Chapter 237 - Resonating

"Si Shui." Yi Bing called as he approached the young man with a dark face and deep voice.

"Hm? Senior 0001, what's wrong?" Si Shui asked and blinked his eyes. His expression looked guileless.

Yi Bing. "…"

"Pfft! Ahahahahahahaha!" Huo Ling laughed while holding his stomach and he almost rolled on the ground because of laughter.

Di San, Feng Er and Liu Lin. "?" what happened? What did we miss? But we've been here for the whole time?

Si Shui. "???" this poor child is even more clueless than you all are?

Yi Bing's face turned even darker. He felt wronged. Now he felt what Huo Ling felt earlier after he tried to deceive him. But Si Shui, he's really clueless to his expression. He should stay away from Di San's group in the next world if he ever met them again, in which he prayed he wouldn't.

He didn't know he had just set up a flag to himself. But for now… "How is the Soul Fragment?" Di San asked Si Shui.

Feng Er's expression immediately changed, while Liu Lin's face turned green.

"Where is the Soul Fragment? What is it look like?" Huo Ling curiously asked. "Huh? What is this feeling?" he muttered when he suddenly felt a tugging feeling in his soul.

"Huo Ling…?" Yi Bing called when he saw Huo Ling subconsciously walked forward. "Huo Ling!" he called and immediately grabbed Huo Ling, pulling him back.

Di San, Feng Er, Liu Lin and Si Shui were all taken aback and immediately blocked Huo Ling's path when they saw he continued to walk despite Yi Bing pulling him back. "Could it be, the Soul Fragments are resonating?!" Di San asked.

"WHAT?!" Yi Bing was shocked and almost loosened his hold of Huo Ling had he been slow in reacting. "'resonating'?! What does that mean?!" why doesn't he know of it?!

"I don't know!" Di San answered as they tried to push back Huo Ling towards Yi Bing when they saw Huo Ling's blank gaze. "But! I think it meant that the Soul Fragments are calling each other to combine!" he explained.

"WHAT?!?!" Yi Bing exclaimed and loosened his hold of Huo Ling. His pupils shrank but he immediately reached out his hands and wrapped them around Huo Ling's waist tight.

Di San, Feng Er and Liu Lin who suddenly felt they were forcefully fed by dog food. "…" fuck! Why are we even here?! Let these two dogs be separated by the Soul Fragments! They are hurting our eyes! Though they thought that, but naturally, they couldn't do it. And so, they continued to push Huo Ling.

"Di San!" Yi Bing called.

Hearing him call his name properly, Di San knew Yi Bing is serious.

"What would happen to Huo Ling's soul if the Soul Fragments combine?" Yi Bing asked.

"That…" Di San felt like a cat got his tongue. "I am just speculating, but I think… his soul will dissipate." He said. They don't have much knowledge about Soul Fragments since the Soul Fragments rarely exist, and those Soul Fragments that were found before, there's only a handful of record of them. And it's only this handful of record they only knew about the Soul Fragments. As for the rest, they were only speculating.

"'dissipate'…" Yi Bing muttered with an absent-minded face.

Feng Er, Liu Lin and Si Shui were shocked. "No way…!" they exclaimed before they held Huo Ling down further. Not to mention the souls are their responsibility, but they also can't just see a life disappear before them!

Earlier, they just seen how a Soul Fragment, and a dormant one at that. Huo Ling, who had been acting as Sect Master Huo, suddenly turned back to Howee Jackson. But, before they could react, Huo Ling returned to Sect Master Huo again before, again, changing. However, this time, Sect Master Huo became just Huo Ling. Unanimously, they turned to look at Yi Bing, asking him which Huo Ling is it.

"Stable World." Yi Bing spoke as he stared at Huo Ling.

Suddenly, they saw the stern-looking Huo Ling suddenly grinned. "Bingo!" Huo Ling said as he looked around. "Where are we now?" he asked. This question was directed to Yi Bing, of course, as Huo Ling doesn't know them. Or so they thought. "Grim reapers?" he said when his gaze finally landed on them.

"En." Yi Bing answered. Only Huo Ling of the Stable World knows some of the secrets of the afterlife.

"Hello!" Huo Ling grinned and waved.

Di San, Feng Er and Liu Lin were all taken aback they couldn't react.

Fortunately, Huo Ling didn't mind their lack of response. "This modern building… this isn't the Afterlife Department, is it? Are we in another world again?" he asked.

Di San, Feng Er and Liu Lin. "!!!" those words are just full of information! They unanimously turned to Yi Bing, their gaze in askance. Why does Huo Ling know the Afterlife Department?! Why does he know about the other worlds?! Speak!

However, Yi Bing ignored them. His gaze was on Huo Ling. "Do you remember anything?" he asked.

"Hm? What should I remember?" Huo Ling asked. Just as his voice fell, his head ached and he grunted. "Ugh!" he collapsed on the floor.

Yi Bing's pupils shrank. "Huo Ling!" he cried and immediately helped Huo Ling up. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Huo Ling's eyes are full of bewilderment. "Who… who are you people?!" he suddenly asked and pushed Yi Bing away.

Yi Bing was surprised by Huo Ling's strength and he hit the wall! "Yi Bing!" Di San called as Feng Er and Liu Lin immediately raised their guard.

Huo Ling's eyes narrowed as if he was challenged. He still hasn't changed his uniform, but he is a soul. He reached for his gun on the side of his leg. "Who are you?" he asked as he pointed it at them. "You all have high spiritual energies, but your body felt strange. I still haven't met, nor have heard or known a species like you." He told them. "You look like humans, but you're definitely not. Aliens? I don't think so!" he said as he suddenly moved and attacked Liu Lin who was nearest to him!

Everything happened so fast. Even though Huo Ling is a soul, but he had cultivated in this world, which has a rich qi, when he was still sect master Huo. So, it was no surprise Liu Lin was subdued. Feng Er moved, but who knew that Huo Ling wouldn't give a woman a face?!

Huo Ling dodged when Feng Er kicked him. Suddenly, he was startled when a blade of air shot past to him. However, since he is a soldier, and four high-ranking military officers trained him, it was just natural for him to evade a blade of air that has no killing intent. And so, Feng Er was subdued next.

Di San and Huo Ling were left. Liu Lin was groaning, as he felt he was about to lose a limb again while Feng Er couldn't move since Huo Ling pressed on her acupoint. Both of them have a physical body. Even though Huo Ling doesn't, but his soul materializing is almost equal to a physical body.

Huo Ling stopped and stared at Di San. He could see he is the leader. "I noticed from just now you all are not trained soldiers, nor trained assassins, but you definitely know how to fight." He said. "I'm asking you again, who are you?" he asked.

Di San looked at Huo Ling before he glanced at Feng Er and Liu Lin. "We – " he spoke. However, before he could, a blue light emanating a cold chill shot towards Huo Ling!

The alarm in Huo Ling's mind are ringing as he subconsciously dodged before he unhesitatingly raised his gun again and decisively shot at the source of the blue light!

"Ugh!" Yi Bing groaned when he was shot!

Di San's heart sank. "Yi Bing!" he called. That shot, though the gun and the bullet aren't a real gun and a bullet, but they are made of qi! Di San had just witnessed what happened to Liu Lin after Huo Ling gave him qi, so he felt fear for Yi Bing's condition. "Yi Bing!" he called again.

A loud thump was heard as Yi Bing fell from the wall. He raised his head and looked at Huo Ling who, in return, raised his brows and chin at him proudly. Fearless, he pointed his gun at him.

Yi Bing. "…" this kid is looking for a beating! He thought before he rushed at Huo Ling and fought with him.

Di San, Feng Er and Liu Lin. "…" damn it! We're so done with these two! Why does it look like they are flirting instead of fighting?!

They knew the truth after Yi Bing finally subdued Huo Ling, who subdued two senior grim reapers. Yi Bing isn't the first grim reaper for nothing.

After Yi Bing subdued Huo Ling, Huo Ling fell unconscious. When he woke up again, his memories as Huo Ling from the Stable World and Huo Ling of this world combined. Before any of them could react, Huo Ling punched Yi Bing, making Yi Bing 'tease' Huo Ling again in retaliation.

Di San, Feng Er and Liu Lin. "…" we're so done with you two! Adios!

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