Sarda, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 27th day of Fall, Hillsprung Encampment


The morning started the same way that it did yesterday. The thick cold fog enveloped the camp covering the tents in a white opaque blanket. While the rest of the camp struggled with the numbing cold and blinding fog, the beastman had already started his day way before the sun rose.

Using the knowledge he learned during his time with his sleuth, he was able to hunt some wild game. He caught an uphill pheasant who unknowingly came to close the trap he set near a small pond at the eastern foot hill. 

He also caught three unsuspecting stinging hares while passing by their burrow a few steps away from the pond. He gutted the carcasses out and disposed of their entrails the way he had always been taught before bringing it back to the camp.

On his way back, the beastman also did some foraging under the dense canopy of trees. From the ground he found some medicinal mushrooms which his tribe had used since their existence.

He dug out from the ground the thousand-eye mushroom. This mushroom was commonly found under the roots of big trees and had an aromatic fruity flavor once it matures. His tribe usually consumed the mushroom raw to provide the full effect of its healing properties. But, when eaten raw by the other races, the mushroom proved to be fatal. 

What the Meh-The tribe did to make the mushroom a tradeable item with the other races was get it dried first before using it as part of their food or tea. At this time, that option proved to be unavailable to the beastman. However, cooking it directly, and straining its sap could also get rid of its toxic properties.

Once he arrived on the camp, he immediately heated water from a small pot and waited for it to boil. As he waited for it to boil, he started to chop his catch and prepared the mushrooms. The knights were kind enough to provide him a small pouch of salt and fresh herbs from their small garden.

He put the meat directly to the fire charring the skin. He peeled off the charred skin and let it cook indirectly a few fingerlings away from the fire. After boiling the mushroom and throwing away its juices, he filled the pot with water once more but this time, the beastman placed his herbs along with the meat. 

After it boiled, he took some of the bread ration he had, tore it and placed it on the stew before salting it. The fresh aroma of the herbs filled the air and made his stomach grumble. He waited patiently for the bread to soften into mush and once it did, he placed the mushroom back in and waited for the porridge to simmer.  After it did, he took it out of the pot from the fire and waited for it to cooldown. This was the first time in a long time that he had to prepare breakfast for the three of them. 

Normally, he and the elf would usually prepare the breakfast for the four of them. He loved every moment of it. He remembered how the elf would teach him how to slice the food elegantly and how to flavor it deliciously. He loved those moments being around with her. He tried his best to follow her instructions even if it was more of gestures rather than words. 

It got him curious how the elf lived before she became a slave. Was she someone of high status from the elven society? It felt like it for him. Even with her tattered clothes, the elf looked beautiful and could move graciously on the rough clothing they wore. Her hair flowed freely down her back and even if the smoke and dust would usually get to them, it always remained silky smooth and free flowing. 

His stomach grumbled once more. He touched the pot and decided to bring it back to the faerfolk's tent. He held it in his hands as he walked back to the tent. The sun had already risen by the time he arrived.

He walked inside the tent and saw both of the faerfolk still fast asleep. He placed the pot on the table located in between the two beds. He poured the porridge on the bowls arranged on the table before placing the spoons. 

After preparing their breakfast, he gently shook the dwarf's shoulder's, waking the groggy dwarf from his slumber. He took the dwarf's bowl and offered it to him. The dwarf sat up and receive the bowl from the beastman. 

He took the bowl with a smile and proceeded to eat, however, just as he was about to pick up the spoon, his fingers wouldn't flex to grip it. The dwarf smiled at the beastman worriedly and tried to pick-up the spoon once more, but unfortunately, his fingers didn't have the strength yet to pick up the spoon.

"By Oyue's mercy! Me hands ain't working!" The dwarf sadly exclaimed. The poor dwarf stared at the porridge hungrily but disappointingly unable to eat it.

Seeing this, the beastman took the bowl from him and decided to feed the dwarf. He smiled at him, "Let me help you with that."

The dwarf reluctantly nodded, "Err…Got me thanks, lad!" The dwarf was embarrassed at his predicament but the beastman understood and made it comfortable for him as much as he can.

Using the spoon, the beastman scooped the porridge and tried blowing on it. The dwarf caught his hand. "Errr…Lad…Lemme blow them porridge. Tis okay if yah scoop it out."

The beastman smiled and did just that. The dwarf ate the porridge voraciously. Being unconscious for more than a week would make you famished. The dwarf asked for another bowl. Thus, the beastman took another serving of porridge.

Just as the dwarf finished his seconds, the elf woke up. The beastman helped the dwarf clean up before attending to the elf.

He took the other bowl of porridge on the table and went to feed the elf. As he got closer to her, he could smell the faint scent of sweat from her. It smelled nice to him. It made his heart skip a beat. But didn't want to feel that way, not right now. He sat beside her and began feeding her.

The porridge was not as hot it was when he fed the dwarf. It didn't take the elf a lot of time to finish the bowl. After her first bowl she signed to him.

"Food great…you…did…that?" That's how he interpreted it.

The beastman took a few Amang-Indecens Sign lessons with the elf so he could understand her better especially during their chores. He still had a lot of things to learn, mainly the signs and strokes the elf does but at the very least, he could understand her…albeit often times, confusing.

He answered the question with a nod. 

She signed to him once again, "Se..cunnds?"

"Sec…unds?" He reiterated.

"Lad, she said seconds. Tis like the lass, had a dwarf's appetite." The dwarf teased.

The elf smiled. He knew she could've responded with a good banter, but she's still to weak for that. It would have been nice to see the two of them do their regular banter. It was endearing to the beastman. 

Their nonstop bickering always made his day. It took away the gloom he felt in his heart. It made him feel like home. It made him remember the good times he had with his siblings. It made him remember his first love. The things he ran away from, came back not to haunt him but remind him of the better days he had.

He stood up and opened the pot. Unfortunately, there was nothing left. The beastman enthusiastically gave the dwarf all of the porridge inside that pot and had forgotten about the portion he served was all there was. 

The elf looked at him longingly, looking at the empty pot of porridge. Waiting to satiate the hunger she had after a week of being unconscious. The beastman smiled at her and happily gave him his own portion. 

Seeing this the elf signed to him, "I…cannot…accept…"

He sat back down on the elf's bedside and tried to feed her some more. She sternly refused and pushed his hand holding the bowl away from her. 

"You…need…eat…too" He read what she signed.

A moment later, he heard the elf's stomach grumbled. He knew she was famished but she never wanted to take the last portion because she knew it would starve him. It pained his heart that even after everything that she had to suffer, the elf won't take the food from him in fear that he might go hungry.

"It's okay." He told her. "You need this to…r-recover. Please take this and get well."

The elf tried to insist that she was already full but her stomach grumbled madly and loud. The situation became intense between both of them, as the elf's stubbornness had collided with his persistence.

"Lass, take it. He'll be okay." The dwarf interrupted. "Eat, lass! You need tah recover!"

"Please, get well…" The beastman pleaded. "Both of you…just eat, don't worry about me. I can fend for my—" His voice broke.

"I should've been there…I should've protected you, you know." His lips twitched as he tried to hold back his emotions. "I did nothing for the both of you. I am a Meh-Teh! I have a hide thicker than leather, fangs sharper than iron. I have the strength of 10 men and a thousand if I rage but  was useless during that night! I was—"

"Don't say that!" The dwarf scolded him. "Don't yah evar say that! Yah did what yah can when yah were able tah! Please, I beg yah don't ever…say that, lad!"

The beastman's tears slowly fell down his cheek. He closed his eyes as hard as he could, trying to stop it from flowing but it was no use. Suddenly, he felt a warm embrace enveloping him—it was the elf's. He was no longer able to bear his emotions and finally broke down on her arms.


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