Chapter 264

Blue sky and white clouds, vast and fertile land.

It was not easy to hire six more long-term workers. Although the travelling speed slowed down a bit, Zheng Ruqian and Wang Xiaosong could openly slack off now and let the workers take over holding the reins.

Following the route Mr. Fang pointed, they did not run into any Tartars even once. As they left the borders, they were completely safe.

The teenager Ruan Ping’an, who had three cuts on his hand, carefully asked, “Isn’t the owner from Fengjing? Why go to Anshui Prefecture?”

“Labor and meat are cheaper in Anshui Prefecture. It earns more profit after transporting here.” Zheng Ruqian leaned on his arm and said, “I want to expand the workshops this time and raise wages for the aunties working there too.”

Admiration filled Ruan Ping’an’s face. “The owner is not very old. You already opened workshops in two places and dare to transport goods over such a long distance. That’s amazing.”

Wang Xiaosong chuckled twice without speaking.

Zheng Ruqian sat up straight and looked towards Fengjing. “I did not open those two workshops. My younger sister did. I wonder what the little girl is up to now.”

Counting days with his fingers, she was probably accompanying her oldest brother for the exam.

That was true.


The imperial examination was scheduled on the last day of February. The previously peaceful small courtyard became busy. Even Jiang Sheng, who loved to sleep in the most, got up before dawn to pack things for her brother. Needless to say, there were stationery items. The bamboo basket was also an old helper. And the chamber pot, which Mrs. Zhang scrubbed until shiny and bright, was also brought out. Usually chamber pots come in different shapes, but serve the same purpose.

The metropolitan examination was similar to the provincial examination. Both examinations lasted three days and had three sessions each day.

During those three days, eating, drinking, and waste needs had to be handled inside the examination compounds. Without some psychological endurance, it would be hard to get through it.

Fortunately, Xu Mo was well-experienced already. After checking the food and supplies, he picked up the bamboo carrier. “Let’s go.”

People got on the carriage one after another. Jiang Sheng hugged two pieces of cake. Her sharp eyes noticed the messy ash pile by the door again, with various green onion skins and paper scraps scattered around, looking like they had been dug up by stray dogs.

“Auntie, have you not been putting leftovers by the door these past two days?” She asked curiously.

After locking the door, Mrs. Zhang said, “I did put them there. Ever since Ninth Treasure Pavilion expanded recruitment, I don’t need to save meals for the young ladies anymore. Naturally, I throw the leftovers out to feed the cats and dogs.”

“Why did they still dig up the ash pile then?” Jiang Sheng asked in confusion.

Jiang Third and Jiang Fourth drove the carriage, following countless exam candidates rushing towards the Imperial Examination Hall.

Jiang Sheng’s curiosities were instantly thrown to the back of her mind. She grabbed Xu Mo’s sleeve tightly and said earnestly, “Big brother, you have to perform well. You were always first place before. You will certainly still be first place this time!”

Xu Mo smiled wryly.

Previously, he only competed with candidates from Anshui Prefecture. Getting first place did not mean much. Candidates from all over the country participated in the metropolitan exam this time. Just the top scholars from each district already numbered twenty to thirty. It was hard to say if he could even become a tribute student (gong sheng), let alone thinking about being first place.

“Alright Jiang Sheng, stop pressuring big brother.” Chang Yan comforted at the side, “No matter what, just do your best.”

“Yes big brother, just do your best.” Wen Zhiyun also chimed in.

Even Zhang Xianglian nodded. Apparently she was worried Xu Mo would feel too much pressure.

Jiang Sheng sighed.

Why did no one believe her? She truly believed from the bottom of her heart that her big brother would undoubtedly be first place. Such an outstanding and hardworking big brother deserved the top scholar position. The first tribute student spot was nothing much to compete for.

“Don’t worry, I will work hard.” Xu Mo gently patted his sister’s head. “I’ll aim for first place.”

Jiang Sheng grinned widely. “Big brother will definitely be first place.”

Such strong confidence, wonder who instilled that into her.

They arrived at the Imperial Examination Hall soon after.

As the capital of the Dayu Dynasty, Fengjing’s examination hall was the most spacious amongst all cities. The entrance was also wide enough to contain forty to fifty thousand candidates and their families.

The sky had not completely brightened yet. The doors were not opened. Only the Forbidden Guard Army and clerks from the Imperial Secretariat were outside maintaining order and preparing to check for cheating later.

As a famous gifted scholar from the Imperial College, Xu Mo had barely gotten out of the carriage when several candidates he knew came over to greet him intimately as “Brother Xu”.

Those even closer to him included Qi Huai bringing his younger brother Qi Yue over. Qi Huai made a fist and greeted, “Brother Xu, I won’t lose to you this time in the exam.”

Xu Mo laughed gently. “Please show all you’ve got, Brother Qi.”

An Jun also came over with a bamboo carrier on his back. Seeing Xu Mo, joy flashed across his eyes and he sidled up to him. “How confident are you this time, Brother Xu?”

“Can’t say I’m fully confident. Just doing my best.” Xu Mo remained modest as always.

At the side, Qi Huai guffawed loudly. But Qi Yue could not help frowning as he muttered while pointing at Xu Mo and An Jun, “Since when are they so intimate?”

They were all men. Could they not keep some distance? Such feelings were not popular in Fengjing.

He thought he spoke softly, but coincidentally it became quiet all around just then. His words clearly traveled into Xu Mo and An Jun’s ears.

The younger siblings in the carriage covered their mouths as they chuckled.

Somewhat awkwardly, Xu Mo explained, “Brother An just has a more lively and cheerful personality.”

“Yes, yes. I just love to eat their sweetheart chestnuts. Brother Xu is a good man. He knows I’m poor and often brings me several pounds.” An Jun proudly boasted.

But that only made Qi Yue’s face grow darker as he grumbled, “We’re all familiar. How come I never received...some from brother.”

The unjustly blamed older brother, Qi Huai, shook his head. “I don’t like sweetheart chestnuts.”

“Brother, you...” Qi Yue huffed angrily and swung his bamboo carrier around. “Carry your own. I won’t accompany you waiting anymore.”

After speaking, he twisted around and ran off.

Qi Huai had no time to coax someone in a fit of pique. Because Zhao Yuan came as well, except he still held scholar status without qualifications for the metropolitan exam. He deliberately came to wish Xu Mo luck.

“Brother Xu, look forward to your grand plans.” Zhao Yuan saluted with cupped fists.

Xu Mo gracefully accepted the blessings.

As the day gradually brightened, the doors of the examination hall were about to open. The provincial graduates all became restless, either bidding families farewell or doing last checks.

They were the most outstanding scholars of the Dayu Dynasty. After overcoming a thousand obstacles, they finally reached the most critical hurdle. Becoming tribute students was practically confirmed stepping stones towards becoming imperial scholars. Only their ranks in the palace exam remained to be determined.

As imperial scholars, they basically had one foot through the doors into court politics already. Their futures shined boundlessly bright.

But similarly, this exam was also the most vicious fight amongst all civil service exams.

Out of the four to five thousand graduates, no more than four to five hundred would be chosen as tribute students based on history. Sometimes the number was as low as thirty to forty people. It was literally one in a thousand.

“Big brother, the doors opened.” Jiang Sheng suddenly stretched her neck out.

Xu Mo, An Jun, Qi Huai simultaneously turned their heads. They heaved up bamboo carriers and strode towards the battlefield that used writing brushes as weapons.

The other straight-backed and broad-shouldered elites also advanced with equal grace. Each one had promising potential for greatness.

Only when stepping past the gates into the examination hall, Xu Mo looked back at his grinning siblings and Dou Weiming waving from the corner. He then fearlessly entered the slaughtering field.

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