Chapter 246 - Liu Lin

Despite having such a heavy conversation last night, everyone acted normally like they usually do the next morning. The heavy rain from last night hasn't stopped, but became gentler as it poured down from the clouds this morning. Their mood was affected by the heavy rain last night, but their mood lightened up this morning because Si Shui finally woke up.

"… water…" Si Shui spoke as he opened his eyes. His voice is hoarse.

Feng Er. "…" you are made of up of water (A/N: not literally. They are referring to Si Shui's power: water.), so why ask for it?

Si Shui saw her expression and knew he couldn't trick her. "Food." He finally honestly said. "I'm hungry.." He added.

Feng Er is very responsible when she was alive. Because she has an illness, she cannot go out of their house and so she busied herself through cooking. When there is a group mission and she was included, she's the one responsible in cooking. Just like right now. "Here." She said as she handed Si Shui a soup.

"Thank you, Er-jie." Si Shui said as he started to eat. "Did something happen last night?" he asked.

"Yes." Feng Er said as she told Si Shui about what happened last night.

"Ah. I'm going to die." Si Shui's reaction is the same as Feng Er's last night. However, he didn't outrightly rejected last night since one, because of Yi Bing's mood. Two, she doesn't want to dampen everyone's morale more than it already is last night.

"Same." Feng Er sighed before she paused. "How did you know something happened last night?" she asked.

"I sensed it." Si Shui, with the seduction of food, is honest when answering. Thus, after he answered, he froze. Then, he slowly raised his head only to see Feng Er's smiling face.

"Brat. If you're awake last night, then why act dead?!" she said before she pinched Si Shui's ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Er-jie, I was wrong! I am wrong! I'm sorry!" Si Shui said as his tears welled up his eyes. "Er-jie, it hurts!" he cried.

"Hmph!" Feng Er finally released him. "No snacks for you today! Hurry up and eat! We have to help Yi Bing, Liu Lin and Di San find Yi Bing's soul! This is the least we could do for Yi Bing." She told him.

"QAQ" you won't give me snacks, and wanted me to work. Why is this world full of injustice?! Si Shui thought and bitterly resumed eating, deliberately slowing his pace.

"If you won't finish in two minutes, prepare to apologize for your stomach since I'll drag you whether you've finished eating or not!" Feng Er told him.

Si Shui immediately placed down his spoon on the bedside table before he directly drank the soup. "Ah~" he sighed in satisfaction when he felt the warm liquid ran through inside his body, filling his body with comfortable warmth. "Er-jie, why are you here?" he asked, only remembered to ask Feng Er this question.

"Di San felt greatly indebted to Yi Bing, so he went with him. Liu Lin went to add to their number. I am left here to wait for you and inform you of what happened, and what is currently happening." Feng Er answered. "Our communicator is currently disabled, so we can only use the most primitive form of communicating: sending letters. My power is wind, so I use the wind to send letters to them." She explained.

Actually, after they stayed in the unstable space longer than they usually does because of the unforeseen circumstance with the fused Soul Fragment of the hostile Soul Fragment and the Soul Fragment that possessed Huo Ling, they were injured, and then forcefully was sent to a world courtesy of Yi Bing, which actually saved their lives.

They were caught off-guard, thus were unprepared to travel through different worlds, and so they further weakened and their powers suppressed. Teleportation is a basic skill of the grim reapers, but since they were weakened, they could only teleport for a short distance. Rationally, Feng Er whose power is wind is the most suited to be a messenger since she can use her wind to fly.

But, her power is suppressed, and she's weaker than the others, so she can control the wind only for a short time. Fortunately, she can still use the wind to send paper planes containing messages.

Si Shui nodded as he finally understood. "Brilliant!" he answered as he rubbed his stomach. He wasn't filled with what he ate.

Feng Er saw he was still hungry and her tender, motherly feelings were evoked. She gave Si Shui some bread for the youngster to eat, in which Si Shui was delighted.

Di San saw a paper plane was flying towards them and he caught it. He opened it and recognized Feng Er's handwriting. "Si Shui is still recovering. She will stay and use the internet to search if there were some supernatural events that happened lately, and connect it to Yi Bing's soul." He said after he read Feng Er's letter.

Liu Lin nodded. His left arm was covered in black, elbow-length gloved to cover his new arm made of wood he attached to his body as his temporary arm. Honestly speaking, Liu Lin looked like a gangster right now, completely blending with this world filled with people of the underworld.

Naturally, before they left the hotel, they changed to casual clothes to not look conspicuous when they walked with the crowd. All of them have a lean body, but Liu Lin's glove gave him a wild look. The people of this world are already wary of other people, most especially towards the mafia, in fear that the mafia would unreasonably take them away and kill them. Thus, the people around them subconsciously avoided the three gentleman who looked handsome, but with only just one of them looked like a gangster, thus their group was avoided.

Actually, it's not only Liu Lin's appearance that scared the people thus they were avoiding them. It's also because of Liu Lin's special temperament. When he was live, he grew up in a mountainous region. It's not because it is far from the civilization. It's just that their area is a remote area, and the technology barely reach them, thus, Liu Lin grew up like a primitive person, unaware of how the world is vast. His whole world only consists of mountains, valleys, streams, rivers, and trees. This world of his is already vast for him.

Liu Lin died after he was beaten by a poisonous snake. He had gone too deep in the forest and his parents didn't notice he was missing. By the time they noticed, it was already dark. The villagers don't dare to go deep into the forest. Only Liu Lin's parents braved the dark, as well as the dangers in the forest, for their love for their child. They are very worried of Liu Lin's current condition, if he was bitten by wild boars, or had fallen into pits or the deep, wild river. They are worried if there were foreign hunters that accidentally shot him, or kidnapped him to traffic him.

Many wild thoughts ran through Liu Lin's parents head and each thought is more worrying than the former. They didn't notice a tiger hiding behind the bushes because it was dark and it pounced on the back of Liu Lin's father. Liu Lin's mother screamed in anguish and her husband shouted for her to run as he held back the tiger. They both knew he will die, so they could only hope for one to survive between them and they knew it can only be her.

She tearfully ran. It was the first time she abandoned her husband. However, it was for the sake of their child that had gone missing. She dearly loved both of them. It was really hard to choose between them, and she was fortunate she hadn't encountered any situation where she has to choose between them.

However, the current situation is leaning for her to choose her child, since her husband is going to die being devoured by the tiger. Thus, she couldn't waste her husband's sacrifice and had to live and save their child!

Maybe the Heaven heard her plea as she finally saw their child. She immediately didn't have the time to scold him and immediately checked her son's condition. Her heart sank when she saw the purplish mark on her child's leg, and the poison had already spread. He is barely breathing. She cried, and even though she lost all her hope, she still carried him and walked back, traversing the deep forest.

This time, she truly fell into despair when she met the tiger again that devoured her husband. She fell into her knees and wailed as she tightly hugged her child that already no longer breathe. She lowered her head and closed her eyes as the tiger's wide mouth opened and lowered its head to devour both the mother and child.

When the villagers returned to the forest in the morning, they saw the ground soaked with blood along with the tiger lying on the ground. They already guessed the tragic ending of the family, and when they checked the sleeping tiger, they found out that the tiger is actually really sleeping, but is sleeping for the rest of eternity.

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