Afterlife Department

Chapter 416 - Family Drama

Chapter 416 - Family Drama

"That's right. There's also the matter of his corpse appearing in the bodies of water simultaneously." Shi Jiu spoke as he stared at the empty urn in the front while contemplating. "Everything is suspicious." He frowned.

"And that's why we have to figure it all out." Yi Bing said.

"The problem is where should we start." Huo Ling spoke as he looked at his notes displayed on the holographic screen in front of him.

To other people's eyes, they only can see Huo Ling being in a daze, as if really mourning for Pei Tinghe, who isn't even related to him in any way. Meanwhile, Yi Bing, Shi Jiu and Jiu Ye who were also looking at their holographic screens reading Huo Ling's notes looked like they were seriously contemplating about Pei Tinghe's funeral.

"Look at those new faces. Not only were they handsome, but they were also very well-mannered, looking solemn on the funeral of a worthless person." someone spoke in a low voice.

"Hey! Be quiet! You're still on this worthless person's funeral! Be careful or he'll haunt you!" the person beside him whispered.

That person clicked his tongue. He looks like he's one of the local tyrants. "I'm not afraid of any ghosts or monsters. They're just tricks plays by these dirty people." He said. "I just can't believe that there are still people who can pray for these scums and trashes. The world is really degrading." He heavily sighed, but it was obvious it was out of annoyance rather than of lament.

The person beside him shuddered in fear of being overheard by others. He looked around and sighed in relief when he didn't find anyone seeming to hear the local tyrant. He didn't know that there really were others who heard the local tyrant, just that they don't belong to the 'other people' he is referring to.

"'scum'? 'trash'?" Jiu Ye asked when he caught the words the local tyrant used to describe Pei Tinghe. "What does he mean?" he turned to his elder brother.

"He means that since the Pei family, in general, has problems, naturally will their descendants have." Shi Jiu answered. "In short, this Pei family has no one good in them." He said and paused when he caught sight of Sun Ri and Pei Li. "Oh. Except those two." He said.

Jiu Ye finally understood. The current patriarch, Pei Tingming, is a scum since he favors his concubine more than his legal wife, and his bastard children more than his legal children. Although there's really nothing wrong about it, but morally, it's not something that should be done. Li Hua, this concubine, naturally wanted to be the main wife, but she couldn't attain the title so she's doing her all to annoy Sun Ri. But, although Pei Tingming favors her, but Pei Tingming naturally wouldn't go against Sun Ri because of the backing of Sun Ri's family.

This can be shown in Pei Tinghe's funeral. There was no one who mentioned Pei Tingting, who died last night. Li Hua naturally can't stomach it. Even Pei Tingming didn't say anything about it. It's because Pei Tingming, no matter how much he loves his daughter – only daughter, he knows that Pei Tinghe is more valuable than Pei Tingting since Pei Tinghe is a son, not to mention he's also Sun Ri's son.

So, Li Hua wanted to create a scene. And when the people see her, they will naturally remember her daughter Pei Tingting. She also didn't forget to drag Sun Ri with her. But, she is doomed to fail since Pei Tingming naturally wanted to save face. Wasn't this also the cause why Pei Tingming chose to hold Pei Tinghe's funeral instead of Pei Tingting's, even if he loves his only daughter so much?

She sneered. Men. She thought and left bearing too much grievances. She can't get all that she wants so she will vent on her remaining child, Pei Tingsong, who is still sick and is resting in his room, going to tell him how useless is his father and that he doesn't love them anymore, and it was shown after Pei Tingting died.

Meanwhile, Pei Tingyi who was sitting beside his mother who was feeding Pei Li some snacks just silently followed Li Hua's fading figure before he retracted his gaze.

"I'm sorry we are late." Pei Ru spoke when she and her husband, Wu Deguang, have arrived.

They came from Anhe Town, a small town where Wu Deguang's father, Wu Dequan, is the mayor. She and Wu Deguang met when Pei Tingming once came to Anhe Town to annex it with Anchuan Town – a land short to become a city, but Wu Dequan didn't agree. The negotiations failed, but Pei Ru's and Qu Deguang's feelings didn't, so they got married.

Pei Ru was just coincidentally there to buy some herbs and didn't know her uncle arrived. Pei Tingming found out about her uncle's plan of using her for marriage, so Wu Dequan's impression of her changed. But, she showed her stance by cutting off her ties from the Pei family. Of course, her father, Pei Tingping, didn't agree. Although she hasn't fully cut her ties from the Pei family, but after she married, she rarely came home.

Although she hates her uncle, Pei Tingming, the current patriarch, and also dislikes Pei Tinghe, her second cousin, but she still attended the funeral. It is because she doesn't like the silent Pei Tingyi, and also, she wanted to see her younger twin brothers and younger sister, hoping Pei Tinghe, Pei Tingsong and Pei Tingting didn't influence her siblings.

When she heard about Pei Tinghe's death, she was indifferent. When she heard Pei Tingting's death, she felt relief. She even thought when will Pei Tingsong die. She heard Pei Tingsong is currently ill…

"Xiao Ru." Pei Tingming called.

Pei Tingping, her father, is still resting inside and her younger twin brothers were watching over him.

"Uncle." Pei Ru emotionlessly said.

"Can you go visit Tingsong? Your cousin is ill." Pei Tingming told her because she is a doctor.

Pei Ru smiled. "I still haven't even rested, as well as my husband, nor have I seen my father and my brothers yet. I haven't even heard words of welcome from you." She said.

Pei Tingming's expression turned ugly in an instant after hearing what she said. But, he has yet to hear worse.

"Not to mention you discrediting me before in Anhe… what qualifications does Pei Tingsong, who I never acknowledge as my cousin, have to be graced by my presence? Not to mention of using my service?" Pei Ru asked, then paused when she remembered something. "Are the doctors of the Pei family only eats and do no work?" she quizzically looked at Pei Tingming. "Oh. I shouldn't have asked. Anything can be expected just looking at their employer." she said. "Does your conscience not hurt?" she asked.

The Pei family of course have their own doctors. Pei Tingming hired them, but the money he is using is from Sun Ri's family. His excuse is that the doctors are for Pei Tingyi and Pei Tinghe. But, Pei Tingyi and Pei Tinghe never had fallen sick nor ill, so it was Pei Tingsong and Pei Tingting that are using the doctors.

Pei Tingming's face turned ashen before it turned purple because of anger. "You - !" he said and raised his hand.

Wu Deguang, who has been silently watching his wife, immediately pulled her back. His action was seen by the other people, much less those who have been secretly watching them.

"Well said. Well said." Sun Ri clapped as she walked towards Pei Ru with a big smile on her face. Of course, she didn't forget to bump her shoulder on Pei Tingming's back, causing him to almost fall to the ground. "Xiao Ru. Welcome back." She said.

Pei Ru smiled and slightly nodded. "Auntie…" she called. She admires this strong woman to be able to hold against Pei Tingming, as well as fend off the black lotus Li Hua. It was also Sun Ri who taught her how to protect herself from someone who wants to bully her.

Of course, Wu Deguang would never bully her. Wu Deguang also would never wrong her. Wu Deguang didn't take in a concubine despite they still haven't any children yet even after being married for two years. Wu Deguang is also preparing to inherit his father's position, and Pei Ru is also working as a doctor in their town. So, the two were very busy.

"Jiejie!" Pei Li cutely called as she circled Pei Ru and Wu Deguang. "Gege! Where's my sweet?" she asked Wu Deguang.

"Here." Wu Deguang answered and gently pushed Pei Ru in front of Pei Li.

Pei Ru blushed. Pei Li giggled while Sun Ri grinned at them. "Ai, you!" Pei Ru hit her husband, feeling embarrassed.

The four of them went inside, ignoring the dark faced Pei Tingming. In order nto to further embarrass himself, he left.

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