The twins' grip on Chain Smoker was so firm that he could barely move, especially with his frozen feet.

"Now let's witness the clash of fire and ice, and discover which prevails — the faster and the stronger," Joaquin said, settling in to observe the unfolding spectacle.

As the twins stared at each other with smiles, they began focusing their powers in their hands once more. Chain Smoker, feeling a new energy surging within him, started shouting.

The crowd exchanged puzzled glances, wondering, "What are these blokes doing?"

In a split second, the eyes of the twins blazed with fire and ice, accompanied by intensified shouts.

Suddenly, a large fire formed on the hand Suzzy held, while thick ice covered the hand held by Sully. The fire and ice moved with incredible speed, consuming everything in their path.

Chain Smoker's shouts heightened as he felt one side of his body freezing while the other burned.

Surprisingly, the fire didn't melt the ice, and the ice didn't quench the fire; they existed in perfect harmony, splitting Chain Smoker into two halves.

A sudden silence gripped the crowd as they witnessed the astonishing event. The twins didn't stop there. They forcefully pulled each hand they held, exerting great power and strength.

"Tist, tist."

The sound of his body parts splitting could be heard. The twins increased their energy, and with a resounding "purrr," Chain Smoker broke into two parts. His frozen half shattered on the ground, while the burnt half disintegrated upon hitting the ground.

"Fucking diabolical!"

Angry murmurs and curses erupted from the onlookers, their disapproval echoing through the arena like a relentless storm.

Frustration and disbelief painted their faces as they stared at the twins, who stood proudly amidst the chaos they had unleashed.

Sully unleashed a barrage of ice at Joaquin's feet, reminiscent of his earlier tactic with Chain Smoker, but this time, he intensified the assault. In a swift motion, Sully jumped, aiming directly for Joaquin's face.


The impact was immediate, but shockingly, it was Sully who experienced the pain, his hand fractured from his own attack.

"Ahhhh," Sully shouted, prompting Suzzy to rush to his aid. She retaliated by launching a powerful fireball at Joaquin, only to have it bounce back, its force pushing her to the ground.

Joaquin, smiling, leaned over them. "You have talent, you know, and it will come in handy for my gang," he remarked.

"You mean work for you? I will never wor—" Sully began, but Joaquin's eyes turned bright red, a chilling gaze that sent shivers down anyone's spine.

"That is not a request; it's an order!" Joaquin declared, his authority cutting off Sully's protest mid-sentence.

The twins stood in stunned silence, realizing the gravity of Joaquin's command.

Trapped in the arena, they had no choice but to comply with his order, their dreams of freedom shattered.

Joaquin's eyes reverted to their normal state, and he turned his back on them.

"From now henceforth, you will be coming to this arena to kill or get killed!" he declared, prompting a response from the crowd, "That is the drill!"

As Joaquin exited the arena, Marhal and Ronan approached him respectfully. "Get them treated for today. Next time, they will treat themselves by themselves!" Joaquin ordered before leaving.

Marhal and Ronan exchanged surprised glances. It was a rare occurrence for their boss to show concern for someone other than Ellie.

"This is rare, the second time I've seen him caring about someone else apart from Ellie!" Marhal remarked.

"Well, we chalk that up to the Ellie effect! I reckon it's all because of Ellie. Sharpish, let's leg it." Ronan replied.

They swiftly obeyed Joaquin's directive, carrying the twins to a small medical center set up within the underground.

Initially non-existent, the medical center had been established because of Ellie's influence.

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