Afterlife Department

Chapter 323 - Misunderstanding

Chapter 323 - Misunderstanding

Huo Ling, even though slightly shy, but forced to raise his head to look at the man who saved him. "H-Hello." He spoke. "I'm Huo Ling. I am a pre-school teacher. Thank you for saving me earlier." He said, finally calmed down. "M-May… may I know who you are? And, why did you save me?" he asked. Even though he is weak, but he believes in his judgement of people. Thus, he knows this man standing before him is not an enemy.

What made him believe that this man isn't an assassin is because of the absence of bloodlust. In fact, as he stared at the man, a word appeared on his mind: empty. Yes, this man is exhibiting emptiness. That there is nothing in his eyes, and nothing can deter him..

"Yi Bing." The man answered. His voice pulled Huo Ling back from his thoughts. "I am a bodyguard." He said.

"A bodyguard?" Huo Ling stared at the man.

Yi Bing nodded. "From MI6." He said.

Huo Ling froze. MI6. That's where Lu Si is… "You're actually an agent and not a bodyguard?" he said.

"Technically, I am a bodyguard now." Yi Bing said.

Huo Ling was rendered speechless. He stared at the man before he laughed. "You could've told me earlier." He said. "Lu Si sent you?" he asked.

"The MI6." Yi Bing said.

Huo Ling. "…" a smile appeared in his eyes that was filled with tiredness earlier. "Thank you." He told him.

Yi Bing just nodded. "The director's contact with the agent he sent to secretly protect you was cut off." He said. "He called me while I'm on a vacation and happened to be on the same location with you, to check the agent's status and then replace him." He explained.

Huo Ling, who only understood the latter part, 'on a vacation'. "…" so he only saved me just to mouth off? "… sorry." He said.

Yi Bing who heard Huo Ling apologized was startled. "…" why did he apologize? I am only explaining how I found to him so that he won't be suspicious! He thought and alarm flashed in his eyes, but only for a second. He immediately recomposed himself. "It's nothing. This is my duty." He said and looked away.

Huo Ling who actually felt more guilty after he heard the word 'duty'. "… I'm really sorry to inconvenience you." He said. He felt embarrassed since the other's vacation was cut off because of him.

"…" huh? Yi Bing's face became blank. Why is he apologizing again? He looked at Huo Ling, feeling confused.

But, Huo Ling who saw Yi Bing's brows are knitted interpreted it as Yi Bing is angry. "I'm really sorry!" he said and bowed, missing to see the shocked look on Yi Bing's face. "I'll talk to Lu Si." He said as he raised his head, just in time for Yi Bing to recompose himself. "I… I'll tell him to replace you with someone. I'm really sorry." He said and apologetically smiled.

Yi Bing who felt his heart was shot by an arrow when he saw Huo Ling smiled. … oh my god! This is the first time Huo Ling smiled so warmly at me! He thought, feeling dazed. He subconsciously smiled back. "En." He answered. He didn't hear completely the what Huo Ling has said.

Huo Ling nodded. As I thought, he was really mad for his vacation to be interrupted. He thought as he looked at Yi Bing's smile. Look how happy he is! He felt relieved that he made the right decision to let Yi Bing return to his vacation. I will definitely talk to Lu Si to not bother his subordinates who are on a vacation! He thought.

And so, Yi Bing who's head over heels in love went to the other room to let Huo Ling freshen himself up and rest in the room. He happily left, completely unaware that the moment the door of Huo Ling's room was closed, Huo Ling took out his phone in his pocket and called Lu Si.

"Lu Si!" he yelled the moment the call was connected. He ignored the countless messages and missed calls. "Why do you like to bother people who are having their rest?!" he asked.

Lu Si, who was worried to death that he'd receive a notification of Huo Ling's death, and so was relieved when he saw Huo Ling was calling him, was caught off-guard by Huo Ling's scolding. "… huh?" he muttered.

"What was his name again… ah, right. Yi Bing!" Huo Ling said. "Yi Bing is on a vacation! Why did you call Yi Bing to save me?!" he asked. "The person is on a vacation! You can't bother them when they are on a vacation!" he told him.

Lu Si's mind went blank before he finally reacted. "… huh?" he muttered, felt like he has heard him wrong. Nephew-in-law… did your mind break after you were assassinated for the nth time? Why is your focus wrong? Shouldn't you mind your safety/life first and be happy that you lived? Do you really have time to care about other people's vacation? "Nephew-in-law…" he called, wanted to explain.

"Don't call me that! Enough! Let someone secretly follow me and have Yi Bing return to his vacation. I really bothered him tonight…" Huo Ling said and sighed. "Go find someone who is on duty, and not someone who is on a vacation, okay?" he said. "Let Yi Bing resume his vacation, or else I'll tell uncle Jonathan that you've bothered other people!" he threatened him.

Lu Si, an MI6 director who is being threatened by a pre-school teacher, felt frightened. "Don't!" he said. "Don't tell your uncle!" he told him. Lu Si, who was threatened with Jonathan, completely forgot what he is about to say to Huo Ling.

"Good." Huo Ling said and smiled, feeling satisfied. "Just send someone over tomorrow." He said and told Jonathan where he is currently staying.

"Alright. Thank you." Lu Si said as he sighed in relief.

The call ended with both parties satisfied. Meanwhile, one grim reaper won't be when he receives his superior's email by the morning.

The whole room was immediately covered in ice after Yi Bing read Lu Si's email. By the time he went to the other room, Huo Ling has already left.

"… f*ck." He cursed, his face looked like he has eaten a fly. Where did it go wrong last night?! I thought I've already clarified myself. But, Huo Ling still suspects me?! He read Lu Si's email over and over again until the temperature in the hotel has dropped.

In the other floors, the guests were startled when the air conditioner in their room broke.

Yi Bing's hand holding his phone shook and he almost dropped his phone. "… copy." He replied to Lu Si's email. Then, he thrown his phone inside his suitcase. "Huo Ling, don't think you can get away from me!" he said.

Huo Ling, who was on a flight back to China, suddenly shivered. "What… why is it so cold?" he asked and tightened his jacket on his body. He didn't know that someone more terrifying than a sniper assassin was added to the list of people who wanted to catch him.

China, three days later.

"Xiao Ling, is it really okay for you to be here?" a voice asked, his voice is filled with sincere concern.

Yi Bing sipped his coffee as he silently listened to the conversation going on in the other table.

"En." Huo Ling answered.

The other person helplessly sighed. "Xiao Ling. You really should take some bodyguards with you. I will be fine even if we won't meet a month or two. If it is in exchange of your safety…" he said.

Huo Ling cut him off. "You're the only friend I have. And I treat you as a family member." He said before he gazed outside the window. "In this country, no one knows I am a prince. That's why I returned." He said, then smiled as he turned back to the other person. "Hey. Do you know a kindergarten where I can teach?" he asked.

The other person speechlessly looked at him. "You…! You - !" he said as he pointed at him before he lowered his hand in defeat. As they say, you can't hit a smiling person. "My cousin's child is in kindergarten. I'll have her refer you to the school where her child is attending at." He told him.

Huo Ling's eyes brightened. "Thank you!" he said.

The other person just frowned. "Xiao Ling." He called. "Who is trying to kill you?" he asked as his face became serious.

Huo Ling shook his head. "I don't know." He honestly answered.

The other person knows Huo Ling, so he believes in him. "Xiao Ling. Even if you want to stay incognito in the country, but it is better to be more careful than be regretful later." He said. "I… know a person who can protect you while you stay in the country." He told him.

Huo Ling's eyes brightened. "Really?! Who?" he asked.

Yi Bing's ears perked up.

"Gu Xingfeng." Hao Baiyun answered.

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