Chapter 515 - Enemies

"Yu Yan is diagnosed with brain tumor?" Wei Shi muttered as he looked at his younger sister.

Emily nodded. "Yes. He was sent to the hospital personally by Lyner and then Yu Yan fell into a coma." She told him. "Lyner was in a hurry and too distracted so he didn't notice our people tailing him." She added.

"Lyner…" Wei Shi muttered as his eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong, brother?" Emily asked as she chewed her food. "You personally know Lyner?" she asked.

"No." Wei Shi shook his head. "I've never met him before, in the previous life, or even now." He said. "Of course, Yu Yan shouldn't have met him, either." He added.

"Hm?" Emily tilted her head. She doesn't understand what her brother is implying.

Wei Shi looked at her. "But, due to Yu Yan's plan of killing the general, he met Lyner." He spoke as he resumed eating. "This Lyner… seemed to be close to Yu Yan." He said.

Finally, Emily understood. "You think Lyner has other intentions towards Yu Yan?" she asked.

Wei Shi nodded. "But, Yu Yan is hell bent on killing the general, and also on wanting me to like him." He said. "Lyner has no chance to be with Yu Yan in this life." He shook his head. "Yu Yan, who lived for two lifetimes, only treats him as a passerby in his life." He added.

"Oh… Lyner is pitiful, then." Emily said.

Hearing this, Wei Shi's lips suddenly curled up. He has thought of another plan.

One month later.

"Although there are still crimes, but only lesser now. This one month was peaceful." Reine spoke as he, Shou Ji, Huo Ling, Yi Bing and Shi Jiu walk towards the venue.

"Yes. With Yu Yan gone, we can feel more at ease." Shi Jiu emotionally sighed.

"You have a point." Reine muttered.

They can't deny that Yu Yan is their strongest enemy.

Loui's and Lyner's father, Leon Lene, is just an upstart businessman who wanted to dominate the country. But, there is the Lux Group and the Citri Group that blocks his way, so he pulled the traitors in their companies. There is also the royal family who he thinks only relies on Erich Reane, the general. So, he roped some people in the military who are dissatisfied with Erich Reane that shines brighter than them. If he kills Erich Reane, he can weaken the royal family, and also please the people in the military that can protect him.

His plan is right to kill Erich Reane and he succeeded by using Yu Yan. But, he didn't think that his plan would immediately backfire since the royal family bit him back! There's also the Daune royal family that governs the underworld that wanted to kill Yu Yan for a reason he doesn't know, nor even Yu Yan knows. Then, the Febi royal family suddenly appeared. Leon realized that he accidentally also roped in the Febi royal family's enemy. The sleeping Lux Group also joined in the fun, and the Citri Group also boarded the ship of the Reane royal family, making him regret choosing the wrong people because they are useless and weak against the Febi royal family and the Citri Group.

But, it is too late for him to regret, much less back out now. So, he pressured Yu Yan, this sharpest sword in his hand. Yet, he didn't expect for Wei Shi, who is Yu Yan's weak point, to reappear and make Yu Yan waver. Then, Yu Yan inexplicably fell into a coma.

"This is all Wei Shi's fault!" Leon gnashed his teeth in anger as he threw the penholder.

The glass cabinet broke.

"And that idiot Loui!" he added. "Stupid son!" he cursed.

Although he hates Loui for the other's stupidity, to the point that he wanted to kill him for ruining his plan and making more mistakes, and killing him lessens his headaches and troubles and can please their other allies who see Loui as an eyesore and those other people who he offended, but he is still his fresh and blood. Or else, he wouldn't throw Loui to Yu Yan.

But, Loui is still an idiot through and through. He is arrogant in the face of Yu Yan, and last time even had provoked a strong participant in the Annual Challenge so he lost his face, as well as his – his father's, face, not to mention Yu Yan's face. So useless! So weak! So stupid! Thus, in the end, he had Yu Yan kill Loui since he can't bear to kill his son, and to also please Yu Yan who has been dissatisfied with Loui since the beginning because of the other's attitude thinking that Yu Yan should bow to him and even feel honored to serve him.

Yu Yan is really too kind not to have killed Loui, even just punched him, until last time.

"Tell our people that I have an order. Kill Wei Shi!" Leon said. "Tell our people in the Chel Military Academy to be alert! Their sports event is here now. We don't have Loui there anymore, so have the students to act according to situation and decide whatever they feel is right to do. Make them crush our enemies!" he told them.

"Yes!" his guards answered and scattered in all directions to relay the information to their people.

The Chel Military Academy will be their breakthrough!

The Chel Military Academy has a very long history. As soon as the human beings ventured into the space and made their stronghold, after the society was established, the Chel Military Academy was created to train more soldiers to preserve the order and protect the peace. Naturally, as time goes on, the Chel Military Academy was owned by the government. Until when the Zergs attacked, and the country suffered a great casualty. The Chel Military Academy was then funded by different individuals and the government was left with only half the share.

So, this year, the Chel Military Academy has become a battlefield. Not between the government and the private sectors, but between the private sectors only. As their country grew larger, the government has more problems to solve. They relied on the royal family who respects the government and its laws implemented that also preserves the monarch's status, to deal with these individuals who became more and more daring to challenge the government, as well as the monarch. Since their country relies on the Chel Military Academy which produces the future defenders of the country, as well as the galaxy, neither side made a move for a long time…

Until now. This year. The enemies can't endure it anymore. They wanted to take the power now! And so, the Chel Military Academy, although looked calm on the surface, but is actually boiling like magma underneath. The military, as well as the powerful figures, also began to take sides, thus increasing the tension between the two parties. Those who are satisfied with the current status quo sides with the royal family and the government while those who wanted change for their selfish interests sided with the enemy. Only those who are not right in the head would want to side with these lunatics.

Although everyone knew that they are lunatics, but they knew that because they are lunatics then they have to stop them. So, led by the royal family with the government behind them, everyone's attention is on today's event in the Chel Military Academy – the first face-off between the two sides. What's good in this proposal of the enemies is that they currently won't focus on committing crimes and harming the common people and instead focuses their energy in the students who are their weapons for a revolution.

"Really ironic." Alexis spoke beside them.

"What's ironic, senior?" Shi Jiu asked.

Alexis didn't answer, but Dwinn spoke. "This place should be cultivating the youths that would protect the country and the galaxy. But, there are some who wanted to cultivate them for their own selfish interests." He explained.

"Oh… that's a sad truth." Shi Jiu said.

Uly nodded as they all looked at the big stage, then to the large screens "They wanted to use this to make the public panic." He spoke. "If they have killed someone and it was broadcasted live, then the public would definitely notice, worse, feel indignation and condemn the Chel Military Academy, who is publicly supported by the government as well as the royal family. They can smear their reputations, and also feel panicked since the Chel Military Academy became no good for letting someone die in their premises, and they are its students. It shows that they can't protect properly who they should be protecting." He explained.

Their faces became solemn.

"But, we can't stop this live broadcast. Or else, the public would notice something." Uly continued. "They would definitely investigate the cause, and would figure some truths out. The enemies still haven't lost their brains." He frowned.

"Then – " Shou Ji spoke. " – we just all have to win, right?" he asked. "That way, we can stop them, and even would make everybody feel patriotic and support the good side.." He smiled.

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