6 Times a Day

Chapter 968 Christine

Alan realized as he entered Glory's class that he probably looked pretty strange. His face showed shock, as if he'd just seen a ghost. He staggered to his chair with a funny walk, completely out of breath. And while Glory didn't realize he'd just shown up to school, some of his classmates had not seen him in their previous classes and wondered about his late appearance.

But what Alan didn't know was that Glory could ever so faintly smell his cum. In his rush to leave the car he'd tried his best to get all cleaned up, but there wasn't time to do a perfect job. Even though Katherine had taken most of his load in her mouth, a few drops had ended up in his shorts, and a bit more dribbled out after he'd zipped up. It wasn't very much, but Glory's body had become so attuned to his unique sexual scent that she could detect it almost like the way sharks can detect blood in the water from great distances, even if her mind wasn't consciously aware of it. The smell was so unusually sweet for cum that none of the students suspected anything sexual.

The situation was incredibly nerve-wracking for Glory. Between smelling his cum and seeing him for the first time since Friday, she found that her nipples had hardened instantly and her pussy was starting to moisten in anticipation of having sex. She felt light-headed and was actually forced to sit down and close her eyes for some moments to recover. She grimaced and tried to make it look like she had a headache.

But her feelings were conflicted. After Suzanne had met with her on Saturday, she'd spent a lot of time thinking about what Suzanne had said, but she ultimately remained firm in her decision not to continue any kind of physical relationship with Alan. So her feelings of lust also ran into feelings of alarm and confusion about her easy arousal. She thought she was aroused purely by his presence and didn't realize how the subtle smells were magnifying her response. She held her nose without really knowing why. She'd only glanced at him since he'd entered the room, but now she looked directly at him and was surprised by what she saw.

Oh my gosh, what happened to him? He looks like that guy from that TV show "Taxi." What's his name? Oh yeah, Jim Ignatowski, played by Christopher Lloyd. He always had that stunned and wasted expression on his face. What the heck happened to my young man over the weekend? Wasn't he gone on a hiking trip the whole time? Did sexual deprivation do that to him? Is it just my imagination, or does he smell of cum? I'll bet he had a massive, incestuous orgy when he got back. Yuck. Or maybe I want him so bad that I'm actually imagining the smell? Is that possible? Of all the days to forget to wear my underwear!

It was true that she wasn't wearing any underwear, but it wasn't completely true that she'd forgotten to wear it. Consciously she'd forgotten, but subconsciously, she was still following his orders, since he'd told her last Thursday not to wear underwear to school anymore. On a conscious level she was working to gradually free herself of him, but subconsciously she wasn't making nearly as much progress.

As a result, she'd been tremendously distracted all day. She was acutely aware that she wore no panties AND "happened" to wear a particularly short skirt. (In fact, that was her subconscious desire at work again.) She was forced to hold a book over her rear whenever she wrote on the chalkboard, lest she flash her naked beaver to the whole class. There had been some very close calls already, and she'd had to mostly stand behind her podium. It was a most disconcerting experience, but it also kept her terribly aroused and on edge.

She looked around and saw that the whole class was looking at her and wondering why she was sniffing the air and staring at Alan. She sometimes joked around with her students, so, with a nervous lump in her throat, she said, "Alan, you look a little worse for wear. What did you do over the weekend?"

He was really surprised to be addressed by her, but he replied, "Hiking trip with the scouts. Man, I'm so exhausted. You might have seen the way I was limping - I got a little injured."

"I see. Let me know if you need to see a nurse. And hang in there. Everyone else, be prepared. This is what can happen to you if you fall into the path of evil and join the Boy Scouts."

That got a good laugh from everyone (even if most missed the subtle "be prepared" scouting joke), and it gave her the confidence to begin her lecture. But still, the subliminal scent of Alan's cum drove her crazy and didn't seem to fade with time. All through class, her pussy acted needy, and she found herself rubbing her legs together every chance she got.

She thought to herself while sensing her pussy juices trickling out of her slit, How am I going to make it through the hour? I'll never do it!

Three hours of constantly protecting her privates from exposure and constantly holding down and tugging down her short, tight, black skirt had put her right on the edge of a climax. She loved the risk of exposure much more than she could admit. But now, if that wasn't distracting enough, she had to deal with Alan's presence and the faint, sweet smell of his cum on top of that.

After only a few minutes teaching Alan's class, pussy juice began freely flowing down her thighs, which only increased her fears of getting caught. That in turn just made her more aroused as she fantasized Alan being the one to discover her naughty secret, and a vicious cycle was created. She feared that she would cum just from her exposure and sexy thoughts, and prayed for the class to end.

She frequently looked at Alan, more so than she usually did lately, which was quite a lot to begin with. And every time she looked at him she saw him staring off into space with the strangest expression. She correctly assumed that he wasn't paying any attention, and mercifully avoided asking him any questions. She was at least relieved to see him start to look a little better near the end of class.

For once, he wasn't thinking about sex per se - he was just spacing out, like his brain was on autopilot.

Sitting in the chair behind her desk wasn't an option because she was afraid she would frig herself wildly until she had a massive climax, if she was given half a chance at privacy. She couldn't go to the bathroom for the same reason - she was so excited she might have spent the rest of the period there. So she generally tried to stay standing behind the podium, where at least she didn't have to carry her book around and hold it over strategic spots. But finally, thankfully, the class came to an end and she gave a silent prayer of thanks for making it through without an embarrassing public incident.

— — —

Alan stumbled out of class at a complete loss over what he'd done or thought about the entire previous hour. He recalled little more than vague thoughts about fucking Susan and envisioning Glory's surprisingly short skirt rising higher and higher. He wandered out of the class with all the other students, but then it occurred to him that he didn't know where to go. Normally, I'd spend lunch with Glory, but I can't do that today. Wasn't there something about Heather?

He heard a soft voice behind him. "Hi, Alan."

He spun around. "Oh, hi Christine." He thought, Christine? Wow, is she a sight for sore eyes. It would be great just to hang out with her and not worry about all this sexual stuff: my meeting with Glory after school, the Dr. Fredrickson situation we're supposed to deal with later, the-

She interrupted his thoughts. "Boy, Alan, I've never seen you like this. You look like a wreck. Where have you been?!"

"Been?" He scrambled to come up with an excuse. He felt dumb for not having one ready. "I had a medical appointment."

"A medical appointment? What did they do to you? They're supposed to heal you, not beat you up! I think you look even worse than you did on Friday with your black eye and bruises. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Seriously, what kind of appointment was that, that left you looking like this?"

He thought, How 'bout the truth, that I fucked my mom all night long, and she practically fucked me half to death? Hoo boy! No way can I ever tell Christine THAT! He muttered, "It's kind of a private matter."

Christine looked at him suspiciously. "I was just asking around right now, and, as you know, our classmate Jason is in your scout troop. He said you didn't weren't injured anytime during the trip, but that you were acting quite strange. Don't tell me the football players got to you again! That would really get me mad."

"No. In fact, my legs aren't really hurt. See?" He wiggled his legs around, but his muscles were so sore that his claims of health weren't very convincing.

Christine put her hands on her hips and said, "Uh-huh" in a very skeptical voice. "I'm worried about you, Alan Plummer. Is there anything I can do to help?"

He thought, Christine is so kind. She's so wholesome and pretty. On one hand, I can't help but feel aroused by looking at her and imagining what could be. But wouldn't it be great just to have a beautiful female friend who I'm NOT having sex with? My whole view of women in general is getting so skewed when my mother casually refers to other women as "fresh cunts." I need more normality. I need more of Christine!

He said, "Thanks for the offer, but the best way you could help me is if you want to grab a bite with me to eat. When was the last time we had a meal together? It's been too long."

Christine smiled. Assuming he was referring to eating lunch right then, she replied, "Okay! I'm up for that."

But right at that moment, Alan saw Simone standing just behind Christine, looking very intently at him. He was suddenly reminded, Oh shit! Heather! I've got to deal with Heather today or the progress I made on defeating her bitchiness last week will come undone.

He had been talking about lunch, but now he changed his mind. He looked back at Christine, and said, "Great! I've got to go now, but it's been too long since we've had one of our non-romantic dates. Why don't we have dinner tomorrow night?"

Christine tried not to appear too eager - she liked that idea much better than lunch. She said with her usual confidence, "That sounds good. A really good idea. It'll be good also to talk in private about the football players. I've been keeping my ear to the ground and finding out some pretty interesting stuff that I think you should know about."

"Okay. Cool. I can't wait. Later!"

"Later!" She walked off with a friendly wave.

Alan thought, What might have been. If she hadn't turned me down when I asked her for a date right as I started my six-times-a-day treatment, I wonder what my life would be like today. The incest, and so much more, might never have happened.

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