Against the Gods

Chapter 1859 - Twilight of the Dragon Gods

Chapter 1859 - Twilight of the Dragon Gods

The battlefield slowly started to grow quiet. It was no longer reverberating with miserable wails filled with despair or the heart-rending sounds of bodies being broken apart. Only the sounds of heavy breathing and the occasional howl of wrathful vengeance could be heard.

The bloody mist that hung in the air was no longer growing thick. Instead, the metallic tang of blood was slowly being dispersed by the wind.

Yun Che turned around with Caizhi in his arms. The highest-level massacre in the history of the God Realm had thankfully come to a close on this bloodsoaked ground.

In fact, it had ended in an inconceivably fast manner.

All of the Dragon God Realm’s Venerable Withered Dragons, Dragon Gods, Dragon Sovereigns, and Master Dragons were dead. The northern region profound practitioners had used them as an outlet to vent their extreme rage, so most of their bodies had been torn to pieces.

There wasn’t a single Hui Dragon or Chi Dragon alive either.

Ironically, it was the Myriad Manifestations Divine Masters who had endured the longest. However, they were boxed in on all sides by the Northern Region, the Qilins, and the Blue Dragons in the end and there wasn’t a single survivor among them.

It was at this time that the dreadful figure of that gigantic dragon silently disappeared from the skies above them. The skies and the earth had finally stopped shuddering at that moment and it was as if they now had an opportunity to breathe.

If anyone happened to arrive at the Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm at this moment, they would never be able to believe that the small mountain of flesh and bones belonged to the god emperors and Divine Masters of the kings realms of the Western Region. It wouldn’t matter what race they were or what level of power they possessed, it was simply too unbelievable a tale.

The destruction of the Southern Sea God Realm in the span of a single day had already shocked the universe to its core.

In the same short amount of time, this battlefield, which had originally been filled with enough draconic might to trample the entire universe, had been turned on its head by what seemed like a flip of Yun Che’s hand. It had instead become an event that would echo through the ages! The biggest dragon slaughter that the God Realm had ever seen and ever would see!

Besides the blue dragon clan who had been pardoned for now, there was only one survivor among the dragons of the west, Long Bai.

The Devil Master would decide his death, so no matter how much of a frenzy the northern region profound practitioners whipped themselves into, they still would not touch a hair on his head.

There was also another person who was still alive.


A torn and tattered body that was so misshapen that it barely even resembled a human was kicked toward Yun Che.

Yun Che immediately turned to look at the crippled person... His face had been completely disfigured, his limbs had been shorn off, and many of his bones could be seen beneath his flayed flesh. He was so disfigured that it was impossible to tell who this person was based on his current appearance.

However, Yun Che instantly recognized that faint and weak thread of energy wafting from this mangled lump of flesh. It was actually Zhou Xuzi!

Not only was he still alive, he was even conscious and those half-opened eyes of his still seemed to be able to see with some clarity. When he was kicked in front of Yun Che, his body spasmed violently as a scratchy gurgling sound came from his throat.

Yun Che furrowed his brow as he stared at him, the energy around his body gently stirring.

Even though Zhou Xuzi had already been reduced to the most miserable state possible, it still wasn’t enough to erase the hatred in Yun Che’s heart.

Yan Three had been observing Yun Che’s body language, so he hurriedly stepped forward and extended a wizened hand. “Master, this old slave can help you protect...”

Yun Che barked out the words, “Get lost.”

Yan Three retreated quick as lightning.

Yan One scolded him in a low voice, “Has your brain been reduced to mush!? You’d dare to actually touch one of Master’s women!?”

“Not even with our profound energy!?” Yan Three asked in a rather indignant voice.

“Of course not!” Yan One and Yan Two replied with a strange symmetry.

“...” Yan Three lowered his head in shame.

Chi Wuyao slowly walked over and said in a languid voice, “This person’s fate should be decided by both you and little Caizhi, so I decided to leave him alive when I found him.”

“Oh, that’s right. All of these wounds were inflicted on him by little Caizhi and his last six Guardians all died by her hand. When our adorable Heavenly Wolf grows fierce, she is quite frightening... I would advise my lord Devil Master to be careful in the future.”

“...” As Yun Che looked down to stare at Caizhi, he understood just how deep her hatred of him was.

“Eee... Wu... Wuuuuu...”

Zhou Xuzi tried desperately to widen his one good eye to stare at Yun Che. His throat moved up and down violently as pained grunts spilled from his lips.

Virtue will lead to eternal peace, evil will bring the carnage of a devil god.

This was the short prophecy that had come from the Heavenly Mystery Three Elders that had finally allowed him to harden his heart.

However, the Eternal Heaven God Realm had been slaughtered, the Moon God Realm had been destroyed, the Southern Sea God Realm had been annihilated, and the cornerstones of most of the king realms of the Western Divine Region had been cruelly shattered in the span of a single day...

The current Yun Che had already grown to such a terrifying extent... If he wanted to, he could probably obliterate all life in the universe.

All of this had happened in a few short years.

All of this had started the moment his palm had sent the Evil Infant Jasmine flying out of the Primal Chaos.

Before he had struck that blow, Yun Che had just saved the world, and Jasmine had used all of her might to seal that crimson crack in the Wall of Primal Chaos. He had also publicly sworn that he would never disturb Yun Che and the Evil Infant Jasmine, both of whom had decided to leave the God Realm and retire to the lower realms for good.

If he had not struck that single blow, the swiftly-growing Yun Che might have very well become the world’s mightiest protector, one who could quell any calamity with the palm of his hand. Someone who would fit the line “virtue will lead to eternal peace” to a tee.

No... No...

I wasn’t wrong... I didn’t make a mistake...

Everything I did, I did for the sake of this world. What that palm strike of mine destroyed was my own honor! But I did it to rid the world of its greatest threat!

I didn’t do it out of selfish ambition! I did it for the world...

How could I have been wrong!?

As for Yun Che. He was possessed by darkness and mercilessly slaughtered star realm after star realm. In fact, he was the one who brought down this huge calamity on the entire God Realm! It’s now clear that his innate nature was that of a devil...

I only helped him awaken to his nature earlier than expected!

I didn’t do anything wrong!

As his mind rambled in a chaotic muddle, Yun Che, who had been staring at him coldly all this while, finally made his move.

What surprised nearly everyone was the energy that was radiating from Yun Che’s body. It wasn’t the lifestealing dark profound energy. Instead, it was the sacred light of his holy light profound energy that shone from his body.

Light profound energy flowed down from Yun Che’s body to cover Zhou Xuzi and swiftly repaired his fatally-wounded body. After that, Yun Che turned around and summoned a small eddy of wind to levitate Zhou Xuzi in the air before he tossed him to Yan Three.

“Destroy all of his meridians.” A sentence of extreme cruelty passed from Yun Che’s lips. “But do not let him die.”

Light profound energy would preserve his life, but the destruction of all his meridians would make him wish he were dead.

Yun Che did not spare Zhou Xuzi another glance and started slowly walking toward Long Bai. It almost seemed as if Caizhi had sensed Yun Che’s aura in her dreams as her breathing started to regulate itself. Her pale-white face also slowly began to regain some of its normal pink hue.

Long Bai continued to struggle. Even though he wanted to die, there was no way he was content to go like this. In fact, he no longer spewed dragon blood when he coughed. He was actually coughing up bits of his scorched and fragmented internal organs instead.

Yun Che’s foot fell.


A huge explosion shook everyone’s souls and squeezed their hearts like a vice. That stomp had turned Long Bai’s internal organs into powder. Even the Divine Miracle of Life would not be able to save him now.

“Your era has ended,” Yun Che said as he looked down at Long Bai with cold eyes, his foot firmly planted on his shattered chest. “On account of the slight grace that you showed me in the past, I will give you one last chance to say something before you die.”

The divine light in Long Bai’s eyes was swiftly fading, and his spiritual senses, which were slipping away from him equally fast, could no longer even sense his own body.

However, for some odd reason, his bleary and tired eyes could see Yun Che with acute clarity.

Long Bai’s lips suddenly started curving upwards. He was actually smiling and his smile was dreadfully sinister. His boundless pain and despair had suddenly morphed into a distorted glee as he started grinning like a demented madman.

“...!?” Chi Wuyao’s devil soul had been pricked by this sudden change. She swiveled around to stare at Long Bai, a big frown on her face.

“Yun... Che...” Long Bai used all of his strength and will to utter those words with much difficulty. “Do you really think... that you’ve... won...”

“Heh... heh heh...” What seemed like laughter came from Long Bai’s mouth, but it was filled with such pain and warped glee that it twisted one’s heart. “In truth... Shen Xi... she...”

Oh no... A feeling of unease suddenly sprang up in Chi Wuyao’s heart.

However, it was at this moment that a beam of blue light streaked down like a world-ending meteor, cutting open a dazzling icy line through the space which it passed through.

As the icy light dazzled past them, Mu Xuanyin slowly coalesced into existence, holding Long Bai’s neatly-severed head in her hand.

That ugly and sinister smile was fixed on Long Bai’s blood-matted face. His lips trembled and twitched for a few more moments, but no sound issued from them.

So cold...

His final thought echoed in an empty world. A world with no light, a world filled only with cold and despair.

This was just like what had happened to him more than three hundred thousand years ago. His enemies had shattered his limbs and blinded his eyes before throwing him into a barren wilderness, leaving him to die in darkness and despair.

Then, an incomparably warm light suddenly lit up that deep abyss of despair and within the light, he saw a celestial figure that would thrust him into an endless dream, a goddess who would ensnare his every thought.

Shen Xi...

Shen... Xi...

However, that ephemeral light did not descend upon him again, even as the darkness itself started to fade away into the distance.

The Dragon Monarch’s aura disappeared from this world forever.

His open eyes had lost all of their color. Even though he was staring into the sky, he would no longer be able to produce a single ray of light in this universe that he had ruled for hundreds of thousands of years.

When he was king, he had never dreamed that he would come to such a miserable end.

Yun Che raised his head to stare dumbly at Mu Xuanyin.

He had already decided that Long Bai would die by no other hand than his. However, at the very last moment, someone had snatched his head away!

If it had been anyone else, he would definitely have flown into a huge rage by now...

Unfortunately for him, that person just so happened to be Mu Xuanyin.

“Mas...” He unwittingly uttered a word in shock, but he swiftly changed it. “Xuanyin, you...”

“He was the one who killed me back then.” Mu Xuanyin sheathed the Snow Princess Sword. “So it’s only right that I take revenge for myself.”

“...” Chi Wuyao let out a long sigh of relief as she shot Mu Xuanyin a fleeting look of gratitude.

Yun Che’s methods were slowly starting to resemble that of an emperor’s but he was still far too young, so his experience would naturally be lacking.

When faced with people one had to kill, one should never allow them to say anything unless they possessed secrets that had to be extracted before they could die. Because once a person knew that they were going to die to a hated enemy, it was common for them to say the most horrible thing they could think of.

As such, Long Bai could have lied that he had raped Shen Xi before she died... There was no way to prove it since both of them were dead, but it would have left a soul-piercing wound in Yun Che’s heart.

The gruesome joy on Long Bai’s face showed that he knew that his words would definitely deal Yun Che a huge blow... Furthermore, Chi Wuyao had vaguely sensed that it was very possible that it wasn’t a lie that he had come up with on the fly.

“Uh, right.” Yun Che hurriedly nodded his head. The bloody battle had come to an end, and now that he was face to face with Mu Xuanyin, whom he had once thought was lost to him forever, he started to feel a bit helpless. “Of course, you killing him... was for the best.”

In the back, Yan One, Yan Two, and Yan Three felt their hairs stand on end as cold shivers ran down their spines.

The spiritual senses of these three old monsters were on another level from most people, but at this moment, they actually sensed an acute sense of discomfort emanating from Yun Che’s body.

The dreaded Devil Master, who had slaughtered the Dragon Monarch and his Venerable Withered Dragons like dogs, actually seemed to be... afraid of this woman!?

This was the moment that they carved every bit of Mu Xuanyin’s aura and features into their hearts and minds. Right now, her status in their hearts had instantly surpassed all of the previous “ancestors”.

The gazes they directed toward her immediately contained a deep and fawning servility... Even though they were only directed at her back.


A soft groan issued from Caizhi’s lips. Yun Che immediately bent his head down to whisper, “Caizhi... Caizhi?”

At this time, Chi Wuyao’s body shimmered and she arrived at the side of Long Bai’s head. She silently and furtively released a thread of her Nirvana divine soul power and shot it toward the last dissipating wisp of Long Bai’s soul.

She instantly withdrew that thread of soul energy and read it. It had successfully captured a small portion of Long Bai’s thoughts an hour before his death... As she scanned through those thoughts, Chi Wuyao’s face twitched but she instantly smoothed her expression.

Mu Xuanyin’s icy eyes trembled as she shot a glance toward Chi Wuyao, but she did not say anything.

Caizhi had not woken up. She merely shifted slightly within Yun Che’s embrace as she fell back into deep slumber.

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