6 Times a Day

Chapter 958 The Whole Family ['ReaperCrew' Sponsored]

'ReaperCrew' Special - [2/10] Chapters. 5K words


A familiar voice behind them said, "Hey, Aims, you had your fun just now. I think I should get dibs."

It was Katherine. The three fuck-weary bodies on the bed looked all over and found her sitting in a chair by the bed, naked and masturbating.

Katherine sat in the cum puddle she'd created a short while earlier, but didn't seem to care.

Alan was still slow on the uptake and recovering, and merely asked, "Sis? What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? Enjoying the best entertainment in town. I was watching you all on video, but I figured that if Amy could come in here, why couldn't I?"

"Now, wait a minute," he said, frowning. "It's great that you're all so into this, but this is Mom's and my special night together. In fact, Amy, you really shouldn't have barged in like that."

Amy frowned, and made a heartbreakingly sad face. "Oh? Did I do wrong? Did you not like how I helped with the fucking?"

"I loved it, actually. You did good. But let's not make a practice of doing it without asking, okay? A closed door means privacy. And that's what the video monitors are for."

Susan kissed Amy. "I don't mind, sweetheart. You did great, Daughter. But he's right. You have to ask first, especially when you just go around grabbing penises, especially penises that are actively fucking!"

"Oh. Sorry." Amy looked chastened, but that only lasted a second, because she brightened and said to Katherine, "Hey, Sis! Check out Mom! She's totally soaked in the super hugest cum soaking!"

Susan now turned a bit so she could proudly model her pearl necklace to Katherine. She got some appreciative whistles.

Katherine said, "You know Aims, what they say about facials and pearl necklaces."

"No. What?" Amy was busy dismantling her creation by scooping up more cum gobs with her tongue.

Susan joined in, licking up those in range of her tongue. She even hefted her large breasts up to her mouth and began sucking up the cum that still clung to her rock-hard nipples.

Katherine confidently explained, "They're a mark of ownership. Every time he cums on one of us, he shows how much he completely owns and dominates our helpless bodies."

Susan mmmm'ed lustily and said, "Angel, you are SO welcome to join us! Tell me more!"

But he sat up and groaned. "Will you all stop it with this stuff for just one minute, already? You're getting me aroused again, and my penis is too sore. It almost hurts to touch. So no more sexy talk until it's ready again."

Amy said with her usual excitement, "M'kay! That means you can finally tell me all about how you found my picture!"

He grinned at her. God, I love Amy. Such pure love. But then, I love all of them.

He began, "Well, Aims, there isn't much to tell. I think you overheard me through the video monitor telling Mommy how I found it in the bottom of my backpack. I have to say, it was exactly what I needed. I was practically freaking out about being separated and thinking that the love from all of you couldn't even be real, and then I saw your face in the drawing. It's such a lovely picture."

He explained to Susan and Katherine, "It's just a quickly done charcoal sketch, but it captures Amy's character so well and shows so much talent."

They nodded in agreement.

He turned back to Amy. "It gave me a sense of peace and love. I knew then that everything would be okay."

Amy threw her arms around him. "Beau!" She gave him a tight squeeze and kissed him on the lips so hard that she pushed him back down onto the bed.

She was getting so amorous that he had to push her away. "Amy, Amy. Hold on. Special Mom night, remember? Sore dick? And remember about asking first? So take your hand off of my defeated member, please."

"Oh. M'kay. Sorry." But her downcast look didn't last past the word "sorry." She enthused, "I knew it! I just knew it! I knew you'd be feeling all - what did you say - existential-y - after being on your own for a while. That's why I violated your security rules to put that in there. I'm so ecstatic it worked!" Just as suddenly, she bowed her head in a subservient manner, sad again. "But I'm really sorry I violated your privacy that way."

He was impressed. "Hey, Aims. That's alright. You were very perceptive. You're always full of surprises. But no more violations of security. I know you had the best intentions, but that won't help when we finally get caught. That was a naked picture of you, and we shouldn't get in the habit of having naked pictures floating around outside the house, even if you are my official girlfriend. You've been very, very naughty."

Suddenly, one could hear a pin drop. All the females looked at each other with very significant looks.

But he was clueless. He asked, "What now?"

Katherine spoke for the group. "It's just that you said Amy was 'very, very naughty.' And there's only one thing you can do to very, very naughty, big-titted, sexy harem girls."

"What's that?"

"Well, two things, actually, One is, you can forcibly spread their legs and fuck them hard. But the other is that you can spank them. In fact, you really should spank them a lot, or they'll just get more uppity." The women were all a little spank-happy after the Brenda spankings earlier in the day.

Amy hung her head. "Yes, Brother. I'm afraid I've been far too uppity. You're just going to have to spank me really hard. And then, since you'll already be there with your stiff thingy rubbing my ass, you're probably going to have to fuck my butt really, really deep." She looked up into his eyes with a desperate hope. "Take my anal cherry!"

He both sighed and laughed. "What did I say about not saying any more sexy stuff?"

Amy protested, "You said you didn't want to hear that for 'just one minute' and it's been over a minute already."

He laughed some more. "Okay, okay. Geez, you guys! Aims, you do deserve a spanking, but not tonight. Tonight is just about me and Susan, and I think we've had our last intrusion. I love you all, but on the way out please close the door, and keep it closed. Okay?"

Susan joked, "Don't say that. I'm very ready for another intrusion." She gave her son a heartwarming smile. She could hardly wait until that door was closed and Alan's penis was recovered, because she was ready for more action. Her pussy felt somewhat sore, especially thanks to their latest round, but she figured that if her pussy wasn't up for it, he could fuck her in the ass, or maybe she could finally deep throat him.

The important thing was that she had the energy for more. Much more. This was the night her dreams were coming true, and she was eager to savor every single moment.

Katherine stood up, causing the pussy juice that had pooled between her thighs to slosh down her legs and new flows to drip down from the seat of the chair. "Okay, we'll go. But there's just one tiny thing I want to do first. I'll be back in a second. Amy, don't go just yet."

She rushed off to her bedroom. Since it was only a little ways down the hall, she was back in a flash. She held something behind her back, and then walked up next to the bed.

"Hey, Mom. I have a gift for you. I figure this day is many times more important for you than your birthday. In fact, you'll probably celebrate November Twenty-fourth as a holiday for years to come. So I figured I'd give you a gift to help make it a bit more special. Here it is." She brought a CD case from behind her back and gave it to her sweaty and still very cum-drenched mother.

Susan took a look at the CD cover, and found to her surprise that it was a picture of her. She appeared to be screaming at the top of her lungs in sexual ecstasy when the picture was taken. Above her face were the words, "Sex Slave Mix, Volume One."

She turned to Katherine. "Thanks. But how on Earth did you do this cover? Why, it looks like me from earlier in the evening!"

Katherine replied proudly, "It is, Mom. It's from when you were at the height of your whole-body orgasm. We've gone high tech now. In a matter of minutes, I was able to use our monitoring system to find the image I wanted, capture a still photo of it, then save and print it. But the main thing is the music inside. I've been working on a mix CD of all my favorite songs about sexual subjugation. Stuff like Depeche Mode's 'Master and Servant,' Bryan Ferry's 'Slave to Love,' Britney Spears' 'I'm A Slave 4 U,' Devo's 'Whip It'... It's got all styles from different eras. Why, there's even a Beatles song in there."

Susan held the CD case and looked at it curiously. She loved the idea and was excited to hear the mix. "The Beatles? I like the Beatles, but I never figured..."

"Yeah. You know the song 'Chains'?" She sang, "Chains, / my baby's got me locked up in chains..."

"Wow! I love it! Now that you mention it, I'll bet each Beatle probably had their own whole giant harem of groupies to tie up and spank."

Alan had been a huge Beatles fan all throughout his younger years, so took offense at that. "They did not! In fact, they didn't even write that one. The song talks about 'chains of love,' not real chains."

Katherine winked conspiratorially and made quote marks in the air with her fingers. "Yeah. 'Chains of love.' We know what they were really talking about; that's just how they got around the censors. In any case, Mom, I figure this is just the kind of thing for you to listen to while you're hanging around the house when we're at school. While you're waiting for Big Fire Extinguisher Brother to come back home and bang you really good, you can get off a little bit on the songs."

"Why, thanks, Angel. That's so thoughtful, and such a perfect gift. You know the old Susan wasn't into rock and roll, but I think the new Susan is going to love this." Still looking at the song list, she asked hopefully, "'Hit Me with Your Best Shot.' Is that a song about spanking?"

"I doubt it, but you can certainly take it that way. But the really cool thing about that song is the lyric: 'Before I put another notch in my lipstick case. You better make sure you put me in my place.'"

Susan's eyes went wide at that. "Oh! Wow! I love it already!"

Katherine added, "Exactly. And you'll be glad to know that I added that Monty Python song you love so much, 'Every Sperm Is Sacred.' Now you won't have to wear out the repeat button with that CD he got you."

Susan's face brightened. "Oh! Now I KNOW I'm going to love this! Thanks!" She'd memorized that song by now, and sang, "Hindu, Taoist, Mormon, spill theirs just anywhere, / But God loves those who treat their son's semen with more care."

Susan commented on those lyrics, "That's soooo true!" (She'd added the word "son's" and made a few other similar changes in the version she liked to sing around the house.)

Susan puckered her lips, and Katherine bent forward, careful not to smear the uneaten cum gobs and streaks on her mother's face and chest. They French kissed for quite some time.

Half way through, Katherine started to scoop up cum gobs off of Susan and feed them to her. Then they passed the cum back and forth with their tongues until one of them swallowed. That was the second "snowball" they'd shared.

Alan and Amy just looked at each other and smiled. They remained sitting on the bed and patiently let Katherine and Susan share a special moment.

But before the kisses ended, Amy suddenly got up and rushed out of the room. She held up a hand as she left, making it clear to Alan that she planned on coming right back.

Katherine pulled away and said, "You're going to especially need the music to get you through tomorrow, Mom. Because, as we discussed before, tonight is your night, and tomorrow he has a lot of catching up to do with me, Amy, and Suzanne. That is, if there's anything left of him after you're done with him."

Alan said confidently, "Nah. Sis, the question you should ask is will there be anything left of Mom after I'm done fucking her!" His energy had waxed and waned all evening, but now he was reviving and feeling good (even if his penis was still flaccid).

Katherine nodded, as did Susan. "You're probably right. Don't worry, Mom. We'll all help nurse you back to health after Brother fucks you within an inch of your life."

Susan replied, "Thanks, Angel. I think we're all going to have to do a lot of that for each other from now on as Tiger fucks us senseless, one after another. He's done things to me tonight that you wouldn't believe! I've never seriously been fucked before now. Heck, I was basically a vaginal virgin, thanks to your limp-dicked gay father."

Alan corrected, "We don't call him 'father' anymore. He's just Ron."

"Right. But even with my inexperience, I gather Tiger here has reached a whole new level of fucking prowess. My own son has essentially deflowered me. Isn't that delicious? So watch out, Daughter. And thanks for the great gift. But speaking of helplessly writhing beneath our insatiable family fucking machine, don't you have somewhere else to go, Angel? Like, oh, right about now? We have certain things to do here." Susan smiled a warm smile as she said this, but she nonetheless did mean it most insistently.

"Sorry, Mom. I'll get going in a sec. But I think Amy is getting something. And I hear her running up the stairs right now."

They all waited a few more moments until Amy came bounding back into the room. Meanwhile, Katherine and Susan's mouths and fingers worked on cleaning the rest of the cum off of Susan's face and chest.

Amy was breathless when she arrived, and was initially unable to do anything other than double over and recover for a bit. But the others could see that she carefully hid something behind her.

"M'kay," she said, as soon as she could talk. "I loved the gift from Sis... I hope she makes me a copy... But... I didn't think to have a gift of my own..." She paused longer to breathe, and shot a frown at Katherine. She wished her new sister had shared the gift idea.

She continued, "However, I thought and thought just now, and came up with an idea. Actually, it's just some boring old stuff I just stole from the kitchen, so I'm really a thief giving you back your own stuff!" She giggled. "But remember that it's the thought that counts. Are you ready?"

The others nodded and spoke in the affirmative.

"M'kay. But don't get mad if this is silly or not good enough. It's just kind of an idea. Two ideas, actually."

She pulled one hand around. It held a bowl of ice.

The others all looked extremely confused about that.

"Don't you see?" she said, worrying that her gift wouldn't go over well. "I figure you still have the blindfold in here somewhere. Beau, Brother, imagine what would happen if you blindfold Mom and put an ice cube on her in some strategic spot? You slowly slide the ice around, bring it to a new spot, and then another... I think you're gonna make her really, really, really happy. Don't you think?" She looked even more worried, doubting her idea.

Alan smiled broadly. He got it now. "Aims, that's a great idea! Very impressive! That's what I call thinking on your feet. I never even thought of using ice for sex before, even after that great chocolate incident with Mom. You remember that, Mommy?"

"Of course, Tiger. How could I ever forget? Whenever I see any chocolate product now, I get hot thinking about it. And this ice idea is great. We should act on this before those ice cubes all melt. Hint, hint."

"M'kay, Mom," Amy said, greatly relieved that her idea was a success. "But I have another gift, too. Here it is. In fact, it was the chocolate frosting thingy that made me think of both of these things." She pulled her other hand from behind her back, and revealed that she was holding a can of whipped cream. She had no doubts about this idea, especially since the first one went over well, and beamed with happiness.

That got a lot of appreciative "oooh"s and "aaah"s while they all thought how Alan and Susan could decorate each other's bodies with the cream.

Alan took charge of the conversation. "Great gifts, Amy. And equally great gift, Sis." He was careful to parse out praise equally.

Then he said, "Oh, but about that CD cover art. Since I'm the so-called 'man of the house' now, I'm going to lay down a rule. The videos and pictures from the video monitor STAY on the computer that runs that system, period. No more printed photographs of any kind, until I say so. Is that clear? It's like what I was saying about Amy's drawing earlier. Great idea, a lot of love behind it, but it's just too risky. Do you want to ruin the perfect world we've created with one security breach?"

The others all shook their heads 'No,' chastened.

Then Susan said, "Tiger, I agree completely, and I love how you're taking the bull by the horns and telling us all what's what and who the big-cocked boss is around here. But can I please just keep this CD cover? Pleeeaase? It was made by Katherine with so much love, and it'll remind me of that perfect moment we shared. I promise I won't take it outside of the house."

He grumbled. "Well... Okay. But just that. Nothing more! And that's final!" He thought to himself, I have a real bad feeling about this. If someone sees that CD, we're screwed, big time. "Sex Slave Mix" with a picture of Mom on it? Not good! I really should put my foot down...

Susan attacked him with a series of kisses.

He stood still, trying to act stern, like he thought a "man of the house" should. But her affection quickly got to him, and he felt his penis start to rise yet again. The timing was perfect, as his penis was only now coming out of its overly sensitive stage.

However, Amy and Katherine just stood there, watching the kisses.

Then, a cough came from the door. All heads turned, and they discovered Suzanne standing there, naked. She was more sweaty and drenched in love juices than anyone, and that was saying a lot at this point. Her crotch was especially drenched.

Alan exclaimed, "Jesus H. Christ, Mother! What happened to you?! You've been all alone, haven't you? Talk about an exciting masturbation session! You're a goopy work of art."

Suzanne thought about that. In fact, she'd just come from playing with the extremely leaky Brenda, and specifically, she and Brenda had been practicing what Suzanne liked to call the "nether lips kiss" - rubbing their pussies together. Brenda gushed so much pussy juice that rubbing up against her was like rubbing up against an almost totally melted ice cream bar. But Alan's assumption that she'd been alone reminded her not to mention anything about their new, overly busty maid.

She gamely lied, "Ah, well, that's what the video monitor will do to you. It's better than real life. I can go back and relive all of today's best moments even while we're recording new ones." She hoped Alan wouldn't notice that the cum on her was thick and juicy, nearly like male cum, since that was another unusual thing about Brenda.

Alan looked at the others, but no one seemed puzzled by Suzanne's appearance (since they all assumed she'd been with Brenda). But he couldn't help but say to her, "But Mother, that's just not possible, all that cum. I mean... For crying out loud..."

Thinking on her feet, Suzanne came up with the explanation, "I have an evening's worth of several women's cum on me."

That quieted Alan, although he was still amazed.

"But that's not what brings me here," she quickly continued. "I've come to collect these two naughty teens. I'm beginning to think they're not ever going to leave unless I drag them out on their asses."

Amy replied saucily, "You can do anything you want to my ass, Mother." She was still in a very anally focused mood after what she'd done with Brenda.

Suzanne just smiled enigmatically. "We'll see about that. Now, scoot, you two. Git!" She made shooing motions with her arms.

The two teen girls finally walked out of the room, blowing friendly kisses to Alan and Susan along the way. As Amy walked out the door, she said to Katherine, "You see, Sis? I told you he'd love my drawing! I just knew it."

Suzanne still stood there, looking at Alan and Susan. "They sure gave you some nice gifts, didn't they?"

Alan replied, "They did, but don't worry that you didn't get us anything, because you already brought us the best gifts of all: your great sexy advice. It's really all your special tips and techniques that have pushed the sex to another level tonight. So thanks."

Suzanne flashed an extra sexy and knowing smile. "Oh, but you're wrong to assume. I did get you a gift. Actually, it's something I'd been waiting to give Susan when the right moment came up, but this seems as good as any. And you'll get a kick of it too, Sweetie, I'm sure. I've left it downstairs on one of the living room sofas so Susan can surprise you with it."

"Excellent!" he said, rubbing his hands together. "Aunt Suzy, Mother, you blow me away. I'm going to have to do something really special for you."

Suzanne bounced up and down a little in excitement. In fact, her bouncing had more to do with her desire to show off her jiggling boobs than any excitement over her "gift." There seemed to be a part of her brain dedicated to the sole task of scheming how to show her body off sexily, twenty-four hours a day. She said, "Oh, goody. Does that mean I get to stay? That would be special. Whipped cream. Mmmm! I could use some of that."

He laughed. "No. You're just as bad as Aims and Kat! But there's more whipped cream where that came from. You and I can check it out tomorrow. But now, please. The ice is really starting to melt."

"Okay. Poo." Suzanne was really enjoying herself, even if she couldn't take part. It does feel better to give than to receive, sometimes. This is the scene, this no holds barred sex between everyone, which I've been working for and dreaming about so long. I should enjoy it and revel in my victory, instead of fretting about my dignity all the time.

He turned to Susan. "I wonder what this gift is? What do you think, Mommy?"

"Oh, I think I have an idea. She's been dropping some hints." She smiled enigmatically.

"Dang. I'm almost tempted to go downstairs right now and find out. Actually, I haven't had dinner yet, now that I think about it. I'm starving!"

"Tiger!" Susan exclaimed with shock. "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot. Needless to say, I've had some other things on my mind."

"Mommy, if it's fucking you vs. eating, I choose to starve to death."

That got a very happy smile from Susan. She felt warm and fuzzy inside, and it wasn't just from the feeling of her son's cum sloshing around inside her belly.

Suzanne started towards the door, so Alan looked up and said, "Mother, I love you." He knew she loved her new "mother" name.

"I love you too, both of you! Amy and I are going to go home now because it's a school night. Don't stay up too late!"

Suzanne winked and sauntered off. She made sure to give an extra swish to her bare, sweaty, pussy-juice-soaked butt. She dripped with every step, which was just one more thing helping to spread the smell of sex throughout the whole house. She closed the door behind her.

Alan and Susan were finally alone again.

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