Chapter 348 How do I make it up to you?

Lumiere & Lucretia Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

The two half siblings...

They hadn't seen each other in almost a month.

Since Lumiere lashed out on Genevieve not because she did anything wrong but rather, he was transferring his aggression.

In truth, that action was what he deemed a big mistake. He wanted to apologize.

Lumiere was aware that Genevieve was in Efistes, that was due to him meeting Garret and Ress at an inn.

"Lumiere?" she said.

Equally startled, Lumiere spoke up with a shaky voice. "G... Genny?"

Genevieve's brown eyes met Lumiere's amethyst eyes in a tense gaze.

Their silence could easily explain the unspoken tension between them.

Lumiere felt the weight of her piercing stare.

So, he nervously scratched the back of his head before finally mustering the courage to break the silence.

"To be honest," he began, his voice shaky, "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

After speaking, he was only greeted by silence.

A silence that made the situation even more awkward.

His admission left Genevieve folding her arms defensively.

"Oh? And pray tell, why would my presence be such a surprise to you?" she retorted, a strong dash of bitterness pressed against her tone. "Maybe because you've been trying to keep some space between us."

Her tone was sarcastic.

It was enough to dictate that when she said "keep some space" she actually meant Lumiere was avoiding her.

Lumiere's throat tightened as he tried to find the right words to explain himself.

"No, Genevieve, I swear, I wasn't trying to avoid you. It's just that... things have been complicated lately."

He wasn't lying.

After his argument with Genevieve, the next day he died in the hands of Gallus. Then, after altering his fate, he evolved to become a Curse King. From there on out, a lot of things happened from Serena's destruction core to the issue of Isadora's demon lord seed.

There was simply no time he could spare.

Genevieve raised an eyebrow skeptically, her gaze piercing through Lumiere's feeble excuses. "Complicated? Is that what you call it?" she asked with obvious disappointment in her voice. "Tell me then, Lumiere, what exactly have you been busy with?"

A heavy gulp from Lumiere.

"( Damn... she must be so pissed )" (Lumiere)

"( Wow, Lumiere looks so good in that attire, still, I'm sure mother could've made him something way better... )" (Genevieve)

"( I really screwed up this time, didn't I? )" (Lumiere)

"( Bollocks, I forgot I'm supposed to be angry with him... )" (Genevieve)

Genevieve cleared her throat elegantly, maintaining her look of indifference.

"So? What's your answer? Or are you thinking of more lies?"

Lumiere hesitated, fumbling for words.

"I've been occupied with... with a lot of stuff," he stammered. "But that doesn't mean I didn't want to see you. I do, Genevieve."

Genevieve turned her gaze away.

What Lumiere saw was a look of sadness and frustration, one which made him feel bad.

But when Genevieve?s face was out of sight, she gently smiled as she looked at Lumiere from the corner of her eyes.

With a dismissive "hmph," she uttered, "If I truly meant anything to you, if I truly ranked among your priorities, then you would have made at least some effort to see me. But you didn't, Lumiere."

Lumiere swallowed hard again.

Her words were weighing heavily on him. More and more he felt guilty.

He struggled to find a response, for he knew in his heart that she was right.

His avoidance had wounded her deeply, and the truth stared back at him with an undeniable, painful clarity.

Silence enveloped them once again, Genevieve's sadness palpable as she lowered her head, her chestnut brown hair obscuring her face. Softly, almost in a whisper, she spoke the words that hit Lumiere like a bullet.

"Maybe... maybe you don't love me the way I thought you did."

Genevieve turned her gaze away, her heart heavy with disappointment.

She was ready to take her leave, ready to walk away from the man who had consistently let her down.

"( Okay, now this is the part where he tries to stop me... )"

She walked away.

"( He better stop me...!)"

She continued to walk away.

"( Why hasn't he stopped me...?! )"

However, before she could make her exit, Lumiere rushed forward and took hold of her wrist, his grip firm yet gentle.

In that fleeting moment, Genevieve's lips formed a smile, but she quickly composed herself, the smile fading into a mask of sadness.

In her mind however, she was screeching like a hawk.

"( EEEEEEEEKKKK!!! He did it!!! )"

Lumiere then told her, "Genny, please wait..."

"What do you want?" she asked. "Do you want to watch me cry now?"

The question was left hanging in the air, the tension between them was extremely palpable.

Lumiere, taken aback by Genevieve's words, looked at her with pleading eyes.

"No," he said earnestly and in a regretful tone that further projected his words as sincere. "I'd never want to see you shed a single tear."

Genevieve placed her left hand on her chest, her eyes downcast.

"Well, it's too late," she whispered, she made sure to add intense sadness and vulnerability to her voice.

Lumiere's grip on her hand tightened, and he spoke softly.

"It's never too late," he insisted. "Why would you even think that way?"

Genevieve mustered the strength to meet his gaze, her eyes filled with hurt. "Because you don't love me," she stated, her voice trembling. "So, why should I waste my time listening to whatever you have to say?"

Lumiere's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why would you think I don't love you?" he asked.

Genevieve let out a bitter laugh.

"There's no need for you to lie," she murmured. "I know it's true. If you loved me, you wouldn't have lashed out at me like that."

Lumiere's expression softened, regret etched across his features.

"I'm sorry," he said in a remorseful manner. "I had an argument that day, and I let my anger get the best of me."

Of course, maybe it'd have been easier for Lumiere to tell her the cause of that argument.

If he told her it was about Arthur, she'd have likely transferred her "anger" to Arthur, but there was no use for Lumiere to do that. It wasn't worth it.

And there was the likelihood that she'd ask what the cause of the argument was, and if she learnt it was about Bluestella, it'd have raised some uncomfortable questions.

Genevieve's eyes narrowed. "Was that argument worth losing your cool in front of me?" she asked him.

"No, and I kn—"

Before he could say anymore, Genevieve interjected.

"All I wanted was to see how you were doing. All I wanted was to show you I cared."

She was right, too right.

He didn't know how else to apologize, or what more to say.

Lumiere's head fell. "I... I know," he told her.

Lumiere, his heart heavy with guilt, turned to Genevieve and asked her probably the most important thing she could ever hope for.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Genevieve turned towards him.


"Well, there is one way," she whispered, leaning in close to his ear.

At this point, Lumiere was desperate. "Sure, I'll do anything... Just name it."

"Okay, if you say so."

She made her request.

Lumiere's eyes widened as he heard her request.

He immediately became uncertain.

"I'm not sure I can do that," he confessed.

Genevieve nodded solemnly, her disappointment evident. "I thought so," she murmured, preparing to take her leave once again.

But before she could make her exit, Lumiere reached out and took hold of her hand, his grip tight with desperation.

"Wait," he pleaded, sighing heavily. "I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want."

Surprised, Genevieve turned back to him, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Really?" she asked, already hopeful.

Lumiere released her hand and rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face.

"Yeah," he admitted.


Genevieve exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

But Lumiere's expression turned serious again.

"Just remember, it's still a taboo," he warned.

Rolling her eyes, Genevieve responded, "Like I care."

Lumiere was filled with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.

However, Genevieve, perceptive as ever, was determined to eradicate any trace of doubt from his mind regarding their imminent endeavor.

She wanted to ensure that their forthcoming experience would be nothing short of extraordinary, leaving no room for hesitation or second-guessing.

"Now come over here, big brother!"

With a radiant smile, she swiftly drew Lumiere close to her, enveloping him in a tight embrace. As his face nestled into the softness of her beasts, he could feel the weighty pressure of her ample curves against his cheeks.

"Ge... Genny...!"

The fragrance emanating from her cleavage was particularly delightful, its heavenly scent permeating the air.

Rather than resisting or attempting to extricate himself from this intimate embrace, Lumiere wholeheartedly embraced the moment, reveling in the sheer bliss of being enveloped by her breasts.

She fixed her gaze on him.

"Lumiere, I promise you today... you're going to enjoy every corner of my body, I want you to eat me, so don't worry too much about it being a taboo..."


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