A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 109 - Chapter 109: Chapter 82 Miracle Blossom (Please Vote for Recommendation)

Chapter 109: Chapter 82 Miracle Blossom (Please Vote for Recommendation)

“Excellent, very excellent.”

“Beyond excellent, I don’t know what other word could describe the young


Bailuo was very satisfied, as he felt like he was witnessing the dawn of a whole

new era.

An era where fairies walked alongside passersby on the roadside, and witches rode their brooms dancing in the sky, where High Witches and Sorcerers would turn Yatun into a fairytale kingdom of splendor.

“However, our tradition in Yatun does not chase after beauty and prettiness.”

“What we seek is practicality,” Bailuo said, “is powerful strength and the deterrence of armed forces!”

“Although, everyone is still children, and girls at that.

Upon hearing ‘girls,’ the Little Witches clearly looked a bit unhappy, as they did not feel they were inferior to boys.

Especially since Fairy Magic had chosen women, not men, they felt even more that they were the true protectors of Yatun.

Yatun did not have a tradition of favoring men over women; women could also hold up half the sky.

“I know you all feel indignant.”

“So I’m willing to give the young ladies a chance, to show them that our young women of Yatun, even those who are underage, can also stand on their own!”

“In a few months, the Pirates outside will become aware of our existence, and

they are likely to send a fleet to attack Yatun.’

Bailuo said, “The warriors of our Yatun, regardless of gender, in the past, we allowed 13-year-old girls to begin training and let them qualify to fight for Yatun at the age of 15-”

“But I think that many among you already possess the potential of a warrior.” “So in the next two months, I hope everyone studies and trains diligently.

“After two months,” Bailuo said, “I will allow those Witches who pass Teacher

Lilith’s assessment to go to the battlefield!


Upon these words, the Little Witches immediately became exceptionally


Fiona and Sheila were no different.

She was only 13 years old, and under normal circumstances, she would not be considered a warrior until two years later.

But now, Bailuo was telling them that Yatun’s warriors were not judged by age; they looked at combat prowess, and as long as you could fight, you were a warrior.

As for how to evaluate the standard of becoming a warrior, for the Little Witches, it meant passing Lilith’s examination and transforming from a novice Witch into a true Witch.

Bailuo had inquired of Lilith about the combat power of a Witch.

And according to Lilith, Witches commanded a vast range of Magic, with no small amount of Magic Power. If they were positioned correctly, they were like artillery, capable of facing a hundred enemies with ease.

Especially when a Witch mastered her unique Magic, her combat power would massively increase, turning her into a true meat grinder on the battlefield.

“With such power, it’s indeed more than enough.

Of course, Bailuo would not let the girls take risks unnecessarily.

However, earning the title of Witch meant that the children already had great strength, and Bailuo could not deny their power just because of their age.

They could protect themselves and make outstanding contributions to Yatun.

In comparison, age really became something meaningless.

Naturally, age has to do with maturity of mind.

Therefore, even if a child under 10 achieved the title of Witch, Bailuo would not give them any opportunity to exploit loopholes. That was the bottom line.

The people of Yatun tended to be precocious, which is to say they were particularly clever and had high emotional intelligence.

During the great exodus of the Yatun people, there were often cases of 10-year- olds deceiving enemies and then helping the people of Yatun to escape danger.

“We will certainly not disappoint you!”

The Tree Elf Girl revered Bailuo like a deity, and the Yatun Clan was not far behind; when it came to their love for Bailuo, they believed they would not lose to anyone.

“Then, I’ll leave it to you, Lilith.”

“Rest assured.”

Lilith said, “These girls are different from the future Little Witches. The power of the Mysterious Dragon is very strong, replenishing them with a substantial amount of Miracle Power at once.”

Turning a Little Witch into a Regular Witch, if done by outsiders, might take several years.

But for girls like Elsa, due to the enhancement of the Mysterious Dragon, this time was shortened by nearly tenfold, or even more.

Even the old uncle had never heard of a miracle that could influence Miracle Power; it was utterly inconceivable.

“Speaking of which, do you think there are any side effects to this, Lilith?”

“Not at all, Master.”

Hearing that there were no side effects, only benefits, Bailuo nodded and said, “Well, that’s great. So in two months, we really might have true Witches?” “From what I see now, Fiona, Sheila, Elsa, and Miya all have the potential.” Lilith: “Besides, ten Tree Elf girls also have the chance to become Witches.”

That would make 14 Witches.

Moreover, many of them possessed unique magic, making these girls far stronger than the average Witch.

“I look forward to that day.”

Having reviewed the situation of the Little Witches and learned about the changes among the Fairy Clan, Bailuo muttered to himself: “The gift from the Mysterious Dragon, somehow I feel a little embarrassed.

“Should I find a time to offer another sacrifice?

Bailuo wasn’t looking for more significant benefits; he would be content with just a little something, and he certainly wouldn’t scorn it.

The Mysterious Dragon was a golden thigh, Bailuo was one hundred percent sure of that.

But now, with the golden thigh inactive, Bailuo didn’t know how to proceed. He wanted to fleece it once more, yet there seemed to be no opportunity.

Well, Bailuo was getting greedy.

After all, since the Black Leather Book remained quiet, it suggested that the other party might not have finished consuming the tribute: “Then let the sheep grow some wool, and in a few days, I will come to fleece you!” in the following days, the people of Yatun led a very stable life, with no significant changes.

Livestock and horses were transported every seven days.

Yatun was not short of crops, but ultimately, there was a deficiency in meat. Fortunately, with the bountiful natural resources of Yatun, it was entirely possible to feed pigs, cattle, and sheep with the surplus leaves and roots of the crops.

With enough food on hand, raising livestock essentially meant converting grass, vegetables, and fruits into meat.

What was consumed was fodder, and the result was milk and beef.

For trade with the outside world, the people of Yatun almost exclusively settled transactions with black pepper.

Thus, Bailuo had virtually no expenses; it was purely a resource swap.

For Yatun, black pepper was practically worthless (black pepper here is not the same as black peppercorn).

just in terms of flavor, white, black, green, and red peppercorns were all far superior to black pepper (black pepper referred to here is not black peppercorn).

Uncle told Bailuo that if Yatun’s peppercorns were ever introduced to the wider world, they would certainly shake up the spice market of the Miracle Continent. The seasonings from Yatun also carried the power to change the entire world’s culinary recipes.

For now, by pouring black pepper into the market and reaping huge profits, and then when the oversupply of black pepper causes the market to slump, introducing even better quality peppercorns along with other delicious spices. That would be the time for Yatun to monopolize the global spice market.

“After four weeks, we have traded with Coral City four times, and in accordance with your instructions, we changed the last two trades to focus on horses,” Gonnia continued her report.

“All the mares we’ve acquired are in foal and are close to giving birth.”

“By now, we already have over 50 pregnant mares.

As for the difficulty of procuring pregnant mares, it’s just a matter of money! Yatun: ‘If money can solve it, it’s not really a problem!

In choosing the ratio of stallions to mares as 1:3, Yatun was not aiming for rationality; in essence, Bailuo sought those soon-to-be-mothers.

Sherri’s Miracle Power was growing increasingly intense, indicating on one hand that she was nearing the end of her evolution and on the other hand, it was a sign of the imminent Miracle Blossom.

Uncle told Bailuo that Sherri’s Miracle Power would surely be bestowed upon the foals in the bellies of the mares.

When she unleashed her Miracle Power, the foals might undergo mutations and had a certain chance of becoming an entirely new species.

As to what kind of species that might be, Uncle couldn’t say for certain; he could only wait and see what the outcome would be.


While Bailuo was discussing the trade with Coral City with Gonnia, the two of them heard Sherri’s voice.


Bailuo quickly stepped out of the house and looked up to see the Pegasus radiating silver-white light.


Upon hearing Bailuo’s transmission, Sherri spoke: “My Miracle Power is surging uncontrollably, I can’t seem to rein it in.


Waves of light sphere erupted from Sherri, shining in all directions.

“Miracle Blossom! This is Miracle Blossom!”

Uncle rushed back right away, braving Sherri’s Miracle Power and yelled to Bailuo: “Quick! Take Sherri to the stables! Let those horses bathe in her Miracle Power!”

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