Afterlife Department

Chapter 183 - Huo Jinghua

Chapter 183 - Huo Jinghua

Huo Meiying, who was called, raised her head and saw Huo Jinghua smiling brightly at her. However, her gaze was attracted by the bandage wrapped around his head. There were some stains of blood, creating a stark contrast against the clean white color of the bandage.

She slowly walked towards his bed. Instead of wearing shoes with high heels like the refined women from the wealthy families do, she wore flat shoes. "Did it hurt?" she asked. Her cold and low voice subconsciously became softer as she faced her youngest brother. Her usually dull eyes regained its luster, likewise with Huo Jinghua whose eyes are bright as he stared at her.

Only he respects her, unlike his elder three brothers, who are her younger brothers, too.

Huo Jinghua shook his head as a response. He's smiling stupidly like a child. "I am fine, jie.." He answered and grinned at her to assure her.

However, Huo Meiying didn't speak and carefully touched the bandage. Her smooth and slender fingers like jade rubbed against the coarse texture of the bandage. Huo Jinghua sat still on his bed. His body is stiffening as he could feel Huo Meiying's touch, the heat from her fingers seeping through the bandage and was sent to his skin.

He remembered when he was young, his brothers were still including him to play with them. However, as they grew up, they started to bully him just because he is the youngest. He always cried because of that. He thought they didn't like him so they were bullying him. And so, he tried to endure their 'teasing'.

He didn't cry anymore after they hit him, even though it hurts so much. He didn't showed fear when they locked him in the basement, even if he had nightmares that night. He didn't freak out after he saw the bugs they placed inside his shoes, even if he hated the bugs and is disgusted by them. He didn't panic when he got lost after they led him to an abandoned place, even if he was almost kidnapped by some thugs if not for his bodyguards coming to his rescue at the nick of time.

Thinking they'd accept him if after he fought his fears and endured the pain, he continued to fight his fears and endure the pain he felt. But, he didn't expect the opposite was its effect.

Because he doesn't speak, and he didn't show any reaction to their bullying, they gradually lost interest in him and resumed playing with each other, completely ignoring him who was waiting for them to invite him to play with them, his eyes are filled with expectations as he watched them. But, he was bound to be disappointed at them. Not only did they not invite him to play, but they ignored him for the whole day, acting like he doesn't exist.

He waited for the whole day, following behind them wherever they go. Yet, they treated him like a stray dog one should ignore. It was only after a week that his young brain realized his elder brothers were treating him like he is air. His young heart felt how it is to be someone invisible. He developed doubt. Self-doubt.

Everyone was ignoring me. Do I really exist? Am I still existing? Am I… alive? These thoughts ran in his mind. Had it not for his bodyguards always saving him in the nick of time after his 'good' elder brothers played him, he would think he is a ghost. An unfortunate, lost soul.

Losing all expectations on his elder brothers, as well as the world, his young self became even more withdrawn to the world. He started to shut himself in his room, and he played by himself. Because he has faced his fears before, and endured the pain his elder brothers have him, he became fearless, and more pain-tolerant, in the little world he made within the four walls of his room.

However, before he could completely withdraw himself in the world, Huo Meiying arrived. The royal family, noticing her unusual temperament, sent her back to China – which is her father's homeland. They tossed her like a hot potato and put her into the back of their mind. Because she was born a girl, added to the fact that she was an illegitimate child, her mother – the queen, didn't care about her and instead placed more importance to her elder brother, the Crown Prince, whom she gave birth to with her deceased first husband – the late king. Because she had an illegitimate child, her position – her title, as the queen, was at risk. Thus, she exerted more effort to cultivate her son's feelings with her as his mother.

Just because of self-interest, Huo Meiying was isolated. And with her dull temperament, she was sent to China without the knowledge of her elder brother, who loves her dearly.

With Huo Meiying's arrival, Huo Jinghua found an ally. In the form of Huo Meiying, their elder sister, Huo Jinghua felt his hope was rekindled. He was unfavored by his parents, too. However, because of guilt since her mother doesn't want her, Huo Meiying was favored by Huo Dakuan. Huo Jinghua doesn't mind it. As long as Huo Meiying is unfavored by someone… and he can use Huo Meiying to get some affection from Huo Dakuan for himself.

Yes. At the beginning, he wanted to use Huo Meiying. Ironically, he was driven by self-interest, too, thus, he got closer to Huo Meiying, who was unexpectedly despised by his three elder brothers because they envied Huo Meiying being favored by their father, Huo Dakuan. His three elder brothers find Huo Meiying a threat, not only because of the inheritance, but also of their place in their father's heart.

However, Huo Jinghua who had completely lost all his expectations to this world, doesn't want Huo Dakuan's love anymore. He only wanted some of his affections for him to use in the future to alleviate his position in this household, until he completely seizes everything for himself!

However, he never expected for Huo Meiying to be a pushover. She just let everything slide at her. It was as if she has no emotions. Like a doll which the inside is empty. She looked soulless. This made Huo Jinghua developed an interest at their elder sister.

Having himself as an example, to which extent did Huo Meiying suffer for her to end up like this? Was she born like this? This, he finds impossible. Thus, like him, was she almost driven mad by others? Being born in a wealthy family, although it has good sides – like you never have to worry about food and clothing and shelter, but it also has its downsides.

It's like living in a zoo. You're the animal who would be fed and clothes, but you have to dance according to the beat your keeper tells you to.

"Good. As long as you're good, then everything's all fine." Huo Meiying's voice broke Huo Jinghua's thoughts.

He raised his head and gazed at Huo Meiying who was, even though assured that he was already fine, still checks his wrapped wound.

A smile formed on Huo Jinghua's lips as he raised his arms and wrapped them around Huo Meiying's waist. Then, he buried his face on her stomach – just like a child seeking an adult's comfort. "En." He murmured as he tightened his hug.

Huo Meiying, who was already used to Huo Jinghua's spoiled behavior, just hummed a response. She raised her hand and carefully and gently patted Huo Jinghua's head, combing his hair along, like she used to every time Huo Jinghua hugs him before. Now and then, it's still the same between them.

Huo Jinghua who felt the familiar warmth seeping through his clothes and passing on to his body, suddenly frowned when he remembered something.

Gerard Jackson, Huo Meiying's husband. Gerard Jackson doesn't deserve his elder sister. He doesn't deserve Huo Meiying. He isn't worthy of Huo Meiying! He has let Gerard Jackson off for too long. He has to execute his plan made especially for him soon.

For now, he has to continue to act like a white lotus for his elder sister. "Jie… I'm hungry." He told her. His voice was aggrieved.

Huo Meiying bit her lip because of guilt. It wasn't as if she's deaf. Earlier, she heard the servants gossiped about Huo Chengyi becoming missing, as well as him attacking Huo Jinghua. Thus, she went to Huo Dakuan to get some news.

It was because of this morning, when Huo Dakuan finally handed the chairman position to Huo Jinghua. If it wasn't because of it, Huo Chengyi wouldn't become jealous and attack Huo Jinghua. She felt resentful of their father more. Why does he have to push Huo Jinghua into the fire?

How can Huo Jinghua not know his elder sister's thoughts? They were clearly shown on her face. Watching her all this time, only he can read her like the back of his palm. How will Huo Meiying know he was harmed by 'Huo Chengyi' if he didn't instruct the servants to let her hear them gossip?

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