busy stroking his boner some more.

After a few moments, Alan stopped and turned his attention to her. "What about you, Aunt Suzy?" He knew that of the four, she would be the toughest one to convince to make a formal commitment.

But she surprised him by saying, as she rubbed his sweet spot, "What Susan says pretty much goes for me, too. I love you. You're my Sweetie. I'm here for the long haul. That means forever. You know what we were saying earlier, about not wanting any other men? I truly mean that. You're the only man I'd want. Why, even to sleep with my husband would feel like cheating on you. I'd never do it."

She looked over at Susan, who was standing proudly erect again. With a big smile on her face, Suzanne also thrust her bare chest forward.

Susan, Katherine, and Amy all spoke up too, nearly shouting all over each other to declare that they too wouldn't want to be with another man.

Alan had to stop them and clarify. "Wait a sec, wait a sec. Let's see what we've got here. We all agree that we're going to stick with each other forever, right? I want to make that same declaration too. I love you all so much that I could never see changing what we all have."

Susan urgently asked, "But Tiger, when you go off to college, won't you leave us all behind? What if you find some young filly there that's so amazing you completely forget about the rest of us, and marry her? What if she doesn't want to share? What if she thinks that the whole-"

"Hold on, Mom! First off, we're a group now. A harem, if you will."

Katherine joked, "I will."

He grinned at that.

The hearts of all four women leapt when they heard him acknowledge that he had a harem. None of them wanted to make a big deal out of it, though, for fear that he'd change his mind.

He said, "I don't want to go off to college or anywhere unless we all discuss and agree on it first. We're a team now, aren't we? I couldn't possibly imagine going to another town and leaving you all behind, so either I'd go to college here or maybe we could all move together. But whatever we do, we'll do it together, as a family."

That got a great reaction. There were more high fives, hollers, and hugs. Alan felt naked tits rubbing against him from every direction, and it seemed there were more hands on his cock, balls, and ass than one could count.

Eventually, he had to order them to move out of contact so this important conversation could continue.

When the women all calmed down and stepped back, he continued, "Now, as for the second part, I'm obviously involved with other women, as you all know, and I'd obviously love to continue with that. Let's be brutally honest here. Does anyone have a problem with that? If you do, say something."

There was a long silence. Most eyes were on his long, untended pole. Susan firmly shook her head no.

Alan finally said, "Come on, you can't all be okay with that. I know some of you like to have these fantasies about me being some kind of super stud, but practically speaking, the more I'm with someone else, the less I'm with you."

Suzanne said, "I guess, as usual, I have to be the one to complain. Sweetie, right now things are okay. That could easily get out of hand, and maybe we'll get tired of that, or at least I would. But I'm not terribly worried. The way I figure, you can have such strong feelings for only a very limited number of women, and you're pretty much having sex with all of them already. So I think things are stabilizing, and I'm pretty okay with things. Your harem will probably settle down at about six permanent women, and since you're cumming more than six times a day these days, that's still plenty of cock to go around."

Susan nodded at that, and said, "Ultimately, I trust you, Son. I know you're going to do the right thing. You're not going to hurt me or the rest of us here. You love us. Actually, I think your harem will end up a little bigger than six, but I'm okay with that. Plus, if you want to go out and bang some hot chick from school or something like that, I love it! That's not only your privilege as man of the house; it's your right! I'm thrilled to lend a hand and help guide your cock into her, whoever she may be. But that's 'cos I know you're going to come home to me. To us. To the ones you really love." She looked around the room for confirmation.

The other women all nodded.

Alan thought about that, then said, "Good. That's how I feel too. No one else has the lifelong history with me that you four have. I can't see how I could ever meet another girl who would be so amazing that she could possibly take me away from any of you. I mean, the four of you are about the most amazing women imaginable, one by one, and together the whole is so much greater than the sum of the parts."

Katherine coughed up the word, "Christine."

"Oh. Yeah. Well, I really admire her, and I totally lust after her, but I don't truly love her."

Christine brought out Katherine's jealousy so she pointed out, "But that's only because you've never really spent that much time with her. You've stared at her honkin' hooters in class way more hours than you've actually talked to her."

"Um..." He looked around nervously. Now that the topic of Christine had been brought up, he realized that he still hadn't told Katherine about his make-out session with Christine, and he wondered if this was the right time to bring it up. He started to say, "Uh, ah... speaking of Christine... You know-"

But before he could say more, Suzanne could see what he was trying to say, and she didn't feel the time was right, especially since it would kill the mood. So she cut in, "Sweetie, please. Not now. Enough about Christine already."

He was going to protest that, but he caught her private, knowing look so just kept his mouth shut.

"Yeah, enough about her already!" Katherine griped. "But my point is, you could come to love her, easily. Maybe you already do and you just don't realize it."

"Maybe. But I've already vowed not to get involved with her, and that's for HER own good. I'm sticking to that from now on, one hundred percent."

Susan, Suzanne, Amy, and Katherine all smiled and snickered at that. Katherine, being the only one still not in the know about what had really happened on his last 'practice' date, didn't catch the import of his "from now on" caveat.

He said sincerely and forcefully, "Really! I mean it! So she's a non-issue. Anyway, she'd NEVER go for incest or a harem, so it's a moot point. And on top of all that, Sis, she could never get between me and you. Never. You're my sister!" He looked over to Amy. "The same goes for you, Aims. You're basically my sister too."

Katherine replied, "If you say so, Bro. I'm gonna have to trust you on that. Personally, when it comes to other women in general, I'm like Mom. I get so excited by seeing you take new conquests that I'm actually happy about it. Really. I'm not just saying that. True, I feel a burning jealousy too, but the lust wins out. Seeing you happy makes me happy and hot."

Amy chimed in, "Totally! And it's cool to see him spread the joy, you know what I mean? When I see someone like Ms. Rhymer or Simone walking around at school, I feel a special bond with them. It's like, 'Yeah, she knows. She knows the deal. She's one of us now.' You know what I mean?"

Alan looked around and saw nothing but agreement with that sentiment. He said, "That's good, 'cos I'm completely addicted to the multiple-women lifestyle. There might come a woman I'd love so much that I'd want to make her a part of our close group. Maybe Glory, for instance, if she wanted it. Or Brenda or Xania. I have to admit I'd be tempted, if only for their perfect-ten bodies. But that woman would have to be completely okay with everything we've already got going with each other, and you all would have to agree with it too. And like Glory, I doubt if anyone will, because they don't share that history together that we all do. So I'm afraid that no matter what happens, I'm 'stuck' with the lot of you."please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

His words had him complaining about being stuck with them, but of course he didn't mean it. His face was beaming with happiness.

The others loved that speech. Again, all kinds of hugs, kisses, and talking broke out. The gist was that they all thoroughly approved.

He again had to quickly calm everyone down and resume the conversation, because he wanted to establish some things before the scouting van arrived, which could happen at any moment.

"What about Brenda?" Amy asked, as people were settling down. "She's not just a maybe. She's, like, reaaaaally into you."

Suzanne replied before Alan could. "Brenda's a whole different thing. She's in a unique situation because of her son. Your mom and I have plans for her that we're all going to like and that will allow Sweetie to fuck her at will, but now's not the time to discuss that."

Alan thought, Brenda. Shit, if my life isn't complicated enough already. He tried to push thoughts of her out of his mind to focus on more pressing issues.

He stood up, walked in front of the others, and said, "Hold on. What about the hypocrisy issue? I'm sleeping with all kinds of women, and you're saying that you don't want to sleep with any other man. I know that's hypocritical, but I can't help myself. If someone like Brenda shows up and throws herself at me, I can't say no. But at the same time, if something like that were to happen to one of you, I'd feel horribly jealous. Is that situation really right? Is that fair?"

Susan emphatically answered, "Of course it is! Son, it's your right and your privilege to sleep with any woman you want! I get so proud and so HOT to hear about your conquests, like your conquest of the entire cheerleading team! I'm going to be creaming for days about that one. I'm so proud of my children. My son is such a stud! And my daughter is turning into such a sexy, nympho vixen! Come here you two!"

Alan, Katherine, and Susan engaged in another tight hug.

Still in an embrace with two topless beauties, Alan asked, "Aunt Suzy, everyone knows you're smart and wise. What do you think about the hypocrisy issue?"

"Well, it is blatantly unfair," she admitted. "Normally, it would piss me off like you wouldn't believe. But for some weird reason I can't get angry about it at all. Maybe it has to do with the whole alpha male dragging his woman to his cave thing or something. I know it's not PC, but... I try not to think about it too much. That's just how things are now, and it feels good. It feels right. Frankly, it gets me excited too." She stepped up and joined in the group hug.

"Yeah!" Amy rushed forward and joined the hug too. Once again his boner was covered with stroking fingers.

"Okay," Alan said formally. "How are we doing on time?"

That broke up the five-way hug and made everyone a little bit anxious.

Suzanne stepped back and looked at her watch. "Seven-twenty. I'd guess we have another ten minutes at the very least."

pαndα-noνɐ1,сoМ "Excellent. All right. Let's get back to the 'sex slave' and 'fuck toy' issue. Now, those are colorful terms, but what do they mean? Sis? What do you mean when you call yourself stuff like that? Are you really serious, or what? I can't figure it out."

"Big Cutlass Brother, when I call myself your fuck toy, what I guess I mean is that I feel as if my top priority is to serve you sexually, and make you happy. Nothing else is as important. You can and should order me about, and I'm eager to agree. I'm basically your toy or slave to do with as you please. And not just any fuck toy, I want to be your number one fuck toy!"

Amy raised her hand (she had a habit of formally raising her hand in group settings). "Ooh! Ooh! Can I talk?"

Alan nodded at her.

"I think Kat loves the provocative language. But don't get hung up on the words; just think about the meaning. It's just another way for her to say that she totally loves you and totally wants to make you happy. So do I! Totally super duper ultraisticallyfantastigigantoriffically! Words are just words. Go with it. Have fun with it!"

Katherine stepped up to Amy and embraced her in a tight hug. "Best friends forever! Aims, you said that so perfectly. That's exactly what I feel!"

Alan watched the two of them kiss and rub their bare racks together. He momentarily wondered why he was keeping his erection free from eager female hands, but realized that he needed to focus on the discussion, not more sexual gratification. His stiff boner was bouncing around, but he hardly paid that any thought.

Then Susan spoke up, diverting his attention. "Tiger, I know you're probably going to ask me that kind of question too. It's a bit demeaning for your own mother to say this, but Alan, Tiger, that's exactly what I want too. Except, I think I'm probably even more serious about it. Nothing matters more to me than seeing you and Angel happy, and of course keeping you sexually satisfied is a huge part of that. I like to think of myself as your willing sex slave and fuck toy for you to do with exactly as you please. Let's say it once and for all: Son, I want to be your sex slave!"

His heart practically stopped.

Seeing his shock, she added, "If that upsets you I don't have to say it aloud, but I'll still feel it in my heart."

She didn't want to mention it to him just yet, but she'd recently found some Biblical quotes that justified sex slavery, at least in her interpreation. That discovery had given her the confidence to express feelings that had been building up in her for a long time.

"Angel..." Susan waited until Katherine stopped making out with Amy and looked her way. "Angel, you know that I love you as much as a mother can possibly love a daughter, don't you?"

"Of course, Mom, I don't doubt that for a second. It gives me so much confidence, knowing that you're there for me, heart and soul."

She walked up to her son and began rubbing her bare tits up and down his chest while continuing to look at Katherine. "Thanks, my sweet darling. But you're also aware that since Alan is a man, and a horse-cocked man with insatiable cum needs to boot, the situation is different. It's just a fact that, in order to be a good mommy, I need to spend a large part of my day, every day, with my Tiger's cock in between my lips. And soon, thrusting between my legs!"

She realized that she wasn't jacking him off, and she quickly rectified that oversight. She added very firmly, "Good mommies get FUCKED."

"Of course, Mom," Katherine said in a cheery voice. "I don't feel slighted in the least. As his sister, I have the same cock-pleasing 'duties' as you do." She made quote marks in the air as she said "duties." "We've discussed this before." She winked at both Susan and Alan and added, "Good sisters get fucked too."

Susan smiled as she lovingly stroked his rod. "I know, I just want things to be clear, Angel. Son, that's what I do, now. God obviously gave me this body so I can serve you with it." Her whole body was sliding up and down his. "Why else would he have burdened me with these huge tits that are quite literally such a pain in the back?"

She brought a second hand to pump on his shaft. "Alan Junior needs a lot of attention. A lot! And I love it when you order me about! All you have to do is say, 'Assume the position,' and I start to cream! So yes. Call me a sex slave and a fuck toy! That's what I am, and what I want to be!" She stood proudly and stiffly, as if such names were badges of great honor.

Alan kissed her lips. "Thanks, Mom. I love you too. I hope that everything I do will make you happy and proud of me too. However, I have a little trouble hearing you call yourself my sex slave, even though I can see you mean it. Can you go light on saying that kind of thing, at least for a while?"

She nodded, and then tilted her head for another great kiss. She thought, YES! Victory! He didn't reject the "sex slave" idea altogether, which means he tacitly approves! "Go light" "at least for a while" is almost the same as saying, "I accept you as my sex slave, but give me time to adjust." That's SO HOT! I'm going to be my son's big-titted sex slave mommy, for real!

As they kissed, they kept their mouths an inch or so from each other so the others could see their tongue play.

She thought, I've gotta keep cool. Don't get too excited and bounce around the room. Give him time to adjust, just like he wants. I'll try not to mention it all again today, but I'll know the glorious, wonderful truth in my heart! "Master!" "Master Alan!" My son will be my master!

Susan added as their lips broke apart again, "Son, you're a special case requiring extra devotion due to the never-ending task of keeping your balls well drained." She looked down at her hands sloshing and sliding all over his cum-soaked boner. "But I love to serve. I admit it. I'm a submissive in all ways, and I've discovered that I'm bisexual. Seeing you all happy is what makes me happy. I aspire to be a fuck toy for everyone else here too."

Katherine and Amy immediately spoke up. "Ooh! Me too! Me too!"

Alan noted, "So. It seems that 'sex slave' and 'fuck toy' isn't really so much a position thing as a dedication and devotion to aiming for complete sexual satisfaction. It's a commitment to everyone in the group, sexually. That seems right. I give all three of you the big thumbs up. You know I'm completely dedicated to keeping you all as sexually satisfied as I can, so in that sense I don't mind calling myself your sex slave too."

Susan was unhappy to hear him call himself a sex slave, but she let it slide, figuring it was just a poorly chosen metaphor. He doesn't get it, yet, obviously. But that's okay. He's right, he needs time to adjust. I have to be patient. He could never ever be my slave in a million years, not even in some weird metaphorical way. I'm his slave, and he's my master, and that's how it's gonna be, forever!

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