Chapter 1308: Her Decision

Xia Yingluo fled downstairs quickly, her heart beating terribly fast.

The driver waiting at the door looked at her with concern. “Miss, are you alright?”

She rubbed her hot face, shook her head and said it was okay, then got back in the car.

It was golden autumn, and the garden was full of bright golden sycamore leaves, which were beautiful and picturesque.

The steward in a pretty uniform stepped forward to pull the car door for her, bowed and smiled. “Miss, you are back.”

Xia Yingluo took off her coat and handed it to him, asking casually, “What about my parents and second brother?”

The butler said, “Several truffles are being sent from France today. Sir is preparing dinner for Madam in the kitchen. Miss, you are very fortunate to have come back at the right time to enjoy the feast.” Then, he said, “Madam is in the recording room on the second floor and your second brother is out to meet his friends.”

The family each had their own plans.

Unknowingly, Xia Yingluo felt a little bit melancholic.

From an early age, she envied the love and harmony between her parents and yearned for that kind of love, but was Wei Lingnan the right person? Would he hold her gently in the palm of his hand like how her father cared for her mother as if she were a treasure of the world? Engagement...

What a big deal.

What should she choose?

The ringtone of the mobile phone rang. It was Jin Ling’er. “Yingluo, the filming is over! Let me tell you, since the last time President Du accompanied me to the crew, the people have treated me well and will never make things difficult on me again. Director Fang even added several scenes for me! I think I did well this time, and the response after the show will definitely be good! How about you come out to celebrate with me!”

She chatted for a long time, only to find that the caller on the phone didn’t respond, and asked, “What’s the matter with you, are you unhappy?”

“No,” Xia Yingluo said.

“You’re still denying it. I can tell you’re not okay.” Jin Ling’er didn’t believe it. “What on earth happened? Come on, come out and let your sister enlighten you.”

The two met at the restaurant.

Xia Yingluo stole two truffles from the house and handed them to the waiter in that high-end restaurant. “Take them to the chef.”

The waiter was very knowledgeable. When he saw the truffles, he was surprised. “This is the new top-quality product this year! Miss, it’s too expensive. Do you really trust us to do it?”

“That’s why I asked for the chef.” She smiled softly and cleverly. “Go and do it. It doesn’t matter if you do it well or not, I just brought a friend to try something new.” In terms of cooking skills, there were only a few in the world who could surpass her dear father. Xia Yingluo didn’t expect the chefs here to have the same skills. However, thinking of this restaurant’s reputation, it shouldn’t be too bad either.

The waiter went away.

Jin Ling’er then said to Xia Yingluo, “It turned out that this is the legendary truffle. I’m seeing it for the first time. It’s so expensive.”

Xia Yingluo said with a smile, “No matter how expensive it is, it’s still food. I stole it from home.”

“Stole... Stole?” Jin Ling’er looked at her in surprise. “Yingluo, don’t scare me, what if your family comes to me for compensation?”

Xia Yingluo laughed. “Humph, I just couldn’t bear watching my dad dote on my mother so badly. What’s wrong with stealing his two truffles, he only has his wife in his eyes.” Fine, she was jealous that her parents were so loving. What about her? She was drowning and left confused in the vortex of the sea of love.

Jin Ling’er narrowed her eyes and looked at her. “No, you have something on your mind.”

“You are really my good friend.” Xia Yingluo sighed and bit her fork.

Jin Ling’er continued tempting her. “Come, tell me and make yourself happier.”

Xia Yingluo raised a fork and tried to hit her, but she laughed first. “Fine, I’ll make you happy,” she said. “Wei Lingnan proposed to me.”

“What?” Jin Ling’er was shocked. “What, what? You said that dangerous devil, oh no, I didn’t mean that... Wei Lingnan proposed to you?”

Xia Yingluo nodded her head dully without paying attention to her words. After all, Wei Lingnan was indeed a dangerous big devil. If he was as gentle and considerate as her father, she wouldn’t have to worry so much. Filled with anxiety about the unknown, she couldn’t help but ask Jin Ling’er, “What do you think I should do?”

“What to do, reject him!” Jin Ling’er said without thinking.

“But...” Xia Yingluo bit the fork in distress.

Jin Ling’er blinked, looked at her little movement, and laughed. “Yingluo, admit it, you like him. Now, listen to the analysis of this love expert. If you don’t like him, then you would have rejected him. You’re only entangling yourself with him because you like him. Since you like him, then you must hold on tightly to him. Otherwise, what if he runs away?”

“What kind of love expert are you?” Xia Yingluo laughed at her. She paused and laid on the table with her fork in her mouth. “But I’m afraid...”

Her voice went down.

“What are you afraid of?” Jin Ling’er grinned broadly. “Are you afraid he doesn’t love you enough? Or afraid he won’t want you someday? Resistance from home? Public opinion? Come on, Yingluo,” Jin Ling’er continued. “If he doesn’t love you, he wouldn’t have proposed. As for the fear that he won’t love you someday? Who can guarantee such a thing. To put it more harshly, even if your parents are so happy and loving, it’s not guaranteed that they will never change their heart... Don’t stare at me, I’m just giving an example, an example. “Jin Ling’er smiled dryly.

Xia Yingluo found melancholically. She was right.

In the matter of love, who could guarantee that there wouldn’t be a change of heart?

Jin Ling’er continued, “If we all consider so many things like you, nobody should get married. I think, although Wei Lingnan is a bit cold, he usually takes care of you when it’s time to take care of you. And to your friends—for example, me—he’s pretty good to us too. He must have you in his heart to treat you so well. Alas, life is short. You should worry about the future later. Grasping the present is the key. Since you like him, and he also likes you, why don’t you two be together?”

Xia Yingluo still hesitated.

Jin Ling’er said, “If you keep hesitating, beware of giving room to other women.”

This sentence suddenly reminded Xia Yingluo of Gu Jinxiu.

In the Wei Family’s building that day, anyone with eyes could see that Gu Jinxiu did not give up. That woman was so ingenious and capable, and knew Wei Lingnan from a young age, would she steal him from her one day? Xia Yingluo couldn’t help but feel a sense of crisis. Compared with the alien princess Ah Luo who was far away, Gu Jinxiu, who was close at hand, was the real urgent threat.

“Okay, I’ll agree to it!” Xia Yingluo waved a little fist in the air and said without a care.

“That’s right! Come on!” Jin Ling’er encouraged her with a toast.

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