Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Chapter 301 301 - Nightmarish Gaze And A Torturous Desire [18+]

What do you think when you think of a nightmare? A monster chasing you down the hall? Perhaps even the death of your family, or maybe, just maybe, it's something much more bizarre. Something that would bend the minds of other men, and strip them of reason, and plunge their minds into insanity. Well then, venture on.

Mingling with his women in a concoction of their dreams, Haruki could feel his heart soar along with his for their bodies. With every thrust, he watched their breasts bouncing up and down, making the encounter even more exciting.

"Fuck…I missed this," leaning down on Asuka's frame, he pressed his lips against her peaking nips.

Coiling his tongue around them, he heard her groan and moan while her nails dug into Haruki's back. As for the rest of his body, that too was being serviced by the others through their mouths, breasts, and hands.

Massaging Haruki's jewels while Riley licked her down between the legs, Margarette pressed her face forward and began licking what dripped down Haruki's shaft. With each thrust, she would down loads and loads of the juices of the connected too, but the lust for her master made her want even more.

The demi-cats were not all that far behind with the display of their desires. Pressed against Haruki's arms on both sides, the duo of mother and daughter rubbed their naked breasts against their master's body. Like any feline, their tongues roamed over Haruki's neck and the rest of his skin.

Having already been filled to the brim by her master's cum, Fay watched the whole thing from the other end of the bedded room. Laying beside her were the queen of goblins and the Arachne queen who'd only just recently been turned into demons.

Filled like never before, the queens watched the scene before them. Biting their lips, they knew their bodies desired more of his love, however with such a long list of people still waiting their turn, they couldn't help but simply watch.

"How can Riley resist touching master?" Noticing how Riley kept away from touching Haruki directly, the queen of goblins couldn't help but ask.

"Ahhh…Yeah, you guys don't know she used to be a guy, right?" Fay's answer widened their eyes in shock.

"What?!" They said in unison, reminded of the countless times they'd gone naked or taken a bath alongside the gender-bent demon.

"Just don't tell anyone else or mention it even, she might still be sensitive about that," knowing the bare minimum herself, Fay gave them the same advice she'd gotten from Margarette and Asuka.

"Enjoying a party without me, eh?" Conforming from a cloud of violet dust, Asmodia appeared beside the trio, astonishing them all. "And I thought I was part of the group now."

Sensing her presence, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and jumped to their feet. Getting up from the cushioned ground, Haruki turned to look at her with an awfully mean look. His annoyance was palpable, but that didn't stop the mistress from closing the distance between her and him.

Walking up closer, she made her clothes sparkle and disappear. Then, getting close enough to plant a kiss, she raised her body on her toes and tried to press her lips against his. But before the contact was made, Haruki placed his hand on her mouth, and even the others who'd been servicing him so far, already had their hands clamped onto her body.

Frowning, the mistress stepped away, her eyes fixed on Haruki.

"What is your problem?" She asked.

"You really need to ask? After everything you've done to me, even faking the person who I thought was my mother, do you still need to-"

"And that's why you're here, aren't you!" Screaming at the top of her lungs, Asmodia's eyes bright up a burning violet. "I'm the reason you're still alive after that fucking execution! I'm the reason you get to fuck some of the most beautiful women in this world! And still! All I get from you are complaints one after the-"

Breaking even Asmodia's words, something far more sinister took the dreamers by surprise. Appearing over their heads, the personification of the mistress's grief was peering down at them through a group of varied-sized eyes. Through the very membrane between reality and fiction, the eyes wandered over them all, taking in the sight of them all.

"What…Is that?" Fay muttered, gulping down in fear.

"I-I think I saw this before…" Reminded of the time when Moriyana had used Melicia's name while cursing, Asuka felt a sense of Deja vu from the eyes peering down at them. "It's Moriyana's magic, her curse more like!"

Looking up, Haruki too tried to get a clear view, but closing her eyes Asmodia shooed the nightmarish creature. Built from her own grief and revulsion to accept Moriyana to be something more than just another pet was what had turned into a conscious creature of darkness that was haunting her here and there.

"What the hell was it?" Lowering his gaze again, Haruki asked the woman in front.

"That wasn't Moriyana if that's what you're thinking, it was just a…" With a brief pause, she drew a deep breath. "I think I accidentally created a monster out of my emotions."

Pressing her hands onto her chest, Asmodia braced her heart for having showcased her weaker side. To her, power had been everything, and seeming weak was bound to bring shame and eventually a crippling death.

'I wish I was just dead…' She thought, her hands squeezing tighter around her own body.

With everything that had transpired in such a short amount of time, everyone around Asmodia had no clue what they were meant to feel. At first, they'd been quite angry at her, but that changed upon seeing the look of her in her eyes. Although Haruki couldn't bring himself to sleep with the mistress as she desired to, he opened up an exit door so their interaction could end before things got any worse.

"We're done here," walking out through the bright beaming door, Haruki woke back into his body.

Laying in his bed inside the log cabin, he was surrounded by all the women he'd been with in the dream. Letting his eyes lazily wander, however, he noticed Stella sleeping in a chair tucked far away in the corner. Focusing his eyes on her, Haruki noticed a letter lying on her lap. Using shadow hands he brought it closer, and by the time he did, the others had started waking up as well.

'There was no space on the bed, I wanted to hug you to sleep!' Read the letter with a doodle of an angry slime poorly drawn at the end. Thankfully for Haruki, the girls around him were dressed in their usual wear so even if Stella did sneak in on them, she couldn't possibly have suspected what was happening in their dreams.

"Her mind, it's still that of a child," storing the letter away in a dungeon portal, Haruki slipped out of bed. While making his way towards his daughter, a sudden knock on the door caught him a little off guard.

"At this time? Who can it be?" Mumbled Fay, still rubbing her eyes from having just woken up.

"Master Haruki, I have some urgent news for you! Please open the door!" The voice of Greta the war general yelled out from outside.

Opening the door, Haruki with a stern look wrinkled over Greta's face.

"What is it?" Haruki asked while making use of his transformation to cover his body with the dark cloak.

"It's Maria, she was…" Gulping down, Great corrected her posture and continued. "After our men were done with her, I talked to her and she was utterly broken, but-"

"Get to it Greta, I'm not the most patient person," Haruki warned, scowling a little.

"I want her to join my ranks!" Speaking her mind, Greta bowed her head so far down that Haruki couldn't even see her face.

More than confused by her proposition, Haruki wanted to reject it at once, but he decided to hear her reasoning first regardless.

"Why do you want a sickly, conniving woman like her to be in your ranks?" Haruki asked, his eyes fixed on the back of her head.

"Because she has more experience with politics than most other demons and can help us to deal with those bureaucrats from the demi-tiger and demi-wolf tribes!" Finally raising her head, Great looked right into Haruki's eyes. "Please?"

"I can deal with them myself, all it'll need is a vial of poison mixed in their water source," not convinced at all, Haruki tried to slam the door shut, but Greta grabbed the frame before he could do so. Visibly desperate to get Maria in her ranks, Greta was obviously not in her right mind. "Why do you care so much? What does it even have for you in it?"

"I-I…" For some reason, the more time she took thinking about it, the more her lips let out muffled warm breaths. "I love watching her beg, I want to use her, I wanna break her master! I want to make her cry more than let those useless men under me toy around with her body!"

Her eyes opened wide like an owl, Greta was smiling ear to ear. Crossing her legs, she desperately flailed around on the spot.

'The demonic whispers that tease you with depraved desires, I suppose nobody can hide from them, even a steadfast soldier like her.' Letting go of the door, Haruki took a step outside and shut the door behind him so Stella couldn't hear what they were talking about in case she woke up.

"Give me your power, and I'll let you torture her however you'd like," taking hold of her hands, Haruki stared into her eyes, ready to suck every level out of her body.

Despite knowing what losing her strength could mean as a warrior, Greta ecstatically nodded her head. Ready to be broken into by her master, she then followed Haruki's lead into a dungeon portal.

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