Grandpa Kuys then proceeded to warn Ban about the incoming Beast Tide. 

He then explained to Ban how to strengthen his Monster. 

According to Kuys, every Summoned Monster has Monster Core automatically formed inside them. It is where the Soul of the Monster resided, the stronger it will be, the stronger the Monster that possessed it. 

And for the Monsters to ascend to the next Rank, they must strengthen their Core first. 

There are various ways to strengthen the Monster Cores. However, the most common and widely used method was to let the Monsters consume herbs and beast meats. 

Another method was also to let the Monsters absorb the energy inside a Beast Core. This is a powerful method that involves the usage of the Book of Techniques. It is complex and rewarding at the same time. 

This method was not widely used as only those who belonged to powerful families that had a Book of Techniques were able to fully utilize this method. Not to mention, Beast Core's are not common items and even if one of them was spotted, it would be sold for sky-high prices. 

Those who own Beast Core's but don't have the Book of Techniques will still be able to let their Monster absorb the essence left on the Beast Core, however, doing so would dilute the effects by a large margin and it would be considered as a waste of resources. 

Hence, those who owned a Beast Core but don't have the Book of Techniques to utilize it perfectly for their Monster preferred to sell them, as the coins they will earn for it will already be enough to buy herbs and Beast meats for their Monsters to ascend to the next Rank.

Ban recalled the Beast Core that came from the Night Worm that he killed before. He could not help but think if the Book of Techniques All About Them, also has the method to properly absorb it for little Eva. 

He was also quite elated as apart from letting his little Eva eat herbs and other Beast meats for her to ascend he has another method, namely the [Skill] Greed. 

Not to mention, with his Book of Techniques, he will be able to tell which herbs and which Beast meat is beneficial for little Eva. Unlike those Adventurers that are blindly feeding their Monster anything that could be eaten. 

"Do you really want to become an Adventurer right now? You know that you can apply for it after the Beast Tide right? That way, you will still be able to retreat without being labeled as a deserter." Boss Mario said as he ordered a cup of beer. 

Kuys did not waste any of his time as he swiftly served Mario his beer. 

Ban replied to his question before Boss Mario could take his first sip on his beer. "Yes, I'm already sure of it." 

Boss Mario shrugged his shoulder after hearing his reply. He admitted that Ban's courage was more than his. 

"Do you need me to accompany you to the Adventurers Guild tomorrow? As you can see, the Bar is quite deserted due to the incoming Beast Tide anyway. I guess the City lord must have ordered a quest to intercept the early beasts, along with the City Guards." Grandpa Kuys offered. 

Ban thought about it for a second and ultimately decided to go on his own tomorrow. He already knew the way anyway, and he also needed to talk to that receptionist that was assigned to him during his awakening. 

He felt that he needed to correct her some of the 'misunderstanding' that he caused before. 

"It's alright Grandpa Kuys, but if you wanted to come, it's also alright." 

"Guess you will be alone tomorrow then, well not that you are not always alone to begin with. -hahaha." 

Grandpa Kuys laughed loudly again as he said, "Oh yeah, Ban-kiddo, you should rest early tonight you must be a little tired from your adventure right? Hahaha!" 

He then patted Ban's shoulder as he added, "Don't worry about the work here, I'll do it, and besides, there are no customers anyway." 

Ban could somehow feel Grandpa Kuys sad feelings at the mention of the word, no customers. Of course, Ban fully understood it, as he himself also felt quite empty staring at the deserted Kuys Bar. 

"Thank you, grandpa Kuys!" 

Ban then ate another dinner before he went upstairs to rest for the night, as per Grandpa Kuys instructions. 

However, upon arriving at his room, Ban did not sleep directly. And instead, he recalled all the events that happened on a single day. 

For his 16 years of existence, Ban felt that this was the longest day he experienced, aside from the day that his gramps got abducted of course. 

However, recalling the event that had transpired was not the main reason for him not sleeping early. 

Instead, it was this piece of information he chose to ignore until now, 

[Your Contracted Beast, Eva, has opened an evolution path. 

Host, please prepare for the Contracted Beast's evolution.]

When Ban disappeared from their view, the quiet Mario suddenly spoke. 

"Why did you let him become an Adventurer?" 

With brows scrutinized together in confusion and irritation, Mario asked while gulping a cup of beer. 

He then added, "Do you want to repeat what happened before as well?" A hint of regret and sorrow was accompanied by that question. 

Kuys suddenly stopped what he was doing and stared at the now tipsy Mario. 

"What do you want? Caging him here? Do you want to limit his potential just so he could be safe?" 

"We don't need to babysit him, you've seen it yourself. That kid's potential is greater than mine. His Monster, even though the crown is not that apparent, it was still a crown, meaning that Demon Ant has a chance of becoming a Queen in the future." 

"Do you want someone like that to stay and rot here, serving beers to mediocre adventurers?" 

"Hmmp, stop that kind of mentality already brat. Times have already changed, let's move on already and forget our past." 

Kuys said sternly. Even though he's the one who said about forgetting their past, it was still apparent that he was in pain as his voice cracked a little on the mention of it. 

"Sigh! Alright, let's just make sure that we protect him if something dangerous happens on this Beast Tide. I have a bad feeling about this early Beast Tide, and it might not end the best way just like before." Mario released a sigh while not forgetting to take a sip from his fourth cup. 

"Of course, I won't let the same event happen twice." Kuys declared firmly. And as if acknowledging his declaration, the Monster Tattoo on his shoulder also glowed intensely for a moment before dimming down.

"Heh, me too, Dad!" Mario suddenly said as he gulped the last ounce of beer on the cup. 

"You just remembered calling me that now, brat?" Kuys flicked Mario's forehead playfully as he smiled at the thought of hearing his son calling him 'Dad' again. 

"Anyways, I'll go now! Damn, those robbers pissed me off so much." Mario stood up from the stool angrily as he prepared to leave the premises. 

However, he was forced to stop as he felt an ominous feeling behind him. 

"I knew it you brat. You really have ulterior motives by calling me 'Dad' again. Four cups of beer, 10 silver coins per cup, pay me now or you're gonna receive the beating of your life." 

An enraged Kuys could be seen summoning his Berserk Panda behind Mario. Unlike before, the panda's color had already changed from black and white to red and white, meaning, it was now ready for battle. 

Mario shivered upon seeing that color and he hurriedly took out 45 silver coins from his pockets. He then threw it towards Kuys before sprinting outside the Kuys Bar in an instant. 

Kuys smiled and shook his head as he caught the silver coins easily while in mid-air. 'That brat really doesn't change!' 


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