In the days to come, the couple made preparations. When the morning dawned upon the two of them, they were already standing outside in the quiet expanse and center of their garden behind the house. An intimate ceremony was held with only Ophelia and Killorn present beneath the vast canvas of a clear sunny day. In the heart of the garden where a small tree stood, its branches reaching into the sky. Beneath its sheltering canopy was a small plot of freshly unearthed soil.

"Let me help," Killorn gently offered, digging up a bigger hole with his small shovel, smiling a bit as Ophelia examined their handiwork with curiosity. "There, the perfect cavity."

Ophelia knelt and together, they planted the white dress stained dark red. On top of it, they placed budding Bougainvillea flowers known to survive all seasons, especially Winter. The bright pink petals were a soft color against the muted canvas of her lingering grief. A final offering to the soul that had briefly touched their lives. Killorn's gaze softened upon her, as she placed soil upon the flowers, burying all of their previous memories into the spot. His movements were slow as he firmly patted the soil into place and offered her the watering can.

"We have a saying in Mavez," Killorn began, watching as her hands trembled to pour the water. He aided her elbows, offering her the support she needed. "When a mother miscarries, the baby's soul is still young and lost. When the mother is pregnant once more, the same soul will find her again."

Ophelia's lips quivered as she peered up at him. Emotions overwhelmed her once more as she turned to the freshly planted flowers. As the soils embraced what they had lost, the rustle of leaves filled the air, a gentle murmur against the rush of breeze that pushed past them. Not even the birds chirped today, almost as if the universe silently mourned alongside the couple.

One day, this would just become another memory for them. One day when this garden was filled with the clamor of their future children, Ophelia hoped one day to water the plant once more with them.

"Thank you," Ophelia finally said. "F-for everything, Killorn."

"I owe it all to you," Killorn muttered. Words that she couldn't understand in the heat of the moment. She leaned against him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Together, they shared a final moment under the soft sun. As the moment came to a close, Ophelia and Killorn retreated into the comforting wall of their home. As they walked deeper into the hallways, Ophelia realized a petal was stuck in her hand. She peered upon the thin, papery pink, and couldn't help, but smile to herself, the first of many to come one day.

- - - - -

As the two began with their lunch, Maribelle was nowhere to be found. They ate in silence in the absence of her rowdy presence, before Ophelia finally placed her spoon down.

"What happened to Everest and the royal family after the calamity?" Ophelia asked.

"Well, Princess Elena cleared me of treason surprisingly," Killorn began with a slight frown, not sure where her misplaced kindness came from. "And Everest is in a coma."

Ophelia wished she cared enough about Everest, but her heart didn't even drop when she heard the news. "Last I remembered, he attacked you."

Killorn dryly stared at her. "Went straight for my neck, that traitorous fiend. I supposed he wanted you all to himself."

"Killorn," Ophelia softly greeted.

Instantly, Killorn turned around, his head snapping to her. His features melted at her presence, drawing her closer to him. He kissed the side of her head fondly, earning a soft flush of her pale skin.

"What are you doing outside in the cold like this?" Killorn murmured. "And without your fur cape?"

"B-but you're in nothing except a tunic and your armor," Ophelia complained, her bottom lips protruding slightly at his revelation. Despite that, his palms were still warm, the heat seeping into her clothes.

"I've been trained in colder weather with even fewer clothes," Killorn dryly told her before his attention jumped to the people behind them. They were quickly gathering an audience.

"Woah… is that Luna?"

"She's so beautiful, I've never seen her this up close before."

"Back to training!" Killorn snarled, his voice thunderous, and his expression murderous. Instantly, they yelped back into position, as Gerald emerged from the break room.

"I'll take it from here, Alpha," Gerald called back, turning to the boys with a smirk just as they groaned in exhaustion. "Should've kept your traps shut, our Alpha is a possessed man in love."

Ophelia burned bright red, immediately escaping back into the hallways, and was quickly accompanied by Killorn who trailed after her. A cold gust of air blew past them, but Killorn's large body seemed to shield her frail posture. "Next time, call one of the footboys to grab me. It's far too cold for you to search for me," Killorn said, resting his palm against her lower spine. She was rigid and stiff, her face red as a tomato. He snorted, "Why are you the one embarrassed?"

"W-well, I know men don't like to l-look weak by—"

"It doesn't make men weak to show their affection for their wife," Killorn responded, bending and kissing her forehead. He cornered her the second they passed the doors leading back into the mansion. "What was so urgent for my wife to come personally?"

Killorn brought her body even closer until she was pressed against him. Her amethyst eyes seemed to sparkle under the chandelier lights, marking her an ethereal beauty he could never keep his hands off of. He exhaled, feeling himself tightening by the second.

"I received a l-letter," Ophelia responded, her voice quivering a bit as his eyes darkened and flickered to her mouth. She hadn't even done anything yet! "From Elena, she wishes to request permission to see me."

Killorn scowled, his lips dipping deeply. "And do you want to see her?" Ophelia blinked, expecting his immediate "no." Not that she should need his permission… "I don't want to cage you in," Killorn explained, seeing her surprise. "Lest you run away from me without a word in the middle of the night again."

Her heart skipped. "I-I'm sorry…" "Don't apologize, I shouldn't have suffocated you like that," Killorn exhaled, releasing a slight groan as he dropped his head. "I was too hard-headed for you." Ophelia smiled a bit at his revelation. She hesitating rested her hands upon the side of his firm stomach. She rarely touched him, for she was always uncertain about where to caress.

Ophelia decided on the spot. "I-I think I should see Elena for the final time. I just know she has answers that no one can give me…"

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