110 A Special Date


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Leon reveled in Frost’s anguish. It gave him great pleasure to watch Frost screech over and over again in pain. He smirked devilishly at the tears, mucus, and saliva, that came out of Frost’s eyes, nose and mouth. He watched in fascination as all the muscles on Frost’s face and body bulged out in agony.

When the tempo of Frost’s screaming gradually reduced and his strained muscles seemed to be relaxing, Leon spoke up in a deep but calm voice.

“I’ll let you in on a secret about my past which you will be taking to your grave. I once loved a girl named Ruth when I was just a boy.” Leon’s face brightened up as the image of Ruth flashed in his mind.

“As a young boy in love, I was ready to give her anything and everything. However, the cruel hands of death took her away from me, before we could consummate our love. There and then, I lost my soul.”

Frost horrified and tears-soaked eyes just stared at Leon in anguish. He stole furtive glances at his maimed swollen forefinger and more tears flowed down his cheeks. However, his tears as a man seemed not to have any effect on the weirdly calm but monstrous Leon.


“To cut the long story short, I sold my soul to the devil after that tragic incident. I stopped loving and caring for anyone except my family. I became ruthless and fearless at handling things. I even endured one horrendous year at an amazing institute, learning the art of human torture, which made me the beast I am today.”

Leon gently placed the hammerhead on Frost’s left thumb, caressing it, as though he was giving him a finger massage.

“Everything changed the day I met my wife.” Leon’s face broke into a smile at the thought of Ella. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love her. When she’s happy, I’m happy. When she is sad, I’m heartbroken. When she cries, the hibernating monsters in me awaken.”

Leon’s facial expression suddenly changes to a vengeful beast. “Do you now understand your crime? You made my jewel cry for two long painful nights. You and your cohort took so much pleasure in shredding her. For this act, I’m going to damn your soul to hell.”

Leon lifted the hammer and forcefully struck like a lightning bolt. He smashed all remaining nine fingers of Frost’s hands as though he were trying to make mashed potatoes with them. He didn’t give Frost any break to absorb the excruciating pain of one finger at a time.

Frost let out another piercing bloodcurdling scream, capable of penetrating the foundation of the warehouse. His screams were so loud and could rupture one’s eardrums. Hence, Leon was forced to discontinue his torture for the day.

Leon stood up and flexed his muscles a little, like someone about to enter a wrestling tournament. He made a fist with his right hand, pulled back a little, and struck the wailing Frost on the head.

“Go to sleep, fool!” Leon spat out in disgust and Frost instantly went quiet from the deadly blow to his head.

On the torture table, where Frost’s hands were fastened, his smashed fingers were swollen, bloody, and an eyesore. His whole body was drenched with sweat and tears. One look at him and one would think he was dead. However, his spirit had no plans of setting his body free and Leon had no plans of giving him a merciful death.


Ever since Jane White was dropped off at her condo, she had remained indoors. She completed her inner door lock, closed her curtains and windows, and switched off her mobile phone. Her eyes constantly darted from side to side in panic, at the slightest noise. Everything around her scared the living light out of her body.

Earlier, when Leon’s men dropped her off, she had planned to leave the city that same night. However, she had a strong feeling that someone was watching her. Hence, she decided to wait until the following afternoon, when the street would be lively and busy for anyone to try any shady thing.

Due to all the agonizing torture Jane had experienced for the past three days, her entire body ached terribly. Her back had a dark ugly looking tattooed design which was imprinted by the horsewhip used on her.

When she tried to clean some of her scars, the pain was just too excruciating, so she decided to soak herself in a warm bath.

In her bathtub, she made a mixture of warm water, a bit of Epsom salts, and some healing ointment. After ensuring the proper mixture, she stepped into the bathtub and submerge herself temporarily in it.

Jane was busy enjoying her warm bath when her ears picked up a sound. She quickly stepped out of the water and covered her nude body with her mini bathrobe. She listened attentively again but heard nothing, except for her heavy breathing and her pounding heart.

“Oh Jane,” she massaged her forehead, “you just have to relax. Tomorrow afternoon you will be out of this horrible city.”

She was about to remove her bathrobe to continue her warm water relaxation therapy when she heard another sound coming from her bedroom.

“What the hell!” She hissed in anxiety and frustration. “Why are my ears playing tricks on me?”

Jane angrily walked into her bedroom to prove once and for all that she had a hearing defect.

Immediately she stepped out of her bathroom into her bedroom, her bathroom door was slammed shut.

She instinctively activated defense mode and struck whatever was behind her. Her hand landed on something hard; which almost fractured her wrist, causing her to wince in pain. Then she tried to flee without sparing a glance at whatever strong living being that was standing behind her.

“Where do you think you are going, b**ch!” A well-built muscular arm pulled her back. His voice was hoarse and frightening. His firm grip felt like being trapped in an anaconda’s embrace.

At first, Jane’s whole body stiffened due to terror. However, after a few seconds, her adrenaline kicked in and she started thrashing, screaming, and fighting to set herself free.

Unfortunately for her, how weak body was no match for the masked, hardcore badass tug, who was holding her. He quickly placed a white handkerchief containing chloroform over her nose and whispered into her ears.

“You have a special date with, my boss.”

After a few seconds, Jane passed out and was discreetly moved out of her condo.

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