"Quit bluffing!" Du Qingyang roared as he stomped his feet into the ground, and all of the profound acupoints on his legs lit up in unison, following which he abruptly vanished from the spot, as if by instantaneous teleportation.

In the next instant, Chen Yang felt a gust of fierce wind blow past his ear, and Du Qingyang's joined middle and index fingers came plunging directly toward his temple like a sharp dagger.

There was no time for Chen Yang to do anything aside from instinctively dodge to the side, but Du Qingyang certainly wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily, and he changed directions to continue pursuing Chen Yang, while a profound acupoint appeared on each segment of his two fingers, further enhancing their power.

Right as it seemed like Chen Yang's fate was sealed, a resounding boom suddenly rang out, and the stone door of the underground cave exploded violently, following which a yellow figure flew into the room before crashing into Du Qingyang from the side.

A dull thump rang out as Du Qingyang was sent flying back over a thousand feet, crashing into the mountain face on the other side of the hall before tumbling to the ground.

He struggled to his feet with some difficulty, and he was finally unable to suppress his own injuries any longer as blood came spewing out of his mouth and onto the ground.

He clasped a hand over his own wounded chest as he stumbled back a few steps, and he was only able to steady himself after leaning back against the stone wall behind him. However, his legs were still trembling uncontrollably, and it looked as if he were going to fall at any moment.

A perplexed look flashed through his eyes at the sight of the yellow figure that had just flown into the room, and he exclaimed, "Gu Qianxun? Why are you doing this?"

Indeed, the yellow figure was none other than Gu Qianxun, and there was a frosty look in her eyes as she glowered at Du Qingyang and said in a cold voice, "Why am I doing this? I've been waiting for this day for thirty thousand years!"

"Thirty thousand years? Who are you?" Du Qingyang asked in a cold voice.

"It looks like your memory isn't that great, so let me give you a reminder. Do you still remember that woman that you secretly abducted from Profound End City all those years ago?" Gu Qianxun asked.

A hint of realization appeared on Du Qingyang's face as he murmured, "Profound End City? Could it be..."

"All those years ago, you used this same Sinha Blood Array in this exact same place to suck out her true spirit bloodline. In the end, her body detonated, and she wasn't even able to die with an intact body!" Gu Qianxun said as her lips quivered with rage.

"Yan Hongyu... How are you related to her?" Du Qingyang asked.

"Shut your mouth! A deplorable scoundrel like you has no right to speak my mother's name!" Gu Qianxun yelled in a furious voice.

"I see, so she was your mother. No wonder you came to my Green Goat City over six thousand years ago and requested to join the arena, this is what you've been plotting all along, isn't it? Your patience is truly exemplary," Du Qingyang sneered.

"Even if I had to wait another thirty thousand years, it would still be worth it! Your subordinate has already turned on you, and it's finally time for you to receive the retribution that you deserve!" Gu Qianxun declared in a righteous manner.

Du Qingyang took a glance at Chen Yang, then turned his gaze back to Gu Qianxun as he asked, "You must've played a role in Hu Bi's death as well, right?"

Gu Qianxun offered no response, merely continuing to glower at Du Qingyang with a cold sneer on her face.

Du Qingyang spat out a mouthful of viscous blood, then harrumphed coldly, "Seeing as you're so attached to your mother, I'll send you to the afterlife to reunite with her using the power of her bloodline!"

Du Qingyang closed his eyes as he spoke, and his hands balled up into tight fists as he let loose a thunderous roar.

Immediately thereafter, a layer of tiny iridescent scales that were extremely tightly packed together surfaced over his body, giving off a dreamy glow under the light of the flames in the surrounding braziers.

Daoist Xie raised an eyebrow at the sight of Du Qingyang's transformation, and he murmured to himself, "That's the bloodline of the Illusory Scale Rainbow Serpent... What a rare sight..."

Gu Qianxun's expression darkened even further upon seeing this, and her fury was only further exacerbated.

"You bastard!" she roared in a furious voice as a series of profound acupoints lit up over her legs, and she leaned forward slightly before pouncing directly at Du Qingyang like a hunting panther.

As the two passed each other by, Gu Qianxun extended a hand with her fingers joined together, then plunged it at Du Qingyang's throat like a sharp dagger.

It was unclear whether Du Qingyang was too severely injured to dodge the attack, or he never intended to dodge it in the first place, but he took the attack head-on with his vulnerable throat.

A loud thump rang out, but right as the collision took place, a layer of faint rainbow light surfaced over Du Qingyang's throat.

Immediately thereafter, his throat contracted slightly before bulging outward like a spring, transmitting the power of Gu Qianxun's blow toward his own chest.

In that instant, it was as if his body had become that of a boneless serpent, and every single muscle of his began vibrating at the same frequency, transmitting the force of the attack into the ground, while his own body remained completely unscathed.

In the blink of an eye, he had shrugged off what had appeared to be a killing blow.

At the same time, Du Qingyang swung an arm through the air, throwing a palm strike at Gu Qianxun's face.

Gu Qianxun took a step to the side upon seeing this, then lashed out with her fist in retaliation.

A string of profound acupoints lit up over her arm, releasing a burst of tremendous force that instantly tore her sleeve apart, revealing a section of her fair and slender arm.

Despite how delicate the arm appeared, the muscles on it were very clearly defined, giving the arm the appearance of an appendage that harbored immense explosive power.

Her fist struck Du Qingyang's palm with a resounding boom, sending powerful shockwaves erupting in all directions.

Du Qingyang's serpentine body was able to transmit the force of the clash into the ground once again, but he was still forced back in retreat, only drawing to a halt after stomping a foot down onto the stone wall behind him.

As for Gu Qianxun, she was sent flying back through the air before crashing heavily into the mountain face on the other side.

A large section of the mountain face instantly collapsed, burying her under a pile of shattered rocks.

Chen Yang's expression darkened significantly upon seeing this. He had thought that Du Qingyang would be in terrible condition after suffering backlash from the Sinha Blood Array, but it appeared that he was still far from a spent force.

"Chen Yang, I've always treated you well, yet you've thrown my kindness back in my face. Now, it's your turn," Du Qingyang said as he turned to Chen Yang with a cold sneer.

A series of dark red lines began to appear around his eyes as he spoke, giving his already hideous face an even more sinister appearance.

As soon as his voice trailed off, he sprang forward with explosive force while reaching out a hand to grab at Chen Yang's chest.

Chen Yang dodged to the side to just barely evade the blow, but several deep marks were still left behind on the bone armor in front of his chest from Du Qingyang's fingers.

Before Chen Yang even had a chance to catch his breath, Du Qingyang's body suddenly began to elongate, following which a serpentine tail wrapped itself around his midsection before exerting tremendous compressive force.

Chen Yang clenched his fists tightly as he let loose a thunderous roar, and all of his profound acupoints lit up as a burst of formidable energy fluctuations erupted out of his body in an attempt to shake off Du Qingyang.

However, Du Qingyang's body only loosened slightly before constricting tightly around him once again.

At the same time, he opened his mouth to a seemingly impossible degree, unhinging his jaw liek a true serpent as he chomped down upon Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang was struggling with all his might, but to no avail, and he could only raise an arm and lash out with all his might at Du Qingyang's head.

Right as Du Qingyang's mouth was about to close itself around Chen Yang, a burst of bright white light suddenly emerged beneath the pile of shattered rocks at the foot of the opposing mountain face, and Gu Qianxun flew out from within, sending loose rocks flying in all directions.

At the same time, she removed a white bone belt from her own waist, then lashed out at Du Qingyang with it.

Attached to the end of the bone belt was a piece of triangular bone that struck Du Qingyang on the face, raising a trail of dark red sparks.

However, the blow failed to inflict any injuries upon Du Qingyang. All it did was force his head slightly to the side, so he chomped down onto Chen Yang's shoulder instead of his head.

Gu Qianxun's expression darkened slightly upon seeing this, but she continued to persist, charging at Du Qingyang while the bones that formed her belt rapidly compressed, transforming it into a bone longsword that was around four feet in length.

All of the profound acupoints on her body lit up, and the muscles on her arms bulged as she spun around several times in mid-air to build up tremendous momentum, then slashed her sword into Du Qingyang's head with all her might.

The sword struck the side of Du Qingyang's face, and blood immediately splattered through the air.

The sword had managed to slice through his skin and part of his skull, but it was unable to chop his head off. Instead, it was lodged into his cheekbone.

A sense of powerlessness welled up in Gu Qianxun's heart upon seeing this.

She had given that attack everything that she had, yet Du Qingyang was still standing.

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