Chapter 197 - Cameo

Tianxing Entertainment.

When Hao Baiyun and Gu Xingfeng reached the studio where Lei Shan was filming, they saw Kale was silently watching Lei Shan acting a scene while regally sitting on the cushioned chair given to him. The name written on the back of the chair is 'Lei Shan'.

Hao Baiyun. "…" he turned his gaze on Lei Shan who quickly finished a scene and had his makeup retouched.

There was a suspicious purple mark near Lei Shan's eye revealed after his makeup was washed out by his sweat. Thus, the makeup artists redoubled the layer of his makeup.

Hao Baiyun. "…" although what happened might be slightly off of what he said, but he thinks Kale really had wanted to kill Lei Shan right there and then. Just look at the makeup artists' reaction, as well as the director's.

Their face is dark, but with the perpetrator present at the scene, and Lei Shan acting calm, they can't just point a finger at Kale. Added to the fact that Kale has a regal aura, even greater than Lei Shan… well, Kale is really a king. Even if he isn't yet, but he will definitely be. Thus, no one spoke a breath and complain at Kale damaging Lei Shan's face. Even the victim himself didn't complain, so how can they? They felt stifled from anger.

On the other side, when Gu Xingfeng approached Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi, he saw them standing on both sides of Kale like marbled statues. With their stiffer than a board and erect body, Gu Xingfeng, for a moment, thought he was mistaken. That they aren't his subordinates, but they are really statues.

Had it not for their familiar face that is now more vacant than ever, Gu Xingfeng really would've his gaze overlook them and find the 'real' Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi. Yet, there wasn't a mistake. They are really Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi.

He opened his mouth to speak, but no voice or words came out. He felt something is amiss, and his subordinates' blank expression proved it. What the hell happened to them? Why do they look like they have nothing to live for? He thought as he stared at Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi.

Gu Xingfeng. "…" damn. The more he look, the more he felt nervous for some reason. Why do I feel awkward to ask them, 'what happened?', when the question is as innocent as it can be? Or, was it him who feels guilty that's why he can't ask? But why would he feel guilty? He didn't do anything to them right?

Yes. Kale. It must be Kale! He thought and looked at Kale who sat in between his two subordinates. Did he do something to them? If there is, then what is it? What happened to make his two subordinates become frigid?

Well, it was indirectly done by Kale. But the real culprit here is the director.

(The director: huh? What did I do? Who am I? Where am I?)

… that's not entirely true. The director somewhat also indirectly caused Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi to end up like this. It was actually them, themselves. However, they were forced to that situation by the two indirect culprits named above.

Gu Xingfeng recollected himself and looked at his two subordinates. After staring at them for a minute, he turned on his heel and left.

Jiang Xinduo. "…"

Ke Congyi. "…"

Kale who saw Gu Xingfeng left. "^_^" then, he turned to Hao Baiyun. "^_~"

The director and the staff in the set. "…"

Lei Shan. "…"

Hao Baiyun. "… -_-+" he's looking for a fight, isn't he?! A vein popped in his forehead and he marched towards Kale!

The director and the staff. "!!!" are they going to fight?!

Hao Baiyun stopped right in front of Kale and glared at him.

The director and the staff. "!!!!!" is he going to punch him?!

Hao Baiyun raised his hand.

The director and the staff. "!!!!!!!!!!!!" he's really going to hit him! Shall we call the police - ?!

Hao Baiyun's hand descended and landed on the top of Kale's head. "Have you eaten?" he asked as he rubbed Kale's head. His voice is very soft and his touch gentle, completely the opposite of what everyone is imagining.

The director and the staff. "…"

Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi who thought Hao Baiyun would punch Kale so they acted blind for Kale to be punched. "…"

Lei Shan who saw how everyone was disappointed. "…" guys, we are still filming?

Actually, Hao Baiyun really want to hit Kale. However, he didn't because of two things. One: you can't hit a smiling face. Two, he saw the shadow of Huo Ling on Kale. Huo Ling's face resembled Huo Meiying's face, and half of Huo Meiying's blood came from the royal family. Thus, Kale's face has similarity to Huo Ling's face. Thus, Hao Baiyun can't hit Kale. He couldn't bear it. And he felt more pained himself if he really did hit Kale.

After Lei Shan finished his scenes for today, they all went to a restaurant and booked a room. Hao Baiyun, Kale and Gu Xingfeng went inside while Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi were left outside despite Gu Xingfeng and Hao Baiyun urging them to join them inside.

Inside the car, Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi are silent. Ke Congyi was playing with his laptop while Jiang Xinduo leaned on his seat and was napping.

Well, he's actually napping. Through the narrow gap between his eyelids that almost closed as he acted he is napping, he was secretly watching Ke Congyi. Ke Congyi, who thought Jiang Xinduo was sleeping, was crazily tapping on his keyboard with the greatest speed his fingers could move.

Jiang Xinduo saw Ke Congyi was also distracted like him. It was because of the cameo scene they acted earlier.

"What roles are we acting?" Ke Congyi asked.

"No need to change your clothes. En. They really capture the image in my mind!" the director happily said.

"?" Ke Congyi and Jiang Xinduo are both puzzled s they looked at each other with doubt in their eyes. They didn't know that later, they wouldn't since they even couldn't meet each other's gaze without recalling the scene they will be acting.

"Since you two will just be a background picture in one of the scenes of Lei Shan, there wouldn't be many requirements I'll ask from you two." The director said as he sat behind his camera. "The film is about a campus but mature love story between a student and a teacher. Lei Shan is the student and the female lead is the teacher." He explained as he adjusted his camera before he looked at Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi who were standing in the center with the green screen behind them. "You two perfectly fits the two roles in my mind. One is a rich senior college student while the other one is his little brother, and a junior student." He said.

Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi were secretly relieved. The roles aren't too demanding. It is really simple. And so, they followed the director when the director asked them to walk around leisurely while talking. Since their conversation will be muted, the director told them to freely talk.

They naturally talked about work. The director saw they were deeply engaged in their conversation and he nodded in satisfaction. They are natural! He happily thought as his excitement increased. The next act he told them is to sit on a bench which the staff prepared.

Jiang Xinduo and Ke Congyi saw it was a simple scene again, and so they immediately sat down. The director told them to continue talking, so they talked. However, after a minute, the director told Jiang Xinduo to put his arm behind Ke Congyi. The two thought there's nothing wrong with that, and so they complied.

However, the next scene, they suddenly felt that something is wrong. Ke Congyi had to lean his body against Jiang Xinduo. However, seeing the director and the staff's normal expression, they didn't complain. And so Ke Congyi complied.

As time passed, the more they felt that something is wrong. And so, Ke Congyi raised his head at the same time, Jiang Xinduo leaned his head down. It was a coincidence, but they didn't expect for their gazes to meet. And so are their lips.

Before any of them could react, the director immediately yelled 'cut!' and 'perfect!'. Their brain was jolted awake and they finally reacted. Ke Congyi's eyes widened, while Jiang Xinduo's body stiffened.

Fortunately, the scene the director shot was that their back was on the audience while they sat on the bench. And so, the director and the staff didn't see their reddened face and ears, since they were also far from the director and the staff because they were acting only a cameo scene.

However, the captured expression by the other couldn't be forgotten by them two. Thus, their present situation.

Ke Congyi's cheeks and ears are red as he stared blankly at the screen of his laptop while Jiang Xinduo, whose gaze wasn't noticed by Ke Congyi since Ke Congyi was preoccupied by his own thoughts, continued to silently watch Ke Congyi.

Someone said, something at rest will remain at rest unless an external force was acted upon it thus it will move. For him and Ke Congyi, it was the same. Their relationship never changed, and would never change, has it not for that cameo scene they acted.

Should they thank Kale and that director for waking them up and making them realize their feelings? Now may not be the time, but in the near future, they will definitely express to them their gratitude by sending them invitations for their wedding.

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