6 Times a Day

Chapter 983 Virgin Adrian

Sorry everyone for the 10 day delay. Had a work trip and could not bring my laptop to upload. So here everything you missed. [1/5]


It was almost torture for Brenda when Suzanne dropped her off and then drove away. She wished she never had to leave the Plummer house. She wished even more that she never had to leave the comfort of lying in Suzanne's lap with her mistress's hands roaming all over and spanking her.

But then she felt emotional whiplash as she walked back into her house and remembered Adrian. For a time, especially during the spanking, she'd completely forgotten about him. Her only goal had been pleasing her master and Suzanne and her other mistresses. She felt guilty.

How can I serve both Alan and Aidy? Has such a thing ever been done? I can't give up either of them! I need them both, though in different ways. I know I haven't known Alan for long, but he, and the rest of his harem, complete me. And Aidy! He's my son! Of course I'll always love him totally. It's okay if he fucks me for a few weeks or months. Master approves, and Aidy really does need it.

Uncertainty over what might happen with her son made her feel uneasy. She wanted to seduce Adrian, but only if Alan approved. She'd been told that Alan had given his initial thumbs up, but she'd also been told to wait until he gave his "final approval" before actually taking action. The worry that Alan might not give that approval had been gnawing at her for days. She kept wondering how many nights Alan needed to "sleep on it," and she pestered Susan to press him on the issue. Susan had agreed to ask him about it when she picked him up from school, so Brenda was on pins and needles as she waited by the phone for the answer. She knew the result, whatever it was, would have a major impact on the entire rest of her life.

She tried not to think at all about what she'd do if Alan didn't give his okay. That was just too horrible to contemplate. Just thinking about it nearly made her ill.

Finally the call came through, minutes before Adrian himself was due home.

Brenda felt a great sense of relief when she heard the happy answer. It was no wonder that she'd shrieked so loud and long that it hurt Susan's ears.

In a flash it seemed that her life became clear to her. My goal in my sexual life first and foremost will always be to please my master. Then I must please my mistresses. Then I must please my son. If there's a conflict, like an emergency or something, my son naturally must come first since I'm his only mother. But when it comes to my sexual duties, nothing is more important than serving my master! I am first and foremost Adrian's MOTHER. Yet also I am first and foremost Alan's SEX SLAVE. Those two roles don't have to conflict. I'm going to have to work to make sure there are no conflicts, and one way to do that is to keep everybody well fucked.

She'd been wearing a decent amount of clothing since Suzanne had dropped her off, but now she pulled her top down and thrust her bare chest out proudly. She was inspired by Susan in this and even tried to imitate the exact same chest thrust that Susan was so fond of doing.

She pulled on her nipples with both hands, which happily reminded her of what Suzanne had done to her a short time before. From now on, I'm going to be living on my back with my legs spread. I'll go to "work" to get fucked by the Plummers, then come home to get fucked by my son! How perfect! I am a big-titted nympho designed by God to fuck and be fucked. That is the most important truth. I have some smarts, and that's good and very useful. But it's my big tits and the rest of my curvy body that defines me, defines my role. I feel so content to finally understand, down to the bottom of my soul!

What an incredible relief! If I can seduce my son, the last piece will fall into place and everything will be as it should be, at least for a while. Having sex with Aidy can't last, since my ultimate loyalty and servitude lies with my master. But I can enjoy it to the fullest while it does. I can't wait to get started!

Brenda poured herself a glass of wine and then turned her attention to seducing her son. She could hardly wait another second for Adrian to come home so she could jump his bones as soon as he walked in the door. But she remembered recent advice from Suzanne, and realized she needed to use patience and take it step by step.

Suzanne had already figured out how things between Brenda and Adrian would go after Alan's initial thumbs up. So on Sunday, she had laid out the first stages of the seduction when she told Brenda, "We're going to help you seduce your son, but you have to lay the groundwork. Starting from now on, I want you to dress provocatively around him. Since your husband has left you and it's just the two of you living together now, there's no reason why you shouldn't start dressing like the sexpot you are. When you go home tonight, spend the rest of the evening dressed in sexy black underwear and nothing else. If he asks you why, tell him that now that your husband is gone, you've decided you just want to be lazy and dress casually. If he's even the tiniest bit heterosexual, he's not going to complain."

However, Brenda ended up going back to the Plummer house for most of Sunday night, and so she hadn't been able to put Suzanne's exact plan into motion. The sexy black underwear remained in her closet. The only thing she had accomplished was that she'd told Adrian about plans for the new security system over a quick dinner. He'd been fine with it, and didn't seem to grasp the sexual possibilities it offered.

Brenda figured she could take Suzanne's seduction advice for Sunday night and use most of it for today. But as the minutes continued to pass while she waited, her mood shifted again from euphoria after the phone call to a growing nervousness. She poured herself another glass of wine and quickly downed it. Then she went upstairs and changed into the black and lacy underwear.

Still, she remained nervous. Her main concern was that, no matter what happened, her relationship with her son would change forever. She had only been married to her current husband for the past seven years, and their ongoing falling out had been long and painful. Adrian had never really had a good father figure in his life, so he'd latched onto her completely. One could call him a "momma's boy," because he doted on her (fittingly, he actually called Brenda "Momma"). They loved and depended on each other very much. If something went wrong with the seduction and their relationship ruined, she would be crushed and he probably would be hit even harder.

She consoled herself that at least she'd been laying the groundwork for his seduction lately. Ever since her own sexual awakening had begun with her attendance at the Plummer's weekly poker games, she'd started acting differently back home in her mansion. She'd always dressed very conservatively as a matter of habit, in order to cut down on the incredible level of attention her gargantuan boobs gave her. But she'd started dressing more scantily at home as the weeks went by and her mores changed and her resolve to seduce her own son increased.

Her personality had changed rather dramatically too. She'd been tense and hot-tempered, but as she discovered her true submissive and sexual nature, a great peace of mind came over her. Her frequent temper tantrums disappeared and were replaced by a near constant smile.

Adrian had noticed these changes, but he wasn't the only one to notice. Brenda was so rich that the mansion had a support staff. It was made up of a gardener, a handyman, an accountant, and so forth. She rarely interacted with most of the servants on a day-to-day basis, but had a close relationship with one of them, an elderly woman by the name of Anika. Brenda had married into great wealth, but her family was reasonably rich as she grew up as well, and Anika had been the cook and maid for the family long before Brenda was born. Anika was sixty-six years old now, but she'd followed Brenda and preferred working for her over retiring, since she'd never known anything else but working for the same family her whole adult life.

Anika was very wrinkled and shrunken, and she spoke with a heavy accent (she'd moved to the U.S. from Austria as a teen). She was much more than a maid to Brenda: even though she was very stiff, formal, and gruff, she had become Brenda's personal confidante and close friend. She'd seen Brenda's teenage infatuation with her mother Anna with her own eyes, and now she could see that Brenda had a growing infatuation with Adrian. On Saturday, she'd confronted her about it. Brenda confessed everything, including all that had been happening with Alan and the rest of the Plummers.

To Brenda's great surprise, Anika was perfectly fine with all of Brenda's shocking revelations. As Anika put it, "Pootikins," - that was her pet name for Brenda which she'd called her ever since she'd dressed her in diapers - "you know I didn't mind your attraction for your mother. In fact, I even helped you out at times, helping you get sneak peeks and such. It vas fun." (Strangely, her accent made her pronounce most v's as w's, and most w's as v's.) "Vhy should I care now? You're easily the happiest I've ever seen you. No, I take it back. Dees is the happiest I seen you since you vere sixteen."

Anna had died suddenly not long after Brenda turned seventeen, so she referred to when Brenda's incestuous infatuation was in full bloom. "If I knew how much you loved spankink, I'd take you over my lap myself, eef it veren't for my damnable arthritis."

"Do you really mean that? Are you really okay with it?"

"Ya. Vhen you vere a teenager I vas shocked at first vhen I saw you and your momma Anna become so close to each other. The sparks vere flying! But you two loved each other so much, it vas so natural, so meant to be. The vey her face glowed vhen she spanked you, and your face - oh! It still gives me shifers! I vas so sad dat she passed avay before you two vere able to efen kiss on the lips. If you can find dat kind of love and happiness again, I'll be so happy for you."

Anika held Brenda's hand and the two of them had a good cry, leaning against each other, supporting each other. Both of them cried in memory of Brenda's prematurely deceased mother.

So, after that conversation, Brenda's seduction of Adrian became much easier to carry out. For one thing, Anika was around the house almost every evening, cooking dinner, cleaning up afterwards, and so on. In fact, she lived elsewhere in the mansion, ready to respond to any need for help, even in the middle of the night. Now, instead of being an impediment and constant security worry to Brenda's sexual plans, she could actually be a seduction co-conspirator of sorts.

But even with encouragement from Anika, Susan, and Suzanne, plus the crucial last-minute approval from Alan, Brenda was still beside herself with worry when she heard Adrian come home from school around three-thirty. Adrian went to the same high school as Alan, but they'd never met since Adrian was in a lower grade and was an introverted, wallflower type.

At the last minute, she'd decided that lacy underwear wasn't sexy enough. Sure, it looked great, especially in contrast to her light and slightly pinkish skin, but it was hard to come up with a good excuse to take the bra off. So she'd changed into something she thought would work even better to get her son excited.

Adrian walked into the vast living room, threw down his backpack, and then looked at his mother. He'd been growing used to her more casual style of dress, but today was a real shock: She wore a short black strapless dress and was all made up as if she was about to go to a party. But the dress just barely managed to cover her pussy and her nipples. In fact, the dress was so inadequate that both her mighty orbs were all but bursting out. The aureole could clearly be seen even with Brenda standing still. If she were to move around, it was almost guaranteed both nipples would pop completely out. The one inch of fabric below her pussy also could only protect her decency if she stood straight and still.

Adrian openly gawked. He'd always had a strong sexual attraction for his mother (as Suzanne noted, what heterosexual male wouldn't be attracted to Brenda?), but he'd never expected to see her like this. He started to tremble and blush. He was so surprised that he didn't notice she was trembling with excitement too.

However, Brenda pretended complete cluelessness about how much she was showing. Using her favorite nickname for him (out of several she had), she asked, "Aidy, how was your day?"

That was his usual cue to walk to her for his daily welcome back home kiss and hug, something he always looked forward to. But now he walked with great fear. Adrian wasn't nearly as good at rolling with the punches as Alan was, or even Sean was. His whole body shook, and his erection stuck out like a steel bar in his short shorts.

Brenda walked most of the way to him to close the distance, since he was reacting so slowly. She gave him a very innocent kiss on the cheek, and then a friendly hug. She knew she had to take things one step at a time, partly because that's what Suzanne commanded her to do, but also because Adrian clearly needed some time to adjust. His forehead was throbbing so intently that he looked ready to pop a vein, yet she'd only started toying with him.

She looked at her son's eyes and realized she didn't need to actively do anything more at the moment since Adrian was bound to get more generous eyefuls as her dress naturally fell away. Indeed, as they hugged, the half-cups of her dress that had been barely covering her nipples dropped further down, just as she'd expected they would. And given the natural state of Brenda's nipples - elongated and hard even when she wasn't aroused - they pushed deeply into her son's chest. But she was very aroused at the moment, so they were even longer and pushed into him even deeper. His chest seemed completely enveloped by exposed tit-flesh.

Brenda pretended not to notice as her dress slid down her belly. She asked in an innocent voice, "Aidy, is something wrong? You're trembling something horrible. And look: your face is all red! Is my Pooh Bear not feeling well?" She knew her son well, and knew that he would be far too shy to actually point out that her appearance had anything to do with his flustered state.

He seized upon her suggestion that he might be unwell. "Uh, no. I think I might be coming down with something."

"Oh no. Is my darling sick?"

His body shook so fiercely that Brenda took pity on him and disengaged somewhat. She put her hand on his forehead and closed her eyes, as if concentrating fully on detecting if he had a fever. But by disengaging and closing her eyes, she deliberately gave him a golden opportunity to spy on her now completely exposed hooters. He couldn't help but do so.

Adrian had never been so aroused in his entire life. Younger than Sean or Alan, he was even more of a prudish virgin than either of them had been before their sexual lives began. He was such a shy and unassuming boy that he hadn't even dared to fantasize about any of his classmates. Plus, in his eyes, no other woman could come anywhere near the allure of his one constant fantasy: his mother. He'd never seen a naked woman in his entire life, not even her (since she'd habitually covered up until mere weeks earlier).

But now he'd both felt and seen her tits, the incredibly round and full tits he'd been dreaming about and masturbating over for years. He almost couldn't take the sheer pleasure of it all, even if he'd only touched her with his chest and not his hands. But he wanted more. He felt a nearly irresistible urge to reach out and firmly grab his mother's monstrous mounds with both hands. He would have done it, too, except that he was such a momma's boy that he could barely conceive of doing anything to her without asking permission first, and there was no way he could put such a desire into words. So he suffered greatly, seeing those twin treasures so temptingly close, yet so far.

Brenda opened her eyes just a tad and peeked out. As she suspected, her son's eyes were locked on her chest, and he didn't have the slightest clue that she could now see him. She could see in his face how badly he wanted to touch her, and she wanted him to, but she couldn't just up and say that. That would ruin all the fun.

She looked around, and spied Anika in the kitchen (in direct sight, but a long way away in the large rooms of the vast mansion). Anika was pretending to cook but she spent more time happily spying on the mother and son interacting with each other.

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