Afterlife Department

Chapter 207 - Responsibility

Chapter 207 - Responsibility

The young Howee and Kale saw Lewis Johnson's state and were terribly frightened they cried. Huo Ling, who is closer to Lewis Johnson than Kale, thought Lewis died and he cried himself hoarse and his eyes swollen.

That time, Mary Jackson was consoling him. An idea flashed in her mind and she asked him. "When Howee grows up, what does he want to be?" she asked with a smile.

The young Howee hiccupped and sniffed. His fair skin flushed red because of crying. "I… I want to be like uncle Lewis!" he answered.

Mary Jackson's smile stiffened and Kale, who heard Howee's answer, along with the other people, froze in shock. "… why?" she quietly asked.

"I want to save lives!" the young Howee answered..

"… doctors save lives, too." Mary told him.

The young Howee shook his head. "I want to fight them." he said. "I want to fight, in order to protect the people!" he told his mother. "I don't want anyone to be hurt again. I want to protect you, and father. And uncle Jinghua. And uncle Lewis! Uncle Jaycee and uncle Harry!" he told her, his eyes burning with conviction. "I want to defeat those who harmed uncle Lewis. Those who want to harm us!" he added.

Everybody gasped in awe as they stared at Howee. Kale's eyes widened as he gaped at Howee. Then, he turned to his father whose face is ashen after he saw Lewis' unconscious state. He lacked judgement.

"Father!" Kale called as he tugged on his father's sleeve. "I want to be like Howee, too!" he told him. His eyes are sparkling bright.

The emperor felt his head ached more. He breathed a sigh of relief after Huo Jinghua and Gerard Jackson pushed back the Alliance until they left. "You can't be a soldier." The emperor told Kale. "You have to succeed the throne."

Kale's eyes widened and then became filled with tears as he wailed after his hopes went down. "NOOOO!!!" he cried loudly. He kicked and stomped his feet, and his nanny immediately picked him up. However, he flailed his arms and limbs, wanting to get off of her hold.

The emperor helplessly sighed as he consoled the young prince. "Howee will protect you as a soldier if you are the emperor. Also, if you will become the emperor, you can protect Howee by making peace talks." He explained.

Kale blinked his eyes, making some of his tears fall. "R-really?! I can protect Howee?!" he asked and turned to Howee who was rigidly standing in front of Mary, like a soldier, as he imitate his father and uncles' upright posture. "… being a soldier is too hard." He muttered when he saw Howee's tight facial muscles and sweat on his forehead as he persevered to keep his upright posture.

The emperor chuckled as he fixed Kale's collar that was creased after he flailed earlier. "Being a soldier is tough, since you had to endure a rigorous training until you finally become an official soldier. Also, you have to lay your life on the line for the sake of the people, and the country." He explained.

Kale was stunned. He sharply turned to look at Howee who was smiling brightly after Mary praised him. "Howee…" he called under his breath when he felt his heart beat loudly against his chest.

It was fear.

The emperor acted as if he didn't see his son's apprehension. "Being a monarch requires you to only stand and command the people to defend the country." He said. "However – " his smile faded. " – the pressure on the monarch isn't any lesser than a soldier's." he patted his son's shoulders. "Every word a monarch said is equivalent to a life, whether or not to be spared." He said as he stood upright. "A soldier is just one in the many. But, the monarch is only one, for the many. Remember that, Kale." He told him before he turned to resume command against the Zergs after Huo Jinghua and Gerard Jackson scared the Alliance off to their home.

Kale's heart thudded wildly against his chest and he felt his ears are ringing. It wasn't only fear he felt, but terror. He stared at the back of his father with his eyes wide in horror. He felt his back was soaked in sweat, and he was poured by an ice-cold water.

Since young he has been well-educated by the tutors. Thus, he can understand what his father meant with his young mind. But, Howee is different. Even though he grew up in a strict home, but his knowledge is limited, since his parents and step-parents are very careful of him.

Kale, on the other hand, has his hands already full with the country as the future emperor. Can I do it? He thought as he lowered his head. What if he won't become what they expected him to be? Not only Howee, not only his father, not only his family will he disappoint, but the whole nation.

All eyes are on him. Thus, he –

His eyes sharpened as he raised his head and looked at Howee laughing with Mary. He will make the whole world as his own stage and perform brilliantly at his best. This, he would do. He would become a promising emperor for the sake of Howee, his father, his family and their people.

He will become an emperor to protect the ones that he loves, and also to protect their country from harm.

"Sir?" the attendant called when he saw the emperor was smiling.

The emperor was smiling when he saw the burning determination in his son's eyes from the reflection on the glass in front of him. Kale, one becomes strong because they have someone, something they want to protect. One becomes stronger because they want for that someone to be safe. One becomes the strongest because they wanted for that someone to live safely, thus he will change the world to be at peace.

That's the responsibility, not only the soldier or the monarch, but anyone, has to bear.

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