After going out of the Kuys Bar, Ban did not immediately go straight to Adventurers Market.

Kuys had a lot of connections and he was worried that he might suspect some things.

Kuys and the others only knew of the fact that he just got awakened and doesn't have the capacity or the financial capacity to roam around the Adventurers Market yet.

He roamed around the area and tried asking each shop for a part-time job. Ban has been doing this for the past two years and the neighboring stores and shops no longer find it strange.

If they have something that needs help, they usually hire Ban for it, just like lifting some heavy boxes. His pay would depend on the person he helped, but most of the time, they will pay him 1-10 Silvers Coins.

Boss Mario was always generous as most of the time, he would pay 5 Silver Coins or more if his bakery shop had a lot of customers for the day.

After searching for a while, Ban finally managed to find his first part-time job. It was from an old lady who was searching for her cat.

"Young Ban? It's good that you're here, could you please help search for my cat again? I'll give you 3 Silver Coins as a reward if you manage to find her."

"Alright deal!" Ban immediately accepted the offer without hesitation. This was not the first time that the old lady requested him to do something. In fact, every time, her request was always about her cat.

Ban looked around and after a few seconds, he managed to find a huge cat lying right under the shade of a tree.

The cat was actually the old lady's summon monster. The real reason why the old lady always searches for the cat was due to her having a disease that made her easily forget some things.

When Ban heard her case for the first, he could not help but feel guilty and even tried to return the Silver Coins rewards. However, the people around taught him that she would still do the same thing over and over again and it would be best if he accepted it as the old lady is not short in coins anyways.

Ban led the old lady towards the monster cat and upon seeing it, the old lady could not help but tremble in joy. She then gave Ban the promised reward and Ban did not hesitate to accept it.

After an hour of job hunting, Ban finally thought that it was already enough. He got a total of 14 Silver Coins which he stored inside the Dimensional Storage covertly.

After making a few turns, Ban finally reached a dark alley surrounded by two tall buildings. When he confirmed that there was no one around, he took both the coat and the Ant Mask from inside the Dimensional Storage and did not hesitate to wear them in an instant.

He then went towards another location and slipped through a crack from the backside of one of the buildings.

To confirm the Ant Mask's legitimacy, Ban even wondered around those he just worked with and observed if they could still somehow recognize him.

He confirmed that they never have a particular reaction after seeing him, aside from casting him a suspicious glance. Ban thought that it was normal as he would also think the same if he saw someone donning such an outfit.

Ban went to the carriage area and searched for a carriage that he could use. After a while of searching, he finally spotted George, the carriage driver he hitched a ride earlier.

Ban approached him and said, "Bring me to this city's Adventurers Guild!"

His voice was very different from his normal voice and even the tone of it changed a bit. It gave off the feeling that the one talking was not in front of the listener but instead, it's as if the voice originated from far away.

George was startled by the sudden voice that somehow sounded near yet far from his ear. When he saw the tall figure wearing a terrific-looking mask, he could not even hide his shock as he retreated a few steps before stabilizing.

He gulped a mouthful of saliva as he mustered up his courage to talk, "Where to again? Esteemed sir? Or ma'am?"

As the voice was not clear enough, George could not tell whether the Masked person was a he or a she. He was confused about the person's gender so he could only tilt his head waiting for the person to confirm his/her gender.

"Call me… Leon. And bring me to this city's Adventurers Guild." Ban hesitated for a moment as he did not know what name he should use for his new identity.

He did not think about it before, but now that he was asked about it, a sudden figure suddenly appeared on his mind.

It was his gramps as well as the words that he always uttered while he was asleep.


Ban decided to use the name Leon as a way to honor and remember his gramps as well the thing he did for him.

It was also a reminder to himself that he should get his revenge no matter what.

Even though George paid his full attention to the masked person's voice this time, he could still not tell whether it was a he or a she. However, based on the name, he assumed that the masked person was a man.

In truth, Ban's tall build already gave away his gender, but George only wanted to confirm it as the voice was truly in contrast to his physical appearance.

"Right away sir!" George saluted as he immediately boarded the driver seat of the carriage he was driving.

Ban also followed suit and went inside the carriage.

Seeing that, George finally released a sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat that rolled down his cheek. He could help but think about that person's eyes again. When he accidentally glanced at it, George saw nothing other than a pitch black darkness.

"Go!" George ordered his Swift Snail to move hurriedly so as to not offend the person inside the carriage.


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