Chapter 233 - Battle Cry

Star Gate Space Station.

A large group of mechs landed and the two mechs in the lead opened their hatches. Two tall, handsome, and imposing men jumped out. Their medals glistened from the light around and were pinned on their chest proudly.

One was wearing a smile was the other one was frowning. You could see the former was polite, while the latter was in a foul mood.

"Fortunately, Rayver Quinn already rooted out those mice!" Gerard Jackson fumed as they walked towards the entrance of the station.

The mice he was referring to are Marquis Jin, Su Rong, Sylv Kang, as well as the Gav family. The Bertram family and the Lix families are still under monitoring, since they didn't directly ally with Marquis Jin's party, as they still have yet to give their answer to Marquis Jin after they were approached.

The Bertam and Lix families should be grateful they fought with each other, delaying their answer to Marquis Jin, so they weren't directly arrested. To show their sincerity to the empire, they presented Marquis Jin's people to Harry Walter who led the arrest.

The head of the station has been waiting since earlier and immediately greeted them flatteringly as he received them even though was already panicking. He anxiously looked at the sky that was littered with countless beautiful specks of light. But, beautiful things are more dangerous than the ordinary-looking ones. Those lights are explosions after the Alliance's troops attack the Star Gate – the barrier surrounding the entire planet of the empire.

"Fortunately, Sires have captured that ungrateful Su Rong!" seeing none of the two men were talking, and the already suffocating atmosphere becoming heavier, he spoke.

But, it was useless. Neither Gerard Jackson nor Lewis Johnson appreciated the head's initiative as they really aren't in the mood to talk. They stopped to look at the sky. "How long can the Star Gate hold?" Lewis Johnson finally spoke. Gerard Jackson was in a foul mood since one of the culprits who harmed his son came from this place. And so, his eyes are filled with hostility as he stared at the Station Head.

The Station Head is coldly sweating. "Currently, the Star Gate is at 99.5%. It can last for two months." he answered. "But…" he looked at them.

"That's the ideal. Because the Alliance won't stop harassing us, they would definitely increase their attacks." Lewis Johnson coldly smiled.

The Station Head felt a chill as he led them to the main control room.

"Don't you peopled are slack off again! Before, His Highness the Prince died because you are all too lax!" Lewis Johnson shouted as they reached the main control room.

Everyone immediately lowered their head in shame.

"Be grateful we are all currently in the modern era, or His Majesty had already cut off all of your heads, even if you have a hundred of them!" Lewis Johnson added.

The employees were frightened and didn't dare had their fingers slip off of their keyboards as they fortified the Star Gate to prevent the Alliance from breaching after it fell from their attacks.

Lewis Johnson was satisfied with their reaction. "This is the protective shield of the empire. Once it falls, the empire will be flooded by blood and countless corpses." He told them. "Once it falls, the Alliance will definitely leave no one alive in the empire. Do you understand?" he asked them.

Their face had gone pale. "Yes…" they answered.

"Louder!" Lewis Johnson glared at them.

"YES!" they shouted until their voice almost hoarse.

Lewis Johnson and Gerard Jackson turned to their subordinates. "Go and counterattack!" they told them.

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers answered and they all flew out with their mech.

Harry Walter called them. "I'm here in the palace. However, Rayver Quinn is missing, along with Mary Jackson." He told them.

"WHAT?!" they looked at each other. "Where's Huo Jinghua?!"

"Currently flying to planet XTV1." Harry Walter answered.

"That place… why?"

"Because Rayver Quinn and Mary Jackson were there." Harry Walter said.

"WHAT?! What are they doing here… did they – " before they could assume something, Harry Walter cut them off.

"Oh. They were also currently being under attacked by the Alliance there." Harry Walter spoke.

"…" can't you immediately say that?! "We – "

"Just stay there." Harry Walter told them. "Don't let any one of these bastards slip in. They must be here to save Marquis Jin." He told them.

"Him? Why?" they asked.

"Because Marquis Jin is the son of the current head of the Alliance." Harry Walter answered. Before they could ask again, he spoke. "His Majesty told me, what Rayver Quinn told him." He explained.

"En." Kale answered.

That day, Rayver Quinn finally found out Marquis Jin's real identity and immediately reported. He was expecting Huo Jinghua to arrive to tell him to stop investigating. However, Rayver Quinn stopped him, telling him to let Huo Jinghua and the others investigate on their own to not waste their efforts, since it was their way of expressing their feelings towards Huo Ling.

And so, he left and intercepted Huo Jinghua to prevent Kale from crushing Huo Jinghua's expectations.

Kale sighed and watched the Alliance attack the Star Gate. "Let's avenge Howee! Let's avenge our Prince! FOR THE PRINCE!!!" he cried as he raised his fist.

"FOR THE PRINCE!!!" the people yelled.

"FOR THE PRINCE!!!" the soldiers all raised their voice for their battle cry as they flew out of the Star Gate and attacked the Alliance's forces.

Huo Jinghua was crying as he evaded the attacks of the Alliance's forces and then counterattacked. He just found out Mary Jackson was missing, and then the next thing he heard Rayver Quinn was also missing. Worse comes after another worse, as he received another report that the planet XTV1 was attacked, and that the two important people in his heart was there.

Rayver Quinn has only a few people with him, since his travel to planet XTV1 is personal. He trusts that, with Rayver Quinn's abilities, he can keep Mary Jackson safe. Also, Rayver Quinn would only bring his most trusted, and talented, people with him. Thus, he knew they can hold on and be safe for the mean time.

Yet, he couldn't just help but feel worried. His Ah Cui, as well as his wife… "AAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!" he screamed as he shot another mech that approached him. "GET OUT OF THE WAYYYYY!!!!" he shouted and shot another one.

It's as if he heard the empire's battle cry. "FOR THE PRINCE! FOR HOWEE!!!" he yelled as he finally flew past their defenses and flew quick to planet XTV1.

However, suddenly, he felt something flashed before him and pointed somewhere. The next second, his mech was hit on the back and he crashed to the asteroid belt.

BOOOM!!! His mech hit and exploded.

"Damn it!" Gerard Jackson cursed when he saw the Alliance's starships aren't decreasing. Instead, it was their own which is decreasing. "They're really going all-out for their 'prince', huh?" his lip twitched as his eyes narrowed in annoyance. He stormed out the door to go to battle.

"Gerard!" Lewis Johnson called and pulled him back. "You wouldn't rush out with anger filling your head, clouding your mind, right?" he asked.

"No." Gerard Jackson firmly said. His expression cold.

Lewis Johnson stared at him for a long time before he sighed in defeat. "Gerard… I don't want to lose you." He told him before he let go of his hand.

Gerard Jackson was stunned as he looked at him before he smiled and kissed him deeply, which Lewis Johnson immediately returned with the same intensity. "My love… there are only one important person in my life: Howee. That is, before I met you. After I met you, it became two. Yet after Howee died, it went back to one again. Do you understand?" he asked as he stared at Lewis Johnson's eyes. "I am going to avenge my other important person, but I will definitely live since I still have one important person left." He told him and kissed him before he ran away and activated his mech, then flew to the space.

"Gerard…" Lewis Johnson muttered as he wiped his tears. "For me, I only have you."

Huo Ling sighed as he looked at Huo Jinghua lying on the ground, his head bleeding and he's unconscious. "He can't die." He said.

Yi Bing nodded before he turned to Di San and the others. "You go first to Si Shui and we'll follow after." He told them.

"You can't interfere with life – " Di San said.

"We won't. Huo Jinghua isn't going to die yet. He will live long in this world." Yi Bing said. "We're just going to give him a push and meet with his loved ones earlier." He explained.

If Di San was to choose between the past Yi Bing and the present Yi Bing, he'd rather choose the past Yi Bing. Although the past Yi Bing is suffocating, but he's not as suffocating as right now!

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