Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 94 Lowering Her Guard

Ophelia walked to the library by herself. True to Killorn's words, at least five men were guarding the library doors. They straightened up, saluted, and bowed to her presence.

"Luna!" they'd say with an earnest expression.

Ophelia awkwardly smiled at their words, but said nothing as she went into the library. She went inside, picked up a few books, and proceeded to go through one of them on the art of negotiation. Maybe that'd help her when she returned to Mavez Dukedom… She went through half of the book whilst taking down notes with some quill and paper she found.

As Ophelia flipped through her parchments, the doors to the library suddenly opened. She rose to her feet, excited that it might be Layla. To her surprise, she heard an ominous growl.

"Your Highness."

Ophelia turned to see Everest emerging through the bookshelves. In the corner of her eyes, she saw he had been accompanied by a personal entourage, all of whom held off Killorn's guards. Her throat tightened as the doors were about to be closed.

"D-don't cause a f-fight," Ophelia called out, surprising everyone whose attention snapped to her.

Ophelia's cheeks glowed red as she stared onwards. Even so, she tried her hardest to maintain her glance and try to not look away. She tried to take Killorn's words to heart, but it was difficult. Confidence began with her, not someone else.

"They won't, my little lady," Everest reinforced her words loudly, as the doors pulled shut.

Ophelia awkwardly stepped back whilst clutching her hands in front of her. She used to grab the dresses, but was worried about wrinkling the precious material. She was unnerved by Everest's ruby gaze that lingered on her bare arms. Upon catching sight of her eyes, his lips spread into a slow, sensual smile.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Everest asked, his voice smooth and stimulating. He innocently tilted his head, with his hands tucked behind him.

"U-uhm, please h-have a seat?" Ophelia offered whilst gesturing to the table. She wondered if Killorn knew that Everest was in here with her all alone. Her throat tightened at the thought and she immediately regretted sending Beetle away. At the least, Beetle would insist on being with her.

"Ah, you're not worried about a chaperone today?" Everest teased, revealing his pearly white teeth through a large smile.

Ophelia's heart skipped and she nervously glanced at him. "Perhaps I should c-call someone?"

"No, I just was jesting," Everest mused whilst pulling out a chair for her with one hand and keeping his other hidden.

"O-oh, thank you," Ophelia timidly said and sat down. He pushed her in with ease as if she weighed nothing. Her stomach fluttered, for not even Killorn had done such a thing for her.

"Did your husband leave you all alone again?" Everest asked in a dismayed voice, almost doubting the sincerity of her husband.

Ophelia immediately frowned. Killorn did leave her by herself. She shamefully glanced at her lap, unable to refute Everest.

"Tsk," Everest clicked his tongue in fake disappointment. "How could anyone ever leave a woman as lovely as yourself to be this lonely?"

Suddenly, Everest rested a hand on her chair. She stiffened and he bent to whisper in her ears.

"If you were my wife… if it were me, I'd never leave you alone, Ophelia."

Ophelia's heart rose. She felt panic arise from within, a feeling that she never recognized. Was it simple kindness? Was it her imagination? 

Ophelia stroked Nyx's fur in the hopes of calming her nerves. Was he being sarcastic? Immediately, Nyx reciprocated by lapping at her fingertips. He nuzzled into her touch, eager for more pats. She readily gave in, happy for the distraction of his silky mane.

"Y-Your Highness, just earlier—"

"You're overthinking it, my little lady, do not fret. I know you are a married woman." Everest revealed a polite and charming smile whilst innocently tilting his head.

Ophelia slowly blinked. Maybe he was right. After all, he was the Second Prince, one of the most eligible bachelors in the entire kingdom. What would he want to do with a married and stuttering fool such as herself? There was nothing he'd gain from being with her. She didn't want to come off as an idiot misled by his kindness.

"Besides," Everest drawled. "Have you thought about my offer?"

"O-offer?" Ophelia mumbled.

"I can fix that stutter of yours with a snap of my fingers," Everest reminded her.

Ophelia's throat tightened. She thought back to Killorn's scorned expression when he spoke about the healer, the disrespect of the maids who laughed at her nervousness, and wondered what high society would think of her. Aristocrats demanded perfection. Anything with a flaw was deemed worthless. Ophelia didn't want to embarrass herself at the ball…


"Out of my way!"

Ophelia jumped, rising to her feet to hear a commotion outside. 

"Who are you to block my way into the library?" a woman demanded.

"L-Layla!" Ophelia gasped, picking up the dog and rising to pull the doors open.

Before she could do so, a hand shot out and slammed it shut. Ophelia froze as Everest cornered her against the door. She could feel her heart threaten to lunge out of her chest. He was within enough proximity for her to catch a whiff of vanilla. Vampires were cold-blooded creatures. All she felt was iciness at the tips of her back.

"Please consider my offer, my little lady," Everest seductively uttered against her ears, his lips brushing on her skin. He touched no other part of her, but one of his arms trapped her against the doors.

"Please," Everest stated. "I mean no harm, ever."

Then, Everest pulled away, for he sensed her fears and how unnerved she felt. Everest straightened up, immediately regretting treating her this harshly. Then, he grabbed her hand.

"Y-Your Highness—"

"I apologize for having frightened you today, I didn't mean to." Everest bowed over her hand with his palm resting on his chest. 

Ophelia's heart skipped. He glanced at her briefly, their eyes meeting for a split second. A whirlwind of passionate roses clashed against fluttering wisterias. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of rubies, but also the dangerous color of blood. She shakingly nodded her head.

Then, Everest pulled away and opened one of the doors. Her throat tightened as she rested against the unopened end. 

"Your Highness?" Layla sharply said, startled and shocked to see the man walk out of the library. Her attention landed on his slightly disheveled shirt. No… the rumors can't be true…

"Pardon me, witch." Everest didn't even cast her a glance. 

Everest straightened his suit, smoothed his hands across it, and strolled down the hallways with an unreadable expression. His men followed after him, not once glancing back at her. Had it not been for that damn woman… had it not been for the witch, Ophelia would've taken up his offer. He knew she would. 

Ophelia would've been putty in his hands. She was this close to lowering her guard around him. If only the witch had not interrupted.

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