Chapter 472 - Mutation

Hearing what Huo Ling said, everyone's eyes widened in horror and their faces paled. Just what is mutation? It means change, and no longer be the original. "'mutation'…" they all muttered under their breaths and their lips are quivering in shock.

"This can't be…?" Hu Feng spoke, but even he isn't sure anymore. He looked at Qi Ming standing beside him.

Although mutation sounds unbelievable, but it also doesn't seem impossible. After all, abilities suddenly appeared. Even though everyone was shocked at first about the abilities, but they took it for granted because it is the apocalypse. They used it for their own survival, and also for the others, and so they are grateful of it. Some would even wish for them to gain an ability.

But, right now, they heard that it was due to mutation.

"Wait." Xi Kai spoke. "Father said that the scientists 'invited' by the country leaders didn't find anything. Were you mistaken?" he asked.

Hu Feng and Wen Yan heard the word 'invited' and know that it was strange, but they disregarded it right now because there is a more urgent matter pressing on them.

When they heard what Xi Kai said, everyone's hopes lit up. That's right. Those scientists didn't even find anything, so how can Huo Ling claim that their abilities are due to mutation? He isn't a scientist, is he? They all looked at him.

"Science naturally can't prove it." Huo Ling spoke. "Since it was caused by the supernatural." He told them.

Silence. "The supernatural?" Qi Ming spoke with much difficulty.

Huo Ling turned to him. "Didn't you already meet Luo Ye? He is a cultivator." He told them.

Nobody spoke. Although they have a complicated relationship with Xi Kai, but they know that Xi Kai wouldn't lie to them. He has no reason to lie to them. So, Luo Ye is definitely a cultivator. They actually can verify this matter, too.

"Then… we really mutated?" Qi Ying asked.

"Why do you all look like the sky has collapsed?" Huo Ling asked. "This mutation isn't bad, okay? Did we change into zombies?" he looked at them.

"No…" they answered.

"Then, we mutated in order to become stronger." Huo Ling spoke. "We must have mutated in order for us to be able to survive in the apocalypse. Since zombies appeared, which has big advantage against us, then, isn't it just fair for us to be given something in order to even this unfairness?" He asked.

Their eyes widened in surprise. "That's right…" they nodded in agreement. "It shouldn't be this unfair! Life should be fair!" they said.

Huo Ling smiled. "So, we mutated and became ability users. This mutation isn't bad. Instead, it is a boon for us." He told them.

"Yes! That's right!" they nodded.

Yi Bing, Jin Wu and Mo Shi. "…" what a load of bull. They thought. Being a grim reaper is a waste for him. He should've been a politician instead. They inwardly rolled their eyes.

Jin Wu and Mo Shi looked at Yi Bing but Yi Bing was still on his seat like a statue. Getting nothing from his expression, they couldn't guess if this was Yi Bing's plan, or just Huo Ling's plan.

Hu Feng stared at Huo Ling, wanting to see if he is lying. But, seeing that he looked confident, he set his heart at ease. "Then, do you have an idea how did the zombies come to be?" he asked.

Hearing hos question, everyone immediately calmed down.

"Since our abilities are related to cultivation, then these zombies must already be related to the cultivation world." Huo Ling calmly answered.

Yi Bing, Jin Wu and Mo Shi. "…" wait, wait! We still haven't had a meeting about this! Why are you spilling the beans to them right now?! They thought as they stared at him.

Suddenly, the three of them received a message in their communicators. It is none other than Huo Ling.

0000: we currently reached a dead end. What we only found in the Northern Military Base is about the zombies attacking the signal towers. Meanwhile, in the Capital, we only found about the scientists still not able to find a lead about the emergence of zombies. After all, this involves the supernatural so how will they be able to find it in the blood cells of the humans or zombies they are experimenting on?

0000: Now, the latest thing that we found out is about the existence of the cultivators, and the cultivation world might be the one responsible of this apocalypse. It might be obvious, since Luo Ming – Luo Ye's shixiong, has zombies following him. He is likely the culprit of this apocalypse. But now, since we can't find any more leads, then how about have these people find them for us instead?

0000: P.S.: although we have been ordered to solve the problem of this world, it doesn't necessarily mean that it should be us who will solve the problem. This is their world, right? So it is not right for them to just only lie down and win and make us, the outsiders, instead do the bidding.

Yi Bing, Jin Wu and Mo Shi. "…" they don't know whether to praise him for his cleverness, or hit him for his shamelessness. But, since this is beneficial for them, and also beneficial for Hu Feng, Qi Ming, Xi Kai and the others, then why not have a 'cooperation'?

(Hu Feng, Qi Ming and Xi Kai: what 'cooperation'? Why are we not aware of this?!)

Everyone sucked in a sharp breath. "The cultivation world…" they muttered.

"Luo Ye showed us his memories from before and after his shixiong turned to a demonic cultivator and then left together with those zombies." Huo Ling spoke.

"'demonic cultivator'?" they asked after hearing another unfamiliar term again.

"A cultivator can turn to a demonic cultivator if he has a heart demon, then leading to qi deviation." Huo Ling said. "He might die from qi deviation, and the possibility is very high. But, if he managed to live, then he will become demonic cultivator and perform dark arts." He explained. "The zombification is one of the dark arts." He told them.

Their eyes widened, terrified. One demonic cultivator is already scary. How much more if there will be more?! They thought as their faces paled.

It's as if Huo Ling has read their thoughts. "Having a heart demon may be common in the cultivation world, but it also doesn't happen always." He spoke, comforting them. As expected, their expressions eased. "Also… I think that there is only Luo Ye, and Xiao Ru if you will count her, that remained as cultivators." He added.

"WHAT?!" they exclaimed in shock.

Yi Bing, Jin Wu and Mo Shi were also shocked, especially Yi Bing. He doesn't know this! He thought and looked at Huo Ling with a darkened face.

"What is your basis in saying that?" Hu Feng asked.

Huo Ling turned to him, ignoring Yi Bing's dark expression. "Although the cultivators are indifferent to the mortal world, but they are still living in the mortal world, aren't they? And that is why they are pursuing immortality by freeing themselves from all their desires and emotions." He spoke. "So, if the world is in the verge of destruction, they should have already gone to the frontlines, with their superiority in both skills and powers to us, mortals. They could have also communicated with the government." He explained. "They are also prideful, so they would definitely save the world by themselves and not ask help from the mortals, adding to the fact that saving the world would gain them a merit from the Heavens." He added.

Silence fell. Huo Ling has a point. From their knowledge gained from the online novels and television dramas, immortals really act like what Huo Ling said. So, that means that Luo Ye, and Xiao Ru, were the only cultivators left. They didn't include Yi Bing, Huo Ling, Jin Wu and Mo Shi since they already labeled them as one of them, mortals. They also don't act like what Huo Ling described of the cultivators.

"So this is how it is…" Qi Ming sighed. "Then, how do we solve the crisis?" he asked Huo Ling.

Hearing the question, Huo Ling's lips imperceptibly curved into a smile. Yi Bing, Jin Wu and Mo Shi saw it, though, but they turned a blind eye. It's as if they could hear that one character's voice saying, 'just as planned' with, ironically, a grim reaper with hideous face floating behind him.

"If we can find Luo Ye's shixiong, Luo Ming, then we can consider this battle already half-won." Huo Ling answered.

"Really?!" they exclaimed.

Huo Ling nodded. "Only Luo Ming knows about this dark art of zombification. Even if he wasn't the culprit, but he must definitely know something." He looked at them with a serious expression.

They all nodded in agreement. "We will find this Luo Ming." Hu Feng spoke. "Where shall we start looking for him, though?" he asked.

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