After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 23: Playing with Yu Sheng So pure

Chapter 23

Li Zhen was not a good person. Jiang Kening usually ignored her and tried to trip her up several times. Now Jiang Kening wanted her help with something? She was thinking too much.

But Li Zhen didn't mind hearing what it was that made Jiang Kening lower her head to ask for her help.

"Well, I'll just say it..." Jiang Kening pursed her lips. "You and Director Yu get along pretty well, right?"

Li Zhen's steady heart rate immediately went on a rollercoaster. "Quite unfamiliar, no relationship, don't mention it."

Jiang Kening looked doubtful. "Aren't you two university alumni?"

Li Zhen panicked for a moment, then calmly retorted, "What do you want my help with?"

Jiang Kening put away her usual arrogance. "Li Zhen, I know you and Director Yu are alumni, so he's not as cold to you as others.

"Does your issue have to do with Director Yu?" Li Zhen was confused.

"Yes, I want you to help me..." Jiang Kening hesitated, her face flushing slightly. "I want you to help me give a love letter to Director Yu."

Li Zhen was surprised. "What era is this that you're trying such an innocent tactic on Yu Sheng?"

Giving a love letter? That was her college move.

Li Zhen thought for a moment, then reminded her, "You know the penalties we models have for breaching contracts, right? If you're discovered chasing someone in the company, there will be consequences."

"That's why I need your help. If it's from me to Director Yu, with his temper, I'm afraid he'll report it to the company." Jiang Kening grasped Li Zhen's hand. "Li Zhen, just help me this once. Director Yu will at least consider my face and not tell the company even if he rejects me."

Jiang Kening looked solemn. "My feelings for Director Yu are genuine. The other day my sister heard at a reception held by the executives that Director Yu got divorced recently. I have to make my move during his window of availability."

She paused, her tone scornful. "I asked around about Director Yu's ex-wife but there wasn't a peep, she must be some unimportant penniless woman! I'm bound to succeed in pursuing Director Yu."

Li Zhen: ...Is there a possibility that the penniless woman you're asking for help with is me?

But Yu Sheng telling others they divorced means he's let go like she has, that's good.

As long as Li Yinnan doesn't know, it doesn't matter who else does.

"I'm not very close with Director Yu either, so I can't help you. Sorry..." Li Zhen rejected her cleanly and turned to leave.

She had only taken two steps when a cold voice came from behind. "Don't blame me for being impolite if you don't help me."

Li Zhen helplessly stopped. "We're not filming a TV drama. Could you not use a villain's tone from one? It's really awkward."

Jiang Kening ignored her and coldly snorted. "Li Zhen, I happened to see you and Director Yu going into a private custom clothing store yesterday. If you don't help me, I'll spread rumors that Director Yu's ex-wife is you. You know the company is very sensitive about these things..."

"Give it to me," Li Zhen interrupted her.

Jiang Kening, who had been chattering away, was stunned for a moment. "What?"

Li Zhen held out her hand. "The love letter you want me to pass along."

Jiang Kening didn't expect Li Zhen to agree so readily before she even finished speaking.

She carefully took out a pink envelope and placed it in Li Zhen's palm. "Don't throw it away halfway."

"Passing along something is no big deal, I won't." The small envelope in Li Zhen's hand. "Director Yu had an event yesterday and asked me as an alumnus to accompany him, that little thing is worth you spreading rumors?"

Li Zhen walked away.

Li Zhen wasn't worried about Jiang Kening spreading rumors.

Baseless rumors from someone insignificant like Jiang Kening wouldn't make waves.

She could see Jiang Kening was determined to get her help, so it was better to just agree and hurry off.

After Li Zhen left, Jiang Kening took out her phone.

She opened her work email.

In her phone's email interface was an anonymous message.

The message contained only one photo, of Li Zhen and Yu Sheng wearing matching formalwear, coming out of a private custom clothing store.

Jiang Kening's gaze darkened as she replied: [What are your intentions?]

She didn't know who sent it, but she had just tested Li Zhen, so the content of the photo should be real.

Hearing from her sister that Yu Sheng was divorced, Jiang Kening had planned to pursue him after he finished getting settled into his new promotion.

This photo made her impatient.

Meeting Li Zhen today was one, testing her, and two, wanting Yu Sheng to know her feelings.

What she asked Li Zhen to pass along today wasn't just a love letter, but also something Yu Sheng had been wanting lately.

Something he wouldn't reject.

The other side replied: [If you want Yu Sheng, she's your obstacle.]

Jiang Kening instantly understood that the sender was Li Zhen's enemy, wanting to use her to deal with Li Zhen.

Jiang Kening: [I do like Director Yu, but not desperately. I won't go so far as to damage colleague relations for him.]

Jiang Kening liked Yu Sheng.

But not to the point of nobody else would do.

If she really couldn't catch him and he got together with Li Zhen instead, Jiang Kening had plenty of other prospects.

Like the newly arrived Deputy Director Lu Yanming, not bad either.

The other side replied again, this time with just a link.

Jiang Kening clicked it suspiciously, it was a wiki page introducing a family, and seeing their surname made her raise her brows.

The prestigious Yu Family of Jincheng.

Summarized in four characters: century-old prominent clan.

Any domestic infrastructure, medicine, information technology, forestry, textiles, metallurgy, and other industries, couldn't avoid the Yu Family, their wealth immeasurable.

The Yu Family had always kept a low profile, the wiki saying they often cooperated with the military, providing raw materials and technological support.

The wiki didn't dare go into too much detail, but the few words were enough to see this family's supreme glory and splendor.

Jiang Kening had heard of this mysterious giant clan, but didn't know they were so impressive. After all, who would boredly look up wikis.

She curiously continued scrolling down.

Until she saw a shocking line: The Yu Family's younger generation has two sons, the eldest named Yu Sheng, born on XXXX XX 20...

She clearly remembered September 20 last year, when she gave Yu Sheng a birthday present he didn't accept.

So the heir of the multi-billion Yu Family was a supervisor in Macro Sea?

Jiang Kening's heart thumped rapidly.

She had always wanted to marry a rich man, but the rich men she imagined were at most like the newly arrived Deputy Director Lu Yanming, handsome, drove luxury cars, high income.

Now, she actually had a chance to get close to a top-tier giant clan.

She...had to have Yu Sheng.

She couldn't let Li Zhen stay in the company!


Li Zhen brought the love letter to the Marketing Department.

It was lunch break now, so the office was empty.

She just needed to sneakily leave the letter in Yu Sheng's office and slip away, then message him to take a look, easy task done.

She arrived at the door labeled "Marketing Director Office".

Gripping the handle, she gently turned it and tiptoed in, then slowly closed the door behind her.

Good, no one noticed.

She softly let out a breath and turned around.

Meeting the surprised eyes of seven or eight people.

Li Zhen: ...

Everyone in the room: ...

They were sitting around a large sofa placed in the middle of the office, seeming to be having a brief meeting.

There were a few managers from the Marketing Department, the group's boss Wang Peng,

And also Yu Sheng and Lu Yanming.

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