Chapter 398 - Lin Ze

Rene and Rhyan looked at each other. They really don't know where Lin Ze came from. They met him when they were still young and know that Iris saved him. Lin Ze is a talented man and one of their tutors. But, as to how old is he and who are his family, or where he lived before he arrived in the Hudgeson home… they don't know. Only Iris and Lin Ze knows.

"Iris is my senior." Luris spoke. "I not only respect him as a senior, but also because of his talent. He also helped me a lot of times, guided me in the business, and advised me when I encountered problems." He said, then paused. "Of course, he also guided me in raising Luren." He added.

Luris was just fourteen years old when Luren was conceived. It was ridiculous, but it was true. It happened when Luris was forced by his peers to go to a brothel, and a prostitute laid her hands on him. Of course, the prostitute was arrested for molesting a minor, and Luris was traumatized by that, added to her criminal charges. But, they didn't expect for the prostitute to become pregnant. The prostitute just actually wanted to escape her fate of being forced to work as a prostitute, even if she'll be charged of a crime. So, she was sent to a special institution for pregnant criminals, but her situation is better. After all, she is carrying the Gregors' heir.

When Luren was born, she didn't try to curry favor with the Gregors and just silently spent her days in the prison. It was her repayment for using and traumatizing Luris. But, she wasn't tormented in the prison, either, since the Gregors are kind, and that she is still Luren's biological mother. When Luren grew up, he is visiting her. She's not a horrible person, but is actually unfortunate since she was forced into prostitution to repay her family's debts. Luris also resolved her family's problems and now she's peacefully living abroad with a new identity.

"I first met Lin Ze during a new partnership in a project with Iris." Luris continued. "He is a silent person and Iris introduced him to me as his personal assistant and a new secretary. I didn't bother myself with him at that time and just thought Iris has found a new talented person. He really found a new talented person, but Lin Ze… he's originally of the Portkins'." He said. "More specifically, he was cultivated by the Portkins." He added.

Rhyan and Rene were shocked. They really didn't expect to hear this. The Portkins are their enemy now, but Lin Ze is actually from the Portkins?!

Luris smiled when he saw their reaction. "I was honored to know this because Iris chose to trust me." He said. "Lin Ze is a half-blood Portkin. His original name is Nacht Portkin. 'nacht' since he inherited his father's black hair and eyes." He explained. "His mother is the Portkin, and his father was fed up with her too much controlling of his life so he left her. His mother returned to her maternal family and raised Lin Ze with their help, and so Lin Ze gradually learned their stinky attitudes." He frowned.

Rhyan and Rene awkwardly smiled. To define Lin Ze's shrewdness as a 'stinky attitude'… Luris is really… ermmm….

Luris coughed when he saw their forced smile and he looked away before he continued. "Lin Ze's misfortune started when his mother died." He said. "Lin Ze's mother, although a woman and a single mother, is really tough. Or else, Lin Ze's father wouldn't leave her." He shrugged. "Although she asked for help from the Portkins family to raise Lin Ze, but, like any other Portkin, she is shrewd." He evilly grinned. "She knows that the Portkins, in exchange of helping her, would definitely take a layer of her flesh. So, she already prepared everything so her son would have a way of survival. She transferred all of her assets on her son's name and made a will that all of her assets would go to Lin Ze after she died. And she really died." His smile turned grim.

In fact, she admires this woman. It wasn't really easy for her to raise a child while dealing against her greedy family on another side.

"Don't tell me… she died because of…?" Rhyan and Rene were horrified.

Luris nodded, confirming their thoughts. "En. They found out that she made a will behind their backs and killed her." He said.

Their jaws dropped.

"Lin Ze's name was changed by his mother, even though she isn't willing. But, that's the only way for her child to live." Luris sighed. "Naturally, she instructed Lin Ze to escape and Lin Ze isn't stupid, either. So, he escaped." He said, then paused. His brows furrowed. "Now that I think about it… that time, Iris' itinerary was leaked, and Lin Ze just happened to…" his expression changed.

Rhyan was still confused by what Luris meant, but Rene understood. She glanced at the glass window to look at Lin Ze and Iris, and smiled when she saw Lin Ze leaned down for his face to reach Iris' sleeping face.

"It's fate." She spoke.

Luris looked at her, then also glanced inside the room and he laughed. "Yes. It's fate." He said.

The next events can be guessed. Lin Ze was chased by the Portkins and happened to remember the news about Iris' travel. So, he escaped to the direction where Iris was located and managed to enter Iris' sight. The Portkins didn't dare try to collide against Iris since Iris has already strengthened his foothold in the business circle. So, they let the matter go for the mean time and bid their time to plan and steal everything from Lin Ze.

Lin Ze stared at Iris' face after he kissed him. Then, he saw a drop of liquid fell on Iris' cheek. He immediately wiped it away, but more fell. "This may be very late… but thank you." He said as he held Iris' hand tight. "And, I'm sorry." He added.

He is thankful that, although Iris already guessed he approached him with an intention, but he still helped him. Although his face will just bring Iris trouble because the Portkins recognized his face, but Iris didn't tell him to change his face and even openly showed it in public. This is what he is apologizing about, as well as that Quinn and Rhyan were dragged in his conflict with the Portkins.

He took a deep breath and let go of Iris' hand. But, before he could take a step away, he felt his hand was held tight.

"Where… do you think you are going?" he heard Iris asked.

"Don't speak. I won't leave. Just rest." He immediately turned back to pacify Iris.

"I… already told you… before…" Iris breathed. "I won't let you give up anything that is rightfully yours." He told him as he looked at him in the eyes.

Lin Ze's eyes reddened. "… is this because I gave my umbrella to a homeless man to help him block the rain?" he asked when he remembered that haggard and dirty person sitting on the street when he was young.

He and his mother were walking home when he saw a beggar under the rain. He gave him his umbrella and his mother scolded him because he got wet. But, his mother gave the beggar a basket of food on her hand and he and his mother then returned to the supermarket to buy foods again.

"No." Iris answered. "It's just because I care for you." He told him.

He never forgot those who helped him, especially that pair of mother and child. If not for them, there wouldn't be Iris Hudgeson now. One of the things he deeply regrets is Lin Ze's mother. He has already told her he can save her, but she asked him to only save her son since she only helped him because of her son. But, Iris knows that she just doesn't want to increase the hatred of the Portkins to him if he also saved her. That's why he leaked his itinerary for Lin Ze to go to him.

That time, he felt very guilty to Lin Ze. That's why he vowed to never have Lin Ze change his face, and give up his inheritance. He doesn't want Lin Ze to be wronged. So, he always told his children to respect Lin Ze. But, gradually, he has fallen in love with him. However, until now, he hasn't confessed to Lin Ze since he felt guilty towards Lin Ze's mother.

"… you 'care' for me?" Lin Ze asked. He already knew what transpired between Iris and his mother.

"… yes." Iris answered and looked away to not see the pain in Lin Ze's eyes. He loves him, but he can't love him since he owed Lin Ze's mother.

"I understand." Lin Ze spoke and walked towards the door.

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