Chapter 87: Release

You A flash of astonishment flitted past Gorms scornful eyes as Ji Bais hand firmly held onto his blade.

It is quite brazen to draw your blade in the presence of the tribunal court dont you think.

Damn it Gorm abandoned his long sword and drew out the dagger hidden at his waist.

Clang! With the swift and terrifying flash from a sword the dagger was knocked away. A snow-white blade was at Gorms neck less than a fraction away from touching his skin.


This crazy buffoon is not an ordinary character.

The knight on the tribunal court revealed a meaningful gaze as he looked at Ji Bai.

Gorm you mustnt be rude! Stand down! Said Lan Yu in a berating manner.

Yes. Gorms face was black as he saluted and returned to Lan Yus side.

Ji Bai looked at the angry-looking Lan Yu on the stage and clicked his tongue.

If this tool truly had the intention to stop his lackey shouldnt he have done so earlier? A lackey certainly would not have the courage to publicly silence someone in front of the tribunal court; Not unless he was instructed to do so from someone behind the scenes.

Gorm had retreated back to Lan Yus side and was shooting a trepid glance at Ji Bai on the execution stage.

The glance shooting out from under that tin cans helmet resembled a blade about to pierce through his entire body.

Such a horrifying glance. Is there a monster wrapped inside the plate armor??

For a moment the audience sunk into a strange silence.

Mr. Yu what is the crime for disrupting the order of the tribunal court and attempting to intervene in its decision-making process? Spoke Ji Yue who was usually a person of few words. Like water flowing past a silver bell her voice was sweet-sounding yet plain.

The crime is equivalent to drawing out a sharp knife while meeting the temple bishop. The punishment for that is death without pardon. Responded the goatee knight at her side faintly.

Carry out the execution then. Ji Yue remained calm and collected as she flipped a page in her booklet.

Yes. The goatee knight slightly nodded.

The officials of border town felt their hearts tremble.

Gorm was shocked. As soon as he heard that the other party was going to lay their hands on him he subconsciously tried to look for a weapon.

However he had lost that chance as soon as the other party had grasped onto his sword hilt.

Splurt! While everyone had fallen into a daze a white figure imperceptible to the naked eye flitted by. Along with a splatter of scarlet a plump object the size of a watermelon smashed to the ground with a snap.

Fresh blood and some white turbid substance splashed onto the table in front of Lan Yu.

The area where the neck had been severed resembled a fountain with fresh blood sprinkling out.

As for the corpse that had lost its head it had collapsed onto the ground after powerlessly shaking a few times.

The goatee knight respectfully stood beside Ji Yue. No one had been able to see his actions clearly and the audience was even more clueless as to when he had returned back to Ji Yues side. Only the blood-dipped longsword in his hand was a testament of him being the one that had killed Gorm.

A knight that had stepped into the temple rank had been unable to unleash his sacred ability in time before his head was cut off; He did not have the slightest amount of a possibility to resist it.

A yellowish-white turbish liquid mixed with blood had soaked the snow-white table cloth with a white droplet even making its way onto an officials face.

The various Border Towns officials had a deathly-white complexion while their bodies were shivering like garlic pounders. Even the sound of their breaths had turned silent afraid that a slight amount of carelessness would cause them to follow in Gorms footsteps.

Appearances are deceiving. Ji Yues pure appearance reminiscent of a junior high school-like student had given those crafty officials the impression that she was just a young girl woefully ignorant of worldly affairs.

The scene in front of them had completely exceeded their imaginations. Meanwhile Ji Yue was devoid of any emotions as she absent-mindedly flipped through her small booklet.

To be able to casually order an execution all while wearing an unchanging face; It was possible that the creature contained beneath her skin was a devil who would not blink an eye while killing someone.

She was no longer that timid girl from before who needed to hide under the wings of her older brother; Her growth speed had far exceeded Ji Bais imagination.

No matter what happens no one could bully her now.

Ji Bai formed a smile beneath his helmet. It was unknown whether it was one formed out of satisfaction or sorrow.

The officials of the border town had thoroughly withdrawn their contempt and were trembling with fear as if they were sitting on seats filled with pins and needles.

Young Missus Ji. Isnt it a bit too harsh to do that? No matter how you put it he had been my direct subordinate Lan Yus face was dark as he looked at the table that had fallen into complete disorder.

Ji Yue put away the booklet and tilted her head while indolently lying back on her seat.

You wish for me to show you some respect?

As a young lady from the main branch of the Fire Lance clan even the present president has to be somewhat respectful to her when they meet. Im afraid that Section Head Lan Yus position is still a bit too inadequate to have my young missus give him some respect. Said the goatee knight coldly as he placed his sword back into its scabbard.

My apologies this isnt what this humble self meant. No matter how humiliated and resentful he felt in his heart Lan Yu could only grit his teeth and endure.

Wretched woman Just you wait! You wont be happy for too long. There definitely will be a day where you have to please me in bed and beg me for mercy!

All of you here are influential figures in the border town that have thrived together in this place. However I want to ask all of you to abide by the rules of this tribunal court and show me some respect. Ji Yue propped her head up her gaze disinterestedly sweeping past the officials who all had a deathly-white complexion on their faces.

Her voice wasnt loud even carrying traces of weakness and laziness in it yet it managed to take the breath out of everyone present.

While the argument is satisfactory it is not enough to clear them of their crimes. Ji Yue said indifferently as she looked at Ji Bai.

Does your excellency still require witnesses? Very well I was at the scene at the time when the incident happened. I wonder if this humble self is qualified to be a witness for this case?

After looking face-to-face at Ji Bai for a moment Ji Yue stood up.

The trial this time will henceforth end here. The death convicts will be temporarily released and will enter a period of observation.

Below the stage Landi and the other frontline knights had fallen into a trance.

Foreseeing that they wouldnt leave the execution field alive they had long resolved themselves to have their heads chopped off. They didnt expect that theyd actually be able to survive??

What are you in a daze for? Hurry up and thank the judges. Ji Bai patted Landis head.

Oh! Thank you thank you your excellency! And thank you sire. Landi hurriedly expressed his thanks to Ji Yue and then turned towards Ji Bai in an extremely gratified manner.

Theres no need for gratitude. Just continue to be a competent knight in the future and that will be the greatest thanks you can give me.


In the end the tribunal court had given the masses a result they could never have imagined.

Lan Yu had kept a dark face from beginning till the end. Not only had this trial gone in a different direction than the result he had confidently expected he had also lost a formidable military asset. It was impossible for his complexion to be normal after suffering such consecutive losses.

However this wasnt the worst part. If the frontline knights had been found to be innocent the public would quickly begin to be suspicious and wonder who exactly was the saboteur behind the scene. It would soon be impossible to conceal the truth.

In that case I can only use this unwise strategy I still have a great future ahead of me; I cant let myself get stuck inside this tiny border town!

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