Chapter 149 Important Person

Before Pei Yi could make a move, Seven Kills rushed forward and threw down a few hooligans.


A group of ruffians rolled on the ground in pain, hating and fearing in their hearts, they got up and wanted to escape.

Pei Yi couldn't just let them go like this, she said coldly: "Arrest them to the government."

The hooligans were all held down by the guards one by one.

They were so frightened that they all knelt down and kowtowed begging to be let go.

"My lord, please forgive us, we were also temporarily obsessed with ghosts..."

"We haven't really done anything yet, Lord, please spare us..."

Pei Yi was furious when she heard these words.

These wretched men obviously have no remorse at all.

If she doesn't throw this group of people into the government office this time, I'm afraid that these people will harass other girls unscrupulously next time—and there is a high probability that they will go back and continue to bully the girl she saved today.

"Take people away!" Pei Yi said coldly.

With her order, the guards escorted the ruffians to the county government.

Qisha thought for a while, and couldn't help reminding: "Third Master, then County Magistrate Li is not very good at dealing with you. If these gangsters are escorted by our Pei Mansion, County Magistrate Li may not accept it."

Pei Yi glanced at Qi Sha in astonishment.

Before, Qi Sha rarely talked, and never took the initiative to give her advice—even if Qi Sha occasionally made a suggestion, it was only when she asked.

But today, Seven Kills is too proactive.

In other words, the Seven Kills have been quite proactive in recent times.

Recalling that this person proposed to be her servant, Pei Yi felt a little strange in her heart.

"It doesn't matter if Li County Magistrate doesn't accept it." Pei Yi said with a fake smile, "His days are coming to an end."

If County Magistrate Li refuses to accept this obscenity incident, it will be even more crime and death will be faster.

Qi Sha was slightly stunned, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "This subordinate is worrying too much."

The more he came into contact with Pei Yi, the more he realized that Pei Yi was not simple—this person might look carefree, but he was actually very careful, and many times a seemingly casual small move was actually planned. For example, when detaining a person to the county government this time, Pei Yi calculated the intention of County Magistrate Li and intentionally added a black debt to the person.

Pei Yi didn't know what the boss next to her was thinking about.

She walked slowly towards the girl who had just been rescued.

The girl was obviously frightened, and her face was pale.

But she was still calm. When she saw Pei Yi approaching, she barely stabilized her figure and saluted: "Thank you, benefactor. I don't know how to call benefactor?"

Pei Yi said softly: "My name is Pei Yi, and I'm the third in the family. You can call me Sanlang."

The girl feels that her status is low, so she dare not call her that.

She lowered her head and whispered: "I have met Mr. Pei. My family name is Xu, and my name is Xiaoxiao."

Xu Xiaoxiao?

Pei Yi habitually compares these new names with the various characters in the original book.

"This person is not mentioned in the book." The system reminded in time.

Pei Yi secretly thought that this is another cannon fodder who doesn't even have a chance to appear in the book.

"People who have not appeared in the book may not be unimportant." The system reminded cautiously, "This is a real world. What is shown in the book is only what happened around the male and female protagonists, but many people other than the male and female protagonists — Doubt is something they deliberately concealed, and it is not mentioned in the book."

Pei Yi suddenly realized.

She recalled what Xiao Junji told her before, that when he was young, he was pushed off the cliff by his younger brother—that is, Xiao Junlin, the hero of the original book.

This matter is not mentioned in the book at all.

But this matter is not necessarily unimportant, on the contrary, it can be said to be very important-this is the beginning of the two brothers' feud.

Pei Yi turned her thoughts back to the present.

She wanted to relieve the nervousness of the little girl in front of her, and joked with a chuckle: "Your name is interesting."

Xu Xiaoxiao blushed suddenly, and explained shyly: "Grandma hoped that my appetite would be smaller so that I could feed myself, so she gave me this name. However, I can eat quite well."

Pei Yi couldn't help laughing.

She saw that Xu Xiaoxiao was thin and thin, and she didn't look like someone who could eat.

Xu Xiaoxiao's cheeks were flushed, and she bit the bullet and asked: "Third Master, I am quite capable of working. Look...can I go to your house to help?"

Pei Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked with a half-smile: "Although there are not many places that recruit female workers in Linhe County, there are still a few. Why do you insist on coming to my house?"

Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, and she said in a low voice: "My grandma passed away. But I don't even have the money to bury her. I came out today to look for a job, but I ran into those..." hooligans.

Xu Xiaoxiao didn't say the last two words, she felt uncomfortable and scared.

If Engong hadn't arrived in time, she really didn't know what to do—maybe she would bite her tongue and kill herself. Oh, no, if she wanted to bury her grandma, she would dig a hole herself and bury her grandma with herself.

"Is there no one else in your family besides grandma?" Pei Yi asked softly.

"No more." Xu Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "I was picked up by my grandmother on the side of the road. I depend on her for life..."

Grandma is a lonely and helpless old widow, and she was picked up to let her die in the future.

But who would have thought that he was so useless, and now it would be difficult to bury grandma.

"You take this money to settle your grandmother first." Pei Yi took out a few silver coins from her purse and handed them to Xu Xiaoxiao.

Worried that a little girl would be unsafe on the road, she specially sent a guard to protect Xu Xiaoxiao.

Qisha watched silently, feeling more and more emotional in his heart.

San Ye is really different from before.

The former third master didn't care about these nosy things at all, let alone saving people and giving money like now.

But today's third master is kind, generous, and intelligent.

Qi Sha was slightly taken aback when he thought of this.

He really didn't expect that one day when he thought of Pei Sanlang, his mind would be full of good things.

With Xu Xiaoxiao's little episode, Pei Yi didn't feel like playing anymore, and went straight home.

Now she doesn't have any pressure to study, after all, the system has already added her Poetry and Song Fu skills to 20lv in the same rank.

Now, she just needs to wait for the scientific examination step by step.

As for County Magistrate Li and his party, they must be grasshoppers after autumn—they won’t be jumping for a few days.

Pei Yi suddenly felt relaxed.

This should be the happiest moment since she came to this world.

"Third Master, the prince is here to visit." The maid Xia Chan presented a greeting card with both hands.

Pei Yi unfolded the gilt and red-bottomed greeting card and saw that it was Wang Pu who had come.

She was very surprised, after all, she and Wang Pu hadn't communicated for a long time since they parted in Wanju Cave that day.

(end of this chapter)

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