6 Times a Day

Chapter 933 Hateful Donna [HYPERION SPONSORED]

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Christine kept up a very rigorous exercise regimen. Most days, she practiced her martial arts, primarily Aikido. Her martial arts and ballet stretching provided a thorough warm-up and cooldown for her entire body. In addition, she usually swam laps in her backyard pool, jogged around her neighborhood, and conducted her own workout at home using nothing more than free weights and her own body weight. Many days she participated in classes in her Aikido dojo, on top of P.E. at school. As a result, she was the most fit and athletic female in Alan's life, which was saying quite a lot, given how regularly Susan, Suzanne, and some others exercised.

Since it was a beautiful day, Christine had chosen to swim laps. She'd already swum thirty laps when her mother Olga called out for her. "Christine dear? Can you take a call? Or should I have them call you back?"

Annoyed at being interrupted, Christine stopped swimming and lifted her head out of the water. "Who is it?"

Olga shouted through the open kitchen window. "It's a girl named Donna. Do you know a Donna?"

Christine thought, Donna? Donna?! Who the heck is Donna? It's not THE Donna at school, is it? But who else could it be? Ugh. I'd better take it now, since whoever it is, I don't have her number. She sighed at the bother and shouted back, "Tell her to hold on a minute or two, would you? I have to get out and towel off."

Christine quickly got out of the pool. She was wearing a conservative one-piece bathing suit, but she still looked sexy and fantastic, especially since she was only able to briefly towel off and then wrap the towel around her head, leaving her skin glistening wet. Her mother brought the portable phone to the side of the pool, so it didn't really matter that she was still wet.


"Hi. It's Donna."

Christine recognized the voice as "THE" Donna, the well-known, powerful beauty at school who was competing with Heather for Homecoming Queen. Christine didn't like her at all, since Donna Giovanni was bitchy, selfish and power hungry, just like Heather. She asked suspiciously, "Donna?! What are you doing calling me? How do you even have my number?"

Donna replied, "I got it from a mutual acquaintance. You don't mind me calling you, do you? Normally I wouldn't have bothered, except it's kind of important and urgent. Do you have a minute?"

"I suppose," Christine groused. "But please make it brief. I was just in the middle of swimming laps, and I don't want to disrupt my exercise sequence."

"Sorry. I'll be fast. As you know, the Homecoming Dance is right around the corner-"

Christine cut her off. "No it's not. It's a couple of weeks away."

"True, but one has to start early to gather support."

Christine sighed loudly. "Oh God. This isn't about the Homecoming Queen competition, is it? You interrupted me for that?"

"It is," Donna admitted. "But I promise you, you'll find this interesting. I just heard some new news that I know you'll want to hear. But first, are you gonna be in the running?"

"Are you kidding me? No way." Sensing the phone call would take more than a couple of minutes, Christine reluctantly sat down on a deck chair. "I couldn't care less about that whole bullshit popularity-contest thing. Count me out."

"I thought you might say that, knowing you. But still, you must know that you're very popular. Even if you don't lift a finger, you'll probably be nominated and get a good number of votes."

"How do you figure?"

Donna explained, "Well, you have no real chance of winning, since you're not into that 'whole bullshit popularity thing,' as you put it. No doubt Heather or I will win the crown. But you're popular with the academic crowd. Plus, you have your own little crowd of groupies, the 'Goody-goodies'."

Christine was still annoyed; she really didn't care about that contest. "I don't have my 'little crowd of groupies,' okay? It's just some friends of mine, and I don't know who came up with that stupid nickname or why. If it makes you happy, I'll tell all those people not to vote for me no matter what, okay? Can I go now?"

"Hold on. I haven't even told you this hot, juicy news yet. I'm glad to hear you're not running and you're not interested, but it's not enough for you to just stay neutral. I'm gonna need your help, and your votes, if I'm gonna beat Heather."

Exasperated, Christine replied, "Look. I don't have a bunch of votes. I just have my own vote, and I might not even bother to vote at all. It's not like I'm the head of some political party or something."

"No, but a lot of people look up to you as kind of their ideal. A moral paragon, even. If you were to say 'Don't vote for Heather; she's a nasty bitch,' that could sway dozens of votes. And I know you hate Heather with a passion."

Christine responded, "It's true: I'm not exactly Heather's biggest fan. But, to be blunt, I don't really like you either. As far as I'm concerned, you two are like peas in a pod. So no, you're not gonna get my 'endorsement.' I mean, the fact that you and she are so keen on winning this silly, meaningless Homecoming Queen title says a lot about the kind of people you are."

"Ouch!" Donna replied. "I can see why they call you the Ice Queen. But I'm glad that you say what you mean, and don't play games. That's a big reason why you could help decide this election, because people respect your opinion; they know it's from your heart. And, okay, it's true that Heather and I are similar in some ways, but she's very different too, and I want to show you that those differences are why you need to get the word out at least to not vote for her."

Christine complained, "Are we done? Try your sales pitch on me some other time. It's very important that after I start exercising, I keep my heart rate up, to-"

Sensing she was losing her, Donna interrupted. "Wait! Let me tell you this hot news about Heather, which I just heard less than an hour ago. It'll prove to you that she's not the kind of person who should be our school's Homecoming Queen. Plus, it's also about Alan. He's some kind of friend of yours, right? I see you and him hanging out together at school sometimes, especially lately."

Christine had been totally annoyed and eager to get Donna off the phone, but that all changed when she heard Alan's name. Her heart immediately started racing. She had to be careful not to sound too interested. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. What did you hear?"

"Well, the word is, he and Heather are getting it on, freaky-style. Really freaky!"

Christine's heart skipped a beat. She'd already become convinced that Alan and Heather were having sex, but hearing that from Donna shocked her nonetheless. "Wait a minute. Hold your horses. There have been all kinds of weird rumors about Alan lately. I've heard them, and they're mostly bullshit. Just because he's dating Amy now, and she said he's free to see others too, imaginations have run wild. Is this more bullcrap along those lines? And who did you hear it from?"

Donna was getting into juicy gossip mode. "I heard it from someone who was THERE! She was in the SAME ROOM as Heather, Simone, another girl, and Alan when the five of them got down and dirty!"

Christine was more than a little skeptical. "Really? Who?"

Donna admitted, "Okay, it wasn't directly the person who was there, so I don't know who. But she called a close friend, and that friend called me. My friend was sworn to secrecy, so she can't name names, but she's very trustworthy. If she said that's what her friend told her, than I completely believe it. And it's not just some vague rumor. It's a VERY detailed account, just one step removed! Besides, it's just too weird and outrageous to be made up!"

Curiosity was getting to Christine, even though she tried to sound put out by the call. "So what did she say, already?"

"Well, the big news is that Heather is some kind of puppet for Alan! She's like his sexual plaything! You know how she's all bitchy and domineering with everyone?"

"Of course." Christine was all ears now. Her heart was pounding hard, even though she just sat in the deck chair.

"Apparently, with him she's the complete opposite. She does whatever he says! If he tells her to strip, bam! She takes off all her clothes on the spot! If he tells her to get on her knees and crawl over to him and suck his dick, she even does that, even though we all know how much she hates giving blowjobs. And she does it with gusto!"

Christine had heard some weird rumors about Heather's attitude towards Alan, so she suspected there was some truth to what Donna was claiming. But at the same time, she wanted to protect Alan's reputation, as well as her own reputation as a "moral paragon." So she scoffed, "Give me a break! Are you kidding me? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"But it's true! I know it sounds crazy, but certainly you've heard other stories that fit. Hell, just the fact that Heather has been seen talking to him on more than one occasion recently demands explanation. Why would that be? He's such a nobody, a nerd, so low on the totem pole that normally she'd never be caught dead talking to him. But when his name comes up, which has been happening more and more, her face gets all weird. I've seen it myself."

Christine sighed. "Look. Alan's started dating Amy, right? And his sister is Katherine, right? That's two girls on Heather's cheerleading squad, right there. So, if he's spending a lot of time with Amy, it makes sense that he'll keep running into Heather and they'll have to interact to some extent. Maybe Heather doesn't like him 'cos she thinks he's not good enough for Amy or something."

Donna said, "That sounds reasonable, except you don't know what I know! My source tells a VERY different story. I tell you, Heather is practically Alan's sex toy!"

"Stop right there! How can that be? If anyone even talks back to her, she crushes them like a bug, just because she can."

"I know! I know! But sex makes people do weird things. Apparently Alan has a big dick and, more importantly, he knows how to use it. He rocks her world! She's hooked on him like a drug, so now he holds all the power."

Christine stood up, she was so agitated. "I don't believe it." But in fact, the reason she was bothered was because she found it all too believable; she strongly suspected it was true.

Donna said, with growing enthusiasm, "Have you ever had YOUR world rocked? I have! I'm talking about getting fucked so powerfully and so long that you totally lose your mind! The pleasure is so intense that you didn't even know you could possibly feel that good! You become an animal! You scream like a banshee and forget your own name! Sweat's flying everywhere with all the pumping and thumping, and the sexual intensity rises and rises until you simply EXPLODE in an incredible, prolonged, mind-shattering orgasm!"

Christine was taken aback. She reflexively clutched at her chest with her free hand. "Whoa! Donna, get a hold of yourself!"

"Well, have you? I take it you haven't, or you'd react very differently. In fact, the word is that you're still a virgin."

Christine pretended outrage. But she didn't outright deny it, since in fact it was true. "WHAT?! Where did you hear that? And anyway, my sex life is none of your damn business!"

"Sorry. I'm just trying to explain this whole Alan-Heather situation. To me, the only way it makes sense is if Alan's taken her to a really high plane of sexual pleasure, repeatedly. It's no secret that she's a round-heeled slut, so she's had sex with lots of guys. Alan must be giving her something way beyond what anyone else has done. I'm not quite sure how he does it, but he obviously does, or the evidence wouldn't be piling up like it is."

Donna sounded like she was suddenly hit with a smart new idea. "Hey, you're Alan's friend. Maybe you can shed some light on this. Has he ever talked to you about sex with Heather, or anyone else?"

"Certainly not! We're academic friends, not, like, sex friends. Sheesh! No way would I ever touch that topic with a ten-foot pole!" Christine blushed, since in fact sex and Alan, and sex with Alan, were on her mind quite a lot lately, and their flirting had been getting increasingly overt.

"Hmmm. That's too bad. But even though he looks like some kind of ugly dweeb, he obviously must know how to deliver."ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Christine couldn't help but defend him. "'Ugly dweeb?' That's harsh."

"You know what I mean. Okay, he's not so ugly, but he's not Hunky McDreamy either. He's just some guy. Yet out of the blue he starts dating Amy. After all, she's a cheerleader, and one of the prettiest, most desirable girls in school. She's waaay out of his league, if you ask me. And then she hypes him up as the greatest lover since Don Juan, yet lets him play around. How does that make any sense?"

"They've known each other since forever," Christine pointed out. "They're next door neighbors."

"True, but that doesn't explain her claims about what an insatiable stallion he is in bed. And it's not just her. For instance, I know for a fact that Kim is singing his praises too, and she's a lesbian. How the hell do you get a lesbian to get all dreamy over a guy? It all makes sense to me. He's got Heather so hooked on lots of stupendous orgasms that now, instead of just being a first-class bitch, she's HIS bitch!"

Christine had to admit to herself that Donna's theory made sense. But again, she wasn't about to admit that to Donna. She paced around nervously along the edge of the pool. "Come on. I know Alan. He's socially clueless. Someone like Heather would eat him for lunch."

"Sure, normally. But you can't judge, because you don't know what it's like to have your world rocked, to have every last nerve in your body sing in total ecstasy."

"So, maybe he's had sex with her. That's possible. And maybe he's amazingly good at it. That's possible too. And so she's nicer to him than usual, or whatever. Big deal. Or it could all just be some rumors. There are always a lot of those around school. Where are you going with this, anyway? Why should I care?"

Donna replied, "Because it's not JUST the two of them having sex. It's like I said before: they're having freaky sex! Do you remember what I said before, about who was there? It wasn't just Alan and Heather: it was them plus Simone, plus my source, plus yet another girl! FIVE people! That's an orgy! The girls were all licking Alan's cock together like it was the most delicious candy in the world, and then he took turns fucking them all into oblivion. On top of that, there was all kinds of girl-girl action. I'm sure you've heard the rumors that Heather and Simone are more than just best friends. Turns out it's true!"

"Okay... But if Heather's bisexual, that's hardly a crime."

"No, but it's a scandal because she keeps it a secret. Do we really want a bisexual orgy girl to be our next Homecoming Queen? What would that say about our school? And then what if she gets busted in some other orgy? It'll be egg on everyone's faces. Whereas look at me. I've had a steady boyfriend for a long time. Have you ever heard any rumors about me cheating on him?"

Christine couldn't help but grin as she replied truthfully, "Actually I have."

"That's bullshit! I don't know what you've heard, but I'm sure they're nothing but vicious rumors, no doubt started by Heather! She's been angling to win the Homecoming Queen crown for a long time now, and what better way to do that than to pull me down?"

Christine grumbled, "Whatever. Look, your 'hot' rumor is certainly interesting, but that's all it is: a rumor. I hope you haven't been telling everybody this? Alan's my friend and he doesn't deserve to have his name dragged through the mud as part of some grudge match between you and Heather."

Donna protested, "It's not like that at all! I swear. I'm totally in the right here, and Heather's the orgy-crazy liar. She's obviously some kind of sex addict. She's not fit to win. As for Alan, I know he's your friend and all, but you need to open your eyes. Sure, I called him a dweeb, and he's certainly got that nerdy vibe, but there's some freaky sex stuff going on with him too. Maybe he's Mr. Generic Gifted Tennis dude most of the time, and that's all you see, but when he gets his freak on, he really gets it on!"

Christine continued to pace around nervously. She was upset because Donna's call was confirming all her worst fears about Alan's sex life.

Donna continued, "For instance, remember earlier when I said that if he tells Heather to get on her knees and crawl over to him and suck his dick, she does, and with gusto? That wasn't just hypothetical; that really happened! My source was there and saw it with her own eyes! And he calls her all kinds of nasty names, and she eats it up. He calls her his slut, and his cum dump, and other stuff like that, and she loves it!"

Christine wanted to punch her fist through a wall. She struggled to sound normal, asking, "What about your so-called source? Does he make her crawl and call her names too?"

Donna admitted, "To be honest, I gather the story I got was a bit edited. The source, well, she admits she was there and she's had sex with Alan, but she kind of tried to keep herself out of it and keep the focus on Heather. The other unnamed girl - her involvement was downplayed big time too. Obviously she was being protected for some reason. But to answer your question, it was made clear to me that the name-calling and all the demeaning stuff, that's reserved for Heather only. But I can read between the lines. Alan must be some kind of exceptional sex stud. I mean, just look at the numbers: one guy and four girls. Have you ever heard of a lopsided orgy like that in high school? No way!"

Christine lied, "I'm sorry. I just don't see it. Alan's basically just a nice, mild-mannered guy. He's no sex beast. I think he's had a little luck with Amy and maybe he's played the field some too, since she lets him. People have blown that way out of proportion, probably just to make up juicy rumors."

Donna said, "Tell you what. You're known as a pretty good snoop. Since you're Alan's pal, why don't you dig around and see what you can come up with? You're in the perfect position to get the inside dirt. If you don't like what you call "mere rumors," then get some solid evidence of him getting it on with Heather and pass it on to me."

Christine finally sat back down, complaining "You'd like that, wouldn't you? That would seal your victory for sure. The mere fact that Heather's having sex with a 'nerd' like Alan would cost her a lot of votes from the elite, stuck-up crowd at school that you both hang with. But don't hold your breath. Even if everything you say is true - which I really doubt - I'm not gonna sell my friend down the river to help you win your meaningless little popularity contest. In fact, I think it's damn rotten of you to go spreading these wild rumors around. I know you're all about bad-mouthing Heather, but Alan is an innocent and you're smearing him too."

Donna responded, "Hold on! I'm telling this news to you and you only. Well, okay, admittedly I've mentioned it to a couple of other very close friends, but that's it. This source, she swore her friend to total secrecy. That friend had permission to tell me and me alone, knowing I was the one most likely to put it to good use against Heather. So it goes without saying that I'm trusting you won't tell anyone either. Okay?"


"You see, there aren't that many candidates this source can be. If the story gets back around to Heather, she'll damn well know who else was there at the time, and then whoever it really was is gonna be in a world of hurt! So you can definitely believe I'm not gonna spread this around. If I do, and she gets in trouble, then I won't hear anything else from her."

"Then why are you telling me? You literally have never called me before in my life; we barely even acknowledge each other at school."

"Don't kid yourself, Christine. You're the head of a crucial clique, so I had to make a special exception just for you. You may not think of yourself as the head, but you've got a lot of innocent little 'Goody-goodies' looking to you for direction. Not to mention plenty of guys who would vote for you just because they think you're hot. I have my crowd and Heather has her crowd, and they're both big crowds. The vote is gonna be close, for sure. In my opinion, the winner is gonna be the one who reaches the other cliques. You could very well provide THE crucial swing vote for Homecoming Queen. You and your followers, that is."

Christine didn't say anything, but she generally agreed with Donna's analysis of school politics.

"I'm telling you this news, and it is news and not a rumor, because I know how moral and righteous you are. You're not going to let some orgy queen become the Homecoming Queen, are you?"

Christine sighed. "I'll admit that if what you say is true, that would be bad. But you could be making the whole thing up, mystery source included. When did this happen? Where did it happen? Where's the solid proof?"

Donna said, "Okay, it's true I can't answer those questions just yet. My source had to leave some things vague to protect herself. She risked a lot just to say anything at all. Apparently she hates Heather with a passion."

Surprisingly, Christine quipped, "That doesn't really narrow it down very much, does it? That could be anybody in school except Heather! Even Simone."

Donna chuckled. "True. Too true. You see? You hate Heather too. That's why you need to spread the word that nobody in their right mind should vote for her."

"Yeah. But the problem is, you're just like her. I'm sorry, but I don't trust you any more than her. I could totally believe you made this whole thing up to get an edge. In fact, I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T make up a bunch of scandalous stuff about Heather to help get some votes."

Donna conceded, "Okay, true. I have... let's say... wandered into some ethical grey areas in the past. But I'm not half as bad as Heather, and you know it! Besides, this has the advantage of being true! I know I don't have any proof now, but hopefully this source will take part in more sex games and come back with something solid and provable next time. What'll you say then?"

Christine tried to sound bored. "If that happens for real, call me again. In the meantime, don't bother me with more rumors. I don't want to get caught between you and Heather in your tug of war. Maybe I should just tell all of my so-called followers not to vote at all, so you two will leave us alone. This whole thing is a waste of time."

Donna concluded, "Okay. Sorry for bothering you. But think of this. If you're not running, then you know it's gonna be a tight race between me and Heather. Do you really want Heather to win? Really?! I know I'm not all smiles and friends with everyone like airhead Amy, but I'm not nearly as bad as Heather either. Think about it."

"Whatever. I've gotta go."

"Later. And sorry to interrupt your... what was it?"

"Swimming laps. And yeah, you kind of ruined my workout. But don't sweat it. See you later."

"Yeah. Bye."

As soon as Christine ended the call, she thought, Well, that was weird, to say the least! Not like I'd ever admit it to Donna, but I'll bet her source was for real! It fits too neatly with everything I've heard about Alan and his sexual prowess.

Jesus! He really is a sex stud! One boy and FOUR girls, together?! And they were crawling naked to him and licking his penis, together?! That is too weird for me to even imagine! What kind of guy have I fallen for anyway?!

pαпdα`noνɐ1`сoМ Not that I've really fallen for him! This is a good wake-up call. I have to turn off whatever feelings for him I may have, right now. He's bad news all the way round. He's dangerous! It sounds like he casts some kind of spell on girls, and once he's got you and he's "rocked your world," you're hooked. Whatever that means: rocking your world. It sounds pretty damn amazing, actually... Turning into some kind of primal, feral animal, consumed by lust.

But that is so not me! No way. I don't want to be dominated by him and his great sexual prowess. He's a good friend, and we need to stay friends only. You're not gonna catch ME crawling naked across a room to lick his dick! Ewww! Gross!

And as for Donna, she can go jump in a lake. I am NOT gonna get caught up in this ridiculous battle to see who gets crowned the biggest bitch in school. I'll bet in a couple of days Heather is gonna come to me with some scandalous story about Donna. And hell, it may even be true, not that it matters much. I've gotta figure out a way to steer clear of this whole thing.


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