6 Times a Day

Chapter 928 Brenda In [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

Victor Setelo Special [15 / 15] 4K words


Thanks for the support 'Naing Lin Maung Naing', Sorry for the late mention.


Sure enough, as soon as dinner was done and the dishes were cleaned, Susan went to the kitchen phone and gave Brenda a call. She told Brenda some brief generalities about The Pact, but she figured it would be better to discuss the details in person. So she invited Brenda to come over for a chat.

Brenda readily agreed. She'd already finished her own dinner, so she said she'd be over right away.

Then Susan called Suzanne. Susan didn't want to accidentally offend Brenda about The Pact, so she figured she could use Suzanne's smarts and savvy.

Suzanne agreed to come over. She also thought it would be good to have Amy join the discussion as well, since these were matters that affected them all.

By the time Brenda arrived about fifteen minutes later, Suzanne and Amy were already there. Brenda was greeted at the front foyer by the four Plummer and Pestridge women.

All five women were dressed in ordinary clothes, including ordinary shoes.

However, as soon as Brenda walked in and the door closed behind her, Suzanne gave her a narrow, annoyed look. "And just what do you think you're doing?!"

Brenda was thrown for a loop. "What do you mean?!"

"Dressing like THAT!" She pointed accusingly at Brenda's torso. "Like a common, normal woman!"

Brenda looked at each of the others in turn. "What's wrong with that?! Alan's far, far away. And all of you are dressed the same way I am."

Suzanne put her hands on her hips as if put out by Brenda's ignorance. "Because it's not just that Alan is your master now; we're your mistresses too! You should behave accordingly! Since you aren't wearing clothes suited for a sex pet, just take it all off. I'll let you go without high heels this time since Alan isn't here."

Brenda stammered, "Bu-b-b-b-but..." She wanted to explain that she was only planning a brief visit, to discuss serious issues, so she needed to stay calm and collected. However, she decided that resistance was futile. Her face was cherry red as she hurriedly stripped while the others watched in silence. On one level she was upset, but on a deeper level she secretly craved this kind of attention and treatment.

Once she was completely naked, she assumed a stiff military-style stance, only with her legs spread apart and her wrists crossed behind her back. "Mistress Suzanne, and my other mistresses, permission to read The Pact?"

"Permission granted," Suzanne replied. "Let's move to the living room. Susan, can you go get it?"

A minute later, the five of them were in the living room. Everyone sat except for Brenda, who stood in front of the others with a clipboard containing The Pact in her hands.

Brenda read it as if she'd just discovered a great archeological treasure, like a newly discovered Gospel.

The others were surprised, because by the time Brenda finished the very short document, tears were freely flowing down her face.

Susan stood up and put a hand on Brenda's bare back, trying to be supportive. "Brenda, dear, what's wrong?! Are you upset?"

Brenda waved the clipboard holding The Pact, and wailed, "No! Yes! Uh, both things at once! I don't know what to feel. I'm crying tears of regret and tears of joy at the same time!"

She tried to wipe the tears from her face, but without success, because she was crying even more. Knowing the others expected more of an explanation, she continued, "It's just that... this Pact is so beautiful! It's like a dream come true! Everything I've come to believe about big-titted beauties submitting to well-hung, naturally superior master types is contained right here! So I couldn't be happier for you. But it's a dream for you, not for me. I've been left out! And that breaks my heart!"

Susan guided Brenda to a sofa and sat down next to her. She kept an arm around her, giving her a brief hug. "There, there. Let it all out; you'll feel better. But remember, this Pact is about family. I've never heard you say you wanted to be a member of the Plummer family, so this isn't for you. But don't worry; you can come to some separate agreement that will be just as good, I'm sure."

Brenda was practically bawling, but that made her feel a lot better. She looked to Susan with renewed hope. "Really?!"

"Really." Susan nodded and smiled encouragingly.

Brenda looked to Suzanne for confirmation. When Suzanne nodded as well, Brenda let out a great sigh of relief. "Oh! That makes me feel SO much better!"

Susan ran her hand up and down Brenda's back. "Relax. Don't try to talk just yet. Have a good cry. Then we'll sort it out."

Brenda took a couple of minutes to compose herself. Amy got her a handkerchief to wipe away the tears, and that helped. Finally, she sat there with her eyes dry. "Okay. I'm ready. Please let me try to explain myself."

The others nodded supportively.

"About a month and a half ago, my life was drastically changed forever. I used to be just like everyone else, and reasonably content with my lot in life. I've been very fortunate in many ways. But then... then! I had a private chat with Alan during our second poker party, and in just a few minutes he totally rocked my world!"

Suzanne clarified, "The 'lord and master' conversation."

"Exactly. It was scary! Beyond scary, it was absolutely terrifying! He matter-of-factly told me that I was a submissive who needed a master to be truly content. And then, when he made that passing reference to how he could be my 'lord and master'... Oh God! I'll never forget that moment for as long as I live!"

Brenda stood up, swept away by her passion. "At first, I tried to fight it, tried to deny that my world had just been turned upside down. But I was like a fly caught in a spider's web: it was already too late for me. There was no turning back! Mistress Susan and Mistress Suzanne, you two have been essential in helping me see the light, in helping me understand that I'm meant to be one of Alan's many busty and beautiful sex pets. It took me weeks to accept that. It was a long, difficult road, learning to totally submit and love serving his cock with all my heart and soul. I mean, who could possibly imagine such a thing?! It's so damn humiliating! I mean, NOBODY should be ANYBODY'S pet! It's an outrage! It's wrong!"

She shook her fist in anger, like she was a priest preaching against sin, except she was completely naked and her giant breasts wobbled in time to her fist. Then her mood shifted to triumphant. "Except it's so right too! The right and wrong mixed together is an irresistible combination, and the never-ending submission somehow makes it even better. The way I feel when he's standing tall above me, fully clothed and impassive, with just his fly unzipped and his big cock poking out... The way he makes me kneel naked and choke and gag on his cock for what seems like hours... GAAWWWD! I can't even begin to explain how thrilling that is!"

A lusty Susan cut in, "You don't have to! We've all been there. We know EXACTLY how you feel!"

Brenda nodded, trying to calm herself but without much success. She went on, "I never want to go back. I CAN'T go back! I feel like someone who discovers as an adult that they're gay. They finally admit to themselves who they really are and what they really want, and screw society if that's not acceptable! Except for me, it's submission instead of homosexuality. I could never be satisfied with a 'normal' relationship again. Hell, I think I've fallen in love with Alan so much that I can't imagine enslaving myself to anyone else!"

She looked to Suzanne shyly, and finally lowered her fist. "Is that... is that okay? I remember that the original point of you helping me was so I could find a permanent master like Alan, but not actually him."ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Suzanne smiled with understanding. "Yes, but we have to admit that things have evolved. Originally, we were worried about having to share him with another woman, but now that we've gotten to know you, we're happy to make a special exception in your case. You need to follow your heart. If that means enslaving yourself to Alan, then so be it."

"Oh, THANK YOU!" Brenda let out a huge sigh of relief, as if she'd been restraining herself for weeks and could finally let go.

Suzanne couldn't help but smirk a wee bit, since what Brenda now wanted had been Suzanne's real intention all along.

Brenda still stood in a dramatic stance in front of the others, her expression visibly oscillating between joy and sorrow. She sighed heavily. "So you can see why I'm so torn up about this Pact. I know I'm not part of your family here, so it's not right for me to add my signature to it. But this is exactly the kind of thing I want. In fact, I want to go even FURTHER! I've been thinking about this, and now I'm going to screw my courage to the sticking plate and confess my true feelings: I want my submission to Master Alan to be total! I want to be enslaved to him in every possible way, as much as one person can be enslaved to another!"

The others were startled.

Suzanne asked, "What does that mean, exactly? In practical terms?"

"I don't know yet, to be honest," Brenda admitted. "But I feel I have to follow my dream. I'm not a 'normal' person anymore, that much is clear. Rather than continuing to fear the depth and intensity of my submissive nature, I want to fully embrace it! I want to go all the way! In a perfect world, I'd like to live here at the Plummer house for many, many hours a day, every day, during all the times Adrian isn't home and doesn't need me. I would be the 'house slave' to all of you, my one true master and my four beautiful and loving mistresses." She smiled at each one of them in turn.

Suzanne leaned forward with rapt interest. "And what does THAT mean?"

Brenda stretched her arms out high and wide, as if nearly rapturous to simply be in the Plummer house. "I'd sleep at my home every night, since I love my Adrian dearly and don't want to neglect him. But almost any time that Adrian is at school or elsewhere, I'd be here, in this incredible house where dreams come true! If you'd let me, I'd love to dress in a French maid outfit or something similar to symbolize my place. To me, that would be ideal. I must admit that I've developed a really big fetish lately for French maid outfits. I've been buying so many of those outfits that I'm ashamed to admit it. It seems that every time I get frustrated because I don't have Master's cock in front of me to suck or fuck, I order another one! It's getting to be kind of a problem, actually."

pαпdα`noνɐ1`сoМ Susan said supportively, "Hey, there's no shame in that. You've got the money, so why not spend a little on what you want the most?"

"Thanks. When I think of my ideal future, it involves me wearing a French maid outfit in this house. That's very important to me somehow. Then I'd spend all my time obeying every command, from Master Alan first and foremost, of course, but from all of you as well. Sexual or non-sexual, I don't care! In fact, I figure most of the time it will be non-sexual in nature, probably just cleaning the house and other menial chores. But that's just fine by me."

Amy scrunched up her face in confusion. "Really?! That's kind of weird. I could understand the sexual part, but not the other part."

Katherine chimed in. "Yeah. Please explain. I consider myself pretty submissive, but I don't get that either."

Brenda said, "Of course, sexual commands are better, much better. But I've come to realize that I enjoy being dominated, period. And I'm sure I'd be a very good helper. The funny thing is, I'm lazy and spoiled, due to being raised in wealth and then marrying into even more of it as an adult. Having to do any work at my own house is like going to the dentist - I hate it! But if I were to do the exact same job here, it would thrill me to no end! I couldn't wait to get started!"

Amy frowned. "I still don't get it."

Brenda replied, "I don't fully understand it either. But put it this way. For me, my transformation has been about more than just sexual pleasure, as incredible as that has been. When I'm feeling owned, tamed, and controlled, it's as if all is right in the world. When I'm not, I feel empty, like my life has no meaning. I know that makes me a freak compared to most people, but I've given up trying to fight my true nature! To quote Jimi Hendrix, 'I want to let my freak flag fly!'"

Susan continued being supportive. "I don't know who Jimi Hendrix is, but you've come to the right place. You're not a freak here."

Brenda smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Susan. You're the best. Anyway, all I want to do is serve my master. His happiness is my happiness. I know that's extremely humiliating, but I embrace the humiliation and even revel in it. And now there's the four of you. Each of you has close connections to him, so when I'm serving any of you, it's like I'm serving him too, in absentia. So I'll have that same happy, contented feeling with my mistresses." She smiled warmly at each of them in turn.

Susan said, "Don't feel ashamed about your lifestyle choice. You know what I say to myself whenever I feel that way? I remember Tiger's wise words: 'Thrust your chest out-'"

Brenda cut her off, and continued the quote: "'...and proudly poke your big tits high in the air, because you have nothing to be ashamed of.'" She struck that pose, pinning her hands behind her back and arching her back to thrust her enormous tits forward. "I know. Believe me, I know. I take great comfort in those words. Even posing like this makes me feel good. Don't worry; I'm not feeling bad about this. Like I said, I embrace the humiliation and even revel in it. To be honest, I hope Alan never stops putting me in my place in that embarrassing but oh-so-arousing way that he does so well."

"Amen to that!" Susan thrust her ample chest forward too. She wished she could be naked like Brenda, but she knew that Suzanne wanted everyone but Brenda to stay clothed.

Suzanne asked, "What about Adrian? That's the tricky part that I still don't understand. How does he fit into this exactly?"

Brenda relaxed her pose. She replied carefully, in a more sober mood. "I feel good helping him, but in a different way, like a loving mother. That's a big part of my life, but I believe I have the time and energy both to be a good mother to Adrian AND be a good slave to Master Alan and all of you, his sexy family. After all, I'm independently wealthy. I don't have to hold any kind of job at all. So I could work here as your house slave in the hours Adrian is at school, and be there for him in the mornings and evenings. The truth is, he doesn't need me that much."

Amy pointed out, "But those are exactly the hours that Alan is gone too."

"True. Of course, it would be an even greater thrill for me if he were here and I could serve him directly, both sexually and otherwise. I'm sure there will be a good amount of that, on the weekends and other times I can get free. But I don't want to be underfoot and get in the way of you being with him that much. Just being with any of my mistresses and serving them is more than enough for me. Susan and I can help pass those frustrating hours when he's gone by sharing them together."

Susan smiled and nodded in approval.

Brenda saw that and smiled back.

Amy said, "Huh. Weird. But if you have all that money, why work as a maid? Why not hire someone else to do all the maid-y stuff?"

"That's what I do at home. I have an old maid named Anika who's been with my family all my life, who does basically everything. But for me, this is about the act of serving. No amount of money is a substitute for that. It's all about the symbolism! It's not about getting the work done; it's about the serving. That's why it's completely different cleaning for my master instead of cleaning for myself. Do you see what I mean?"

Amy spoke hesitantly. "Um... kinda..."

Brenda pressed on enthusiastically, "This is how I want to spend my time. With my money, I could be riding on a yacht in the French Riviera or skiing in the Alps or doing a million other things. I don't care much about any of that. I feel like I've found my true calling, the one thing that makes me as happy as I can be. Maybe for someone else it would be painting or playing tennis or working in a soup kitchen or whatever. Good for them, but this is MY calling! I'm a submissive, big-titted sex pet, period! I want to be the very best I can possibly be at that, every hour of the day!"

She was clenching her fist again with emotion. "I know almost anyone from the outside world would think I'm deluded, if not downright insane. But I don't care! They're not me. They can't understand how I feel!"


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