Chapter 123


In the middle of the night, Wu Madam went into labor.

The delivery process went rather smoothly.

After all, this was her third child.

Sitting outside her mother's room waiting, Jiang Wan heard the cry and breathed a sigh of relief.

As an unmarried young lady, she not only had to manage the household, but also had to arrange her mother's childbirth.

It could be considered a close call without incident.

The midwife brought out a baby.

Very fair-skinned and delicate, tiny, with a head that kept turning, looking around, crying softly with a slight tremor.

Jiang Wan didn't dare take the baby, it was too small.

Jiang Huaisheng saw the infant, heard it was a daughter, and was also very happy, somewhat excited: "She's even more delicate than your sister was, she'll definitely be a beautiful girl when she grows up."

Jiang Huaisheng anxiously asked the midwife if Jing'er was alright.

The midwife nodded: "Mother and daughter are safe, the madam is fine too, she just needs to rest and recover now."

Jiang Huaisheng hurried in to see his wife.

Jiang Wan followed, seeing her mother lying there weakly, smiling faintly when they entered.

But she looked very content.

"I'll go tell Grandmother, Mother, you rest well."

Seeing that all was well, Jiang Wan took her leave.

Though it was the middle of the night, it wasn't so cold anymore.

Wearing two layers of clothing was about right.

The midwife said this was the best time to give birth, neither hot nor cold, convenient for the month of confinement.

In May, the pomegranate flowers bloom.

There was a pomegranate tree in the courtyard, blooming vigorously.

Passing by at night, there was a floral fragrance.

Jiang Wan passed by her brother's door and saw the light was still on inside.

Her brother was still up late studying hard.

Recently, her brother's state seemed a bit off.

He was studying like a madman.

Jiang Wan couldn't guide him, and didn't even know what to say. Actually, studying like this might be more ambitious than before.

Since New Year's, when that person sent six clay jars and that letter, Jiang Rong had been somewhat distraught.

He studied for the imperial exams to advance himself.

If there was a rebellion, then he would also be a rebel.

He asked Grandmother to officially expel that person from the clan, but for a great crime like rebellion that would implicate nine generations of family, how could expulsion from the clan allow one to escape? If so, wouldn't it be naive for every family to have half their members rebel and half advance themselves, and if the rebellion failed just expel them and say they weren't family?

Jiang Wan returned to Grandmother's room. Grandmother had her eyes closed but wasn't asleep, leaning on the soft couch, slowly fingering her prayer beads.

Seeing her arrive, she asked: "Did it go smoothly?"

"Grandmother, it went smoothly. Mother gave birth to a girl, both mother and daughter are safe. I'm an older sister now too."

After speaking, Jiang Wan walked to Grandmother's side and sat down next to her: "Grandmother, Wan'er wants to sleep with you tonight."

The image of her father leaning against her mother, with the baby in her mother's arms, floated in her mind - a scene of domestic bliss.

She leaned a little closer to Grandmother.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Wan lay down next to Grandmother on her bed.

After an exhausting day, sleep came heavily.

Suddenly she heard Grandmother speak: "You'll need to work hard to pack up and get ready next, we're going to seek refuge with your aunt."

Jiang Wan was wide awake in an instant.

They weren't going to the capital after all, but the whole family was seeking refuge with her aunt.

She felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, instinctively feeling that seeking refuge would put them at a disadvantage, but she was also excited about possibly seeing that person.

She didn't know if he would see that painting, if he would see her.

She wrote the character "Xi" on her palm.

Her mind raced with various thoughts for a long while before she fell asleep.

The old Madam Jiang originally slept lightly, and with someone beside her she actually couldn't sleep. She endured until she heard Wan'er's even breathing before falling asleep herself. In a moment, dawn broke.



Jiang Mianmian got up yawning to use the bathroom.

After finishing, she stretched out her arms.

Her great-aunt helped her dress and comb her hair.

To share some sad news, she had been moved out of her parents' room and could no longer eavesdrop from the corner of their bed. She could only listen from the room next door to the next door now.

Even sadder news was that her new roommate was her great-aunt.

At first, Jiang Mianmian was a bit nervous, worried she might reveal something strange about herself, as some of her behaviors were a bit odd.

But her great-aunt seemed to find nothing unusual, able to explain everything away to herself.

Moreover, her great-aunt was contradictory - on one hand requiring her not to be lazy, on the other hand waiting on her hand and foot making her even lazier.

She closed her eyes and stretched out her arms, waiting for her undergarments, outer robes and shoes to magically appear on her body.

Aunt Yin dressed the little girl and carried her out.

Strangely enough, though in her fifties, she seemed to be getting more robust in the Jiang household, with a vigorous stride and seemingly greater strength. Actually, she had always been quite strong - her ability to survive in the palace was due not only to her resourcefulness, but also to the physical strength she kept hidden.

She said she had given away all the family fortune, left with just one small bundle.

It looked like just a set of spare clothes, but was actually quite heavy, containing many valuable treasures inside.

Others wouldn't expect such a small bundle to be so heavy.

But now her strength seemed even greater, with energy to spare.

Apart from losing a bit more hair, perhaps from worry, but it was also growing back...

At her age, she suddenly had many new baby hairs on her forehead, and they were black.

White hairs fell out in handfuls, while new short hairs grew in tufts.

She hadn't really been sick, except for that time she drank the mushroom soup cooked by the eldest young lady and had diarrhea all night.

The family seemed used to it, they drank it often and were probably accustomed to it.

Aunt Yin had diarrhea all night, scrubbing off quite a bit of old skin from her face.

In the palace she had heard of something that could detoxify and preserve youth when eaten.

The emperor had asked masters to refine golden elixir pills with this effect.

The emperor would only bestow these golden elixir pills on concubines he particularly favored.

Indeed, after eating them one's complexion would become radiant, the skin becoming much fairer overnight. For a period of time the skin would glow white, gaining much favor, but unfortunately the nail that sticks out gets hammered down - being too conspicuous, they soon died.

Aunt Yin had seen those corpses, they were frightening - the corpses still lifelike and extremely beautiful.

She had her doubts about the golden elixir, but it was something the emperor ate, not for a palace maid like her to worry about.

But the eldest young lady's mushroom soup, apart from giving her diarrhea, also made her more energetic. She felt like she had become ten years younger.

So Aunt Yin observed carefully.

She discovered that everyone in this family was very strong.

Her own strength didn't stand out at all here.

They all seemed very healthy, without illness or misfortune.

It seemed everyone was hiding some small secret.

Aunt Yin didn't investigate further. Sometimes, knowing too much is not the way to longevity.

She carried the little girl out.

Looking up, she saw Mr. Jiang.

"Aunt Yin, don't always carry her, let her walk on her own. I see Mianmian has gained quite a bit of weight recently."

Aunt Yin looked a bit embarrassed.

She instinctively picked her up.

Jiang Mianmian was put down on the ground. Her little legs went pitter-patter as she walked to her father, extending her arms: "Father, hold me."

Jiang Changtian: ...

Hugging her father's leg, Jiang Mianmian spoke:

"Father, you should hold me more when I'm little. Once I grow up, you won't be able to anymore. Every day you hold me is one less day you can."

Jiang Changtian: ...

Still unable to resist his daughter's pleading gaze, he picked her up.

She was heavy.

Aunt Yin chuckled, thinking, "If you don't spoil her, the little girl will be climbing all over you."

Aunt Yin kept her eyes down, pretending not to see. It was basic courtesy not to embarrass the leader.

She went to the kitchen and saw the eldest daughter cutting noodles, slicing them into fine strands with blurring speed. She couldn't help but sigh.

Although Qin Madam had said she hoped for the children to grow up safely and peacefully, without illness or mishap until old age.

But as their teacher, she certainly couldn't just muddle through.

She still had ideals and goals.

At the very least, she wanted to cultivate someone presentable.

Especially after seeing Mr. Jiang's appearance and those ant-like proverbs and epigrams, she had a new direction for cultivation.

But... the direction was wrong.

This knife skill, this carving, this craftsmanship.

"What are you doing, Yu'er? Today I asked you to practice walking, have you finished practicing?" Aunt Yin asked sternly.

Jiang Yu smiled sheepishly: "Great-aunt, I'm researching how to make dragon whisker noodles. It's almost my little sister's birthday, and I want to cut these noodles. Look, I've cut them as thin as hair, they'll definitely be delicious. There's still a lot left to cut, I'll come with you after I finish."

Aunt Yin stepped forward, snatched the knife, and took the remaining dough in both hands. With a rapid "clang, clang, clang," she sliced, creating a flurry of flour.

As the dust settled, neat, fine noodles fell like a head of dark hair.

Who couldn't do that? Who didn't have a special skill?

Aunt Yin looked at the dumbfounded Yu'er and politely asked, "Now can you come practice walking with me?"

Yu'er obediently followed her great-aunt out.

To avoid embarrassing their elder sister, father and big brother had both gone out.

Jiang Mianmian sat on a small chair, swinging her legs and eating the pastries her elder sister had made, watching her great-aunt teach.

"Your steps should be unhurried, neither too fast nor too slow, graceful and composed."

Elder sister walked with exaggerated large strides.

Great-aunt occasionally swatted at her sister's calves, thighs, and back with a small feather duster.

"Don't hunch your back, and don't take such big steps."

Yes, the feather duster was also little Jiang Mianmian's invention, just this bit of cleverness.

Perfect for disciplining her elder sister.

She might not have imagined that it would later be used on herself as well.

Jiang Yu felt she was walking quite well, but great-aunt said it wasn't good enough.

"When standing, stand straight, head high and chest out. Don't lean against doorways, it's not dignified and will obstruct others' paths."

Jiang Mianmian chewed on a small steamed bun, thinking, "This great-aunt really knows her stuff. No wonder descriptions of courtesans always have them leaning in doorways, turns out it's saying they're undignified."

"When turning corners, make wide turns to avoid bumping into edges or other people, which could cause unnecessary misunderstandings," Aunt Yin instructed the eldest daughter, enunciating each word while holding the feather duster.

Jiang Mianmian thought: Ooh, knowledge point! You definitely won't find love around corners.

Aunt Yin couldn't spare attention for the little girl sitting in the chair, swinging her legs and eating buns while watching the show.

"When leaving the presence of elders, move slowly to express respect and reluctance to part."

Jiang Yu retreated, walked past her great-aunt, smiling so wide her teeth showed.

Aunt Yin raised the feather duster and swung it so fast it left afterimages, feathers flying everywhere.

They floated down, landing on the little bangs of Jiang Mianmian, who sat to the side eating snacks.

She sat there, blowing at the feathers on top of her head.

"Phew, phew, phew!"

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