Age of Evolution#

Chapter 491 - Chapter 491: Chapter 491: First Battle in the Chaotic Star River

Chapter 491: Chapter 491: First Battle in the Chaotic Star River

The passage below their feet was very long, winding like a path, and large ships could not pass through at all.

The martial artists spread out and began to fly along the passage.

Tony, Lin Zhen, and three other martial artists were still together at the end of the group.

“I heard that this Light Passage is an interwoven wormhole and space fissure, which formed after exhaustion and degradation, and became permanent here. Is that right, Boss Tony?”

“Seems like it. I heard the same thing too.”

“Tsk tsk! This is really a dangerous place. Within the tens of thousands of light years around it, if you want to go to our empire, you must pass through this passage. Look at it, the diameter doesn’t exceed a hundred meters. If there was a peerless strong person guarding it, I’m afraid that even tens of millions of people from the Demon Insect Empire would not be able to break through it.”

“While that may be true, haven’t you heard? Both our empire and the Demon Insect Empire have forbidden Domain King Strong ones from participating in battle. The main reason is this passage; it’s not very stable and cannot withstand the power of Star Domain entering it. So, people who use the passage cannot exceed the Star System Stage. This is also why we haven’t had a full-scale war with the Demon Insect Empire over the years.”

Tony explained like he was giving a lecture, “Even if a peerless strong person is guarding here, the highest they can go is Tier Nine Star System, right? In the same level, it’s hardly possible for one person to guard the passage and block thousands of troops. Moreover, the fighting strength of the Demon Insect race is slightly stronger than ours.”

None of the martial artists refuted that. It was just a joke, in the first place. If one person could guard the passage, then the Demon Insect Empire would be no threat at all.

Looking out from inside the passage, chaotic rocks filled the space, and energy elements rampaged, making it an unbearable environment for humans.

After flying for about twenty minutes, the Light Passage came to an end.

In the dark starry sky, dense meteor belts filled their view. Occasionally, a meteor would be drawn in by gravity, colliding with another meteor and causing a violent explosion.

However, Lin Zhen and his group hardly saw any people.

“Where are the people? Weren’t there 300,000 of us? How come there are barely any people inside this field of view?” A warrior asked, puzzled.

“There’s no need to look anymore. People scatter when they get here. Although 300,000 people may seem like a lot, scattering them all over Chaotic Star River would barely cause a splash. If you really want to know what’s going on, check the Dimensional Universe periodically. There, you can see the number of Demon Insect warriors killed by each contestant, and who has died.”

“So where should the five of us go now?”

Tony spoke up, “I’ve already checked, there’s a high probability of resource stars in the northeast direction. Let’s head there and take a look.”

None of the others raised any objections, but Lin Zhen didn’t think that direction was the right choice. Indeed, it was a commonly known area for resource stars, but wouldn’t other people think of that too? Their team’s chances of competing with others seemed slim.

However, since they’d just arrived in the Chaotic Star River, it was best not to have internal conflicts, so Lin Zhen remained silent.

“Let’s go!”

They flew through the air, with Tony leading the way.

Traveling through a flowing meteor river was dangerous, but everyone participating in the concentration camp were geniuses, and they didn’t mind it.

After a while, Lin Zhen suddenly stopped.

“I feel like someone’s coming. Could it be a martial artist from the Demon Insect Empire?”

“Heh, Lin Zhen, you still don’t understand the Chaotic Star River. This area is close to the Light Passage and shouldn’t have any foolish Demon Insect martial artists passing by. Moreover, our army has just arrived. Unless the Demon Insect martial artists are tired of living, they shouldn’t approach. It’s probably just one of our companions.”

Tony didn’t care and gestured Lin Zhen to hurry up.

But Lin Zhen stayed still. His Spiritual Power was at the Sky Blue Peak, higher than anyone else present. His senses were extremely sharp, and he was certain someone was approaching rapidly. Judging by their speed, it couldn’t be a companion from the concentration camp.

Seeing Lin Zhen still hesitating to leave, Tony became annoyed, “Lin Zhen, what are you doing? If you’re left behind like this, we can’t protect you.”

The other few also showed some displeasure. In their eyes, Lin Zhen was just a burden. Previously, he was at Constant Star Level Two, and even though he recently broke through to Level Three, it didn’t prove much. He was still the weakest in the team.

Lin Zhen ignored them and drew out his Yin-Yang Spear, watching the dark starry sky ahead.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~~~!!!

Several figures approached quickly!

“There really are people?” Tony was stunned, not expecting Lin Zhen’s senses to be so sharp. There were really people coming, and judging by their speed, it seemed more like they were fleeing, definitely not their own companions.

“Be on your guard! Everyone, be on your guard!”

Tony shouted loudly as they all spread out a little.

“Are you from the Fire Kirin? Please, save us!”

Two martial artists were carrying a third, running for their lives. As soon as they saw Lin Zhen’s group, they saw hope and quickened their staggering steps.

Behind them, hundreds of martial artists from the Demon Insect Empire enveloped the area like a dark cloud, with dark red wings on their backs and thick armor on their bodies. Their hands had sharp claws, and only a pair of eyes and huge fangs were visible.

These people swept through the starry sky, casually destroying everything around them. Even meteors were scattered everywhere.

Instead of calling them human, it was more accurate to describe this group as humanoid locusts.

“Locust Warriors, the most numerous warriors in the Demon Insect Empire. Their individual strength is not particularly strong, but they always move in groups and are extremely difficult to deal with. Encountering Locust Warriors means you’ll likely be devoured even if your strength is greater!”

“Retreat! Get out of here quickly, or we’ll definitely become food for the locusts!”

Tony was the first to turn and run, followed by the other Constant Star Period martial artists.

“Lin Zhen, you idiot, what are you doing standing there? Waiting for death? Forget it, do whatever you want. We’re leaving!”

Those three martial artists who were escaping saw someone at last, but their glimmer of hope was shattered, and they couldn’t help but curse.

“Son of a bitch! Are you even human? You’re not going to help?!”

“Damn it! If I survive, I’ll never let you off. If you are heartless, don’t blame us for telling the Demon Insects your secrets.”

“Are you planning to let a Constant Star Level 3 cannon fodder die by leaving him behind?”

Lin Zhen stood with his spear, watching the group of locust warriors, silently calculating his next move.

He had never intended to live a mediocre life here. He wanted the high-grade Heavenly Tool and the title of the Empire as well.

The locust warriors were not very strong, so it was a good opportunity for him to practice his skills.

Seeing that the three martial artists wanted to give up on escaping, Lin Zhen raised his hand, and a huge gravitational force enveloped them.

“I’m still here waiting for rescue. How can you give up?!”


The three martial artists were already exhausted and unable to resist Lin Zhen’s gravitational pull. In an instant, they were pulled away, managing to escape the locust warriors chasing them.

Ignoring the dumbfounded looks of the others, Lin Zhen’s Yin-Yang Spear flickered, and he charged into the group of Demon Insect Empire warriors.

To deal with ordinary Constant Star Level Nine enemies, Lin Zhen didn’t even need to armorize. His Yin-Yang Spear danced up and down, each strike killing at least one locust warrior!

Puff puff puff~~!!!

A series of screams shocked the locust warriors who had not taken Lin Zhen seriously.

“Locust Warriors may not be strong individually, relying on numbers and group tactics, but don’t forget that absolute strength negates any numeric advantage!”

Lin Zhen’s Star Power was close to 500, incomparable to these locust warriors. The faster he killed, the more locust warriors fell with each strike.

“This Fire Kirin warrior is so strong! Everyone, use a battle charge!”

A Black Hole Period locust warrior shouted, and all the locust warriors began to spread out in formation. Ten people formed a team, looking like a row of diving fighter jets, attacking Lin Zhen in waves.

This was the group fighting style of the locust warriors, with their cyclical attacks causing the defeat of many powerful enemies.

“Be careful!”

The three martial artists also forgot about escaping and shouted for Lin Zhen to be careful, as they themselves had fallen due to this kind of coordinated attack.

Seeing wave after wave of enemies coming, Lin Zhen sneered and made a mental move.

Galaxy Domain!

The surrounding starry scenery changed, and most of the locust warriors were instantly covered.

Dozens of planets quickly formed, rushing towards the first wave of locust warriors.

“Tianhe Star Explosion! Explode!”

Boom, boom, boom~~!!!

The powerful explosion echoed in the starry sky, and the first wave of locust warriors was wiped out by the Tianhe Star Explosion.

“Send the second batch! This is a domain warrior, but his Starburst requires a concentration of Star Power, which takes time. Keep attacking, and when his strength is slightly exhausted, it will be his end!”

The Black Hole Period locust warrior screamed commandingly, and the second batch of locust warriors charged down.

With a shift of Lin Zhen’s Spiritual Power, another twenty planets appeared. This was the power of the Sky Blue Peak, producing twenty Star Explosions in just one second.

After another explosion, the second batch of ten locust warriors was sacrificed.

The third batch, the fourth batch…

Twenty consecutive batches of locust warriors charged valiantly but meaninglessly, only to fall to the Tianhe Star Explosion.

Adding the previous kills, only twenty or thirty out of the 300 locust warriors remained.

The notoriously fearless locust warriors were afraid. This Constant Star Level 3 human was too strange, with incredibly strong Spiritual Power. The continuous use of Star Explosions showed no sign of fatigue, and their forces were almost depleted.

Seeing the locust warriors about to flee, another Lin Zhen appeared in the starry sky behind them.


With a loud roar, the clone unleashed a torrent of rain-like spear light, and Lin Zhen’s real body also instantly moved over. The two of them flickered like ghosts, slaughtering relentlessly!

One minute later, both their spears pierced through the leader of the locust warriors in unison.

All 300 locust warriors were annihilated!

At that moment, Lin Zhen’s kill count ranked first among all martial artists who had entered the Chaotic Star River!

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