Chapter 214 - Pretense

Yi Bing's face is as dark as the bottom of the pot again while, in contrast, Huo Ling's face is as bright as the sun today. His heart nearly stopped (though it had already stopped) when he saw Huo Ling fell from the building. His whole body became cold (though it has always been cold) after he received a fright from Huo Ling. He didn't expect for the other to be mischievous to this extent. His mind had become blank.

It was only later when he saw Huo Ling appeared that his brain started after it malfunctioned from fright. He wanted to harshly scold the other, however, when he saw the other's satisfied and peaceful expression, all the words he is about to say has disappeared.

As they walked down the street, Huo Ling saw Yi Bing's bad expression like a vile ghost from Hell. He felt that he had to give the other an explanation for what he did, even though the others hadn't asked yet. "I don't know what came to me earlier, but I felt a tugging feeling to jump when I saw the tall height beneath my feet." He told him.

Yi Bing's feet stopped when he heard what Huo Ling said.. "… it might be from your accumulated feelings in this world." He said.

"En." Huo Ling nodded. After all, he felt that, although familiar, but the feeling is still foreign from him. "The I in this world must have always wanted to do that, jumping down from the sky." He said as he looked at the sky. "However, since he was always inside his mech, and the discipline from his elders had been ingrained in his bones, he painfully refrained himself from doing so." He sighed as he felt pity to his reincarnation in this world. He held his chest. "I've done it for you." He whispered.

As if 'he' heard him, the heaviness Huo Ling felt has disappeared and was replaced by an elated feeling.

"He was satisfied." He told Yi Bing as he smiled. However, when he raised his head, he saw Yi Bing's brows are knitted. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"… nothing." Yi Bing answered as he lowered his gaze to hide his thoughts. If it was the wish of the Huo Ling in this world, then the Huo Ling in front of him now should have been Enlighted and had gone to his next reincarnation. However, Huo Ling remained. And so, jumping from high isn't what the wish of the Huo Ling in this world.

Then, what is his attachment? With the emergence of the sect master Huo Ling, the attachment of the Huo Ling of this world would be hard to find since the consciousness of the soul is currently in favor of the sect master Huo Ling.

It's not as if Yi Bing is in a hurry, either… he raised his gaze and looked at the back of Huo Ling. He felt that itchy feeling in his chest again as he stared at the other. He already categorized this as a 'like'. He likes Huo Ling, thus he is willing to stay longer in a world so he can be with him.

Huo Ling, who had turned his back to the other, was also deep in his thoughts. He looked concerned with the Huo Ling of this world… he thought as he secretly glanced at Yi Bing behind him. If I was right on my guess, he is a Soul Envoy. Di San and the others that I met earlier should also be Soul Envoys.

However, Soul Envoys should be apathetic so they couldn't interfere with the matters of the life when their emotions overcome their reason and their interference would result in death. Then, what is this Soul Envoy's purpose for showing care to the Huo Ling of this world?

Huo Ling frowned as his thoughts tangled in a knot in his head. Meanwhile, Yi Bing who was following behind him spoke.

"You asked." he said.

"Hm?" Huo Ling who was still untangling his thoughts answered as he absent-mindedly turned to Yi Bing.

"You asked." Yi Bing repeated.

Huo Ling. "?" what is he going on about?

"You just asked me a question." Yi Bing told him. "Earlier." He added.

Huo Ling froze. "…" ah. I think I really did. However, it was – "A subconscious question." He said. "To show sympathy to the other." He explained.

"Oh." Yi Bing just said, but the word is meaningful.

Huo Ling's face was covered in black lines as he watched Yi Bing walked past him. "…" I'll never ask his well-being again! He thought and followed the other.

In one of the stations in the Star Gate, an officer sighed in pity as he watched the news of the death of the Empire's Prince, Howee Jackson. "So young ah." he said.

His friend nodded. "He's the only Prince of the empire, and he could've lived a wealthy life. Yet, he decided to become a soldier to serve the country. He is very loyal, and even killed the planet Zerg queen that troubled the merchant ships crossing the belt." He said. "Such a pity indeed he died young."

They aren't lowering their voice, so some of their colleagues heard them. And so is one person whose fists are now clenched and is gritting his teeth in anger. Even though he wears gloves as part of their uniform, but his nails dug on his palm and so his blood soaked his gloves.

When he felt the wetness of his gloves, he started. He lowered his head and saw his white gloves turned red, and so he left his seat to go to the toilet and washed his gloves.

Howee… Howee…! Howee! HOWEE!!! His bloodshot eyes narrowed into slits as he squeezed his wet gloves hard treating as if it is Howee's corpse in his hands. He wrung his gloves as if he was wringing Howee's neck.

"Hehehehehe…" he sinisterly chuckled, his shoulders are shaking when he saw that his gloves were torn. "Pretentious." he spat with a hostile gaze.

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