A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter 120: Episode 120: When Desires Clash (Xiv)

Episode 120: When Desires Clash (XIV)

“Yes. If we close it as it is, the resistance from the common people will be even greater. Therefore, it should be used as a public space. Not a complete shutdown, but a lockdown?”

“No. The real purpose is to destroy the temple’s power, so this is enough.”

Since then, how to use this place had been in Deheen’s mind. Noah had no intention of interfering with that.

“I’m glad no one was hurt. I was worried that there would be a bloody conflict because it was so large.”

“Aren’t you worried that I will kill the priests mercilessly?”

It was impossible to tell if Deheen was joking or serious when he said those harsh words emotionally.

Noah didn’t know what to answer, but he responded honestly.

“Of course, I was worried about that too. I thought that even if a few people were sacrificed, it couldn’t be helped… Still, it’s neatly organized.”

If it was a paladin from another temple, there was no way everyone would have retreated so easily without a fight.

It meant that the power of Deheen and his knights was overwhelming.

“I will return to the Imperial Palace and tell His Majesty everything I have seen and heard today.”

“In the near future, the empire will become very noisy. Don’t worry and push on. Please tell him this too.”

“I will be sure to relay it to him. See you soon, Grand Duke.”

After Noah said goodbye to Deheen, he left the temple first.

Outside, it was nothing but mayhem.

“Please let me pack my things. Isn’t this too much?”

“If the saint knew, she would never sit still! No matter how high the grand duke is, this is going too far!”

The priests who had been speechless in front of Deheen were clamoring outside, blocked by the knights.

Those who could not leave the temple and wandered around, and the onlookers who came to see what was going on were gathered like a cloud.

‘It will take time to stabilize.’

Noah slowly captured the scene in his eyes as he got on the horse.

It was questionable whether people would easily understand the situation in which Deheen seemed to be oppressing the temple.

However, both Deheen and Paras had a strong heart, so Noah wasn’t too worried. Noah rode his horse and left for the Imperial Palace.

Still in the temple, Deheen looked back at Paras, who stood in a daze like someone who had given up everything.

“Thanks to you taking off your priestly garment, we finished without much issue. But what is the real reason?”

In front of the priests, Deheen pretended to accept Paras right away, but there was no way he trusted the high priest.

Paras let out a deep sigh of regret as his eyes trembled at the slowly tightening pressure of Deheen.

“You said that the present temple is not justice. Those words were important to me.”

Deheen narrowed his eyes and gazed straight at Paras.

“Saint Cespia, the former saint, was an old friend of mine. Cespia, who was always very healthy, suddenly became sick. And the last time the two of us met… she told me.”

“What did she say?”

“She said to never trust the current saint, Rabienne. And she longed to see the temple that is supported by evil crumble.”

While saying so, Paras’ eyes were filled with sadness. The look in his eyes was as if he had lost his beloved lover.


As soon as Deheen heard the name, he decided to believe what Paras had said.

It was impossible for a priest to simply pretend to deny the saint.

He must have really heard such a story from the previous saint.

“Can you really abandon the temple as the head priest?”

“I’ve already abandoned it. From the moment I take off my priestly clothes, I am not a priest.”

Paras stepped on the priestly robe that was at his feet, suggesting he had no regrets.

“All right. Then help me.”

“What can I do?”

“For now, you should reside in the temple and try your best to convince the incoming visitors to understand this situation.”

“In this way…”

“It’s. Didn’t you say it too? Reveal to everyone who comes that the present temple is not justice.”

Deheen still didn’t fully trust Paras, but felt he was worth using. He decided to judge him by his future actions.

“I will try.”

Paras nodded with firm determination. After a moment’s hesitation, he looked up at Deheen and asked cautiously.

“I… Can I ask you one question?”

Instead of answering, Deheen nodded slightly.

“What are you aiming for, Your Grace? Are you trying to become a king…”

“Absolutely not. It’s to protect my daughter.”

Paras did not quite understand, but Deheen switched subjects since he did not have any intentions to explain.

“How is the temple’s financial condition?”

“…Sorry. It’s fallen to the floor.”

The ashamed Paras bowed his head. He had used up all the relief funds sent by Deheen.

“I know you were not part of it. But the other priests have been eating it for a long time. And you would have covered your eyes. For now, post the documents I brought on the bulletin board outside.”

Placing the accumulated shame on a bulletin board that anyone could see meant the downfall of the temple.

Even if he had decided to abandon the temple, Paras still had affection for it. He bit his lips.

These were the corruptions that occurred while he was the high priest, so all criticism would be directed at him.

However, the responsibility for all issues and incompetence was really his, as he was the head of the priesthood.

“…All right.”

Paras slumped to the floor, his eyes closed tightly. As his knees hit the floor, a chill rushed into his knees and through his body.

“I will watch.”

Deheen stared at Paras for a while, who appeared futile. He turned around and went down the stairs.

The temple after the storm was overly calm.

And the history of the central temple that lasted for hundreds of years in Tersia ended today.

Tears filled the eyes of Paras, left alone in the empty temple.

“Cespia… can you tell me that I did well? I… I miss you so much.”

Buried in old emotions that surged like waves, Paras shed tears incessantly and cried alone.


What happened at the temple of Tersia was repeated in the 20 territories where the emperor’s order reached.

The temple located closest to the southern border was one of them.

Count Elius entered the temple with a very commanding expression. The scale of the temple was minor because of the surrounding small and medium territories.

The priests frowned at the count’s knights who suddenly appeared as they were praying earnestly to the goddess.

“Count Elius, how dare you do this?”

“Have you forgotten where this is? To think you’ll bring in knights!”

Whatever it was, Count Elius shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

“I’ve been ordered to do so. As of today, this temple is closed.”

“This doesn’t make sense… Who in the world gave that order?”

“Of course it’ll be closed. I am only following His Majesty’s orders.”

With stinging glares, Count Elius and the priests who rushed out confronted each other. Tension was high as neither side backed down.

“You’re still resisting.”

The count sarcastically raised his hand to the knights behind him.

“Clear everything.”


In an instant, the paladins of the temple and the knights of the count rushed forth and started fighting. The sound of metal clashing reverberated through the temple.

“Well then, do your best everyone, I’ll go inside.”

“What nonsense… Never! I cannot pass!”

Frustrated, the high priest grabbed Count Elius’s clothes as he tried to pass by him, desperately hanging on.

“What the hell are they hiding inside? These snarky old men.”

The count muttered in irritation, pushing the priest’s hand away from him.

After leaving it to the knights, he quickly opened the door to the inside and proceeded through the hallway.

Recently, there have been continuous incidents of people going missing in the estate.

Count Elius came to the temple a few days ago because there was a report that people who were supposed to be missing were being dragged out of the temple, but he had to go back because the priests refused to show him the inside.

While he was surprised by the sudden order to close the temple, he also thought it was good. He wanted to know what the hell the priests were hiding.

Reaching the end of the hallway, he was wondering which path he should take when he suddenly stopped and frowned at the rotting smell that was piercing his nose.

“What is this smell?”

Following the smell, he found stairs leading to the basement. As he went down, an iron gate appeared.

And the moment he opened the gate, he turned his head towards the unbearably strong stench and doubted his eyes.

“Ha, what crazy…!!”

Beyond the gate, at a single glance, were dozens of people dying in isolation.

The dead bodies were piled up on one side, and the faces of the living were rotten, so he couldn’t recognize who they were.

The people inside just stared blankly at him even though the gate was unlocked, as if they didn’t even have the strength to step out.

“What is all this? Did they do some biological experiments here?”

Unable to contain his anger, Count Elius slammed his fist against the wall. And when he was about to go inside…

“Absolutely not!”

The scream came from the high priest, who barely pursued the count while surrounded by knights. The shouts continued,

“Never go in! Shut that gate right now!”

“You… What have you done on my territory?”

Filled with rage, Count Elius approached the high priest and impatiently grabbed his collar.

The high priest was choking and screaming, but he was stabbed so many times that he couldn’t even look at the count’s face.

“Tell me quickly. If you don’t tell me, I’ll throw you in there.”

Hearing the words of the count who had become violent before he knew it, the high priest gave up and murmured softly.

“Oh, it’s an epidemic. Everyone in there has the plague.”

“An epidemic? Are you asking me to believe that now?”

In the hundreds of years under the protection of the saint, there was no case of an epidemic appearing in the empire. So it was only natural that the count did not believe it.

“Why would I lie like this, really? The contagious disease that started near the barrier is spreading rapidly, I tried to stop it, but… Keuk!”

When the pressure on his throat increased, the high priest couldn’t continue speaking. He struggled with his feet, wanting to be released.

“Why didn’t you report it right away?”

“We, we are under the protection of the Goddess… I thought it would heal naturally soon… ugh.”

“It’s crazy. Everyone is crazy.”

With a stunned expression that indicated he didn’t need to hear any more, Count Elius slammed the high priest to the floor.

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