Chapter 219 - Aliens

Gerard Jackson and Lewis Johnson were stunned speechless as they stared at Huo Jinghua who sighed when he saw their reaction. "I am just speculating." He told the two.

Gerard Jackson and Lewis Johnson started and then coughed and looked away. They were all fixated on their fellow humans as their enemy who killed Huo Ling that they haven't thought of the aliens' existence at all.

Aside from the Zergs who are also aliens, there were other aliens that have higher intelligence than the Zergs so they could communicate with the human beings. Most were not hostile, so they formed a friendship with the humans, while there are minor groups of aliens who met them with hostility for they felt the human beings stole their territory – which is the stars, and invading them.

After some time of contemplation, Huo Jinghua frowned and rejected what he said. "No." he looked at the mark on the ground with a thoughtful gaze as he pondered. "There were only a handful of alien species that the empire, and the Alliance before they defected from us, have found and made contact with. Most of them, we have established a relationship with.. Some, we have formed a connection, their interaction with us is casual – neither hot nor cold. And the remaining are a hostile group." He said. "Among them, there is only one race that are heavyweight." He looked at Gerard Jackson and Lewis Johnson.

"The Sorks?" both answered in unison and they looked at each other.

Huo Jinghua coughed to catch their attention when the two gazed at each other longer. He is aware that the two suddenly became cold to each other because of Gerard Jackson's emotions outbursts. Lewis Johnson naturally tried to reach out to him, but Gerard Jackson chose to shut himself.

"Yes." He nodded. "However, inversely to their weight, their brain isn't that much big." He said.

The Sorks are taller than the humans and the tallest Sork is 3 meters tall. Since they didn't grow too much just vertically, they also grew too much horizontally. They are literally giants, and fat giants. The ground shakes every step they take. If they jumped, they could create a result similar to that of an earthquake.

And they always recreated 'earthquakes because they are stupid. All of their growth went to their body and less in their brain. Thus, the stupider a Sork is, the more devastation it creates. You shouldn't give a weapon to an idiot, more especially if it is a lethal weapon, and the idiot is also deficient in EQ.

"But, for someone who can plot without leaving a trace, even in the quantum computers…" Lewis Johnson frowned.

"Yeah. It isn't a Sork can do." Huo Jinghua sighed. "This even can't be done by a Sork." He added as he pointed the mark.

"Yeah. The Sork, even if it is a baby, their foot must be bigger than this is." Gerard Jackson agreed. "This isn't even a shape of a foot!" he added.

"Then, could this be done by an animal?" Lewis Johnson asked.

"This planet was inhabited by Zergs, so how can there be an animal? That animal should already be dead before it can even step in this planet." Gerard Jackson said.

"… sorry, I misspoke." Lewis Johnson said.

Harry Walter. "…" even if they are in a cold war, they still could feed someone a dog food. Lewis is too lenient to Gerard even if it was Gerard's fault. Lewis really loves Gerard, and Gerard could see that… he thought as he looked at Gerard Jackson who looked away from Lewis Johnson's gaze with a blushing face. "…" their reconciliation is only a matter of time. He smiled. "Since Zergs only have pointed limbs, thus they couldn't have done this, and it was neither a human or an animal, then there's only one remaining thing." He said.

Both turned to him.

"An object." Huo Jinghua said.

Harry Walter frowned as he looked at the image sent to him.

"What is it? Did they finally find a lead?" Jiang Ce asked as he peered in to Harry Walter's light brain. Married couples could share their light brain to each other.

Harry Walter doesn't plan to hide anything to his husband. He believes that the key to a happy married life is honesty. Many things lead to misunderstandings just because the other party is dishonest.

With honesty, trust follows. And since both parties trust each other, their marriage life turns better. "En." He answered and showed the image sent to him to Jiang Ce. "Do you recognize the mark?" he asked.

Jiang Ce's eyes narrowed. "This mark… this mark looks like it was made by a – "

His voice was swallowed by the beeping sound from their light brain. "What is it?" Harry Walter asked as he picked up the call.

"Sir!" the soldier made a group call. Huo Jinghua, Gerard Jackson and Lewis Johnson were also listening like Harry Walter. "We've felt some fluctuations of energy in the north east!" he reported. He didn't wait for the others to react as he immediately added. "The energy fluctuation is coming from a piece of a rock! There is a mark near it, and it looked the same as the mark in the mage!" he told them.

That was just too much information. One: the northeast of the planet is where Huo Ling's mech self-exploded. Two: the object that made the suspicious mark in the northeast is a rock, which everyone had suspected the same. And three: the mark in the northeast is the same as in the southwest.

The conclusion is: the stones must have directly or indirectly caused Huo Ling to die. If they would find out what that stone is, then the investigation can take another step closer to the truth!

Harry Walter and Jiang Ce, as well as Huo Jinghua, Lewis Johnson and Gerard Jackson looked at each other, their eyes are talking. They didn't waste any more time. "Let's go!" they said as they all headed to the northeast to look at that piece of stone that was left.

Before, the area was covered by the energy fluctuation due to the Zerg queen dying, releasing her spiritual energy when she died, and it mixed with Huo Ling's spiritual energy when he committed suicide. Thus, no one noticed the stone that looked ordinary on the ground.

But, since it is an energy stone, then it is definitely not ordinary.

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