A Girl Conquers the World Through Her Tears

Chapter 32: Please tell me if they kissed.

Chapter 32

Lin Jianzhi felt like the scene around her was slowing down, the surrounding noises fading away, time and space frozen in this moment.

All that remained was the delicate fragrance close by and their hands held together.

She looked straight ahead at Zhu Liheng's shoulders.

Then she saw those shoulders leaning towards her, his breath above her head.

At this instant, Lin Jianzhi's heart was beating so fast she could barely feel it!

She looked up, meeting Zhu Liheng's bright, intent gaze looking right at her.

Instinctively, Lin Jianzhi's eyes shifted down slightly, staring at Zhu Liheng's lips.

Immediately after, her pupils constricted!

The scene from that night in the car surfaced in her mind once more.

The intertwined lips overlapping with the face before her eyes.

She instantly blushed crimson, a mistiness gathering in her eyes.

Zhu Liheng was so close to her!

So close that her body trembled, her mind furiously spinning out a series of impulsive thoughts.

Lin Jianzhi's lips parted slightly, wanting to say something but unable to utter a word.

Zhu Liheng...

If she were to kiss you now, would you pull away?


"Whoa f*ck! Zhu Liheng?"

Jiang Jingyi's shout roared in from the distance, breaking the atmosphere between them.

Mu Yin was also there, waving madly: "Zhu Liheng! Ahhhh!"

Quan Kaiji was the first to whip out his phone: "You two idiots, don't shout, quick take a photo!"


The moment the camera shutter sound rang out.

In fright, Lin Jianzhi jerked her hand out of Zhu Liheng's clasp!

Her entire being reacted like a startled deer, in an instant running three meters away into the shadows.

As if to find a place to hide.

Zhu Liheng looked at his empty palm, then back at Lin Jianzhi hiding with her back facing him over there.

He hadn't even started, and she was already so frightened?

Shortly after, he turned and nodded at Mu Yin and the other two rushing over.

Mu Yin was so excited her eyeballs nearly popped out: "Zhu Liheng! Did you come to pick up little Jianzhi?"

Just as Zhu Liheng was about to reply...

Jiang Jingyi: "Send us back too! We can't get a cab!"

Quan Kaiji was practically suffocating with exasperation nearby!

Are you two morons?!

Zhu Liheng paused briefly before nodding: "Alright, my car's in the parking lot."

He was also just a university student himself, he hadn't considered buying a car previously. The car he drove in Jingyi City belonged to his father, and at the university in Yanling City he spent all day in the lab so didn't need one either.

It was only because of the special circumstances this time that he borrowed his senior's car on impulse and drove over without a second thought upon seeing Lin Jianzhi's social media update.

Zhu Liheng took a look at Lin Jianzhi hiding in the shadows over there, her nice sundress revealing calves and arms that were flushed from the glaring sunlight, damp hair stuck to her forehead.

He suddenly felt reluctant for her to be left baking under the sun.

Perhaps he should take his teacher's suggestion after all.

Zhu Liheng pulled Lin Jianzhi's suitcase up front as he led the group towards the parking lot.

Mu Yin, Jiang Jingyi and Quan Kaiji merrily followed behind, thrilled all the way.

Lin Jianzhi walked at the very back, head lowered the entire time.

She was still blushing, unable to calm down.

Upon reaching the vehicles in the parking lot, Zhu Liheng loaded Lin Jianzhi's luggage into the trunk.

The other three briskly sorted themselves out and dove straight into the rear seats,

three heads uniformly watching out the window.

Lin Jianzhi: "!!!"

She was stuck in an awkward spot now, the only seat left was the front passenger seat.

But she was so very nervous, nervous to the point she couldn't get any words out.

Finally, after Zhu Liheng closed the trunk he circled around to the other side and opened the passenger door, gently assisting her in.

"It's hot outside." His voice was low and gentle.

Lin Jianzhi froze up all at once, as if struck by lightning, involuntarily raising her head to look at Zhu Liheng.

But all she glimpsed was a flash of white shirt as he swiftly shut the car door after seating her in front.

Lin Jianzhi felt her whole body burning up, even though the air-conditioning was switched on full blast she still felt like she would explode from the heat!

Behind her in the rear cabin, three pairs of eyes gazed fixedly right at her.

She didn't even need to turn back to know Mu Yin and the other two were practically seeing right through her!

At last, Zhu Liheng got into the driver's seat, starting up the engine after he sat down.

From this angle she had a perfect view of Zhu Liheng's slender yet powerful looking hands adeptly maneuvering the steering wheel.

Mu Yin sat smack in the middle of the rear seat, instantly tugging excitedly at Jiang Jingyi and Quan Kaiji's clothes.

Quan Kaiji impatiently slapped her hand away, holding up his phone to record video.

As for Jiang Jingyi, he directly called out: "Senior Zhu Liheng! You look so cool driving! I could just marry you!"

Mu Yin: "Pfft!"

Quan Kaiji rolled his eyes again.

Only Lin Jianzhi gave a startled jerk, hurriedly shifting her gaze from Zhu Liheng's hands.

His hands really were too good-looking, she could never get enough of watching them.

Especially when he silently drove, that utterly absorbed look was just too charming!

Lin Jianzhi never dared to say things like this, only silently watching every time, later reminiscing by herself.

Who knew Jiang Jingyi would blurt it out loud this time?

Causing even Zhu Liheng himself to pause briefly in surprise.

Quan Kaiji was the strong, silent type who let his actions speak, he recorded a video and uploaded it straight to their class group chat.

As expected, the group blew up!

[Jingyi No.1 Middle School Class 3 Grade 12 (2)]

'Whose hand is that?'

'Ahhhhh! I'll take those hands thank you!'

'Why does your driver look like a hottie? Show us his face!!'

'F*ck, watch until the end of the video, that's Jiang Jingyi's voice yelling Zhu Liheng!'

'I heard it! Jiang Jingyi hahaha!'

'Wait, why is Zhu Liheng your driver?!'

'Gotta @Lin Jianzhi for this one.'

Right then, Quan Kaiji unleashed his killer move, posting the earlier shot of the two holding hands in the group.

The summer sunlight shone down upon two figures dressed in white standing out starkly front and center in the frame, surrounding pedestrians and scenery fading into unimportance.

White shirt and sundress, ten interlaced fingers, gazes locked intensely upon one another.

So very, very close!

The entire group started wailing!

'Why did I have to go back to Jingyi early? What did I miss?!'

'Help, they're already holding hands and still denying they're a couple? No drunkenness to blame this time eh!'

'Looks like it was Zhu Liheng who made the first move?'

'Drove to pick her up at the theme park entrance, hand holding, pulling her luggage...this is way too sweet!'

'Sparks are flying! Kiss her! Kiss already!'

'I got so excited I literally yelled out loud in the car, the uncle driver turned back to glare at me!'

'@Quan Kaiji quick tell me if they kissed!'

'Quan Kaiji: Nope, that moron Jiang Jingyi hollered and interrupted things.'


Of course Lin Jianzhi didn't dare check the group messages right then. Sitting in the passenger seat she was nearly paralyzed from tension!

She didn't dare chat with Mu Yin and the others behind, didn't dare look at Zhu Liheng either.

All she could do was stare idiotically out the window like a dummy.

Nothing but highways in sight, she had no idea what she was even looking at.

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