Afterlife Department

Chapter 186 - Lewis Johnson

Chapter 186 - Lewis Johnson

"En. You've worked hard today." He nodded at them, his expression cold and indifferent as he took off his eyeglasses, revealing his sharp and deep eyes as well as his handsome face that looked like it was perfectly chiseled. He then loosened his necktie, exposing his sexy tanned chest underneath his white shirt.

Both the men and women loudly gulped down their saliva when they suddenly felt thirsty because the temperature seemed to become hot despite the air conditioner working perfectly. They looked at the man that have a handsome face and sexy body.

He is Lewis Johnson, the mysterious and most powerful lord of the underworld. He is mysterious since he doesn't need to show his face to the public, thus he didn't.

One woman almost had thrown herself before Lewis Johnson, her face flushed red and she unbuttoned her blouse and lowered her skirt, exposing her plump chest and her lace underwear. Obviously, she wanted sex like the other people around.

Fortunately, her friend stopped her in time.. But, it was because she wanted to throw herself, too. She wanted to be fucked by Lewis Johnson. Who wouldn't, though? He's handsome, rich, and is powerful.

Lewis Johnson saw all of it but he ignored him. He only wanted one person. And he is seeing someone tonight.

He stopped in front of a door. Someone opened the door for him and exposed the person sitting inside. "Good evening." The person greeted with a smile. He was wearing a tang suit, making his already handsome visage even more sharp and smart-looking.

However, the bandage wrapped around his head looked mismatched with his appearance. "I thought you were recuperating after your 'accident' – " he said as he walked inside the room. " – Huo Jinghua." He said and sat across him.

Huo Jinghua deviously grinned, which is even more mismatched of his 'innocent' appearance. That appearance really fooled Huo Meiying, more so his father Huo Dakuan as well as his brothers and the people around them.

But not Lewis Johnson. The first time he saw him, the alarm bells in his mind rang for the first time. That person is dangerous, very dangerous. He preferred to deal with fierce-looking individuals than the cleaner-looking ones like Huo Jinghua.

The more delicate they look, the more dangerous they are! They looked clean and handsome since they are powerful. More powerful! Those who have wounds on their face and body are the less powerful ones, since they can't protect themselves thus they were wounded. Lewis Johnson always believed this thought, and Huo Jinghua confirmed it for him.

"I can't just postpone our celebration." Huo Jinghua said.

Hearing his answer, Lewis Johnson grinned. "Indeed, congratulations to you." He said. One thing to celebrate is Huo Jinghua's promotion to the highest position personally done by Huo Dakuan.

As for the others… "It's congratulations for the both of us." Huo Jinghua said. They long withheld plan against Gerard Jackson finally started.

"En. Cheers!" Lewis Johnson said and raised his glass filled with wine.

"Cheers." Huo Jinghua said as he raised his cup filled with tea.

Lewis. "…" what's the purpose of celebration if you'd drink just tea?

Seeing his face filled with black lines, Huo Jinghua laughed. "I am currently a patient. I have to eat healthy foods and drink non-alcoholic drinks." He explained and drink his tea.

"… I thought it was fake." Lewis Johnson said

"It is. The accident is." Huo Jinghua said. "But, not the wound." He said and pointed his bandaged head. As to how he harmed himself, only he knows.

Lewis Johnson nodded in understanding. "You won't have someone to warm your bed tonight?" he asked and looked at the closed door.

Huo Jinghua smiled. "I am currently a patient. I am forbidden to engage in strenuous activities." He explained as he sipped his tea.

Lewis. "…" fine. You're a patient.

"Won't you have someone to warm your bed tonight?" Huo Jinghua asked.

"… I'll consider it." Lewis Johnson answered. However, whether he'd really consider or not, only he knows.

Huo Jinghua didn't pursue the matter and left after speaking a few more words to Lewis Johnson. When Lewis Johnson pursued him to stay longer, he told him, "I am currently a patient. Staying up late is bad for my health.", then truly left.

Lewis. "…" fine… you're a patient. He sighed and finished his wine in one gulp before he also headed home. As for someone to spend a night with… as he has said before, he only wanted one person. There's only one person in his mind, in his dream every night, and he dreams during the day.

It's not Huo Jinghua, the man he has met earlier. He would lose more than half of his life even just trying to date him. That's how evil that man is. Sometimes, he even thought that Huo Jinghua is more cold-blooded and cold-hearted than him. The only warmth left in Huo Jinghua is Huo Meiying, and Huo Ling.

The one who can give him, Lewis Johnson, warmth, is the person he wanted, the one he thought of always: Gerard Jackson.

Gerard Johnson has once saved him when he was a child after he was kidnapped and trafficked. Gerard Jackson found the place he hid after he escaped. Gerard Jackson gave him his mobile phone while he left to call for his parents and save him. However, he heard his traffickers were escaping so he escaped again to lead the traffickers away from the place for them to not see Gerard Johnson.

After successfully escaping again, he didn't dare try his luck anymore and exhaust it so he called his parents' number, together with the police. Just as when he was found again and was about to be taken away, the police arrived and he was saved. The traffickers were caught unprepared, then were captured.

After the incident, he wanted to find Gerard Jackson to thank him. However, the traffickers found the phone and threw it on the river before they took him away. Thus, he doesn't know where to start looking for Gerard Johnson.

It was not until Gerard Johnson's engagement with Huo Meiying was publicized did he found him again. Gerard Johnson's facial features never changed, so he recognized him. Because he is an arm-flinging shopkeeper (someone who asks others to work but does not work himself, in this case, since he is a boss), he never found Gerard Jackson is also a part of the underworld.

(A/N: *cues for Ariel to sing "Part of Your World" XD)

He blamed himself for his negligence. He found Gerard Jackson too late. Now someone has caught him. He thought of snatching Gerard Jackson from Huo Meiying (stealing the groom). Worse, he thought of killing Huo Meiying. With his forces in the underworld, the royal family is nothing in his eyes. He has nothing to fear if he's going to kill Huo Meiying.

However, fortunately, Huo Jinghua appeared before him and saved his elder sister's life. Some of their businesses have a partnership, and it was the nth time they would have a partnership, so they met face-to-face. It was then that he found out that the woman he is planning to kill is the elder sister of the man who is one of the few that gained his respect. And so he told him of his plan. They are in the underworld. One or three schemes involving a business partner's relative is nothing.

But, he underestimated Huo Jinghua's feelings towards Huo Meiying. That was his mistake. Because of that, he was pushed by Huo Jinghua into a pit without him knowing.

Huo Jinghua chuckled after hearing his plan to kill his sister. For some reason, and for the first time, Lewis Johnson felt a chill ran down his spine. He blamed it to the air conditioner of the room, never knowing that the coldness he felt was from the crafty fox he is going to have a contract with.

He didn't know it'd be a contract with the devil. But, it was already too late for him to be saved. Huo Jinghua proposed to him a plan. He wanted Gerard Jackson, while Huo Jinghua wanted Huo Meiying. Since they have a common objective – to separate the two, they worked together like always.

Huo Jinghua told him, in order to get closer to Gerard Jackson, he would need to gain the other's trust, which is seldom seen in the underworld. Huo Jinghua, who will be one of the brothers-in-law of Gerard Jackson, also told Lewis Johnson about Gerard Jackson's temper. Thus, in the end, Lewis Johnson agreed to become Gerard Jackson's secretary, who will be his right-hand man, the one he will have the trust the most, as well as a spy for Huo Jinghua. It was a win-win situation for them both.

However, both of them didn't expect for their plan to last for more than twenty years. Lewis Johnson, eventually, became addicted of the 'role play' and was immersed of his act while Huo Jinghua, after Huo Ling was born, didn't want for Huo Ling to grow up in a broken family. Thus, the two put their plan on hold.

All because of their emotional entanglements. Love for Lewis Johnson, while familial affection for Huo Jinghua.

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