Chapter 386 - Beach

"You're not going back to Fughlia High?" Iris asked when they have finished their lunch.

"If we won't use the house you arranged for us, we would just be wasting not only your kindness but also your money – albeit just a drop of it, right?" Yi Bing asked.

Iris laughed. "You're really interesting." He said before he waved his hand at them and then boarded his car, leaving Yi Bing and Huo Ling on the street.

"… should we take a taxi and check out this house prepared by Iris?" Huo Ling suggested. Their suitcase can recreate the money in this world.

Yi Bing paused and looked at the beach at the distance. "… it'll also be a waste to not enjoy this scenery." He said and, before Huo Ling could react, pushed the wheelchair towards the beachside.

"Huh? Oh…" Huo Ling muttered when he turned and saw the beautiful coastline when they neared.

Although the sun is high up in the sky, but the sea breeze is strong, blowing all the heat off of their body.

"That ghost is undeniably Renton." Huo Ling spoke as they watched the waves hit the shore, creating white salty foams in the middle of the golden sand and the aquamarine water. "Now that we know he has applied for the swimming club, in which Luren is the president, they definitely know each other. Added to the fact that Renton's ghost is sticking to Luren…" he didn't continue.

"En." Yi Bing answered.

"As for how Renton died… this is still questionable. Whether it was the Portkins because of the bad blood between Renton and Yule – who are now both dead, or the Prille-Hierre-Mandy trio, we don't know." Huo Ling sighed. "We also don't know how did Renton's club membership registration form ended up in the library, when it should have been destroyed along with his other information by one, or two or three or maybe all, of Iris' children, who might be another suspect, or just an accomplice, in Renton's death." He explained.

"Mn." Yi Bing nodded. … can't you just enjoy the scenery and be romantic? Why do you have to keep discussing other matters? He thought and lowered his gaze to hide the turbulence in his eyes.

"There's also the world energy which mysteriously disappeared…. Where do you think it went to? Should we ask Shen Taizi?" Huo Ling asked and raised his head to look at Yi Bing, just in time for the other to completely hide the desire in his eyes.

After he became an official grim reaper, Yi Bing had told him everything that he knows – including Shen Sheng being connected to the energy that was connected to all the worlds. Although Huo Ling is curious why, but he didn't ask. There are some things that shouldn't be asked, and if you did, it'll just be looking for trouble.

"Sha Jiu must have already noticed and told Gu Shi. They will definitely report it to Shen Taizi." Yi Bing assured him.

"How did an anomaly appear in this world?" Huo Ling frowned. "A Normal World, turning to a Special World…" he muttered.

Yi Bing is also puzzled, but he didn't voice out his questions. Huo Ling has said them all. Since he doesn't want to leave a place radiating a romantic atmosphere, which unfortunately can't be seen by this blockhead Huo Ling, he changed the topic.

"I've already downloaded Luren's, Hierre's, Mandy's and Prille's student information through my admin account in Fughlia High." He said.

An admin account is one of the privileges as a teacher.

Huo Ling enviously looked at Yi Bing. He wanted to act as a teacher, too. "Then, show it to me." He told him, his tone sour.

Yi Bing chuckled. He then pulled up the information he gathered in his communicator. To the eyes of the passersby, Yi Bing is showing Huo Ling the beauty of the nature before them.

"Luren Gregor. The only son of Luris Gregor, the CEO of the G Holdings – the largest shipping company." Yi Bing started. "Although Luren was born out of an accident when Luris was made drunk by a prostitute, but none made fun of Luren's birth because Luris places great expectations from Luren, not just because he is his only son. Everyone could see that Luren is naturally talented." He explained. "Luris and Iris are also close friends, so Iris looks after Luren's disposition in the Fughlia High." He added.

Huo Ling quietly listened.

"In Fughlia, Luren is the Student Committee's President, Swimming Club's President, and the Special Classes' leader." Yi Bing continued and can't help but his voice turned sour because he sees Luren as a rival and Luren has many achievements. "No need to mention his awards… you can already imagine it." he said and closed Luren's information page.

Huo Ling nodded. "Such an amazing student…" he praised.

Yi Bing's face twisted for a moment before he recovered his blank expression and shifted to Mandy and Hierre. "Mandy Lexon." He spoke. "One of the children of the CEO of a famous banker. Although he isn't an achiever like Luren, he also isn't bad like Yule. He's just an average person." he said. "Hierre Karlum. One of a nobleman's children. They are relatives of the royalty in one country. His father owns a chain of jewelry company." He explained.

"Both are really rich." Huo Ling muttered.

Yi Bing nodded in agreement. "This Prille is extraordinary though." He meaningfully smiled.

Huo Ling's ears perked up. It's not that he hates Prille because the other seemed to be hostile towards him due to some reasons unknown. It's because he finds Prille unusual. There's something off about Prille, which he sees to change the atmosphere around Hierre and Mandy.

In short, the three of them are just suspicious.

"Prille Devogne, an orphan. Because he has the highest grades in the public school, the orphanage looked for someone to sponsor his studies." Yi Bing spoke.

Huo Ling frowned. "And he was lucky to enter Fughlia High?" he asked.

Yi Bing smirked. "He's indeed very lucky." He said.

Huo Ling's brows furrowed, seeming to notice that there's something strange in Yi Bing's tone. "You… did you find something?" he asked.

Yi Bing didn't hide it from him. "Did you remember that student whom we talked with yesterday? The one whose girlfriend was snatched by Yule Portkin?" he asked.

Huo Ling nodded.

"His name is Cody Stilore. Surprisingly, he is a rich student." Yi Bing said.

Huo Ling's expression turned solemn. He and Yi Bing knows the status quo of Fughlia High. For a rich student to actually oppose another student… it seems that not all rich students are bad. It can be seen with Luren.

"I asked him about the Prille-Hierre-Mandy trio." Yi Bing continued. "What he said about Hierre and Mandy is more or less the same about the information I've gathered. But, it was different for Prille." his smile disappeared.

"What is it?" Huo Ling asked.

"Prille entered the Fughlia High through a scholarship. This is a fact. But, as to how he got the scholarship…" Yi Bing intentionally made a pause.

Huo Ling's expression changed. "Is it through connections?" he asked.

Yi Bing nodded. "The scholarship was given by Harris Hudgeson." He said. Before Huo Ling could react, he continued. "But, Harris never met Prille." he told him.

"… huh?" Huo Ling was confused.

"Harris Hudgeson is a through and through elite." Yi Bing said. "How can someone like Prille meet him?" he asked.

Huo Ling who heard the disdain in Yi Bing's voice. "…" just outrightly say 'trash'. I get you.

Yi Bing coughed, regaining his composure. "Their lives shouldn't intersect, but it did. It's through Rhyan." He said.

Huo Ling's brows raised. "Rhyan Hudgeson. Iris' third child?" he said.

Yi Bing nodded. "Three years ago, Rhyan was robbed including his phone, so he can't contact anyone, much less call for a taxi." He said.

"… and it was Prille who saved him?" Huo Ling said. Seeing Yi Bing nodded, his lips twitched. "This isn't a BL Cinderella story for a pauper and a prince to meet." He said, referring to Prille as the pauper and Rhyan as the prince.

"… but that was what happened." Yi Bing also felt irked. "Rhyan wanted to repay Prille the favor and he found out that Prille was looking for a scholarship." He continued. "So, he asked Harris – the one who's in charge of Iris' businesses during Iris' absence, to give Prille a scholarship." He finished.

"Wow…" Huo Ling exclaimed in a lukewarm voice. So, it was really a Cinderella story.

Yi Bing broke into a laughter seeing his expected expression from Huo Ling. "That wasn't the only thing he said." He spoke. "He also said that Prille is a loose person." he told him.

Huo Ling's brows shot up.

"Not only does Prille has an ambiguous relationship with Rhyan, the one who is backing him. He also is ambiguous towards Hierre and Mandy." Yi Bing said. "You know, his appearance…" he didn't continue.

Huo Ling smiled. "What appearance? Of a social-climbing bitch1?" he asked.

Yi Bing helplessly smiled. "But, Prille… he is known to be pursuing Luren." He said.

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