Chapter 456 - Qi Ying

"Boss." Jenny called after they stopped by a store to take a rest. Although she is Xi Kai's secretary, but after the apocalypse broke out, and she was forced to become tough and learn how to defend herself. Later, she took the initiative to attack, especially when she awakened an ability.

"What?" Xi Kai asked without opening his eyes.

"That kid…" Jenny spoke. She is referring to Qi Ying. Although Qi Ying is nineteen years old, but she is already twenty-eight years old while Xi Kai is twenty-six. In their eyes, they both see Qi Ying as a kid.

As soon as he heard the name, Xi Kai frowned and opened his eyes that is filled with anger. Although he understood why Qi Ying misunderstood him at that time, but his pride can't let it go. He is a proud person, and a successful young entrepreneur which inflated his ego. So, it is without a reason why he is very arrogant.

In short, Qi Ying is unlucky to offend him. "What?" he asked as he glanced at Jenny.

"In fact, that kid is still useful, boss." She said. "Because of the apocalypse, the water is contaminated so we can't use it for bath, much less drink it. He can provide us water." She explained. "We don't have to protect him, too, as Yi Bing and Huo Ling will protect him." She added. In short, things are convenient for them.

Xi Kai didn't answer and just closed his eyes, but it meant he is acquiescing to not give the other some trouble. However, that doesn't mean he is accepting his presence. He will ignore him. If Qi Ying would approach him instead on his own… then, he should be prepared after provoking him.

Jenny saw her boss' twisted expression and she helplessly sighed. Although she is pissed at Qi Ying, but it doesn't mean that she hated him to the point of bullying him, much less killing him. Even though Qi Ying is an ability user, but she is confident that she can easily kill the other. Qi Ying is too soft. He must not have someone's blood on his hands yet (meant that he still hasn't killed anyone yet).

It should be said that a woman's intuition is right, since Yi Bing and Huo Ling found out that Qi Ying really hasn't killed anyone. Well, the humans, precisely, since zombies don't count as alive.

"If it is possible, Qi Ming won't let Qi Ning and I leave the base." Qi Ying spoke. "Who knows when a zombie suddenly bites you?" he asked. "I may have killed zombies before, but Qi Ming never let me injure, much less kill, a human, unless necessary to save my life." He explained.

It is really Qi Ming who is overprotective of his siblings that is why Qi Ying, even though a man, is still soft-hearted even it is the apocalypse.

"You should know that you can't be like this forever." Yi Bing spoke.

Qi Ying bitterly smiled. "I know." He answered. "That's why I took the initiative to leave the base and go to the Capital to look for our relatives." He explained.

Huo Ling patted his shoulder. "Don't worry. We are sure that your brother must have guessed your intention to fly on your own and harden your wings, that is why he let you go." He told him.

"Thank you." Qi Ying nodded at him.

"Come. Let me teach you how to defend yourself in close combat." Huo Ling spoke as he rose from his seat. "In a fight to death, this is the key to win." He told him.

"Okay." Qi Ying answered and followed him, leaving Yi Bing whose expression darkened since Huo Ling left him for Qi Ying.

"U – uhm… Yi-san." Rei who saw Yi Bing's gloomy expression called. She is a Japanese exchange student and was unlucky to be caught by those men right after she has just awakened her powers, which left her in a temporary weakened state.

Yi Bing turned.

Rei forced a smile. "Don't worry. I feel that Huo-san is a loyal person. He won't cheat on you." She told him, comforting him.

Yi Bing knows, so he nodded at her after uttering 'thanks'. Then, he watched as Huo Ling start to teach Qi Ying of the basic posture. His face can't help but darken again as he was the one who taught Huo Ling those moves.

Rei. "…" forget it. She thought and turned to the others.

After a night of rest, Yi Bing replaced Xi Kai as the driver, and Huo Ling replaced Qi Ying in the front seat. Xi Kai is still dissatisfied as he will still be sitting beside Qi Ying, who stiffened once again and made his body almost stick into a corner just to avoid him. Xi Kai can't just sit in the middle of those women, okay?

Xi Kai inwardly sighed and decided to just sleep throughout the ride when suddenly, their car stopped. He opened his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"A group of zombies are heading our way." Huo Ling answered as he looked afar.

Xi Kai and the others looked outside the window and saw black figures swaying while going to their direction. "Hit them. Then, kill them." He spoke.

"Okay." Yi Bing is a decisive person so he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the zombies to meet them head-on.

Everyone's bodies were pulled backward because of the inertia, and Xi Kai heard a loud thump beside him.

BAM! CRUNCH. Everyone's scalp felt numb as they were forced to listen to the sound of the zombies being crushed under the wheels. Because they couldn't see it and only hear it, their imaginations run wild. But, they immediately started and jumped out of the car to kill the zombies around.

Yi Bing and Huo Ling opened the doors and hit the zombies, sending them flying away. "Above!" Huo Ling heard Yi Bing yelled.

Huo Ling immediately threw a fireball above the car. Fortunately, he can control the amount of fire. "Qi Ying! Behind you!" he shouted when he saw a zombie walking behind Qi Ying.

Qi Ying immediately turned and sliced off the neck of the zombie, sending its head rolling around the ground. "Ha." He sighed in relief.

"… why are the zombies surrounding Qi Ying?" Huo Ling asked when he noticed something strange.

"Cover him!" Yi Bing told him.

"Okay!" Huo Ling answered and ran, then jumped mid-air before kicking the zombie that grabbed Qi Ying's shoulder before he landed on the ground. Then, he burned the zombie into a crisp. "Why are they drawn to you?" he asked as he stood behind Qi Ying.

"I – " Qi Ying bit his lower lip that is pale like his face.

"Hold on! We're almost done!" Jenny shouted after the number of the zombies have decreased.

"Tch!" Xi Kai clicked his tongue before he summoned a lightning.

CRACK! CRASH! A lightning flashed and hit the ground, electrifying the zombies!

"Ew!" Jenny grunted as she covered her nose when they smelled the burning decay.

"Ha." Xi Kai panted and he staggered after he exhausted his power.

THUD. Someone collapsed. Everyone turned and was surprised to see who it is.

"Qi Ying!" Huo Ling called as he carefully pulled Qi Ying up.

Xi Kai fell on his one knee. "What's wrong with him? Such a wimp." He frowned.

"Huh?" Huo Ling muttered when he felt that his hand holding the back of Qi Ying's head is wet. His eyes widened. "He was hurt!" he said. "The zombies were attracted to him earlier because of the blood on the back of his head!" he told them.

"Take him inside and wrap up his wound. We can't stay here any longer or we'll attract more zombies because of the noise we made." Yi Bing said.

"Yes." Huo Ling nodded as he carried Qi Ying to the back while Jenny and the other girls helped Xi Kai inside the car.

Huo Ling took out a first-aid kit from his space and immediately treated Qi Ying's injury. "This doesn't seem from a zombie scratch… I was watching him earlier and none of the zombies injured him." He spoke.

"It was earlier." Xi Kai spoke as he absorbed a nucleus crystal, restoring his power.

Everyone looked at him.

"He bumped his head against the wall of the car earlier." Xi Kai said as he closed his eyes.

They all fell silent. Usually, one can't be this injured after bumping their head against the car. But, this is a modified vehicle… Qi Ying is really unlucky.

"Boss, how did you know?" Jenny asked.

"I heard it earlier." Xi Kai answered.

Jenny's brows knitted. "You didn't check him?" she asked.

Xi Kai frowned. "He didn't say anything." He answered.

They chose to be silent. They know that Xi Kai is hostile towards Qi Ying, and even detest him. So, he definitely won't treat Qi Ying kindly, much less be friendly towards him.

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